author A.M. Thurnherr <>
Sat, 18 Nov 2017 18:55:58 -0500
changeset 39 3bddaa514ef5
parent 37 40d85448debf
child 43 b63fa355644c
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
before Hamburg

#                    M K P R O F I L E 
#                    doc: Sun Jan 19 18:55:26 2003
#                    dlm: Fri Oct 13 13:39:55 2017
#                    (c) 2003 A.M. Thurnherr
#                    uE-Info: 230 37 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI

# Make an LADCP Profile by Integrating W (similar to Firing's scan*).

#	Jan 19, 2003: - written in order to test the RDI libs
#	Jan 20, 2003: - added ensemble number
#	Jan 21, 2003: - added horizontal integration
#	Jan 22, 2003: - corrected magnetic declination
#	Jan 23, 2003: - added -F)ilter
#	Jan 24, 2003: - added more %PARAMs; started integration from 1st bin
#				  - added -g, -f, battery status
#	Jan 25, 2003: - added more %PARAMs
#	Feb  1, 2003: - BUG: bottom-track quality checking was bad
#	Feb  8, 2003: - allowed for array-indices on -f
#	Feb  9, 2003: - added 50% goodvelbin
#				  - removed unknown-field err on -f to allow -f W
#	Feb 10, 2003: - changed initialization depth to 0m
#				  - changed %bottom_depth to %max_depth
#	Feb 11, 2003: - changed sign of magnetic declination
#	Feb 12, 2003: - corrected BT-range scaling
#	Feb 14, 2003: - added %pinging_hours, %min_range
#				  - removed magnetic declination from default
#	Feb 26, 2004: - added earth coordinates
#	Mar  3, 2004: - removed requirement for -M on !-Q
#				  - corrected range-stats on earth coordinates
#	Mar  4, 2004: - added number of ensebles to output
#	Mar 11, 2004: - BUG: rename ACD -> ADC
#	Mar 12, 2004: - added %bottom_xmit_{current|voltage}
#	Mar 16, 2004: - BUG: on -M u/v/x/y were wrong
#	Mar 17, 2004: - added error estimates on u/v/x/y
#				  - removed battery stuff (has to be done btw casts)
#	Mar 18, 2004: - totally re-did u/v integration
#	Mar 19, 2004: - re-designed u/v uncertainty estimation
#	Sep 15, 2005: - changed BinRead library name
#				  - made max gap length variable
#	Sep 16, 2005: - re-did u,v,w uncertainties
#	Nov  8, 2005: - UNIXTIME => UNIX_TIME
#				  - added unix_time, secno, z_BT to default output
#	Dec  1, 2005: - moved profile-building code to []
#				  - changed -f syntax to allow name=FIELD
#				  - added %bin1_dist, %bin_length
#	Dec  8, 2005: - remove spaces from -f argument to allow multiline
#				    definitions in Makefiles
#	Nov 13, 2006: - BUG: end-of-cast depth had not been reported correctly
#				  - cosmetics
#	Nov 30, 2007: - adapted to 3-beam solutions
#	Dec 11, 2007: - adapted to earlier modifications (Sep 2007) of
#					[]
#	Dec 14, 2007: - replaced z by depth
#	Dec 17, 2007: - BUG: downcast flag was set incorrectly
#	Jan 24, 2008: - rotation had been output as degrees/s; to make it more
#				    consistent with pitch/roll, I changed it to simple degrees
#				  - added net rotations [deployment]/down/up/[recovery]
#	Apr  9, 2008: - added profile -B)ottom depth
#				  - BUG: depth of first bin was reported as beginning of cast
#	Oct 24, 2008: - added RANGE and RANGE_BINS fields
#	Mar 18, 2009: - BUG: pitch/roll calculation had typo
#				  - calc pitch/roll separately for down-/upcasts
#				  - removed approximations in pitch/roll calcs
#	Jul 30, 2009: - typo '<' removed from output
#				  - NaN => nan
#	Dec  8, 2010: - added zmax/zend labels to output
#	Dec 10, 2010: - made mkProfile exit with status 0 if no good ens found but -Q is set
#	Dec 19, 2010: - finally made -A default and activated output file
#	Jan  5, 2011: - made no-good-ensembles found test much more robust
#	Jun 22, 2011: - added bandwith/power warnings
#				  - added ping-interval calculation
#				  - BUG: post-recovery rotations were always zero
#	Sep  9, 2011: - BUG: range calculation for Earth coordinate data included bins without
#						 valid velocities
#	Sep 21, 2010: - added %rms_heave_acceleration
#	Apr 12, 2013: - added -p
#	May 10, 2013: - BUG: mkProfile bombed when ADCP file is truncated at deepest location
#	May 14, 2013: - added heading to output
#				  - added err_vel to output
#				  - finally removed -d/-g
#	Nov 25, 2013: - expunged checkEnsemble
#	Feb 13, 2014: - added support set_range_lim()
#	Mar  4, 2014: - added support to allow missing PITCH/ROLL/HEADING values
#	May 24, 2014: - finally added (gimbal-)pitch & roll to default output
#				  - renamed heading to hdg and pitchroll to tilt
#	Mar 22, 2015: - made it work for moored time series as well
#	Mar 17, 2015: - adapted to new Getopt library
#				  - removed warning
#	Sep 12, 2016: - added %PD0_file
#	Oct 13, 2017: - added instrument orientation

