December 12, 2004, East River, New York City Earthquake

Here is a list of small earthquakes that have occurred during December 11 through December 14, 2004, near East River and East 34th Street in Manhattan, New York City.

Date and time (UTC)Date and Time (EST)Latitude
(ML, Richter)
2004/12/12, 01:25:38.0 2004/12/11, 20:25:38.040.744 73.969 5 0.8 First shock
2004/12/15, 02:34:50.3 2004/12/14, 21:34:50.340.737 73.959 5 0.7 Aftershock

Seismograms recorded by LCSN Station CPNY (Central Park, NYC)

Short-period, three-component (vertical, NorthSouth and EastWest components) seismic records at CPNY (Central Park, NYC; distance=6 km). The first shock (mainshock) and two smaller aftershocks can be identified on these records.

Earthquake Engineering Class material
Geotechnical earthquake data and material for class projects at Columbia University (password required).

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Won-Young Kim, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, copyright©2007 all rights reserved