author A.M. Thurnherr <>
Mon, 20 Apr 2020 15:48:52 -0400
changeset 53 51c5988a7f1f
parent 50 6bfec705d25e
child 54 21cf468fa8e0
permissions -rwxr-xr-x

#                    L I S T E N S 
#                    doc: Sat Jan 18 18:41:49 2003
#                    dlm: Thu Feb 13 10:36:50 2020
#                    (c) 2003 A.M. Thurnherr
#                    uE-Info: 96 54 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI

$synopsis = 'list ensemble summaries (default), dump ensembles (-E), time-average ensembles (-T)';

#	Jan 18, 2003: - created
#	Mar 18, 2004: - updated
#	Sep 15, 2005: - made ESW optional (BB150)
#				  - change RDI binread library name
#	Aug 25, 2006: - added -r)ange
#				  - added write -E)nsembles
#	Aug 26, 2006: - added -M)agdecl
#	Sep 19, 2007: - adapted to new [] (not tested)
#	Jan 26, 2008: - BUG: diagnostic output had been written to STDOUT
#	Feb  1, 2008: - BUG: still more diagnostic output written to STDOUT
#				  - BUG: -E/-A combo had ignored -E
#				  - changed %-good fieldnames for earth coordinates
#				  - allowed for 3-beam solutions
#	Feb  7, 2008: - added -f)ields
#	Apr  4, 2008: - made -f output nan on undefined values
#				  - BUG: -f fields did not allow array indices
#				  - added in-w)ater data only
#				  - restructured for simplicity
#	Mar  2, 2009: - added # of valid bin-1 vels to non-ANTS output
#	Jul 30, 2009: - NaN => nan
#	Aug 15, 2010: - BUG: usage typo
#	Dec 10, 2010: - changed ANTS output to time/date instead of UNIX time
#	Jan  5, 2011: - added -b
#	May 12, 2011: - disabled error exit on built-in-test errors when ensembles are dumped to stdout
#	Mar 20, 2013: - removed DATA_FORMAT stuff
#	Apr 12, 2013: - added bin number to -E output
#	Aug  7, 2013: - added -d, -4
#				  - added w12, w34 to -E output
#				  - added sounspeed correction warning
#				  - changed -E from prefix to suffix
#				  - added active header line to -E output
#	Mar  4, 2014: - added partial support for DATA_SOURCE_ID
#				  - added support for missing PITCH/ROLL/HEADING
#	Sep  8, 2014: - added -B)T  
#   Mar 17, 2016: - adapted to new Getopt library
#	Apr 19, 2016: - added %date, %time to -E output
#	Nov  9, 2016: - BUG: no error on missing files
#	Feb  7, 2018: - removed 3-beam error
#	Apr  1, 2018: - improved usage message
#				  - removed -Q option (errcheck only, which is not necessary; can use mkProfile to check for errors)
#				  - added -T (time averaging)
#	Apr  2, 2018: - made it work
#				  - BUG: velBeamToInstrument() was using old usage
#	Apr  3, 2018: - BUG: typo
#				  - added -S from [listBins]
#				  - removed -B and an BT data (current version did not treat beam-coord BT data correctly)
#	Apr  4, 2018: - added support for first_ens and last_ens in []
#				  - removed support for multiple input files
#	Apr 10, 2018: - added -l)ast bin
#	May 31, 2018: - BUG: -A was disabled by default
#	Feb 13, 2020: - added support for $readDataProgress

# Notes:
#	- -E/-B outputs data in earth coordinates, unless -b is set also
#	- -E/-T output is always in ANTS format

use Getopt::Std;

$ADCP_tools_minVersion = 2.2;
($ADCP_TOOLS) = ($0 =~ m{(.*/)[^/]+});
require "$ADCP_TOOLS/";

$antsMinLibVersion = 7.0;
($ANTS) = (`which ANTSlib` =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]*$});
require "$ANTS/";
require "$ANTS/";