#	- the battery values are based on transmission voltages (different
#	  from battery voltages) and reported without units (raw 8-bit a2d
#	  values)
#	- -B with the CTD max depth can be used to linearly scale the depths;
#	  even so, the profile can have negative depths, in particular when
#	  the CTD is sent to a shallow depth first and then returned to the surface
#	  before beginning the cast
#	- in one case that I looked at (Anslope ][, cast 82), there are large
#	  depth errors, even when -B is used
#	- this utility works only approximately for uplookers (profile is
#	  roughly ok, but apparently contaminated by surface reflection,
#	  but stats are not ok; e.g. NBP0402

$0 =~ m{(.*)/[^/]+}; 
require "$1/";
require "$1/";
require "$1/";
use Getopt::Std;

$USAGE = "$0 @ARGV";
die("Usage: $0 " .
	"[-Q)uiet] [-F)ilter <script>] " .
	"[require -4)-beam solutions] [-d)iscard <beam#>] [apply beamvel-m)ask <file>] " .
	"[-r)ef-layer <bin|1,bin|6>] [-n) vels <min|2>] " .
	"[-e)rr-vel <max[0.1]] [-c)orrelation <min>] [-p)ct-good <min[100]>] " .
	"[max -g)ap <len>] " .
	"[output -f)ields <field[,...]> " .
	"[-M)agnetic <declination>] [profile -B)ottom <depth>] " .
	"<RDI file>\n")
		unless (&getopts("4AB:F:M:Qd:g:r:n:e:c:f:m:p:") && @ARGV == 1);

$RDI_Coords::minValidVels = 4 if ($opt_4);			# no 3-beam solutions

require $opt_F if defined($opt_F);					# load filter

$opt_r = "1,6" 	unless defined($opt_r);				# defaults
$opt_n = 2	   	unless defined($opt_n);
$opt_e = 0.1   	unless defined($opt_e);
$opt_c = 70	   	unless defined($opt_c);
$opt_g = 120	unless defined($opt_g);
$opt_p = 100	unless defined($opt_p);

($minb,$maxb) = split(',',$opt_r);					# reference layer
die("$0: can't decode -r $opt_r\n") unless defined($maxb);
print(STDERR "Reading $ARGV[0]...");				# read data
print(STDERR "done\n");

die("$ARGV[0]: not enough bins for choice of -r\n")	# enough bins?
	unless ($dta{N_BINS} >= $maxb);
if ($dta{BEAM_COORDINATES}) {						# coords used
	$beamCoords = 1;
} elsif (!$dta{EARTH_COORDINATES}) {
	die("$ARGV[0]: only beam and earth coordinates implemented so far\n");

if (defined($opt_m) && -r $opt_m) {
	die("$ARGV[0]: -m only implemented for data collected in beam coordinates\n")
		unless ($beamCoords);
	print(STDERR "Masking beam velocities as prescribed in $opt_m...");

