Hydrology EESC BC 3025

Field trip - Black Rock Forest (John & Martin)

4/14 & 4/15/2012


"Old" forest headquarters (11-11:30)

8:45 am leave NYC on bus to LDEO (120th St between Broadway & Amsterdam)

Stream gauging near old head quarter & other measurements (11:30-2:30)

Stream gauging near old headquarters & Cascade Brook (2:30-5:30)

Education Center (5-6)


Education Center and Forest 8-12

Education Center 11:30-12:30


What to hand in (to be modified)

  1. Summarize in paragraph the history and the current status of the forest, see BRF web site for information
  2. Type in data obtained in the field into a spreadsheet
  3. Put GPS positions of all activities on topo map that I gave you
  4. Determine teh discharge rate of teh stream based on teh measurements of your group.
  5. Determine the absolute humidity using your observations and the water vapor saturation curve we discussed in class, plot relative and absolute humidity as a function of the hour of the day.
  6. Calculate the discharge rate of the stream near the old forest head quarter, analyze just the data from your group.
  7. Plot all pH measurements as a function of elevation (include stream measurements, all reservoirs and the groundwater sample). Do you have an explanation for the trends you see? For info on acid rain, see: NADP.
  8. Put YSI water quality measurements in a table, just the final reading after equilibration was reached is sufficient. Select one parameter (not pH) and plot it as a function of elevation again. Do you see a trend and if so do you have an explanation for it?
  9. Discuss in a few sentences the water level and temperature changes shown in the posted graphs of the well test of your group.
  10. Write a few sentences about what you found most interesting during our trip.
  11. Summarize in a paragraph what citizens in Rockland county should know about their water supply and discuss a point made by the speakers/audience that you found most interestiung.

