Kim Anne Kastens, E&ESJ Co-Director

Papers, Reports, and Talks


in press:

Kastens, K.A. and M. Turrin (editors) Earth Science Data Puzzles, book in press, National Science Teachers Association Press.

Liben, L.S., K.A. Kastens and A. Christensen, Spatial foundations of science education: The illustrative case of instruction on introductory geological concepts, in press Cognition and Instruction.

Ishikawa, T., A. G. Barnston, K. A. Kastens & P. Louchouarn, How do environmental policy students understand, evaluate, and use climate forecast data: An empirical study with mixed approaches, in press Special Paper of the Geological Society of America on Qualitative Inquiry in Geoscience Education Research.

Kastens, K. A., and L. S. Liben, Children's strategies and difficulties while using a map to record locations in an outdoor environment, in press International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education.

Swenson, S. and K. A. Kastens, Student interpretation of a global elevation map: What it is, how it was made, and what it is useful for, in press Special Paper of the Geological Society of America on Qualitative Inquiry in Geoscience Education Research.


National Research Council Committee for the Review of the NOAA Education Program (2010). NOAA's Education Program: Review and Critique, Washington, DC, National Academy Press, 188 p.

Kastens, K. A. (2010). Commentary: Object and spatial visualization in geosciences, Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 58, no. 2, p. 52-57.

Kastens, K. A. and A. Rivet (2010). Using Analogical Mapping to Assess the Affordances of Scale Models used in Earth & Environmental Science Education, In C. Holscher et al. (Eds.): Spatial Cognition VII, LNAI 6222, pp. 112-124. Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag.

Liben, L. S., A. E. Christensen, and K. A. Kastens, Gestures in Geology: The Roles of Spatial Skills, Expertise, and Communicative Context, In C. Holscher et al. (Eds.): Spatial Cognition VII, LNAI 6222, pp. 95-111. Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag.


Kastens, K. A., S. Agrawal, L. S. Liben (2009). How students and field geologists reason in integrating spatial observations from outcrops to visualize a 3-D geological structure, International Journal of Science Education, special issue on Visual & spatial modes of learning, J. Ramadas & J. Gilbert (editors), v. 31(3), pp. 365-393.

Kastens, K. A., Manduca, C. A., Cervato, C., Frodeman, R., Goodwin, C., Liben, L. S., Mogk, D. W., Spangler, T. C., Stillings, N. A., and Titus, S. (2009). How geoscientists think and learn: EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 90(31), p. 265-266.


Liben, L. S., L. J Meyers and K. A. Kastens (2008). Locating Oneself on a Map: Relation to Person Qualities and Map Characteristics, In Freksa, C., Newcombe, N.S., Gärdenfors, P., & Wölfl, S. (Eds.) Spatial cognition VI: Learning, reasoning, and talking about space (pp. 171-187). Freiburg, Germany: Springer.

Kastens, K. A., Liben, L.S., and Agrawal, S. Epistemic Actions in Science Education (6.38MB). Proceedings of Spatial 2008, Basel, Germany.

Kastens, K. A., Agrawal, S., and Liben, L.S. Research Methodologies in Science Education: The Role of Gestures in Geoscience Teaching and Learning. A shortened version of this paper will appear in the March 2008 issue of the Journal of Geoscience Education.

Kastens, K. A., & Rivet, A. (2008, January) Multiple modes of inquiry in Earth Science (requires free registration). The Science Teacher, 26-31.


Kastens, K. (2007) Careers in Science and Technical Communication. The Science Teacher, Summer 2007, 36-39.

Kastens, K. & Liben, L. (2007) Eliciting Self-Explanations Improves Children's Performance on a Field-Based Map Skills Task. Cognition and Instruction, V 25 (1), 45-74.


Arko, R.A., K. M. Ginger, K. A. Kastens, and J. Weatherley (2006). Using annotations to add value to a digital library for education, D-Lib Magazine, v. 12, no. 5, online at:

Kastens, K. A., & Ishikawa, T. (2006). Spatial Thinking in the Geosciences and Cognitive Sciences. In C. Manduca, D. Mogk & N. Stillings (Eds.), Earth and Mind: How Geoscientists Think and Learn about the Complex Earth: Geological Society of America Special Paper 413, p. 53-76.

Kastens, K. & Turrin, M. (2006) To What Extent Should Human/Environment Interactions Be Included in Science Education? Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 54, n. 3, May 2006, p.422-436.

Kastens, K. & Holzman, N. (2006) The Digital Library for Earth System Education Provides Individualized Reports for Teachers on the Effectiveness of Educational Resources in Their Own Classrooms. D-Lib Magazine, V 12 (1).