	open(BVM,$opt_m) || die("$opt_m: $!\n");
	while (<BVM>) {
		next if ($_ eq '');
		my($fe,$te,$db) = split;
		die("$opt_m: cannot decode $_\n")
			unless (numberp($fe) && numberp($te) && $te>=$fe && $db>=1 && $db<=4);
		die("$0: assertion failed")
			unless ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$fe-1]->{NUMBER} == $fe &&
					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$te-1]->{NUMBER} == $te);
		for (my($ens)=$fe-1; $ens<=$te-1; $ens++) {
			for (my($bin)=0; $bin<$dta{N_BINS}; $bin++) {
	print(STDERR " $nens ensembles edited\n");

if (defined($opt_d)) {								# discard entire beam
	die("$ARGV[0]: -d only implemented for data collected in beam coordinates\n")
		unless ($beamCoords);
	print(STDERR "Discarding beam-$opt_d velocities...");
    for (my($ens)=0; $ens<=$#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}; $ens++) {
        for (my($bin)=0; $bin<$dta{N_BINS}; $bin++) {
	print(STDERR "done\n");

if (defined($opt_M)) {								# magnetic declination
	$dta{HEADING_BIAS} = -1*$opt_M;
} else {
	$dta{HEADING_BIAS} = 0;

ensure_BT_RANGE(\%dta);								# set BT_RANGE field if it is missing (old firmware bug)

if ($opt_f) {										# additional fields
	@f = split(',',$opt_f);
	foreach $f (@f) {
		$f =~ s/\s//g;								# remove spaces
		@def = split('=',$f);
		if (@def == 2) {							# name=field
			$addFields .= " {$def[0]}";
			$f = $def[1];
		} else {									# field
			$addFields .= " {$f}";
#	print(STDERR "addFields = $addFields\n");
#	print(STDERR "\@f = @f\n");

# Step 0: Check data & Calculate Ping Rates

unless ($dta{NARROW_BANDWIDTH}) {

unless ($dta{TRANSMIT_POWER_HIGH}) {

printf(STDERR "ADCP                  : %s (s/n %d) %s\n",
											$dta{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{XDUCER_FACING_UP} ? 'UL' : 'DL');
printf(STDERR "# of ensembles        : %d\n",scalar(@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}));

my($mindt1) = my($mindt2) = 9e99;
my($maxdt1) = my($maxdt2) = 0;
for (my($e)=2; $e<=$#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}; $e+=2,$ndt++) {
	my($dt1) = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e-1]->{UNIX_TIME} - $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e-2]->{UNIX_TIME};
	my($dt2) = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e-0]->{UNIX_TIME} - $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e-1]->{UNIX_TIME};
	$mindt1 = $dt1 if ($dt1 < $mindt1);
	$mindt2 = $dt2 if ($dt2 < $mindt2);
	$maxdt1 = $dt1 if ($dt1 > $maxdt1);
	$maxdt2 = $dt2 if ($dt2 > $maxdt2);
	$sdt1 += $dt1; $sdt2 += $dt2;

printf(STDERR "Ping intervals        : %.1fs/%.1fs",$sdt1/$ndt,$sdt2/$ndt);
if ($maxdt1-$mindt1>=0.1 || $maxdt2-$mindt2>=0.1) {
	printf(STDERR " (%.1fs-%.1fs/%.1fs-%.1fs)\n",$mindt1,$maxdt1,$mindt2,$maxdt2);
} else {
	print(STDERR "\n");

# Step 1: Integrate w & determine water depth 

($firstgood,$lastgood,$atbottom,$w_gap_time,$zErr,$maxz,$rms_heave_accel) =

if ($lastgood == $atbottom) {
	print(STDERR "$ARGV[0]: truncated file (ends at max depth)\n")
} elsif (($atbottom > $firstgood) && ($lastgood > $atbottom)) {
	# all good
} elsif ($lastgood > $firstgood) {
	print(STDERR "$ARGV[0]: no bottom depth found\n")
		unless ($atbottom > 0);
} else {
	if ($opt_Q) {
		print(STDERR "$ARGV[0]: no valid cast data found\n");
    } else {
		die(sprintf("$ARGV[0]: no valid cast data found (firstgood=%d atbottom=%d lastgood=%d)\n",$firstgood,$atbottom,$lastgood));

if (defined($opt_B)) {										# scale Z
	my($zscale) = $opt_B / ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{DEPTH} -# downcast
#	printf(STDERR "scaling downcast depths by %.2f\n",$zscale);
	for (my($e)=$firstgood; $e<$atbottom; $e++) {
		next unless defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH});
		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH} =
			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{DEPTH} + $zscale *

