changeset 0 229a0d72d2ab
child 3 f3c9dcbbdd68
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:229a0d72d2ab
     1 #!/usr/bin/perl
     2 #======================================================================
     3 #                    M K P R O F I L E 
     4 #                    doc: Sun Jan 19 18:55:26 2003
     5 #                    dlm: Sun May 23 16:34:02 2010
     6 #                    (c) 2003 A.M. Thurnherr
     7 #                    uE-Info: 788 36 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
     8 #======================================================================
    10 # Make an LADCP Profile by Integrating W (similar to Firing's scan*).
    12 # HISTORY:
    13 #	Jan 19, 2003: - written in order to test the RDI libs
    14 #	Jan 20, 2003: - added ensemble number
    15 #	Jan 21, 2003: - added horizontal integration
    16 #	Jan 22, 2003: - corrected magnetic declination
    17 #	Jan 23, 2003: - added -F)ilter
    18 #	Jan 24, 2003: - added more %PARAMs; started integration from 1st bin
    19 #				  - added -g, -f, battery status
    20 #	Jan 25, 2003: - added more %PARAMs
    21 #	Feb  1, 2003: - BUG: bottom-track quality checking was bad
    22 #	Feb  8, 2003: - allowed for array-indices on -f
    23 #	Feb  9, 2003: - added 50% goodvelbin
    24 #				  - removed unknown-field err on -f to allow -f W
    25 #	Feb 10, 2003: - changed initialization depth to 0m
    26 #				  - changed %bottom_depth to %max_depth
    27 #	Feb 11, 2003: - changed sign of magnetic declination
    28 #	Feb 12, 2003: - corrected BT-range scaling
    29 #	Feb 14, 2003: - added %pinging_hours, %min_range
    30 #				  - removed magnetic declination from default
    31 #	Feb 26, 2004: - added earth coordinates
    32 #	Mar  3, 2004: - removed requirement for -M on !-Q
    33 #				  - corrected range-stats on earth coordinates
    34 #	Mar  4, 2004: - added number of ensebles to output
    35 #	Mar 11, 2004: - BUG: rename ACD -> ADC
    36 #	Mar 12, 2004: - added %bottom_xmit_{current|voltage}
    37 #	Mar 16, 2004: - BUG: on -M u/v/x/y were wrong
    38 #	Mar 17, 2004: - added error estimates on u/v/x/y
    39 #				  - removed battery stuff (has to be done btw casts)
    40 #	Mar 18, 2004: - totally re-did u/v integration
    41 #	Mar 19, 2004: - re-designed u/v uncertainty estimation
    42 #	Mar 28, 2004: - added MEAN_CORRELATION, MEAN_ECHO_AMPLITUDE
    43 #	Sep 15, 2005: - changed BinRead library name
    44 #				  - made max gap length variable
    45 #	Sep 16, 2005: - re-did u,v,w uncertainties
    46 #	Nov  8, 2005: - UNIXTIME => UNIX_TIME
    47 #				  - added unix_time, secno, z_BT to default output
    48 #	Dec  1, 2005: - moved profile-building code to []
    49 #				  - changed -f syntax to allow name=FIELD
    50 #				  - added %bin1_dist, %bin_length
    51 #	Dec  8, 2005: - remove spaces from -f argument to allow multiline
    52 #				    definitions in Makefiles
    53 #	Nov 13, 2006: - BUG: end-of-cast depth had not been reported correctly
    54 #				  - cosmetics
    55 #	Nov 30, 2007: - adapted to 3-beam solutions
    56 #	Dec 11, 2007: - adapted to earlier modifications (Sep 2007) of
    57 #					[]
    58 #	Dec 14, 2007: - replaced z by depth
    59 #	Dec 17, 2007: - BUG: downcast flag was set incorrectly
    60 #	Jan 24, 2008: - rotation had been output as degrees/s; to make it more
    61 #				    consistent with pitch/roll, I changed it to simple degrees
    62 #				  - added net rotations [deployment]/down/up/[recovery]
    63 #	Apr  9, 2008: - added profile -B)ottom depth
    64 #				  - BUG: depth of first bin was reported as beginning of cast
    65 #	Oct 24, 2008: - added RANGE and RANGE_BINS fields
    66 #	Mar 18, 2009: - BUG: pitch/roll calculation had typo
    67 #				  - calc pitch/roll separately for down-/upcasts
    68 #				  - removed approximations in pitch/roll calcs
    69 #	Jul 30, 2009: - typo '<' removed from output
    70 #				  - NaN => nan
    72 # NOTES:
    73 #	- the battery values are based on transmission voltages (different
    74 #	  from battery voltages) and reported without units (raw 8-bit a2d
    75 #	  values)
    76 #	- -B with the CTD max depth can be used to linearly scale the depths;
    77 #	  even so, the profile can have negative depths, in particular when
    78 #	  the CTD is sent to a shallow depth first and then returned to the surface
    79 #	  before beginning the cast
    80 #	- in one case that I looked at (Anslope ][, cast 82), there are large
    81 #	  depth errors, even when -B is used
    82 #	- this utility works only approximately for uplookers (profile is
    83 #	  roughly ok, but apparently contaminated by surface reflection,
    84 #	  but stats are not ok; e.g. NBP0402
    86 $0 =~ m{(.*)/[^/]+}; 
    87 require "$1/";
    88 require "$1/";
    89 require "$1/";
    90 require "";
    92 $USAGE = "$0 @ARGV";
    93 die("Usage: $0 " .
