Chapter Four

Editor's Note

Spectacular eruptions of volcanoes make the news, change lives and capture our imagination.  These events are manifestations at the earth's surface of deeply rooted processes driven by the earth's internal heat engine.  Vic Camp's How Volcanoes Work, may be one of the best online learning resources dealing with any earth process.  It's inclusion here offers the reader an opportunity to learn a great deal about volcanism and the earth system.

How Volcanoes Work
Vic Camp
San Diego State University
NASA/California State University
Project ALERT

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Other Readings

Beolow are some other readings on volcanism and the earth system if you care  to explore further.  These publications from the U. S. Geological Survey, include a general publication on Volcanoes and two excellent references on Hawaiian volcanism and the eruption of Mount Saint Hellens.

Robert I. Tilling
United States Geological Survey
online publication
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Eruptions of Hawaiian Volcanoes:
Past, Present, and Future

Robert I. Tilling, Christina Heliker, and
Thomas L. Wright
United States Geological Survey
online publication

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Eruptions of Mount St. Helens: Past, Present, and Future

Robert I. Tilling, Lyn Topinka, and Donald A. Swanson
United States Geological Survey
online publication

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