($self) = ($0 =~ m{.*/([^/]+)});
$cmdline = "$self @ARGV";

die("\n$self [-4ABbdEfiMprSTw] <PD0 file> -- $synopsis\n\nCommand-Line Options:\n\t" .
			  "Output Ensemble Summary (default mode):\n\t\t" .
				  "[-A)NTS format]\n\t\t" .
			  "Dump Ensembles (-E|-T; ANTS Format):\n\t\t" .
				  "[dump individual -E)nsemples <.suff>]\n\t\t" .
				  "[-T)ime-average ensembles [time-series start (decimal day),]<averaging interval (days)>[,time-series end (decimal day)]]\n\t\t\t" .
				  	"[-i)gnore bins with <fraction> of max samples (-T only)]\n\t\t\t" .
				  	"[output -B)asename <bn>]\n\t\t" .
				  "[-M)agnetic <declination>]\n\t\t" .
				  "[-S)oundspeed correction <salin|*,temp|*,depth|*>\n\t\t" .
				  "[require min -p)ercent-good <#>]\n\t\t" .
				  "[keep -b)eam coords (do not transform to earth coordinates)]\n\t" .
			  "Common Options:\n\t\t" .
			  	  "[-z print progress dots every 10000 ens\n\t\t" .
				  "[add -f)ields <[name=]FIELD[,...]>]\n\t\t" .
				  "[require -4)-beam solutions] [-d)iscard <beam#>]\n\t\t" .
				  "[-r)ange <first_ens,last_ens>] [-l)ast <bin>]\n\t\t" .
				  "[in-w)ater ensembles only]\n")
	unless (&getopts('4AB:bd:E:f:i:l:M:p:r:S:T:wz') && @ARGV == 1);

die("$ARGV[0]: no such file\n")
	unless (-f $ARGV[0]);

$global::readDataProgress = 10000 if defined($opt_z);

$dump_ens = defined($opt_E) + defined($opt_T);
die("$self: cannot combine -E with -T\n") if ($dump_ens > 1);

if (defined($opt_S)) {
	($SS_salin,$SS_temp,$SS_depth) = split(',',$opt_S);
} else {
	print(STDERR "WARNING: no soundspeed correction applied!\n")
		if ($dump_ens);

print(STDERR "WARNING: magnetic declination not set!\n")
	if ($dump_ens && !defined($opt_M));

die("$self: illegal option combination\n")
	if ((defined($opt_M) || defined($opt_p) || defined($opt_b)) && !defined($dump_ens));

die("$self: -4 and -d are mutually exclusive\n")
	if ($opt_4 && defined($opt_d));

#undef($opt_A) if defined($dump_ens);

$opt_p = 0 unless defined($opt_p);

if ($opt_f) {										# additional fields
	@addFields = split(',',$opt_f);
	foreach my $f (@addFields) {
		$f =~ s/\s//g;								# remove spaces
		@def = split('=',$f);
		if (@def == 2) {							# name=field
			$addLayout .= $opt_A ? " {$def[0]}" : " $def[0]";
			$f = $def[1];
		} else {									# field
			$addLayout .= " {$f}";
#	print(STDERR "addLayout = $addLayout\n");
#	print(STDERR "\@addFields = @addFields\n");

$RDI_Coords::minValidVels = 4 if ($opt_4);			# no 3-beam solutions


printf(STDERR "Reading $ARGV[0]...");
if (defined($opt_r)) {								# read selected range
	my($fe,$le) = split(',',$opt_r);
} else {											# read entire file (possibly selected bins)
printf(STDERR "\n\t%d complete ensembles\n",scalar(@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}));

$dta{HEADING_BIAS} = -$opt_M;						# magnetic declination

if ($dta{BEAM_COORDINATES}) {						# coords used
	$beamCoords = 1;
} elsif (!$dta{EARTH_COORDINATES}) {
	die("$ARGV[0]: beam or earth coordinates required (implementation restriction)\n");
die("$ARGV[0]: -b requires beam-coordinate data\n")
	if ($opt_b && !$beamCoords);

($basename) = defined($opt_B)						# set basename of output files
			? $opt_B
			: ($ARGV[0] =~ m{([^\./]+)\.[^\.]+});

# define &dumpEns() routine for different output formats:
#	-A			ANTS format ensemble summary
#	-E			create one file per ensemble
#	-T			time-average multiple ensembles
#	default:	ASCII ensemble summary (human readable)

if ($opt_A) {										# select output fmt: ANTS
	print("#ANTS#PARAMS# PD0_file{$ARGV[0]}\n");
	printf("#ANTS#PARAMS# N_ensembles{%d}\n",scalar(@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}));
	print('#ANTS#FIELDS# {ens} {date} {time} {unix-time} {xducer_up} {temp} {hdg} {pitch} {roll} {XMIT_VOLTAGE} {XMIT_CURRENT}');
	print(' {ESW}') if ($dta{FIXED_LEADER_BYTES} >= 53);

