[Bill Menke’s Journal; 2016 California Trip, December 11-20, 2016].

 [December 19, 2016; Garrapata State Park] We drove north along Route 1 from Big Sur to the highway pull-out in Garrapata State Park. The day was clear and the view of the sea was spectacular.  We walked the Soberanes Point Trail, which crosses Soberanes Creek via a footbridge and leads to an overlook at Soberanes Point.  The vegetation on the cliff-top is mostly grey scrubby grey bushes and the ubiquitous succulent ground cover Iceplant.  A low ground-covering plant was also blooming with fragrant and white flower clusters.  We stood at the Point for a few minutes, watching the waves crash into rocks and the cliff and throw up tall curtains of spray. About a half hour.