Committee on the Support for Thinking Spatially (2006). Learning to Think Spatially: GIS as a support system in the K-12 curriculum. Washington, DC, National Academy Press, 313pp.


Ishikawa, T., Kastens, K. (2005) Why Some Students have Trouble With Maps and Other Spatial Representations, Journal of Geoscience Education, V 53 (2), 184-197.

Ishikawa, T., Barnston, A. G., Kastens, K. A., Louchouarn, P., & Ropelewski, C. F. (2005) Climate forecast maps as a communication and decision-support tool: An empirical test with prospective policy makers, Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 32, 3-16.

Kastens, K. (2005). "The DLESE Community Review System: Gathering, Aggregating, and Disseminating User Feedback about the Effectiveness of Web-based Educational Resources." Journal of Geoscience Education. v 53, p.37-43.

Kastens, K., B. DeFelice, H. Devaul, C. DiLeonardo, K. Ginger, S.Larsen, D. Mogk, and S. Tahirkheli (2005). Questions & Challenges Arising in Building the Collection of a Digital Library for Education: Lessons from Five Years of DLESE. D-Lib, v. 11, no. 11.


Bell, R. E., K. A. Kastens, M. Cane, R. B. Miller, J. C. Mutter and S. Pfirman (2003). "Righting the Balance: Gender Diversity in the Geosciences." EOS 84(31): 292.


Liben, L. S., Kastens, K. A. and Stevenson, L. M., 2002, Real world knowledge through real-world maps: A developmental guide for navigating the educational terrain, Special Issue of Developmental Review, W. M. Williams (ed.) Helping children learn: Developmental considerations in teaching real-world knowledge, v. 22, pp. 267-322.


Kastens, K. A., and John C. Butler, 2001, How to identify the “best” resources for the reviewed collection of the Digital Library for Earth System Education, Computers and the Geosciences, v. 27 (3), 375-378.

Kastens, K. A., D. Kaplan, and K. Christie-Blick, 2001, Development and evaluation of a technology-supported map-skills curriculum, Where are We?, Journal of Geoscience Education, v.49, no. 3, p. 249-266.


McClusky, S., Balasdsanian, S., Barka, A., Demir, C., Georgiev, I., Hamburger, M., Hurst, K., Kastens, K., G. Kekelidze, R. K., V. Kotzev, O. Lenk, Mahmoud, S., Mishin, A., Nadariya, M., Ouzounis, A., Paradissis, D., Peter, Y., Prilepin, M., Reilinger, R., Sanli, I., Seeger, H., Tealeb, A., Toksoz, M. N. and Veis, G., Global Positioning System constraints on crustal movements and deformations in the Eastern Mediterranean and Caucasus. Jour. Geophys. Res., 105: 5695-5719.

Kastens, K. A., Bonatti, E., Caress, D., Carrara, G., Dauteuil, O., Frueh-Green, G., Ligi, M. and Tartarotti, P. The Vema Transverse Ridge (Central Atlantic). Marine Geophysical Research, v. 20, p 533-556. (date on journal is 1998, but actually was published in 2000)

Hays, J. D., Pfirman, S., Blumenthal, M., Kastens, K., and Menke W. Earth Science Instruction with Digital Data; Computers and the Geosciences, v.26, 657-668.


Kahle, H.-G., Straub, C., Reilinger, R., McClusky, S., King, R., Hurst, K., Veis, G., Kastens, K. and Cross, P., The strain rate field in the eastern mediterranean region, estimated by repeated GPS measurements. Tectonophysics, 294: 237-252.


Kastens, K. A., VanEsselstyn, D. and McClintock, R. O. An interactive multimedia tool for helping students "translate" from maps to reality and vice versa. Jour. Geos. Edu., 44: 529-534.

Perfit, M. R., Fornari, D. J., Ridley, W. I., Kirk, P. D., Casey, J., Kastens, K. A., Reynolds, J. R., M.Edwards, Desonie, D., Shuster, R. and Paradis, S., Recent volcanism in the Siqueiros transform fault; pecritic basalts and implications for MORB magma genesis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 141: 91-108.


Kastens, K. A., Earth Science as a vehicle for illuminating the boundary between the known and the unknown, Journal of Geological Education, v.43, p.138-140.


Barth, G., K. A. Kastens, E. M. Klein, The origin of bathymetric highs at ridge-transform intersections: A multidisciplinary case study at the Clipperton Fracture Zone, Marine Geophysical Researches, v.16, p. 1-50.


