December 04, 2013: Day 9, Blue Mesa and Mesa Redonda
Today saw cold and snaow in the AM as we cored through the Lot's Wife beds (2, 5)of the Sonsela Member, well into the Blue Mesa Member (3, 4, 6). Coring is going very smoothly and rapidly.

a big freeze
(1) View from the main park road looking towards the southwest with the Marth Butte bed in the distance and the Jim Camp Wssh beds in the lowland in front on the morning of the 4th.
green ss
(2) Greenish sandstone of the Lot's Wife beds, Sonsela, Member.
dark sandy mudstone
(3) Dark gray-green sandy mudstone of the Blue Mesa Member.
Lot's Wife beds
(5) Lot's Wife beds below the Jasper Forest bed at the Jasper Forest lookoff.
red mudstone
(4) Red mudstone, Blue Mesa Member.
(6) Banded sandy mudstones and sandstones of the Blue Mesa Member below the light colored Lot's Wife beds of the Sonsela Member, Blue Mesa.
Next (12-05-13)