September 22 - October 3, 2006 Bar Harbor, Maine Earthquake Sequence

General Information

Region: 3 km Southeast of Bar Harbor, Maine
Date: 09/22/2006
Time (gmt): 10:39:21.4
Magnitude: Mn 3.4 (WES)
Latitude: 44.35N
Longitude: 68.19W
Depth: 5 km

Epicenter Map:

(Epicenter is about 3 km Southeast of Bar Harbor, Maine; according to WES, Boston College)

Seismograms recorded by LCSN Station NCB (Newcomb, NY)

Broadband, Vertical-component seismic record at NCB (Newcomb, NY; distance=488 km) in Adirondack Mountains from the 3 October 2006 event. P wave from the quake should arrives at around 00:08:51, but it is very weak.

Source Mechanism and Focal Deth

Focal mechanism of the October 3, 2006, Bar Harbor, Maine earthquake determined by using seismic signals recorded at regional distances (from 70 km to 598 km). Waveform data are used to determine focal depth and source mechanism parameters using moment tensor inversion method. This is a preliminary results. Source mechanism indicates predominantly thrust faulting along moderately dipping fault planes striking due north or due south. Source depth of 2 km fits the observed records best. Data source: broadband stations of the regional seismographic networks in the Northeastern United States and southeastern Canada. Networks and stations used: NESN (EMMW, WVL, WES), LCSN (ACCN, FRNY, NCB, HCNY, PTN, PAL) USNSN (LBNH, LONY) CNSN (GGN, LMQ, MNT, GAC) GSN (HRV)

  • List of earthquakes during 09/22-10/03 in the region
  • Beach-ball in text format Focal mechanism in text format

    Aftershock Monitoring

    Recent Bar Harbor, Maine earthquake sequence has been fairly well recorded by regional and national seismographic networks. In order to detect and locate very small earthquakes that may occur in the epicentral area, LCSN deployed portable seismographic stations in the epicentral area. Field crew from Lamont-Doherty deployed four portable seismographic stations in and around Mount Desert Island during Wednesday and Thursday (10/04-10/05) through timely help from staff at the Maine Geological Survey, the Acadia National Park, Weston Observatory of Boston College, and others in the area. Four stations deployed are indicated by triangles on the map. These stations are: 1) Otter Creek, Mount Desert Island, 4 km South of Bar Harbor Mr. Kevin Le Clair's back yards, AC power/ CMG-40T broadband seismometer
    2) Long Pond Fire Road, Pretty Marsh, western Mount Desert Island, Mr. Charles Jacobi of the park office lead us to the site, solar panel - battery/ CMG-40T broadband seismometer,
    3) Schoodic Point, east of the Mount Desert Island, Mr. Edward Pontbriand of the park service helped us to the site (old naval base), AC power with CMG-40T broadband seismometer,
    4) Lamoine State Park, north of the Mount Desert Island, Mr. Jay MacIntosh of the state park service helped us locating and installing a station at the shore front of the park, solar panel - battery/ L-22 short-period seismometer.

    Additional links

    Compiled by Won-Young Kim
    at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Oct. 2006