    94 	"[-A)nts] [-Q)uiet] [-F)ilter <script>] " .
    95 	"[-s)uppress checkensemble()] " .
    96 	"[require -4)-beam solutions] " .
    97 	"[-r)ef-layer <bin|1,bin|6>] [-n) vels <min|2>] " .
    98 	"[-e)rr-vel <max|0.1>] [-c)orrelation <min>] " .
    99 	"[-m)ax <gap>] " .
   100 	"[-d)rift <dx,dy>] [-g)ps <start lat,lon/end lat,lon>] " .
   101 	"[output -f)ields <field[,...]> " .
   102 	"[-M)agnetic <declination>] [profile -B)ottom <depth>] " .
   103 	"<RDI file>\n")
   104 		unless (&Getopts("4AB:F:M:Qd:r:n:e:c:g:f:m:s") && @ARGV == 1);
   106 die("$0: -Q and -A are mutually exclusive\n")
   107 	if ($opt_Q && $opt_A);
   109 $RDI_Coords::minValidVels = 4 if ($opt_4);			# no 3-beam solutions
   111 require $opt_F if defined($opt_F);					# load filter
   113 $opt_r = "1,6" 	unless defined($opt_r);				# defaults
   114 $opt_n = 2	   	unless defined($opt_n);
   115 $opt_e = 0.1   	unless defined($opt_e);
   116 $opt_c = 70	   	unless defined($opt_c);
   117 $opt_m = 120	unless defined($opt_m);
   119 ($minb,$maxb) = split(',',$opt_r);					# reference layer
   120 die("$0: can't decode -r $opt_r\n") unless defined($maxb);
   122 if ($opt_g) {										# GPS info
   123 	($s_lat,$s_lon,$e_lat,$e_lon) = gps_to_deg($opt_g);
   124 	$lat = $s_lat/2 + $e_lat/2;
   125 	$lon = $s_lon/2 + $e_lon/2;
   126 	$ddx = dist($lat,$s_lon,$lat,$e_lon);
   127 	$ddy = dist($s_lat,$lon,$e_lat,$lon);
   128 }
   130 if ($opt_d) {										# ship drift
   131 	($ddx,$ddy) = split(',',$opt_d);
   132 	die("$0: can't decode -d $opt_d\n") unless defined($ddy);
   133 }
   135 print(STDERR "Reading $ARGV[0]...");				# read data
   136 readData($ARGV[0],\%dta);
   137 print(STDERR "done\n");
   139 die("$ARGV[0]: not enough bins for choice of -r\n")	# enough bins?
