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Shear Wave Splitting at Station ARU in the Foredeep of Urals

The GSN station ARU (Arti, Russia) is located on the easternmost edge of the East European platform (Figure 16), in the Uralian foredeep [Ivanov et al. 1975; Zonenshain et al. 1984] that accumulated sediments in a passive continental margin setting through most of the Paleozoic. The continental collision at the final stage of Uralian orogeny formed an extensive thrust-sheet complex to the east of ARU, and may also have deformed the sediments underlying ARU. [Levin and Park, 1997a] studied crustal anisotropy beneath ARU using the anisotropic receiver function method. This method, which utilizes P-S conversions in layered media, is sensitive to anisotropy adjacent to interfaces where the conversions occur. Levin and Park, [1997a] show that receiver function data are consistent with a vertically-stratified earth structure in which both the uppermost and the lower crust are anisotropic, with hexagonal symmetry and strong tilt in the symmetry axes. Unlike typical models of seismic anisotropy in the mantle, the crustal model for ARU contains a layer of anisotropy with a slow symmetry axis. A conceptual model that would exhibit this type of anisotropy is a layer of imbricated peridotite and metapelite lenses in the region of the crust-mantle transition, as described by Quick et al. [1995] in the Ivrea deep crustal exposure in the Alps. Upper mantle anisotropy under ARU has previously been studied by Helffrich et al, [1994], who report a mean fast axis strike of tex2html_wrap_inline657 and a splitting time tex2html_wrap_inline451 s.

We have compiled splitting data from SKS and other core-refracted phases for this station (Figure 17). Several populations of fast-axis strikes are evident. For example, events from the northwest have westerly strike, while those from the east have more northwesterly strike. The best-fitting one-layer anisotropic earth model (Figure 18, top), with fast-axis at tex2html_wrap_inline661 azimuth, does not reproduce this pattern well. A combination of the Levin and Park [1997a] crustal model with the mantle model of Helffrich et al. [1994], does better (not shown), but does poorly at the ENE back azimuths. A model with a second mantle layer improves the fit significantly (Figure 18, bottom). This best-fitting model (Table 3) has a 58 km upper mantle layer with a fast-axis striking tex2html_wrap_inline437 atop a 140 km layer with fast-axis plunging 40 tex2html_wrap_inline665 to the east (Figure 19).

Figure 20 illustrates a conceptual model of anisotropic layering under ARU. Lower crust and uppermost mantle under the Uralian foredeep are characterized by the common direction of anisotropy tex2html_wrap_inline667 , which is significantly oblique to the trend of Urals. It may be related to the deformation within the East European platform that predates the formation of the orogen. The anisotropy-inducing fabric in the lower part of the lithosphere is aligned nearly normal to the strike of the Uralian Orogen.

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vadim levin
Mon Mar 22 11:12:08 EST 1999