Tengger Desert - Southeast point of entry to the Gobi near Shapotou where the Yellow River meets the dunes

CH013 - CH019

Sequential Photo Index of All Waypoints (CH001 to CH094)

051024_2249 051024_2250 051025_000646 051025_0046
Movie set  Shapotou First sight of the dunes  _000646 Dunes meet river
051025_004658 051025_004745 051025_0231 051025_0232
051025_004658.jpg 051025_004745.jpg 051025_0231.jpg Stick collectors
051025_0233 051025_023308 051025_023320 051025_02334
051025_0233.jpg 051025_023308.jpg Dune stabilizers   _023320 Dune stabilizers _02334
051025_023343 051025_0234 051025_032412 051025_032438
051025_023343.jpg 051025_0234.jpg 051025_032412.jpg 051025_032438.jpg
051025_033739 051025_033754 051025_033819 051025_033855
051025_033739.jpg 051025_033754.jpg 051025_033819.jpg 051025_033855.jpg
051025_033918 051025_034025 051025_035002 051025_044500
051025_033918.jpg 051025_034025.jpg 051025_035002.jpg 051025_044500.jpg
051025_044726 051025_044838 051025_045758 051025_045827
051025_044726.jpg A lot of sticks _044838 051025_045758.jpg Modern pastoralists _045827
051025_050022 051025_054850 051025_060015 w051025_021155
051025_050022.jpg 051025_054850.jpg 051025_060015.jpg Truck stop diner  _021155
w051025_021902 z051024_223524 z051024_224914 z051025_000606
Diner kitchen   _021902 z051024_223524.jpg Oil Tigers at rest  _224914 z051025_000606.jpg
z051025_001357 z051025_004720    
z051025_001357.jpg z051025_004720.jpg