   140 	unless ($dta{N_BINS} >= $maxb);
   141 if ($dta{BEAM_COORDINATES}) {						# coords used
   142 	$beamCoords = 1;
   143 } elsif (!$dta{EARTH_COORDINATES}) {
   144 	die("$ARGV[0]: only beam and earth coordinates implemented so far\n");
   145 }
   146 if (defined($opt_M)) {								# magnetic declination
   147 	$dta{HEADING_BIAS} = -1*$opt_M;
   148 } else {
   149 	$dta{HEADING_BIAS} = 0;
   150 }
   152 ensure_BT_RANGE(\%dta);								# calc if missing
   154 if ($opt_f) {										# additional fields
   155 	@f = split(',',$opt_f);
   156 	foreach $f (@f) {
   157 		$f =~ s/\s//g;								# remove spaces
   158 		@def = split('=',$f);
   159 		if (@def == 2) {							# name=field
   160 			$addFields .= " {$def[0]}";
   161 			$f = $def[1];
   162 		} else {									# field
   163 			$addFields .= " {$f}";
   164 		}
   165 	}
   166 #	print(STDERR "addFields = $addFields\n");
   167 #	print(STDERR "\@f = @f\n");
   168 }
   170 #======================================================================
   171 # Misc funs used to decode options
   172 #======================================================================
   174 sub dist($$$$)										# distance
   175 {
   176 	my($lat1,$lon1,$lat2,$lon2) = @_;
   177 	my($a) = 6378139; 								# Earth's radius
   179 	$lat1 = rad($lat1); $lon1 = rad($lon1);
   180 	$lat2 = rad($lat2); $lon2 = rad($lon2);
   181 	$ct1 = cos($lat1); $st1 = sin($lat1); $cp1 = cos($lon1);
   182 	$sp1 = sin($lon1); $ct2 = cos($lat2); $st2 = sin($lat2);
   183 	$cp2 = cos($lon2); $sp2 = sin($lon2);
   184 	$cos = $ct1*$cp1*$ct2*$cp2 + $ct1*$sp1*$ct2*$sp2 + $st1*$st2;
   185 	$cos =  1 if ($cos >  1);
   186 	$cos = -1 if ($cos < -1);
   187 	return $a * acos($cos);
   188 }
   190 sub deg_to_dec($)									# parse degrees
   191 {
   192 	my($deg,$min) = split(':',$_[0]);
   193 	return $deg + $min/60;
   194 }
   196 sub gps_to_deg($)									# decode lat/lon
   197 {
   198 	my($start,$end) = split('/',$_[0]);
   199 	my($sa,$so,$ea,$eo);
   201 	my($lat,$lon) = split(',',$start);
   202 	if ($lat =~ m{N$}) 		{ $sa =  deg_to_dec($`); }
   203 	elsif ($lat =~ m{S$}) 	{ $sa = -deg_to_dec($`); }
   204 	else 					{ $sa = $lat; }
   205 	if ($lon =~ m{E$}) 		{ $so =  deg_to_dec($`); }
   206 	elsif ($lon =~ m{W$}) 	{ $so = -deg_to_dec($`); }
   207 	else 					{ $so = $lon; }
   209 	my($lat,$lon) = split(',',$end);
   210 	if ($lat =~ m{N$}) 		{ $ea =  deg_to_dec($`); }
   211 	elsif ($lat =~ m{S$}) 	{ $ea = -deg_to_dec($`); }
   212 	else 					{ $ea = $lat; }
   213 	if ($lon =~ m{E$}) 		{ $eo =  deg_to_dec($`); }
   214 	elsif ($lon =~ m{W$}) 	{ $eo = -deg_to_dec($`); }
   215 	else 					{ $eo = $lon; }
   217 	return ($sa,$so,$ea,$eo);
   218 }
   220 #======================================================================
   221 # Step 1: Integrate w & determine water depth 
   222 #======================================================================
   224 ($firstgood,$lastgood,$atbottom,$w_gap_time,$zErr,$maxz) =
   225 	mk_prof(\%dta,!$opt_s,$opt_F,$minb,$maxb,$opt_c,$opt_e,$opt_m);
   227 die("$ARGV[0]: no good ensembles found\n")
   228 	unless defined($firstgood);
   230 if (defined($opt_B)) {										# scale Z
   231 	my($zscale) = $opt_B / ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{DEPTH} -# downcast
   232 				     	    $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{DEPTH});
   233 #	printf(STDERR "scaling downcast depths by %.2f\n",$zscale);
   234 	for (my($e)=$firstgood; $e<$atbottom; $e++) {
   235 		next unless defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH});
   236 		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH} =
   237 			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{DEPTH} + $zscale *
   238 				($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH}-$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{DEPTH});
   239 	}
   241 	$zscale = $opt_B / ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{DEPTH} -	# upcast
   242 				 		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{DEPTH});
   243 #	printf(STDERR "scaling upcast depths by %.2f\n",$zscale);
   244 	for (my($e)=$atbottom; $e<=$lastgood; $e++) {
   245 		next unless defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH});
   246 		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH} =
   247 			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{DEPTH} + $zscale *
   248 				($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH}-$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{DEPTH});
   249 	}
   250 }
   252 ($water_depth,$sig_wd) =									# sea bed
   253 	find_seabed(\%dta,$atbottom,$beamCoords);
   255 #======================================================================
   256 # Step 1a: determine alternate Z by using mean/sigma of w in gaps
   257 #======================================================================
   259 # This does not make much sense for w, because w is always very close
   260 # to zero. It might make sense for u and v, though, and it would
   261 # be more consistent with the way the displacement uncertainties are
   262 # calculated. However, the way the profiles are calculated at the
   263 # moment (using the last valid velocity across the gap) is probably
   264 # closer to the truth in most cases.
   266 #$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{ALT_Z} = 0;
   267 #$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{ALT_Z_ERR} = 0;
   268 #my($sumVar);
   269 #for ($e=$firstgood+1; $e<=$lastgood; $e++) {
   270 #	my($dt) = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME} -
   271 #			  $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e-1]->{UNIX_TIME};
   272 #	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ALT_Z} =
   273 #		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e-1]->{ALT_Z} +
   274 #		$dt * (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e-1]->{W}) ?