	$dumpEns = sub ($)
		my($e) = @_;
		printf('%d %s %s %lf %d %g',
			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{XDUCER_FACING_UP} ? 1 : 0,
		if (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{HEADING})) { printf(' %g',$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{HEADING}); }
		else { printf(' nan'); }
		if (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PITCH})) { printf(' %g',$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PITCH}); }
		else { printf(' nan'); }
		if (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROLL})) { printf(' %g',$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROLL}); }
		else { printf(' nan'); }
		printf(' %g %g',
		printf(' %08X',$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ERROR_STATUS_WORD})
			if ($dta{FIXED_LEADER_BYTES} >= 53);
		foreach my $f (@addFields) {
			my($fn,$fi) = ($f =~ m{([^[]*)(\[.*)});
			$fn = $f unless defined($fn);
			my($v) = eval("\$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{$fn}$fi");
			print(defined($v) ? " $v" : " nan");

} elsif ($opt_E) {										# dump each ensemble in separate file 

	$dumpEns = sub ($)
		my($e) = @_;
		my($file) = "$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER}$opt_E";
		my($ssCorr) = defined($opt_S) ? ssCorr($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e],$SS_salin,$SS_temp,$SS_depth) : 1;

		open(P,">$file") || die("$file: $!\n");
		print(P "#!/usr/bin/perl -S list\n");
		print(P "#ANTS#PARAMS# " .
				"date{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DATE}} " .
				"time{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{TIME}} " .
				"soundspeed_correction{%s} " .
				"magnetic_declination{%g} " .
					(defined($opt_S) ? $opt_S : "NONE!"),
		print(P "#ANTS#FIELDS# " .
				"{bin} {dz} {u} {v} {w} {e} {w12} {w34} {corr1} {corr2} {corr3} {corr4} " .
				"{amp1} {amp2} {amp3} {amp4} "
		if ($beamCoords) {
			print(P "{pcg1} {pcg2} {pcg3} {pcg4}");
		} else {
			print(P "{pc3beam} {pcBadErrVel} {pc1or2beam} {pc4beam}");
		print(P "$addLayout\n");
		my($ssCorr) = defined($opt_S) ? ssCorr($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e],$SS_salin,$SS_temp,$SS_depth) : 1;
		for (my($b)=0; $b<$dta{N_BINS}; $b++) {
			my($dz) = $ssCorr * ($dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $b*$dta{BIN_LENGTH});
			if ($beamCoords) {
					if (($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][0] < $opt_p) || ($opt_d == 1));
					if (($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][1] < $opt_p) || ($opt_d == 2));
					if (($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][2] < $opt_p) || ($opt_d == 3));
					if (($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][3] < $opt_p) || ($opt_d == 4));
				($dummy,$w12,$dummy,$w34) =
				@v = $opt_b ? @{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b]} :
			} else {
				@v = velApplyHdgBias(\%dta,$e,@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b]});
			$v[0] *= $ssCorr if defined($v[0]);
			$v[1] *= $ssCorr if defined($v[1]);
			$v[2] *= $ssCorr if defined($v[2]);
			$v[3] *= $ssCorr if defined($v[3]);
			$w12 *= $ssCorr if defined($w12);
			$w34 *= $ssCorr if defined($w34);
			$v[0] = nan unless defined($v[0]);		# u
			$v[1] = nan unless defined($v[1]);		# v
			$v[2] = nan unless defined($v[2]);		# w
			$v[3] = nan unless defined($v[3]);		# err_vel
			$w12 = nan unless defined($w12);		# w from beams 1&2
			$w34 = nan unless defined($w34);		# w from beams 3&4

			my(@out) = (
			foreach my $f (@addFields) {
				my($fn,$fi) = ($f =~ m{([^[]*)(\[.*)});
				$fn = $f unless defined($fn);
			for ($i=0; $i<19+@addFields; $i++) {
				$out[$i] = nan unless defined($out[$i]);
			print(P "@out\n");

} elsif (defined($opt_T)) { 									# time-average ensembles

	my(@tmp) = split(',',$opt_T);								# decode -T 
	if (@tmp == 3) {
		($Tstart,$deltaT,$Tend) = @tmp;
	} elsif (@tmp == 2) {
		($Tstart,$deltaT) = @tmp;
		($month,$day,$year) = split('/',$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}]->{DATE});
		$Tend = str2dec_time($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}]->{DATE},$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}]->{TIME},$year);
	} else {
		($month,$day,$year) = split('/',$dta{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{DATE});
		$Tstart = str2dec_time($dta{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{DATE},$dta{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{TIME},$year);
		($deltaT) = @tmp;
		($month,$day,$year) = split('/',$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}]->{DATE});
		$Tend = str2dec_time($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}]->{DATE},$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}]->{TIME},$year);
	$Tstart = &{&antsCompileConstExpr($')} if ($Tstart =~ m{^=});
	$deltaT = &{&antsCompileConstExpr($')} if ($deltaT =~ m{^=});
	$Tend	= &{&antsCompileConstExpr($')} if ($Tend   =~ m{^=});
	$deltaT = 9e99 unless ($deltaT > 0);
																# format string for zero-padded filenames
	my($fnfmt) = sprintf('%%0%dd',length(sprintf('%d',($Tend-$Tstart)/$deltaT+1)));