	$zscale = $opt_B / ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{DEPTH} -	# upcast
#	printf(STDERR "scaling upcast depths by %.2f\n",$zscale);
	for (my($e)=$atbottom; $e<=$lastgood; $e++) {
		next unless defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH});
		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH} =
			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{DEPTH} + $zscale *

set_range_lim(\%dta);										# set {range_lim} field

($water_depth,$sig_wd) =									# sea bed

# Step 2: Integrate u & v

sub ref_lr_uv($$$)									# calc ref-level u/v
	my($ens,$z,$water_depth) = @_;

	$water_depth = 99999 unless defined($water_depth);

	for ($i=$minb; $i<=$maxb; $i++) {
		next if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][0] < $opt_c ||
				 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][1] < $opt_c ||
				 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][2] < $opt_c ||
				 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][3] < $opt_c);
		if ($beamCoords) {
			next if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][0] < 100 ||
					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][1] < 100 ||
					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][2] < 100 ||
					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][3] < 100);
			@v = velInstrumentToEarth(\%dta,$ens,
		} else {
			next if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][0] > 0 ||
					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][1] > 0 ||
					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][2] > 0 ||
					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][3] < 100);
			@v = velApplyHdgBias(\%dta,$ens,
		next if (!defined($v[3]) || abs($v[3]) > $opt_e);

#		Martin's BT routines show strong shear just above sea bed
#		=> skip lowest 20m.
		if (defined($v[0])) {							# valid u,v
			if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{XDUCER_FACING_UP}) {
				if ($z - $dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER}
					   - $i*$dta{BIN_LENGTH} > 0) {
					push(@goodU,$v[0]); push(@goodV,$v[1]);
					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{U} += $v[0];
					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{V} += $v[1];
			} else {
				if ($z + $dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER}
					   + $i*$dta{BIN_LENGTH} < $water_depth-20) {
					push(@goodU,$v[0]); push(@goodV,$v[1]);
					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{U} += $v[0];
					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{V} += $v[1];

	if ($n >= 2) {
		my(@sumsq) = (0,0);
		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{U} /= $n;
		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{V} /= $n;
		for ($i=0; $i<$n; $i++) {
			$sumsq[0] += ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{U}-$goodU[$i])**2;
			$sumsq[1] += ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{V}-$goodV[$i])**2;
		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{U_ERR} = sqrt($sumsq[0])/($n-1);
		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{V_ERR} = sqrt($sumsq[1])/($n-1);
    } else {
		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{U} = undef;
		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{V} = undef;


($x,$y) = (0,0);											# init

$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{X} = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{X_ERR} = 0;
$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{Y} = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{Y_ERR} = 0;
$prevgood = $firstgood;

for ($e=$firstgood+1; defined($opt_M)&&$e<=$lastgood; $e++) {

	# within profile: both $firstgood and $prevgood set

	ref_lr_uv($e,$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH},$water_depth)	# instrument vel
		if (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W}));

	if (!defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{U})) {				# gap
		$uv_gap_time += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME} -

	my($dt) = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME} -			# time step since
			  $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{UNIX_TIME};		# ...last good ens

	# The current ensemble has valid u/v

	$x -= $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{U} * $dt;			# integrate
	$xErr += ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{U_ERR} * $dt)**2;
	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{X} = $x;
	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{X_ERR} = sqrt($xErr);

	$y -= $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{V} * $dt;
	$yErr += ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{V_ERR} * $dt)**2;
	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{Y} = $y;
	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{Y_ERR} = sqrt($yErr);

	$prevgood = $e;

unless (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X})) {		# last is bad in u/v
	my($dt) = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{UNIX_TIME} -		# time step since
			  $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{UNIX_TIME};		# ...last good ens

