ANZFLUX and related figures

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  • Map Views:

    Weddell Sea Tmax map
    Levitus 94 Tmax
    ANZFLUX stations Tmax
    ANZFLUX stations Mixed Layer Elevation above Tf
    ANZFLUX stations Mixed Layer % Oxygen Saturation
    ANZFLUX stations Mixed Layer Depth
    ANZFLUX stations Dynamic Height 10-500m

  • Mixed Layer Average Properties:

    Elevation above freezing (Tf) vs Oxygen saturation (os)
    Mixed layer depth vs tf
    Mixed layer depth vs os
    Mixed layer depth vs latitude
    Mixed layer depth vs Tmax
    Tmax vs os
    Tmax vs tf
    tf-os vs latitude

  • Color Sections:

    Section 1: pt | sa | ox | s0
    Section 2: pt | sa | ox | s0
    Section 3: pt | sa | ox | s0

  • Contoured Sections:

    Section 1: pt | sa | ox | s0
    Section 2: pt | sa | ox | s0
    Section 3: pt | sa | ox | s0