HYPODD Version 1.3 ================== by Felix Waldhauser (felixw@ldeo.columbia.edu) Version 1.0 - 03/2001 - FW Version 1.1 - 10/2004 - FW Version 1.2 - 07/2010 - FW Version 1.3 - 08/2010 - FW (same as v1.2, but compiles with gfortran) HypoDD is a Fortran77 computer program package for relocating earthquakes with the double-difference algorithm of Waldhauser and Ellsworth (2000). This is version 1.3 of hypoDD and should be referenced as Waldhauser (2001). Version 1.3 has the errors listed in the buglists of previous versions fixed. The program has been extensively tested, but is made available without warranty. Users of the program are free to make modifications to the programs to meet their particular needs, but are asked not to distribute modified code to others. Tell us about your improvements and bug fixes, and we will add them to the code for everyone's benefit. The complete program package is available via anonymous ftp from ftp.ldeo.columbia.edu. After login, cd archive/felix/HYPODD and get the (binary) gzip-compressed tar files HYPODD_1.3.tar.gz (source codes and user guide; 1.4MB) HYPODD_examples.tar.gz (small and medium size example data sets; 2.4MB) HYPODD_moreExamples.tar.gz (3 large example data sets; 78.9MB) README (how to get started...) BUGLIST_1.3 (continously updated bug list for HYPODD version 1.3) Alternatively, these files can be downloaded from http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~felixw/hypoDD.html The files can be unpacked with the command gunzip -c HYPODD_1.3.tar.gz | tar xf - ORGANIZATION OF THE SOURCE CODE The file HYPODD_1.3.tar.gz contains a directory subtree containing source code and associated files implementing the "double-difference" earthquake- location method. This README file resides in the top-level directory. CONTENTS OF THE TOP-LEVEL DIRECTORY README - This file. doc - Directory containing tutorial documentation. include - Directory containing source-code header files. src - Directory containing source code for commands, in separate subdirectories. utils - Various utility programs/scripts. Each directory contains its own README file explaining its contents and usage. For installation of hypoDD see the README files in the src subtree. TEST CASES AND EXAMPLES Test and example cases are included in the files HYPODD_examples.tar.gz (small and medium size example data sets; 2.4MB) and HYPODD_moreExamples.tar.gz (3 large example data sets; 78.9MB). These files are unpacked in the same manner as the source-code file, described above. Each directory contains a Readme file. IMPORTANT NOTE If the programs abort with 'Killed' when executed, then there is most likely not enough memory available on the computer on which the programs are started. Switch to a larger computer or edit hypoDD.inc and/or ph2dt.inc in the directory include/ to adjust array dimensions according to the size of the problem to be solved or available computer memory. REFERENCES Waldhauser, Felix, hypoDD -- A program to compute double-difference hypocenter locations, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 01-113, 2001. Waldhauser, Felix, and William L. Ellsworth, A double-difference earthquake location algorithm: Method and application to the northern Hayward fault, California, BSSA, 90, 1353-1368, 2000. BUG REPORTS, QUESTIONS, ENHANCEMENTS, ETC. Please send questions, bug reports, news about how you have improved the programs, etc. to felixw@ldeo.columbia.edu.