	$x -= $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{U} * $dt;			# integrate
	$xErr += ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{U_ERR} * $dt)**2;
	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X} = $x;
	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X_ERR} = sqrt($xErr);

	$y -= $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{V} * $dt;
	$yErr += ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{V_ERR} * $dt)**2;
	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{Y} = $y;
	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{Y_ERR} = sqrt($yErr);

$firstgood++ if ($firstgood == 0);							# centered diff
$lastgood-- if ($lastgood == $#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}});			# in step 6

# Step 3: Calculate Uncertainties

# Time series of W_ERR indicate that errors are very large near the
# surface and near the sea bed, perhaps because of reflections.
# A reasonable estimate for typical uncertainty is therefore the mode
# of the std errors.

my($histRez) = 1e-4;

for ($e=$firstgood; $e<=$lastgood; $e++) {
		if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W_ERR});
		if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{U_ERR});
		if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{V_ERR});

my($max) = 0; my($mode);
for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#histWErr; $i++) {
	next if ($histWErr[$i] < $max);
	$max = $histWErr[$i]; $mode = $i;
$wErr = $mode * $histRez if defined($mode);

$max = 0; $mode = undef;
for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#histUErr; $i++) {
	next if ($histUErr[$i] < $max);
	$max = $histUErr[$i]; $mode = $i;
$uErr = $mode * $histRez if defined($mode);

$max = 0; $mode = undef;
for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#histVErr; $i++) {
	next if ($histVErr[$i] < $max);
	$max = $histVErr[$i]; $mode = $i;
$vErr = $mode * $histRez if defined($mode);

#print(STDERR "u: mu = $meanU / sigma = $uErr\n");
#print(STDERR "v: mu = $meanV / sigma = $vErr\n");
#print(STDERR "w: mu = $meanW / sigma = $wErr\n");

if (defined($opt_M)) {									# displacement errors
	$x_err = $uErr * $uv_gap_time + $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X_ERR};
	$y_err = $vErr * $uv_gap_time + $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{Y_ERR};
$z_err = $wErr * $w_gap_time + $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{DEPTH_ERR};

#printf(STDERR "x_err = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X_ERR} + %g\n",
#				$uErr * $uv_gap_time);
#printf(STDERR "y_err = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{Y_ERR} + %g\n",
#				$vErr * $uv_gap_time);
#printf(STDERR "z_err = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{DEPTH_ERR} + %g\n",
#				$wErr * $w_gap_time);

# Step 4: Calculate Beam Range Stats

my($min_good_bins) = 999;

sub count_good_vels($)								# count good vels
	my($ens) = @_;
	my($good) = -1; my($this_worst_beam);

	if ($beamCoords) {
		for (my($i)=0; $i<$dta{N_BINS}; $i++) {
			for (my($b)=0; $b<4; $b++) {
					if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i][$b]);
	} else {
		for (my($i)=0; $i<$dta{N_BINS}; $i++) {
			next unless defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i][0]);
			for (my($b)=0; $b<4; $b++) {
					if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][$b] >=
	$min_good_ens=$ens, $min_good_bins=$good, $worst_beam=$this_worst_beam
		if ((!defined($water_depth) || 
			  $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{DEPTH} < $water_depth-200)
			&& $good >= 0 && $good < $min_good_bins);


for ($e=$firstgood; $e<=$lastgood; $e++) {					# range
	for ($i=0; $i<$dta{N_BINS}; $i++) {
		last if (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$i][0]) +
				 defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$i][1]) +
				 defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$i][2]) +
				 defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$i][3]) < 3);
	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{RANGE_BINS} = $i;
	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{RANGE} =
		$dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $i * $dta{BIN_LENGTH};

for ($e=$firstgood; $e<=$lastgood; $e++) {					# mean corr/amp
	$sumcor = $sumamp = $ndata = 0;
	for (my($i)=0; $i<$dta{N_BINS}; $i++) {
		for (my($b)=0; $b<4; $b++) {
			next unless ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{CORRELATION}[$i][$b]);
			$sumcor += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{CORRELATION}[$i][$b];
			$sumamp += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$i][$b];
	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{MEAN_CORRELATION} = $sumcor/$ndata;
	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{MEAN_ECHO_AMPLITUDE} = $sumamp/$ndata;

