BEST -Benguela Sources and Transport


Dynamic Heights (60k) .................. Transports (55k)............................... Vertical Profiles (90k)


Capetown, South Africa (193k)..............................................................Photograph of IES (138k)

WOCE Publications

*BEST: Benguela Sources and Transport by S.L. Garzoli, A.L. Gordon (LDEO) and D. Pillsbury (OSU)

*Benguela Current Sources and Transports by S.L. Garzoli, A.L. Gordon (LDEO) and C. Duncombe Rae (SFRI)

Abstracts of Relevant Publications

*Origins and Variability of the Benguela Current by S.L. Garzoli, A.L. Gordon (LDEO)

*The Eddy Field of the South-East Atlantic Ocean: A Statistical Census From The BEST Project by C. Duncombe Rae (SFRI), S.L. Garzoli, and A.L. Gordon (LDEO)

Data Reports

*IES Data Report 1992-1994, IES/PIES/XBT Data, LDEO-94-1

*Current Meter Data Report 1992-1993, Current Measurements off the Coast of South Africa, WOCE ACM-4

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