Hydrology BC ENV 3025

HYDROLOGY - Homework # 4 - due 2/16/2012

1) (13 points) Determine the evapotranspiration rate in the drainage basin of the Peconic River (Eastern Long Island) by using the hydrologic balance equation and discharge and precipitation data.

a) Download the discharge and precipitation data for the Peconic river at Riverhead, and three precipitation stations in the area: Bridgehampton, Greenport Powerhouse, and Riverhead Research Farm. The data are in tabulated text format (.TXT). Save the file and open it in EXCEL. Make sure to save it immediately as an EXCEL file, e.g. PECONIC.XLSX. Look at a map that shows the location of the streamgage (Riverhead, Long Island) and current USGS info about the site

b) (4 points) Plot the discharge rate and the precipitation at Riverhead as a combination diagram with two Y-scales as a function of time. Discharge should be plotted as a line, precipitation as bars. Make sure that the axes are properly labeled. Print the graph.

c) (3 points) Explain in a few sentences the relationship between discharge and precipitation.

d) (3 points) Make the best estimate of total precipitation for the drainage area using the data for the three weather stations. The size of the drainage area is given in the data file.

e) (3 points) Determine the average evapotranspiration rate for the two given months using the precipitation and discharge data given. Assume that the groundwater is in steady state, i.e. there is no change in storage. How much (%) of the precipitation is lost by evapotranspiration in the basin? (of course your answer must be in the range of 1 to 100%)

3) (4 points) Laminar flow table

Please describe in a couple of short paragraphs what we did with the laminar flow table and how the results relate to Bernoulli law. Look again at the outline of the exercises we did.

4) (8 points) Weir experiment 

a+b) The Google doc we created on Tuesday contains data obtained with the Weir experiment in Mudd. Download the spreadsheet, fill in the missing columns and plot the discharge rate Q  as a function of  H (a) and then (b) of H2.5. Do it with the data of your group only, then all data combined (you can use different symbols for the different group) .

c) Draw by hand a fit through the data points in a), what shape should the curve have?

d) Data in plot b) should follow a straight line. Make a linear fit, set the intercept to 0 and determine the slope of the graph (this is an option when you fit the data with a line). How well do the data plot on a straight line? What value did you obtain for the experiments for Cd? (g=9.81 m s-2; the angle of the weir was 90o). Watch the units!

e) Do you have any explanation for the data points that do not fit the general trend?

5) (8 points) Bernoulli experiment
Download the and fill in the missing columns. Your measurement of the manometer level is p/(ρ*g)+z.  Consider Bernoulli's law and plot p/(ρ*g)+z versus u2/(2*g). Plot your data and all the other data into one graph.

b) what relationship do you expect between these two variables? Do the observations meet he prediction?

c) Can you explain the scatter in the data?

Pictures of the Carleton activities (Fig)