for ($e=$firstgood+50; $e<=$lastgood-50; $e++) {			# range stats
for ($i=0; $i<$dta{N_BINS}; $i++) {
	for ($b=0; $b<4; $b++) {
		$maxVels = $nVels[$i][$b] unless ($maxVels > $nVels[$i][$b]);
for ($i=0; $i<$dta{N_BINS}; $i++) {
	for ($b=0; $b<4; $b++) {
		$gb[$b] = $i if ($nVels[$i][$b] >= 0.8*$maxVels);
$gb = ($gb[0]+$gb[1]+$gb[2]+$gb[3]) / 4;

# Step 5: Remove Ship Drift (probably not useful => removed)

# Step 6: Pitch, Roll, Rotation

# in case of PITCH/ROLL/HEADING data gaps (IMP data), the calculations
# are not entirely correct, as
# 	i)  the rotation implied by the pre-/post-gap headings is not counted
#	ii) the gappy ensembles are counted for calculating the rms vals

my($prrms,$dnprrms,$upprrms) = (0,0,0);
my($rotrms,$prerot,$dnrot,$uprot,$postrot) = (0,0,0,0,0);

sub rot($)
	my($e) = @_;
	return 0
		unless defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{HEADING}) && defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e-1]->{HEADING});
	my($rot) = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{HEADING} -
	$rot -= 360 if ($rot >  180);
	$rot += 360 if ($rot < -180);
	return $rot;

for ($e=1; $e<$firstgood; $e++) {				# pre-deployment
	$prerot += rot($e);

for (; $e<= $atbottom; $e++) {					# downcast
	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{TILT} =
	$prrms += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{TILT}**2
		if numberp($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{TILT});
	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROTATION} = rot($e);
	$dnrot += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROTATION};
	$rotrms += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROTATION}**2;
$dnprrms = $prrms;

for (; $e<=$lastgood; $e++) {					# upcast
	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{TILT} =
	$prrms += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{TILT}**2
		if numberp($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{TILT});
	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROTATION} = rot($e);
	$uprot += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROTATION};
	$rotrms += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROTATION}**2;
$upprrms = $prrms - $dnprrms;

for (; $e<=$#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}; $e++) {			# post-recovery
	$postrot += rot($e);

$prerot  /= 360;								# rotations, not degrees
$dnrot   /= 360;
$uprot   /= 360;
$postrot /= 360;

$prrms 	 = sqrt($prrms/($lastgood-$firstgood));
$dnprrms = sqrt($dnprrms/($atbottom-$firstgood));

if ($lastgood == $atbottom) {
	$upprrms = nan;
} else {
	$upprrms = sqrt($upprrms/($lastgood-$atbottom));

$rotrms = sqrt($rotrms/($lastgood-$firstgood));


printf(STDERR "Start of cast         : %s (#%5d) at %6.1fm\n",
printf(STDERR "Bottom of cast (zmax) : %s (#%5d) at %6.1fm\n",
if (defined($water_depth)) {
	printf(STDERR "Seabed                :                      at %6.1fm (+-%dm)\n",$water_depth,$sig_wd);
} else {
	print(STDERR "Seabed                : not found\n");
printf(STDERR "End of cast (zend)    : %s (#%5d) at %6.1fm\n",

printf(STDERR "Rel. Displacement     : x = %d(%d)m / y = %d(%d)m\n",
					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X}, $x_err, 
					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{Y}, $y_err, 
				) if defined($opt_M);

printf(STDERR "Cast Duration         : %.1f hours (pinging for %.1f hours)\n",
					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{ELAPSED_TIME} / 3600,
					($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}]->{UNIX_TIME} -
						$dta{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{UNIX_TIME}) / 3600);

printf(STDERR "Minimum range         : %dm at ensemble %d, beam %d\n",
printf(STDERR "80%%-valid bins        : %.1f\n",$gb+1);
printf(STDERR "80%%-valid range       : %dm\n",
				$dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $gb*$dta{BIN_LENGTH});
printf(STDERR "3-beam solutions      : $RDI_Coords::threeBeam_1 " .
								 	 "$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_2 " .
								 	 "$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_3 " .
	unless ($opt_4);
printf(STDERR "net rotations         : [%d]/%d/%d/[%d]\n",$prerot,$dnrot,$uprot,$postrot);
printf(STDERR "rms pitch/roll        : %.1fdeg/%.1fdeg\n",$dnprrms,$upprrms);
printf(STDERR "rms heave acceleration: %.2fm/s^2\n",$rms_heave_accel);

exit(0) if ($opt_Q);

