8th iAnZone Coordination Meeting

11 September, 2003
AWI - Building F, Bremerhaven, Germany
(as part of Southern Ocean Science Week, 5-12 September, 2003)

[ pdf version ]

The meeting takes place in Room 111 from 9:00 am – 12:30 pm, focussed on a retrospect of projects conducted under the umbrella of iAnZone.

•9:00 Introduction (Robin Muench)
•9:15 Ice Station Weddell-1 (Arnold Gordon)
•9:35 AnzFlux (Robin Muench)
•9:55 WECCON (Olaf Boebel)
•10:15 Coffee Break
•10:45 DOVETAIL (Robin Muench)
•11:05 AnSlope(Arnold Gordon)
•11:25 ISPOL (Hartmut Hellmer)
•11:35 Discussion on the transfer of iAnZone's Terms of Reference to the new programs (e.g., SO-CLIVAR) in place.

For all presentations, slide, overhead, and video projectors will be available