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+#                    R D I _ C O O R D S . P L 
+#                    doc: Sun Jan 19 17:57:53 2003
+#                    dlm: Sun May 23 22:47:32 2010
+#                    (c) 2003 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 28 74 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# RDI Workhorse Coordinate Transformations
+#	Jan 19, 2003: - written
+#	Jan 21, 2003: - made it obey HEADING_BIAS (magnetic declination)
+#	Jan 22, 3003: - corrected magnetic declination
+#	Feb 16, 2003: - use pitch correction from RDI manual
+#	Oct 11, 2003: - BUG: return value of atan() had been interpreted
+#					     as degrees instead of radians
+#	Feb 27, 2004: - added velApplyHdgBias()
+#				  - changed non-zero HEADING_ALIGNMENT from error to warning
+#	Sep 16, 2005: - added deg() for [mkprofile]
+#	Aug 26, 2006: - BUG: incorrect transformation for uplookers
+#	Nov 30, 2007: - optimized &velInstrumentToEarth(), velBeamToInstrument()
+#				  - added support for 3-beam solutions
+#	Feb 12, 2008: - added threeBeamFlag
+#	Mar 18, 2009: - added &gimbal_pitch(), &angle_from_vertical()
+#	May 19, 2009: - added &velBeamToVertical()
+#	May 23, 2009: - debugged & renamed to &velBeamToBPEarth
+#	May 23, 2010: - changed prototypes of rad() & deg() to conform to ANTS
+use strict;
+use POSIX;
+my($PI) = 3.14159265358979;
+sub rad(@) { return $_[0]/180 * $PI; }
+sub deg(@) { return $_[0]/$PI * 180; }
+$RDI_Coords::minValidVels = 3;			# 3-beam solutions ok
+$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_1 = 0;			# stats
+$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_2 = 0;
+$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_3 = 0;
+$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_4 = 0;
+$RDI_Coords::fourBeam    = 0;
+$RDI_Coords::threeBeamFlag = 0;			# flag last transformation
+	my(@B2I);
+	sub velBeamToInstrument(@)
+	{
+		my($dta,$v1,$v2,$v3,$v4) = @_;
+		return undef unless (defined($v1) + defined($v2) +
+					   		 defined($v3) + defined($v4)
+								>= $RDI_Coords::minValidVels);
+		unless (defined(@B2I)) {
+#			print(STDERR "RDI_Coords::minValidVels = $RDI_Coords::minValidVels\n");
+			my($a) = 1 / (2 * sin(rad($dta->{BEAM_ANGLE})));
+			my($b) = 1 / (4 * cos(rad($dta->{BEAM_ANGLE})));
+			my($c) = $dta->{CONVEX_BEAM_PATTERN} ? 1 : -1;
+			my($d) = $a / sqrt(2);
+			@B2I = ([$c*$a,	-$c*$a,	0,		0	 ],
+				    [0,		0,		-$c*$a,	$c*$a],
+				    [$b,	$b,		$b,		$b	 ],
+				    [$d,	$d,		-$d,	-$d	 ]);
+#			print(STDERR "@{$B2I[0]}\n@{$B2I[1]}\n@{$B2I[2]}\n@{$B2I[3]}\n");
+		}
+		if (!defined($v1)) {					# 3-beam solutions
+			$RDI_Coords::threeBeamFlag = 1;
+			$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_1++;
+			$v1 = -($v2*$B2I[3][1]+$v3*$B2I[3][2]+$v4*$B2I[3][3])/$B2I[3][0];
+		} elsif (!defined($v2)) {