Kastens, K.A., Did glacio-eustatic sealevel drop trigger the Mediterranean Messinian salinity crisis? New evidence from ODP Site 654 in the Tyrrhenian Sea, Paleoceanography, v. 7, p.333-356.

Kastens, K.A., N.Breen and M.B.Cita, Progressive deformation of an evaporite-bearing accretionary complex: SeaMARC I, SeaBeam and piston-core observations from the Mediterranean Ridge, Marine Geophysical Researches, v.14, p. 249-298.

Reynolds, J. R., C. H. Langmuir, J. F. Bender, K. A. Kastens and W. B. F. Ryan, Temporal changes in petrological composition and segmentation, East Pacific Rise 12¡N, Nature, v. 359, p.493-499.


Kastens, K. A., Rate of outward growth of the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex, Tectonophysics, v. 199, p.25-50.

Kastens, K. A., Did the onset of extension in the Aegean Basin accelerate the rate of growth of the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex? Proceedings of the International Earth Science Conference on Aegean Regions, M.Y. Savascin and A. H. Eronat (editors), v.II, p.173-192.

Wang, C., W.Hwang, and K. Kastens, Mechanism of rapid subsidence in backarc basins--A study of the Marsili Basin in the Central Mediterranean, Jour. Geophys. Res., v. 96, p. 4413-4421.


Kastens, K.A., and J. Mascle, The geological history of the Tyrhenian Sea: An introduction to the Scientific Results of ODP Leg 107, in Kastens, K.A. and Mascle, J., et al., Proc. ODP, Scientific Results, v. 107, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), p. 3-26.

Kastens, K. A., and J. Mascle, Note added in proof: Did a glacio-eustatic sea-level drop trigger the Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediterranean?, in D. Kennett, A. Masterson, and N. Stewart et al, Proc. ODP, Initial Results, v. 113, p. 993.

Avdis, V., Billiris, H., Hurst, K., Kastens, K., Paradissis, D., and Veis, G., Selection, monumentation, and documentation of GPS sites in the circum-Aegean region, Greece, Space Geod. Meas. Sites Subcommission Newletter, 1, p. 7-9.


Kastens, K.A., J. Mascle, C. Auroux, E. Bonatti, C. Broglia, J. Channell, P. Curzi, K. Emeis, G. Glacon, S. Hasegawa, W. Hieke, G. Mascle, F. McCoy, J. McKenzie, J. Mendelson, C. Muller, J.-P. Rehault, A. Robertson, R. Sartori, R. Sprovieri and M. Torii, ODP Leg 107 in the Tyrrhenian Sea: Insights into Passive Margin and Back-arc basin evolution, Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., v. 100, p. 1140-1156.

Mascle, J., K.A. Kastens, C. Auroux and Leg 107 Scientific Party, A land-locked back-arc basin: Preliminary results from ODP Leg 107 in the Tyrrhenian Sea, Tectonophysics, v. 146, p. 149-162.


Kastens, K.A., A compendium of causes and effects of processes at transform faults and fracture zones, Reviews of Geophysics, 25, 1554-1562.

Kastens, K.A. and J.Mascle (editors), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Part A, Initial Reports, v. 107. Specific Chapters:


Kastens, K.A., Macdonald, K.C., Miller, S., and Fox, P.J., Deep Tow studies of the Vema Fracture Zone: II. Evidence for tectonism and bottom currents in the sediments of the transform valley floor, Journal of Geophysical Research, 91, 3355-3368.

Kastens, K.A., Ryan, W.B.F., and Fox, P.J., Structural and volcanic expression of a fast-slipping ridge-transform-ridge plate boundary: SeaMARC I and photographic surveys at the Clipperton Transform Fault, Journal of Geophysical Research, 91, 3469-3488.

Kastens, K.A. and Shor, A.N., Evolution of a Channel Meander on Mississippi Deep-Sea Fan, Marine Geology, 71, 165-175.

Macdonald, K.C., Fox, P.J., Miller, S.P., Kastens, K.A., and Castillo, D., Deep-tow studies of the Vema Fracture Zone: I. The tectonics of a major slow-slipping transform fault and its intersection with the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Journal of Geophysical Research, 91, 3334-3354.