   275 #				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e-1]->{W} : $meanW);
   276 #	$sumVar += defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e-1]->{W}) ?
   277 #				($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e-1]->{W_ERR} * $dt)**2 : ($dt**2)*$varW;
   278 #	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ALT_Z_ERR} = sqrt($sumVar);
   279 #}
   281 #======================================================================
   282 # Step 2: Integrate u & v
   283 #======================================================================
   285 sub ref_lr_uv($$$)									# calc ref-level u/v
   286 {
   287 	my($ens,$z,$water_depth) = @_;
   288 	my($i,$n,@v,@goodU,@goodV);
   290 	$water_depth = 99999 unless defined($water_depth);
   292 	for ($i=$minb; $i<=$maxb; $i++) {
   293 		next if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][0] < $opt_c ||
   294 				 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][1] < $opt_c ||
   295 				 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][2] < $opt_c ||
   296 				 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][3] < $opt_c);
   297 		if ($beamCoords) {
   298 			next if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][0] < 100 ||
   299 					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][1] < 100 ||
   300 					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][2] < 100 ||
   301 					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][3] < 100);
   302 			@v = velInstrumentToEarth(\%dta,$ens,
   303 					velBeamToInstrument(\%dta,
   304 						@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i]}));
   305 		} else {
   306 			next if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][0] > 0 ||
   307 					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][1] > 0 ||
   308 					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][2] > 0 ||
   309 					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][3] < 100);
   310 			@v = velApplyHdgBias(\%dta,$ens,
   311 					@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i]});
   312 		}
   313 		next if (!defined($v[3]) || abs($v[3]) > $opt_e);
   315 #		Martin's BT routines show strong shear just above sea bed
   316 #		=> skip lowest 20m.
   317 		if (defined($v[0])) {							# valid u,v
   318 			if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{XDUCER_FACING_UP}) {
   319 				if ($z - $dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER}
   320 					   - $i*$dta{BIN_LENGTH} > 0) {
   321 					push(@goodU,$v[0]); push(@goodV,$v[1]);
   322 					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{U} += $v[0];
   323 					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{V} += $v[1];
   324 					$n++;
   325 			   }
   326 			} else {
   327 				if ($z + $dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER}
   328 					   + $i*$dta{BIN_LENGTH} < $water_depth-20) {
   329 					push(@goodU,$v[0]); push(@goodV,$v[1]);
   330 					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{U} += $v[0];
   331 					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{V} += $v[1];
   332 					$n++;
   333 			   }
   334 			}
   335 		}
   336 	}
   338 	if ($n >= 2) {
   339 		my(@sumsq) = (0,0);
   340 		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{U} /= $n;
   341 		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{V} /= $n;
   342 		for ($i=0; $i<$n; $i++) {
   343 			$sumsq[0] += ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{U}-$goodU[$i])**2;
   344 			$sumsq[1] += ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{V}-$goodV[$i])**2;
   345 		}
   346 		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{U_ERR} = sqrt($sumsq[0])/($n-1);
   347 		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{V_ERR} = sqrt($sumsq[1])/($n-1);
   348     } else {
   349 		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{U} = undef;
   350 		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{V} = undef;
   351     }    	
   352 }
   354 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
   356 ($x,$y) = (0,0);											# init
   358 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{X} = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{X_ERR} = 0;
   359 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{Y} = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{Y_ERR} = 0;
   360 $prevgood = $firstgood;
   362 for ($e=$firstgood+1; defined($opt_M)&&$e<=$lastgood; $e++) {
   364 	#--------------------------------------------------
   365 	# within profile: both $firstgood and $prevgood set
   366 	#--------------------------------------------------
   368 	ref_lr_uv($e,$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH},$water_depth)	# instrument vel
   369 		if (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W}));
   371 	if (!defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{U})) {				# gap
   372 		$uv_gap_time += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME} -
   373 				   		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e-1]->{UNIX_TIME};
   374 		next;
   375 	}
   377 	my($dt) = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME} -			# time step since
   378 			  $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{UNIX_TIME};		# ...last good ens
   380 	#-----------------------------------
   381 	# The current ensemble has valid u/v
   382 	#-----------------------------------
   384 	$x -= $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{U} * $dt;			# integrate
   385 	$xErr += ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{U_ERR} * $dt)**2;
   386 	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{X} = $x;
   387 	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{X_ERR} = sqrt($xErr);
   389 	$y -= $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{V} * $dt;
   390 	$yErr += ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{V_ERR} * $dt)**2;
   391 	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{Y} = $y;
   392 	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{Y_ERR} = sqrt($yErr);
   394 	$prevgood = $e;
   395 }
   397 unless (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X})) {		# last is bad in u/v
   398 	my($dt) = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{UNIX_TIME} -		# time step since
   399 			  $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{UNIX_TIME};		# ...last good ens
   401 	$x -= $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{U} * $dt;			# integrate
   402 	$xErr += ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{U_ERR} * $dt)**2;
   403 	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X} = $x;
   404 	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X_ERR} = sqrt($xErr);
   406 	$y -= $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{V} * $dt;
   407 	$yErr += ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{V_ERR} * $dt)**2;
   408 	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{Y} = $y;
   409 	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{Y_ERR} = sqrt($yErr);
   410 }
   412 $firstgood++ if ($firstgood == 0);							# centered diff
   413 $lastgood-- if ($lastgood == $#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}});			# in step 6
   415 #======================================================================
   416 # Step 3: Calculate Uncertainties
   417 #======================================================================
   419 # Time series of W_ERR indicate that errors are very large near the
   420 # surface and near the sea bed, perhaps because of reflections.