+			$RDI_Coords::threeBeamFlag = 1;
+			$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_2++;
+			$v2 = -($v1*$B2I[3][0]+$v3*$B2I[3][2]+$v4*$B2I[3][3])/$B2I[3][1];
+		} elsif (!defined($v3)) {
+			$RDI_Coords::threeBeamFlag = 1;
+			$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_3++;
+			$v3 = -($v1*$B2I[3][0]+$v2*$B2I[3][1]+$v4*$B2I[3][3])/$B2I[3][2];
+		} elsif (!defined($v4)) {
+			$RDI_Coords::threeBeamFlag = 1;
+			$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_4++;
+			$v4 = -($v1*$B2I[3][0]+$v2*$B2I[3][1]+$v3*$B2I[3][2])/$B2I[3][3];
+		} else {
+			$RDI_Coords::threeBeamFlag = 0;
+			$RDI_Coords::fourBeam++;
+		}
+		return ($v1*$B2I[0][0]+$v2*$B2I[0][1],
+				$v3*$B2I[1][2]+$v4*$B2I[1][3],
+				$v1*$B2I[2][0]+$v2*$B2I[2][1]+$v3*$B2I[2][2]+$v4*$B2I[2][3],
+				$v1*$B2I[3][0]+$v2*$B2I[3][1]+$v3*$B2I[3][2]+$v4*$B2I[3][3]);
+	}
+	my($hdg,$pitch,$roll,@I2E);
+	sub velInstrumentToEarth(@)
+	{
+		my($dta,$ens,$v1,$v2,$v3,$v4) = @_;
+		return undef unless (defined($v1) && defined($v2) &&
+					   		 defined($v3) && defined($v4));
+		unless (@I2E &&
+				$hdg   == $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{HEADING}
+							- $dta->{HEADING_BIAS} &&
+				$pitch == $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PITCH} &&
+				$roll  == $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ROLL}) {
+			printf(STDERR "$0: warning HEADING_ALIGNMENT == %g ignored\n",
+						  $dta->{HEADING_ALIGNMENT})
+				if ($dta->{HEADING_ALIGNMENT});
+			$hdg   = $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{HEADING} - $dta->{HEADING_BIAS};
+			$pitch = $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PITCH};
+			$roll  = $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ROLL};
+			my($rad_gimbal_pitch) = atan(tan(rad($pitch)) * cos(rad($roll)));
+			my($sh,$ch) = (sin(rad($hdg)),	cos(rad($hdg)));
+			my($sp,$cp) = (sin($rad_gimbal_pitch),cos($rad_gimbal_pitch));
+			my($sr,$cr) = (sin(rad($roll)),	cos(rad($roll)));
+			@I2E = $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{XDUCER_FACING_UP}
+				 ? (
+					[-$ch*$cr-$sh*$sp*$sr,	$sh*$cp,-$ch*$sr+$sh*$sp*$cr],
+					[-$ch*$sp*$sr+$sh*$cr,	$ch*$cp, $sh*$sr+$ch*$sp*$cr],
+					[+$cp*$sr,				$sp,	-$cp*$cr,			],
+				 ) : (
+					[$ch*$cr+$sh*$sp*$sr,	$sh*$cp, $ch*$sr-$sh*$sp*$cr],
+					[$ch*$sp*$sr-$sh*$cr,	$ch*$cp,-$sh*$sr-$ch*$sp*$cr],
+					[-$cp*$sr,				$sp,	 $cp*$cr,			],
+				 );
+		}
+		return ($v1*$I2E[0][0]+$v2*$I2E[0][1]+$v3*$I2E[0][2],
+				$v1*$I2E[1][0]+$v2*$I2E[1][1]+$v3*$I2E[1][2],
+				$v1*$I2E[2][0]+$v2*$I2E[2][1]+$v3*$I2E[2][2],
+				$v4);
+	}
+# velBeamToBPEarth3(@) calculates the vertical- and horizontal vels
+# from the two beam pairs separately. Note that (w1+w2)/2 is 
+# identical to the w estimated according to RDI without 3-beam 
+# solutions.