Kastens, K.A., J. Mascle, C. Auroux, E. Bonatti, C. Broglia, J. Channell, P. Curzi, K. Emeis, G. Glacon, S. Hasegawa, W. Hieke, G. Mascle, F. McCoy, J. McKenzie, J. Mendelson, C. Muller, J.-P. Rehault, A. Robertson, R. Sartori, R. Sprovieri and M.Torii, Young Tyrrhenian Sea evolved very quickly, Geotimes, v. 31, (August), p. 11-14.
NOTE: Essentially the same manuscript was published in Italian as "La Crociera 107 della 'Joides Resolution' (Ocean Drilling Program) Nel Mar Tirreno: Risultati Preliminari," in Rendiconti Soc. Geol. Italiana; and in French as "La Campagne 107 du Joides Resolution (Ocean Drilling Program) en Mer Tyrrhenienne: Premiers Resultats" in C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris.

Kastens, K.A., J. Mascle, C. Auroux, E. Bonatti, C. Broglia, J. Channell, P. Curzi, K. Emeis, G. Glacon, S. Hasegawa, W. Hieke, G. Mascle, F. McCoy, J. McKenzie, J. Mendelson, C. Muller, J.-P. Rehault, A. Robertson, R. Sartori, R. Sprovieri and M. Torii, ODP Leg 107 in the Tyrrhenian Sea: A microcosm of ocean basin evolution, Nature, 321, 383-384.


Alonso, B., Kastens, K.A., Maldonado, A., Malinverno, A., Nelson, C.H., O'Connell, S., Palanques, A., Ryan, W.B.F., Morphology of the Ebro deep-sea fan valleys observed in SeaMARC I and SeaBeam profiles, Geomarine Letters, 5, 141-148.

Cita, M. B., Aghib, F., Cambi, A., Camerlenghi, A., Corselli, C., Erba, E., Giambastiani, M., Herbert, T., Kastens, K. A., Leoni, C., Malinverno, P., McCoy, F. W., Nosetto, A., Erba, E., and Spezzibottani, G., Precipitazione attuale di gesso in un bacino anossico profondo: Prime osservazioni geologiche, idrologiche, paleontologiche sul Bacino Bannock (Mediterraneo orientale), Giornale di Geologia, 47, 143-163.

Kastens, K.A. and Shor, A.N., Depositional Processes of a Meandering Channel on the Mississippi Fan, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 69, 190-202.

Maldonado, A., Palanques, A., Alonso, B., Kastens, K.A., Nelson, C.H., O'Connell, S., and Ryan, W.B.F., Physiography and Deposition on a distal deep sea system: The Valencia Fan (northwestern Mediterranean), Geomarine Letters, 5, 157-164.

O'Connell, S., Alonso, B., Kastens, K., Maldonado, A., Malinverno, A. Nelson, C.H., Palanques, A., and Ryan, W.B.F., Morphology and Downslope Sediment Displacement in a Deep-Sea Valley, the Valencia Valley (Northwestern Mediterranean), Geomarine Letters, 5, 149-156.

Scientific staff of cruise Bannock 1984-12 (M.B. Cita, K.A. Kastens, F.W. McCoy, F., Aghib, A. Cambi, A. Camerlenghi, C. Corselli, E. Erba, M. Giambastiani, T. Herbert, C. Leoni, P. Malinverno, A. Nosetto, and E. Parisi), Gypsum precipitation from cold brines in an anoxic basin in the eastern Mediterranean, Nature, 314, 152-154.


Cita, M.B., Beghi, C., Camerlenghi, A., Kastens, K.A., McCoy, F., Nosetto, A., Parisi, E., Scolari, F., and Tomadin, L., Turbidites and Megaturbidites from the Herodotus Abyssal Plain (Eastern Mediterranean) Unrelated to Seismic Events, Marine Geology, special issue on Seismicity and Sedimentation in the Mediterranean, M.B. Cita and F.R. Lucchi, editors, v. 55, p. 79-102.

Cita, M.B., Camerlenghi, A., Kastens, K.A., and McCoy, F.W., New findings of Bronze Age homogenites in the Ionian Sea: Geodynamic implications for the Mediterranean, Marine Geology, special issure on Seismicity and Sedimentation in the Mediterranean, M.B. Cita and F.R. Lucchi, editors, v. 55, p. 47-62.

Kastens, K.A., Earthquakes as a triggering mechanism for debris flows and turbidites on the Calabrian Ridge, Marine Geology, special issue on Seismicity and Sedimentation in the Mediterranean, M.B. Cita and F.R. Lucchi, editors, v. 55, p. 13-34.

Kastens, K.A. and F.N. Spiess, Dissolution and Collapse Features on the Eastern Mediterranean Ridge, Marine Geology, 56, 181-193.

Tamayo Tectonic Team (Gallo, D.G., Kidd, W.S.F., Fox, P.J., Karson, J.A., Macdonald, K., Crane, K., Choukroune, P., Seguret, M., Moody, R., and Kastens, K.), Tectonics at the Intersection of the East Pacific Rise with the Tamayo Transform Fault, Marine Geophysical Research, 6, 159-185.