   421 # A reasonable estimate for typical uncertainty is therefore the mode
   422 # of the std errors.
   424 my(@histUErr,@histVErr,@histWErr);
   425 my($histRez) = 1e-4;
   427 for ($e=$firstgood; $e<=$lastgood; $e++) {
   428 	$histWErr[int($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W_ERR}/$histRez+0.5)]++
   429 		if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W_ERR});
   430 	$histUErr[int($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{U_ERR}/$histRez+0.5)]++
   431 		if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{U_ERR});
   432 	$histVErr[int($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{V_ERR}/$histRez+0.5)]++
   433 		if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{V_ERR});
   434 }	
   436 my($max) = 0; my($mode);
   437 for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#histWErr; $i++) {
   438 	next if ($histWErr[$i] < $max);
   439 	$max = $histWErr[$i]; $mode = $i;
   440 }
   441 $wErr = $mode * $histRez if defined($mode);
   443 $max = 0; $mode = undef;
   444 for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#histUErr; $i++) {
   445 	next if ($histUErr[$i] < $max);
   446 	$max = $histUErr[$i]; $mode = $i;
   447 }
   448 $uErr = $mode * $histRez if defined($mode);
   450 $max = 0; $mode = undef;
   451 for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#histVErr; $i++) {
   452 	next if ($histVErr[$i] < $max);
   453 	$max = $histVErr[$i]; $mode = $i;
   454 }
   455 $vErr = $mode * $histRez if defined($mode);
   457 #print(STDERR "u: mu = $meanU / sigma = $uErr\n");
   458 #print(STDERR "v: mu = $meanV / sigma = $vErr\n");
   459 #print(STDERR "w: mu = $meanW / sigma = $wErr\n");
   461 if (defined($opt_M)) {									# displacement errors
   462 	$x_err = $uErr * $uv_gap_time + $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X_ERR};
   463 	$y_err = $vErr * $uv_gap_time + $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{Y_ERR};
   464 }
   465 $z_err = $wErr * $w_gap_time + $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{DEPTH_ERR};
   467 #printf(STDERR "x_err = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X_ERR} + %g\n",
   468 #				$uErr * $uv_gap_time);
   469 #printf(STDERR "y_err = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{Y_ERR} + %g\n",
   470 #				$vErr * $uv_gap_time);
   471 #printf(STDERR "z_err = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{DEPTH_ERR} + %g\n",
   472 #				$wErr * $w_gap_time);
   474 #======================================================================
   475 # Step 4: Calculate Beam Range Stats
   476 #======================================================================
   478 my($min_good_bins) = 999;
   479 my($worst_beam);
   481 sub count_good_vels($)								# count good vels
   482 {
   483 	my($ens) = @_;
   484 	my($good) = -1; my($this_worst_beam);
   486 	if ($beamCoords) {
   487 		for (my($i)=0; $i<$dta{N_BINS}; $i++) {
   488 			for (my($b)=0; $b<4; $b++) {
   489 				$good=$i,$this_worst_beam=$b,$nVels[$i][$b]++
   490 					if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i][$b]);
   491 			}
   492 	    }
   493 	} else {
   494 		for (my($i)=0; $i<$dta{N_BINS}; $i++) {
   495 			for (my($b)=0; $b<4; $b++) {
   496 				$good=$i,$this_worst_beam=$b,$nVels[$i][$b]++
   497 					if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][$b] >=
   498 						$dta{MIN_CORRELATION});
   499 			}
   500 	    }
   501 	}
   502 	$min_good_ens=$ens, $min_good_bins=$good, $worst_beam=$this_worst_beam
   503 		if ((!defined($water_depth) || 
   504 			  $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{DEPTH} < $water_depth-200)
   505 			&& $good >= 0 && $good < $min_good_bins);
   506 }
   508 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
   510 for ($e=$firstgood; $e<=$lastgood; $e++) {					# range
   511 	my($i);
   512 	for ($i=0; $i<$dta{N_BINS}; $i++) {
   513 		last if (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$i][0]) +
   514 				 defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$i][1]) +
   515 				 defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$i][2]) +
   516 				 defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$i][3]) < 3);
   517 	}
   518 	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{RANGE_BINS} = $i;
   519 	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{RANGE} =
   520 		$dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $i * $dta{BIN_LENGTH};
   521 }
   523 for ($e=$firstgood; $e<=$lastgood; $e++) {					# mean corr/amp
   524 	$sumcor = $sumamp = $ndata = 0;
   525 	for (my($i)=0; $i<$dta{N_BINS}; $i++) {
