author A.M. Thurnherr <>
Wed, 19 Mar 2014 16:04:55 -0400
changeset 17 591779f6df30
parent 14 8c79b38a7086
child 33 307630665c6c
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
changed mkProfile gap heuristics & removed warning

#                    L I S T W 
#                    doc: Wed Mar 24 06:45:09 2004
#                    dlm: Mon Nov 25 18:30:33 2013
#                    (c) 2004 A.M. Thurnherr
#                    uE-Info: 23 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI

# dump vertical velocities

# NB: currently broken

#	Mar 24, 2004: - created from [listens] and [mkprofile]
#	Mar 27, 2004: - added elapsed field
#				  - floatized time
#	Apr  3, 2004: - cosmetics
#	Nov  8, 2005: - UNIXTIME => UNIX_TIME
#	Sep 19, 2007: - adapted to new [] (not tested)
#	Jul 30, 2009: - NaN => nan
#   Nov 25, 2013: - checkEnsemble() expunged

$0 =~ m{(.*)/[^/]+}; 
require "$1/";
require "$1/";
require "$1/";

use Getopt::Std;

$USAGE = "$0 @ARGV";
die("Usage: $0 " .
		"[-A)nts] " .
		"[-F)ilter <script>] " .
		"[bin -r)ange  <bin|0,bin|*>] " .
		"[-e)rr-vel <max|0.1>] [-c)orrelation <min|70>] " .
		"[-S)alin <val|35>] [-t)emp <bias>] " .
		"[output -f)ields <field[,...]> " .
		"<RDI file>\n")
	unless (&getopts("Ac:e:F:f:r:S:t:") && @ARGV == 1);

$opt_e = 0.1 unless defined($opt_e);				# defaults
$opt_c = 70	 unless defined($opt_c);
$opt_S = 35  unless defined($opt_S);
print(STDERR "WARNING: Using uncalibrated ADCP temperature!\n"),$opt_t = 0
	 unless defined($opt_t);

require $opt_F if defined($opt_F);					# load filter

if ($opt_f) {										# additional fields
	@f = split(',',$opt_f);
	foreach $f (@f) {
		my($f) = $f;								# copy it
		$f =~ s{\[.*$}{};							# remove indices
		$addFields .= " {$f}";


print(STDERR "Reading $ARGV[0]...");				# read data
print(STDERR "done\n");

if (defined($opt_r)) {								# bin range
	($minb,$maxb) = split(',',$opt_r);
	die("$0: can't decode -r $opt_r\n") unless defined($maxb);
} else {
	$minb = 0;
	$maxb = $dta{N_BINS} - 1;

die("$ARGV[0]: not enough bins for choice of -r\n")	# enough bins?
	unless ($dta{N_BINS} >= $maxb);

if ($dta{BEAM_COORDINATES}) {						# coords used
	$beamCoords = 1;
} elsif (!$dta{EARTH_COORDINATES}) {
	die("$ARGV[0]: only beam and earth coordinates implemented so far\n");

# Reference-Layer w (from [mkprofile])
#	- also sets W field when valid

sub ref_lr_w($)
	my($ens) = @_;

	for ($i=$minb; $i<=$maxb; $i++) {
		next if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][0] < $opt_c ||
				 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][1] < $opt_c ||
				 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][2] < $opt_c ||
				 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][3] < $opt_c);
		if ($beamCoords) {
			next if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][0] < 100 ||
					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][1] < 100 ||
					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][2] < 100 ||
					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][3] < 100);
			@v = velInstrumentToEarth(\%dta,$ens,
		} else {
			next if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][0] > 0 ||
					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][1] > 0 ||
					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][2] > 0 ||
					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][3] < 100);
			@v = @{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i]};
		next if (!defined($v[3]) || abs($v[3]) > $opt_e);

		if (defined($v[2])) {							# valid w
			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{W}[$i] = $v[2];
			$w += $v[2]; $n++;
	return $n ? $w/$n : undef;


print(STDERR "Generating profile by integrating w...");

for ($e=0; $e<=$#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}; $e++) {
	filterEnsemble(\%dta,$e)								# filter ensemble 
		if (defined($opt_F) &&
			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[0][0] > 0);

	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{REFW} = ref_lr_w($e);
	next unless defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{REFW});

	unless (defined($firstgood)) {							# init profile
		$firstgood = $lastgood = $e;			
		$depth = 0;

	my($dt) = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME} -			# time step since
			  $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{UNIX_TIME};		# ... last good ens
	if ($dt > 120) {
		printf(STDERR "\nWARNING: %d-s gap too long, profile restarted at ensemble $e...",$dt);
		$firstgood = $lastgood = $e;			
		$dt = $depth = 0;

	$depth += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{REFW} * $dt		# integrate depth
		if ($dt > 0);
	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH} = $depth;
	$atbottom = $e, $maxdepth = $depth if ($depth > $maxdepth);	

	my($ss) = soundSpeed($opt_S,							# sound-speed corr
		$ss / $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{SPEED_OF_SOUND};
	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{SPEED_OF_SOUND} = $ss;
	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{REFW} *=

	$lastgood = $e;

printf(STDERR "done (max depth = %.1fm, depth at end of cast = %.1fm)\n",

filterEnsembleStats() if defined($opt_F);


print(STDERR "Writing output...");

if ($opt_A) {
	print("#ANTS# [] $USAGE\n");
	print("#ANTS#FIELDS# {ens} {unix_time} {time} {bin} {depth} {dz} {w} {ref_w} {dw} $addFields\n");
	printf("#ANTS#PARAMS# maxdepth{$max_depth} bottom_time{%d}\n",
	    $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{UNIX_TIME} - 
} else {
	print("# ens-no time elapsed bin-no depth dz w ref-w dw $addFields\n");
for ($e=$firstgood; $e<=$lastgood; $e++) {

	for ($i=$minb; $i<=$maxb; $i++) {						# dump valid
		next unless defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W}[$i]);

		printf("%d %f %f %d %.1f %.1f %g %g %g ",
			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME} -
			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH} +
					($dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $i*$dta{BIN_LENGTH}),
				($dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $i*$dta{BIN_LENGTH}),
				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W}[$i] - $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{REFW},

		sub p($) { print(defined($_[0])?"$_[0] ":"nan "); }
		if (defined(@f)) {
			foreach $f (@f) {
				my($fn,$fi) = ($f =~ m{([^[]*)(\[.*)});
				$fn = $f unless defined($fn);

print(STDERR "done\n");