Clauzon,G., Cita, M.B., Bossio, A., Boglia, C., Camerlenghi, A., Catrullo, D., Colombo, A., Croce, M., Giambastiani, M., Gnaccolini, M., Kastens, K.,MacCoy, F., Maliverno, A., Parisi, E., Salvatorini, G., Neotectonique des fonds sous-marins de la Dorsale Mediterraneenne en mer Ionienne au cours du Pleistocene moyen et superieur, Mediterranee, 2, 51-63.


Cita, M.B., Bossio, A., Broglio, C., Camerlenghi, A., Catrullo, D., Clauzon, G., Colombo, A., Croce, M., Giambastiani, M., Graccolini, M., Kastens, K.A., Malinverno, A., McCoy, F.W., Parisi, E., and Salvatorini, G., Sedimentation in the Mediterranean Ridge Cleft (DSDP Site 126), Mem. Soc. Geol. Italy, 24, 427-442.

Cita, M.B., Bossio, A., Broglia, C., Camerlenghi, A., Catrullo, D., Clauzon, G., Colombo, A., Croce, M., Giambastiani, M., Gnaccolini, M., Kastens, K.A., McCoy, F.W., Malinverno, A., Parisi, E., and Salvatorini, G., Stratigraphy and tectonics in the Western Mediterranean Ridge, Mem. Soc. Geol. Italy, 24, 443-458.

Ryan, W.B.F., Kastens, K.A., and Cita, M.B., 1982, Geological evidence concerning compressional tectonics in the Eastern Mediterranean, in X. LePichon, S.S. Augustithis and J. Mascle (editors), Geodynamics of the Hellenic Arc and Trench, Tectonophysics, 86, 213-242.


Kastens, K.A., and Cita, M.B., Tsunami-induced sediment transport in the abyssal Mediterranean Sea. Geological Society of America Bull., 92, 845-857.

Kastens, Kim A., Structural causes and sedimentological effects of "Cobblestone Topography" in The Eastern Mediterranean, Ph.D. Thesis, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Univ. of California, San Diego, 207pp.


Inman, D.L., Zampol, J.A., White, T.E., Hanes, D.H., Waldorf, B.W., and Kastens, K.A., Field measurements of sand motion in the surf zone, Proceedings, 17th Coastal Engineering Conference, Sydney, Australia.

Lowenstein, C.D., Kastens, K.A., and Spiess, F.N., 1980, Display processing for side scan sonar images, Offshore Technology Conference, Proceedings, 1, 49-53.

Mudie, J.D., and Kastens, K.A., 1980, Computer-aided piloting of a deeply towed vehicle, Ocean Engineering, 7, 743-754.


Kastens, K.A., Macdonald, K.C., Becker, K., and Crane, K., 1979, The Tamayo Transform Fault in the mouth of the Gulf of California, Marine Geophysical Researches, 4, 129-151.

Macdonald, K.C., Kastens, K.A., Spiess, F.N., and Miller, S.P., Deep Tow studies of the Tamayo Transform Fault, Marine Geophysical Researches, 4, 37-70.


Kastens, K.A., C.T. Fray and J.R. Schubel, Environmental effects of sand mining in the lower Bay of New York Harbor, Marine Science Research Center, SUNY Stony Brook, Special Report 15, 139pp.


Bokuniewicz, H.J., Gordon, R.B., and Kastens, K.A., Form and migration of sand waves in a large estuary, Long Island Sound, Marine Geology, 24, 188-199.

Major Reports and White Papers

The Commission on the Status of Women, 2001, Advancement of Women through the Academic Ranks of the Columbia University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: Where are the Leaks in the Pipeline? (lead author).

DLESE Quality Workshop, 2003, Recommendations from the DLESE Quality Workshop, June 30- July 1, 2003, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (meeting convener and Chair, lead author of report).

Kastens, K. A., & S. Tahirkhelli, 2005, The State of DLESE: Collections.

Strategic Plan for Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, 2004, Education, Outreach & Diversity chapter lead author

Educational Products

Kastens, K. A., 2000, Where are We?, Tom Snyder Productions. (educational software and associated curriculum materials )

Kastens, K. A,., and T. Ishikawa, 2004, Why Some Students have Trouble with Maps and Other Spatial Representations: An Online Tutorial for Geoscience Faculty.

Curricula Vitae

Talks & Posters

Professional Interests

Professional Activities (Field Programs, etc.)