   526 		for (my($b)=0; $b<4; $b++) {
   527 			next unless ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{CORRELATION}[$i][$b]);
   528 			$sumcor += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{CORRELATION}[$i][$b];
   529 			$sumamp += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$i][$b];
   530 			$ndata++;
   531 		}
   532 	}
   533 	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{MEAN_CORRELATION} = $sumcor/$ndata;
   534 	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{MEAN_ECHO_AMPLITUDE} = $sumamp/$ndata;
   535 }
   537 for ($e=$firstgood+50; $e<=$lastgood-50; $e++) {			# range stats
   538 	count_good_vels($e);
   539 }
   540 for ($i=0; $i<$dta{N_BINS}; $i++) {
   541 	for ($b=0; $b<4; $b++) {
   542 		$maxVels = $nVels[$i][$b] unless ($maxVels > $nVels[$i][$b]);
   543 	}
   544 }
   545 for ($i=0; $i<$dta{N_BINS}; $i++) {
   546 	for ($b=0; $b<4; $b++) {
   547 		$gb[$b] = $i if ($nVels[$i][$b] >= 0.8*$maxVels);
   548     }
   549 }
   550 $gb = ($gb[0]+$gb[1]+$gb[2]+$gb[3]) / 4;
   552 #======================================================================
   553 # Step 5: Remove Ship Drift (probably not useful)
   554 #======================================================================
   556 if (defined($opt_M) && defined($ddx)) {						# remove barotropic
   557 	$du = $ddx / $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{ELAPSED_TIME};# mean drift vel
   558 	$dv = $ddy / $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{ELAPSED_TIME};
   559 	$iu = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X} /				# mean obs vel
   560 			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{ELAPSED_TIME};
   561 	$iv = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{Y} /
   562 			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{ELAPSED_TIME};
   564 	for ($e=$firstgood; $e<=$lastgood; $e++) {
   565 		next unless (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{X}) &&
   566 					 defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{Y}));
   567 		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{U} -= $du;
   568 		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{V} -= $dv;
   569 		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{X} += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ELAPSED_TIME} * ($du-$iu);
   570 		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{Y} += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ELAPSED_TIME} * ($dv-$iv);
   571 	}
   572 }
   574 #======================================================================
   575 # Step 6: Pitch, Roll, Rotation
   576 #======================================================================
   578 my($prrms,$dnprrms,$upprrms) = (0,0,0);
   579 my($rotrms,$prerot,$dnrot,$uprot,$postrot) = (0,0,0,0,0);
   581 sub rot($)
   582 {
   583 	my($e) = @_;
   584 	my($rot) = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{HEADING} -
   585 			   $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e-1]->{HEADING};
   586 	$rot -= 360 if ($rot >  180);
   587 	$rot += 360 if ($rot < -180);
   588 	return $rot;
   589 }
   591 for ($e=1; $e<$firstgood; $e++) {				# pre-deployment
   592 	$prerot += rot($e);
   593 }
   595 for (; $e<= $atbottom; $e++) {					# downcast
   596 	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PITCHROLL} =
   597 		&angle_from_vertical($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PITCH},
   598 						  	 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROLL});
   599 	$prrms += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PITCHROLL}**2;
   601 	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROTATION} = rot($e);
   602 	$dnrot += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROTATION};
   603 	$rotrms += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROTATION}**2;
   604 }
   605 $dnprrms = $prrms;
   607 for (; $e<=$lastgood; $e++) {					# upcast
   608 	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PITCHROLL} =
   609 		&angle_from_vertical($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PITCH},
   610 						  	 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROLL});
   611 	$prrms += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PITCHROLL}**2;
   613 	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROTATION} = rot($e);
   614 	$uprot += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROTATION};
   615 	$rotrms += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROTATION}**2;
   616 }
   617 $upprrms = $prrms - $dnprrms;
   619 for (; $e<=$#{$dta->{ENSEMBLE}}; $e++) {		# post-recovery
   620 	$postrot += rot($e);
   621 }
