8 September 2001 DRAFT AGENDA

Biennial Meeting of iAnZone, a SCOR-Affiliated Organization
Hotel Continental Terme
Ischia, Italy
15-17 October 2001

[pdf version]

Monday, 15 October

0900 Convene
0900-0915 Welcome and Introduction to the Meeting (Muench/Hellmer)
0915-1045 Synopses of Presently Ongoing National Programs
German ProgramHellmer
Italian Program - Spezie
UK Program - Heywood
1045-1115 Coffee
1115-1300 Continue National Programs
US ProgramMuench
Russian ProgramKlepikov
Japanese Program - Ushio
1300-1430 Lunch – Everyone on Their Own
1430-1615 Continue National Programs
Brazilian ProgramGarcia/Absy
Australian ProgramWorby
Finnish ProgramTo Be Determined (TBD)
1615-1645 Coffee
1645-1800 Continue National Programs
Norwegian Program - TBD
Chinese Program - TBD
Korean Program - TBD

1800 Adjourn for Day: Evening Free

Tuesday, 16 October

0900 Convene
0900-0915 Recap of Monday - Muench/Hellmer
0915-1045 Presentations of Current Research Results
German Weddell Sea research - Fahrbach
Southern Ocean modeling programsHellmer/Matano
1045-1115 Coffee
1115-1300 Continue Current Results
Brazilian DOVETAIL 2000-2001Garcia/Absy
1300-1430 Lunch – Everyone on Their Own
1430-1615 Continue Current Results
Weddell mooring programGordon/Visbeck
SO GLOBECKlinck/Strass
Prydz Bay and other Australian studiesWorby
1615-1645 Coffee
1645-1800 Continue Current Results, and start Planned or Potential Future Programs
Italian Ross Sea Program - Spezie
Other programs TBD, and Discussion

1900 Group Dinner – To Be Arranged

Wednesday, 17 October

0900 Convene
0900--1045 Planned or Potential Future Programs
Brazilian DOVETAILGarcia/Absy
Thermobaricity studiesMcPhee
Japanese plans - Ushio
Australian plansWorby
Russian plansKlepikov
Other programs TBD, and Discussion
1045-1115 Coffee
1115-1215 International Coordination Issues
SO CLIVARGordon/Visbeck
Other Issues - Hellmer
1215-1300 Business (elect Chair, membership changes, future meeting plans)
1300 Adjourn the Meeting


NOTE: This is a tentative agenda, and can be added to or modified at any time up until the iAnZone meeting by contacting Robin Muench at rdmuenc@attglobal.net or at rmuench@esr.org.

Persons named above have either requested a time slot or else represent a guess on my part as who might be willing to give the specified presentation. Changes or substitutions are welcome. I would very much like, though, to see that those countries having significant ocean programs in the Antarctic Zone are represented. If you see that no name has been listed, or if the specified person cannot attend, then please either appoint a different person who can attend or else provide Hartmut Hellmer or myself with some presentation materials (viewgraphs with explanatory text). We would much prefer to present your program ourselves rather than seeing it omitted from the program.

Please be thinking in terms of international coordination. The above agenda shows presentation of many results as coming from national programs because this is a convenient organizational tool. What we are really after is to provide a venue for synthesis of these new results, where appropriate, and for coordination of planned future programs.

Robin Muench

8 September 2001