June 6, 2003, Bardwell, Kentucky Earthquake

General Information

Region: 2 km North of Bardwell, Kentucky
Date: 06/06/2003
Time (gmt): 12:29:34.2
Magnitude: mb(Lg) 4.5 (NEIC), Mw=4.0 (LDEO)
Latitude: 36.89N
Longitude: 89.01W
Depth: 0.5 km

Epicenter of the 06/06/2003 shock is about 2 km North of Bardwell, Kentucky (CERI/U. of Memphis).

Seismograms recorded by LCSN Station PAL (Palisades, NY)

Broadband, Vertical-component seismic record at PAL (distance=1,384 km) in Rockland County, NY (about 15 miles North of Manhattan). Pn wave from the quake should arrives at around 12:32:32, but it is very weak.

Seismic Record Section

Source Mechanism and Focal Deth

Source mechanism of the June 6, 2003, Kentucky, earthquake determined by using seismic signals recorded at regional distances (from 59 km to 463 km). Waveform data are used to determine focal depth and source mechanism parameters using moment tensor inversion method. This is a preliminary results. Source mechanism indicates predominantly strike-slip motion along steeply dipping fault planes striking 250 or 345 degree. Source depth of 0.5 km fits the observed records best. Data source: broadband stations of the regional seismographic networks in the Central United States. Cooperative New Madrid (UTMT, PVMO, SIUC, MPH, SLM, UALR) BILLIKEN/USNSN/GSN (WVT, CCM, WCI), USNSN (OXF, LRAL).

Recent Earthquakes in the Central U.S.

Recent Earthquakes in the Central U.S. with known source mechanism. Notice that June 06, 2003 earthquake is at the northeastern end of the New Madrid seismic zone. Beach-ball representing the April 29, 2003 Alabama earthquake is from Bob Herrmann at St Louis University.

Additional links

Compiled by Won-Young Kim
at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University