   623 $prerot  /= 360;								# rotations, not degrees
   624 $dnrot   /= 360;
   625 $uprot   /= 360;
   626 $postrot /= 360;
   628 $prrms 	 = sqrt($prrms/($lastgood-$firstgood));
   629 $dnprrms = sqrt($dnprrms/($atbottom-$firstgood));
   630 $upprrms = sqrt($upprrms/($lastgood-$atbottom));
   632 $rotrms = sqrt($rotrms/($lastgood-$firstgood));
   634 #======================================================================
   636 #======================================================================
   638 printf(STDERR "# of ensembles   : %d\n",scalar(@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}));
   639 printf(STDERR "Start of cast    : %s (#%5d) at %6.1fm\n",
   640 					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{TIME},
   641 					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{NUMBER},
   642 					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{DEPTH});
   643 printf(STDERR "Bottom of cast   : %s (#%5d) at %6.1fm\n",
   644 					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{TIME},
   645 					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{NUMBER},
   646 					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{DEPTH});
   647 if (defined($water_depth)) {
   648 	printf(STDERR "Seabed           :                      at %6.1fm (+-%dm)\n",$water_depth,$sig_wd);
   649 } else {
   650 	print(STDERR "Seabed           : not found\n");
   651 }
   652 printf(STDERR "End of cast      : %s (#%5d) at %6.1fm\n",
   653 					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{TIME},
   654 					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{NUMBER},
   655 					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{DEPTH});
   657 printf(STDERR "Rel. Displacement: x = %d(%d)m / y = %d(%d)m\n",
   658 					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X}, $x_err, 
   659 					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{Y}, $y_err, 
   660 				) if defined($opt_M);
   662 printf(STDERR "Cast Duration    : %.1f hours (pinging for %.1f hours)\n",
   663 					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{ELAPSED_TIME} / 3600,
   664 					($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}]->{UNIX_TIME} -
   665 						$dta{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{UNIX_TIME}) / 3600);
   667 printf(STDERR "Minimum range    : %dm at ensemble %d, beam %d\n",
   668 				$dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} +
   669 					$min_good_bins*$dta{BIN_LENGTH},
   670 				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$min_good_ens]->{NUMBER},
   671 				$worst_beam);
   672 printf(STDERR "80%%-valid bins   : %.1f\n",$gb+1);
   673 printf(STDERR "80%%-valid range  : %dm\n",
   674 				$dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $gb*$dta{BIN_LENGTH});
   675 printf(STDERR "3-beam solutions : $RDI_Coords::threeBeam_1 " .
   676 								 "$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_2 " .
   677 								 "$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_3 " .
   678                                  "$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_4\n")
   679 	unless ($opt_4);
   680 printf(STDERR "net rotations    : [%d]/%d/%d/[%d]\n",$prerot,$dnrot,$uprot,$postrot);
   681 printf(STDERR "rms pitch/roll   : %.1f/%.1f\n",$dnprrms,$upprrms);
   683 if ($opt_A) {												# ANTS format
   684 	print("#ANTS# [] $USAGE\n");
   685 	$uFields = "{u} {u_err} {v} {v_err} {x} {x_err} {y} {y_err}"
   686 		if defined($opt_M);
   687 	print("#ANTS#FIELDS# {ens} {time} {elapsed} {secno} {downcast} " .
   688 						"{w} {w_err} {depth} {depth_err} {depth_BT} " .
   689 						"{pitchroll} {rotation} " .
   690 		  				"$uFields $addFields\n");
   692    	printf("#ANTS#PARAMS# date{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{DATE}} " .
   693 				   "start_time{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{TIME}} " .
   694 				  "bottom_time{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{TIME}} " .
   695 				     "end_time{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{TIME}} " .
   696 		  "bottom_xmit_voltage{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{ADC_XMIT_VOLTAGE}} " .
   697 		  "bottom_xmit_current{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{ADC_XMIT_CURRENT}} " .
   698 			 "pinging_duration{%.1f} " .
   699 			    "cast_duration{%.1f} " .
   700 	    	   "0.8_valid_bins{%.1f} " .
   701 	     	  "0.8_valid_range{%.1f} " .
   702 				    "max_depth{%.1f} " .
   703 				  "depth_error{%.1f} " .
   704 				    "min_range{%d} " .
   705 				  "n_ensembles{%d} " .
   706 				   "w_gap_time{%d} " .