# output profile in active ANTS format

print("#!/usr/bin/perl -S list\n");		

print("#ANTS# [] $USAGE\n");
$uFields = "{u} {u_err} {v} {v_err} {x} {x_err} {y} {y_err}"
	if defined($opt_M);
print("#ANTS#FIELDS# {ens} {time} {elapsed} {secno} {downcast} " .
					"{w} {w_err} {err_vel} {depth} {depth_err} {seabed} " .
					"{pitch} {roll} {tilt} {hdg} {rotation} " .
					"$uFields $addFields\n");

printf("#ANTS#PARAMS# date{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{DATE}} " .
			   "start_time{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{TIME}} " .
			  "bottom_time{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{TIME}} " .
				 "end_time{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{TIME}} " .
	  "bottom_xmit_voltage{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{ADC_XMIT_VOLTAGE}} " .
	  "bottom_xmit_current{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{ADC_XMIT_CURRENT}} " .
				 "PD0_file{$ARGV[0]} " .
		 "pinging_duration{%.1f} " .
			"cast_duration{%.1f} " .
		   "0.8_valid_bins{%.1f} " .
		  "0.8_valid_range{%.1f} " .
				"max_depth{%.1f} " .
			  "depth_error{%.1f} " .
				  "min_range{%d} " .
				"n_ensembles{%d} " .
                 "w_gap_time{%d} " .
				 "stderr_w{%.4f} " .
				 "rms_tilt{%.1f} " .
		"downcast_rms_tilt{%.1f} " .
          "upcast_rms_tilt{%.1f} " .
			 "rms_rotation{%.2f} " .
	   "deployment_rotations{%d} " .
		 "downcast_rotations{%d} " .
		   "upcast_rotations{%d} " .
         "recovery_rotations{%d} " .
   "rms_heave_acceleration{%.2f} " .
				"bin1_dist{%.1f} " .
			   "bin_length{%.1f} " .
			($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}]->{UNIX_TIME} -
			$dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $gb*$dta{BIN_LENGTH},
			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{DEPTH} -
printf("#ANTS#PARAMS# magnetic_declination{$opt_M} " .
							  "uv_gap_time{%d} " .
								   "mean_u{%.4f} " .
								 "stderr_u{%.4f} " .
									   "dx{%d} " .
								   "dx_err{%d} " .
								   "mean_v{%.4f} " .
								 "stderr_v{%.4f} " .
									   "dy{%d} " .
	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X} /
	$uErr, $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X}, $x_err,
	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{Y} /
	$vErr, $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{Y}, $y_err,
) if defined ($opt_M);
if ($dta{TIME_BETWEEN_PINGS} == 0) {
	 print("#ANTS#PARAMS# pinging_rate{staggered}\n");
} else {
	 printf("#ANTS#PARAMS# pinging_rate{%.2f}\n",
if (defined($water_depth)) {
	printf("#ANTS#PARAMS# water_depth{%d} sig-water_depth{%d}\n",
} else {
	print("#ANTS#PARAMS# water_depth{nan} sig-water_depth{nan}\n");

sub p($) { print(defined($_[0])?"$_[0] ":"nan "); }
sub pb($) { print($_[0]?"1 ":"0 "); }

for ($e=$firstgood; $e<=$lastgood; $e++) {
	pb($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME} < $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{UNIX_TIME});
	if (defined($opt_M)) {
		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{U}); p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{U_ERR});
		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{V}); p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{V_ERR});
		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{X}); p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{X_ERR});
		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{Y}); p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{Y_ERR});
	if (@f) {
		foreach $f (@f) {
			my($fn,$fi) = ($f =~ m{([^[]*)(\[.*)});
			$fn = $f unless defined($fn);