+	my($TwoCosBAngle,$TwoSinBAngle);
+	sub velBeamToBPEarth(@)
+	{
+		my($dta,$ens,$b1,$b2,$b3,$b4) = @_;
+		my($v12,$w12,$v34,$w34);
+		return (undef,undef,undef,undef)
+			unless defined($b1) && defined($b2) && defined($b3) && defined($b4);
+		unless (defined($TwoCosBAngle)) {
+			$TwoCosBAngle = 2 * cos(rad($dta->{BEAM_ANGLE}));
+			$TwoSinBAngle = 2 * sin(rad($dta->{BEAM_ANGLE}));
+		}
+		my($roll)  = rad($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ROLL});							
+		my($sr) = sin($roll); my($cr) = cos($roll);
+		my($pitch) = atan(tan(rad($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PITCH})) * $cr);	# gimbal pitch
+		my($sp) = sin($pitch); my($cp) = cos($pitch);
+		# Sign convention:
+		#	- refer to Coord manual Fig. 3
+		#	- v12 is horizontal velocity from beam1 to beam2, i.e. westward for upward-looking ADCP
+		#	  with beam 3 pointing north (heading = 0)
+		#	- w is +ve upward, regardless of instrument orientation
+		my($v12_ic) = ($b1-$b2)/$TwoSinBAngle;							# instrument coords with w vertical up
+		my($w12_ic) = ($b1+$b2)/$TwoCosBAngle;
+		$w12_ic *= -1 if ($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{XDUCER_FACING_UP});
+		my($v34_ic) = ($b3-$b4)/$TwoSinBAngle;
+		my($w34_ic) = ($b3+$b4)/$TwoCosBAngle;
+		$w34_ic *= -1 if ($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{XDUCER_FACING_UP});
+		if ($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{XDUCER_FACING_UP}) {				# beampair Earth coords
+			$w12 = $w12_ic*$cr + $v12_ic*$sr - $v34_ic*$sp;
+			$v12 = $v12_ic*$cr - $w12_ic*$sr + $w34_ic*$sp;
+			$w34 = $w34_ic*$cp - $v34_ic*$sp + $v12_ic*$sr;
+    	    $v34 = $v34_ic*$cp + $w34_ic*$sp - $w12_ic*$sr;
+		} else {
+			$w12 = $w12_ic*$cr - $v12_ic*$sr - $v34_ic*$sp;
+			$v12 = $v12_ic*$cr + $w12_ic*$sr + $w34_ic*$sp;
+			$w34 = $w34_ic*$cp - $v34_ic*$sp - $v12_ic*$sr;
+        	$v34 = $v34_ic*$cp + $w34_ic*$sp + $w12_ic*$sr;
+		}
+		return ($v12,$w12,$v34,$w34);
+	}
+# velApplyHdgBias() applies the heading bias, which is used to correct
+# for magnetic declination for data recorded in Earth-coordinates ONLY.
+# Bias correction for beam-coordinate data is done in velInstrumentToEarth()
+	my($sh,$ch);
+	sub velApplyHdgBias(@)
+	{
+		my($dta,$ens,$v1,$v2,$v3,$v4) = @_;
+		return undef unless (defined($v1) && defined($v2));
+		unless (defined($sh)) {
+			printf(STDERR "$0: warning HEADING_ALIGNMENT == %g ignored\n",
+						  $dta->{HEADING_ALIGNMENT})
+				if ($dta->{HEADING_ALIGNMENT});
+			$sh = sin(rad(-$dta->{HEADING_BIAS}));
+			$ch = cos(rad(-$dta->{HEADING_BIAS}));
+		}
+		return ( $v1*$ch + $v2*$sh,
+				-$v1*$sh + $v2*$ch,
+				 $v3              ,
+				 $v4              );
+	}
+# Pitch/Roll Functions
+sub gimbal_pitch($$)	# RDI coord trans manual
+	my($tilt1,$tilt2) = @_;
+	return deg(atan(tan(rad($tilt1)) * cos(rad($tilt2))));
+# - angle from vertical is home grown and should be treated with caution
+# - angle between two unit vectors given by acos(v1 dot v2)
+# - vertical unit vector v1 = (0 0 1) => dot product = z-component of v2
+# - when vertical unit vector is pitched in x direction, followed by
+#	roll in y direction:
+#		x = sin(pitch)
+#		y = cos(pitch) * sin(roll)
+#		z = cos(pitch) * cos(roll)
+#			has been checked with sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2) == 1
+# - for small angles, this is very similar to sqrt(pitch^2+roll^2)
+sub angle_from_vertical($$)
+	my($tilt1,$tilt2) = @_;
+	my($rad_pitch) = atan(tan(rad($tilt1)) * cos(rad($tilt2)));
+	return deg(acos(cos($rad_pitch) * cos(rad($tilt2))));