	$cbin		= 1;											# current tim-bin number; used inside dumpEns
	$max_nens	= 0;											# max number of samples

	sub dde($$) 												# divide allowing for zero; used inside dumpEns
		my($sum,$n) = @_;
		return $n ? $sum/$n : nan;

	$dumpEns = sub ($)											# time average and output when next bin is started
		my($e) = @_;

		my($month,$day,$year) = ($e >= 0) ? split('/',$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DATE}) : (undef,undef,undef);
		my($dn) = ($e >= 0) ? str2dec_time($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DATE},$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{TIME},$year) : undef;

		if ($e<0 || $dn>=$Tstart+$cbin*$deltaT) {				# dump full bin
			my($file) = sprintf("$basename.T$fnfmt",$cbin); 	# file name: <basename>.T0001

			do {												# skip empy bins
			} while ($dn>=$Tstart+$cbin*$deltaT);

			$max_nens = $a1_n[0] if ($a1_n[0] > $max_nens); 	# update max number of samples in time bin
			if ($a1_n[0] >= $opt_i*$max_nens) { 				# write file only if sufficient samples (-i)
				open(P,">$file") || die("$file: $!\n"); 		# open file and output metadata
				print(P "#!/usr/bin/perl -S list\n");
				print(P "#ANTS# $cmdline\n");
				printf(P "#ANTS#PARAMS# " .
						"PD0_file{$ARGV[0]} " .
						"dn{%s} " .
						"N_ensembles{%d} ensemble_range{%d,%d} " .
						"delta-T{%g} " .
						"soundspeed_correction{%s} " .
						"magnetic_declination{%g} " .
							(defined($opt_S) ? $opt_S : "NONE!"),

				print(P "#ANTS#FIELDS# " .													# Layout
						"{bin} {dz} {u} {v} {w} {e} {w12} {w34} {corr1} {corr2} {corr3} {corr4} " .
						"{amp1} {amp2} {amp3} {amp4} "
				if ($beamCoords) {
					print(P "{pcg1} {pcg2} {pcg3} {pcg4} ");
				} else {
					print(P "{pc3beam} {pcBadErrVel} {pc1or2beam} {pc4beam} ");
				print(P "{uvw.nsamp} {e.nsamp} ");
				print(P "$addLayout\n");
																							# ssCorr for dz based on first ensemble in bin
				my($ssCorr) = defined($opt_S)
							? ssCorr($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$feib-$dta{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{NUMBER}],$SS_salin,$SS_temp,$SS_depth)
							: 1;
				for (my($b)=0; $b<$dta{N_BINS}; $b++) { 									# output data
					my($dz) = $ssCorr * ($dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $b*$dta{BIN_LENGTH});
					printf(P "%d %g  %g %g %g %g  %g %g  %d %d %d %d  %d %d %d %d  %d %d %d %d	%d %d",

					for (my($i)=0; $i<@af; $i++) {
						printf(P "%g ",&dde($af[$i][$b],$af_n[$i][$b]));
					print(P "\n");
				chmod(0777&~umask,*P);														# activate output
			} # if -i check okay

			for (my($b)=0; $b<$dta{N_BINS}; $b++) { 										# reset stats	 
				$v1[$b] = $v1_n[$b] = $v2[$b] = $v2_n[$b] = $v3[$b] = $v3_n[$b] = $v4[$b] = $v4_n[$b] = 0;
				$w12[$b] = $w12_n[$b] = $w34[$b] = $w34_n[$b] = 0;
				$c1[$b] = $c1_n[$b] = $c2[$b] = $c2_n[$b] = $c3[$b] = $c3_n[$b] = $c4[$b] = $c4_n[$b] = 0;							    
				$a1[$b] = $a1_n[$b] = $a2[$b] = $a2_n[$b] = $a3[$b] = $a3_n[$b] = $a4[$b] = $a4_n[$b] = 0;
				$p1[$b] = $p1_n[$b] = $p2[$b] = $p2_n[$b] = $p3[$b] = $p3_n[$b] = $p4[$b] = $p4_n[$b] = 0;
				for (my($i)=0; $i<@af; $i++) {
					$af[$i][$b] = $af_n[$i][$b] = 0;
				$dn_s = $dn_n = 0;															# day number
			undef($feib);																	# make sure first ensemble in bin will be updated below
		} # if time bin is full