   707 				     "stderr_w{%.4f} " .
   708 				"rms_pitchroll{%.1f} " .
   709   	   "downcast_rms_pitchroll{%.1f} " .
   710 		 "upcast_rms_pitchroll{%.1f} " .
   711 				 "rms_rotation{%.2f} " .
   712 		 "deployment_rotations{%d} " .
   713 		   "downcast_rotations{%d} " .
   714 		     "upcast_rotations{%d} " .
   715 		   "recovery_rotations{%d} " .
   716 				    "bin1_dist{%.1f} " .
   717 				   "bin_length{%.1f} " .
   718 		  				 "\n",
   719 				($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}]->{UNIX_TIME} -
   720 						$dta{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{UNIX_TIME}),
   721 				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{ELAPSED_TIME},
   722 				$gb+1,
   723 				$dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $gb*$dta{BIN_LENGTH},
   724 				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{DEPTH},
   725 				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{DEPTH} -
   726 					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{DEPTH},
   727 				$dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} +
   728 					$min_good_bins*$dta{BIN_LENGTH},
   729 				scalar(@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}),
   730 				$w_gap_time,$wErr,$prrms,$dnprrms,$upprrms,$rotrms,
   731 				$prerot,$dnrot,$uprot,$postrot,
   732 				$dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER},
   733 				$dta{BIN_LENGTH},
   734 		  );
   735 	printf("#ANTS#PARAMS# magnetic_declination{$opt_M} " .
   736 							   	  "uv_gap_time{%d} " .
   737 						    	       "mean_u{%.4f} " .
   738 							         "stderr_u{%.4f} " .
   739 							               "dx{%d} " .
   740 							           "dx_err{%d} " .
   741 							           "mean_v{%.4f} " .
   742 							         "stderr_v{%.4f} " .
   743 							               "dy{%d} " .
   744 							           "dy_err{%d}\n",
   745 		$uv_gap_time,
   746 		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X} /
   747 			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{ELAPSED_TIME},
   748 		$uErr, $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X}, $x_err,
   749 		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{Y} /
   750 			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{ELAPSED_TIME},
   751 		$vErr, $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{Y}, $y_err,
   752 	) if defined ($opt_M);
   753 	print("#ANTS#PARAMS# start_lat{$s_lat} start_lon{$s_lon} " .
   754 						  "end_lat{$e_lat} end_lon{$e_lon} " .
   755 						      "lat{$lat} lon{$lon}\n")
   756 		if defined($lat);
   757 	if ($dta{TIME_BETWEEN_PINGS} == 0) {
   758 		 print("#ANTS#PARAMS# pinging_rate{staggered}\n");
   759 	} else {
   760 		 printf("#ANTS#PARAMS# pinging_rate{%.2f}\n",
   761 			1/$dta{TIME_BETWEEN_PINGS});
   762     }		
   763     printf("#ANTS#PARAMS# drift_x{%d} drift_y{%d} " .
   764 						 "drift_u{%.3f} drift_v{%.3f} " .
   765 		   "\n",$ddx,$ddy,$du,$dv) if defined($ddx);
   766 	if (defined($water_depth)) {
   767 		printf("#ANTS#PARAMS# water_depth{%d} sig-water_depth{%d}\n",
   768 					$water_depth,$sig_wd);
   769 	} else {
   770 		print("#ANTS#PARAMS# water_depth{nan} sig-water_depth{nan}\n");
   771 	}
   772 }
   774 sub p($) { print(defined($_[0])?"$_[0] ":"nan "); }
   775 sub pb($) { print($_[0]?"1 ":"0 "); }
   777 unless ($opt_Q) {										# write profile
   778 	for ($e=$firstgood; $e<=$lastgood; $e++) {
   779 		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER});
   780 		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME});
   781 		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ELAPSED_TIME});
   782 		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{SECNO});
   783 		pb($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME} < $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{UNIX_TIME});
   784 		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W});
   785 		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W_ERR});
   786 		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH});
   787 		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH_ERR});
   788 		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH_BT});
   789 		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PITCHROLL});
   790 		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROTATION});
   791 		if (defined($opt_M)) {
   792 			p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{U}); p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{U_ERR});
   793 			p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{V}); p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{V_ERR});
   794 			p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{X}); p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{X_ERR});
   795 			p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{Y}); p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{Y_ERR});
   796 	    }
   797 		if (defined(@f)) {
   798 			foreach $f (@f) {
   799 				my($fn,$fi) = ($f =~ m{([^[]*)(\[.*)});
   800 				$fn = $f unless defined($fn);
   801 				p(eval("\$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{$fn}$fi"));
   802 			}
   803 		}
   804 		print("\n");
   805 	}
   806 }
   808 exit(0);