		$feib = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER} unless defined($feib); 						# update first and last ensembles in current bin
		$leib = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER};

		$dn_s += $dn; $dn_n++;																# day number
		my($ssCorr) = defined($opt_S) ? ssCorr($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e],$SS_salin,$SS_temp,$SS_depth) : 1;
		for (my($b)=0; $b<$dta{N_BINS}; $b++) {
			if ($beamCoords) {																# convert to earth coordinates
					if (($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][0] < $opt_p) || ($opt_d == 1));
					if (($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][1] < $opt_p) || ($opt_d == 2));
					if (($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][2] < $opt_p) || ($opt_d == 3));
					if (($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][3] < $opt_p) || ($opt_d == 4));
				($dummy,$this_w12,$dummy,$this_w34) =
				@v = $opt_b ? @{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b]} :
			} else {
				@v = velApplyHdgBias(\%dta,$e,@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b]});
			$v[0] *= $ssCorr if defined($v[0]); $v[1] *= $ssCorr if defined($v[1]); 		# apply sound-speed correction
			$v[2] *= $ssCorr if defined($v[2]); $v[3] *= $ssCorr if defined($v[3]);
			$w12  *= $ssCorr if defined($w12);	$w34  *= $ssCorr if defined($w34);
			$v1[$b]+=$v[0],$v1_n[$b]++ if defined($v[0]);									# update sums and nsamps
			$v2[$b]+=$v[1],$v2_n[$b]++ if defined($v[1]);
			$v3[$b]+=$v[2],$v3_n[$b]++ if defined($v[2]);
			$v4[$b]+=$v[3],$v4_n[$b]++ if defined($v[3]);
			$w12[$b]+=$this_w12,$w12_n[$b]++ if defined($this_w12);
			$w34[$b]+=$this_w34,$w34_n[$b]++ if defined($this_w34);

			my($fi) = 0;
			foreach my $f (@addFields) {
				my($fn,$fi) = ($f =~ m{([^[]*)(\[.*)});
				$fn = $f unless defined($fn);
				my($val) = eval("\$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{$fn}$fi");
				$af[$fi][$b]+=$val,$af_n[$fi][$b]++ if defined($val);

} else {											# neither ANTS nor ens files (DEFAULT OUTPUT)
	if ($dta{FIXED_LEADER_BYTES} >= 53) {
		printf("Ens # Date		 Time		 XD  Temp Headng Pitch	Roll #vv DSID ESW$addLayout\n");
	} else {
		printf("Ens # Date		 Time		 XD  Temp Headng Pitch	Roll #vv DSID$addLayout\n");

	$dumpEns = sub ($)
		my($e) = @_;

		printf('%5d %s %s %s %5.1f',
			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{XDUCER_FACING_UP} ? "UP" : "DN",
		if (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{HEADING})) { printf(' %6.1f',$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{HEADING}); }
		else { printf('    nan'); }
		if (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PITCH})) { printf(' %5.1f',$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PITCH}); }
		else { printf('   nan'); }
		if (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROLL})) { printf(' %5.1f',$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROLL}); }
		else { printf('   nan'); }
		printf(' %3d 0x%02X',
		printf(' 0x%08X',$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ERROR_STATUS_WORD})
			if ($dta{FIXED_LEADER_BYTES} >= 53);
		foreach my $f (@addFields) {
			my($fn,$fi) = ($f =~ m{([^[]*)(\[.*)});
			$fn = $f unless defined($fn);
			my($v) = eval("\$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{$fn}$fi");
			print(defined($v) ? " $v" : " nan");
			if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BUILT_IN_TEST_ERROR});
} # define output format

# Loop Over Ensembles

for ($e=0; $e<=$#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}; $e++) {
	 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BIN1VELS} =
			defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[1][0]) +
			defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[1][1]) +
			defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[1][2]) +
	next if ($opt_w && $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BIN1VELS}<3);

	die("BIT error in ensemble $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER}\n")
		if ($opt_A || $dump_ens) && defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BUILT_IN_TEST_ERROR});
	die("Low gain in ensemble #$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER}\n")
		if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{LOW_GAIN});


&$dumpEns(-1) if defined($opt_T);										# dump final bin
