author A.M. Thurnherr <athurnherr@yahoo.com>
Sat, 23 Dec 2017 16:13:52 -0500
changeset 42 80d039881d2c
parent 41 d7ab920c1de6
child 43 b63fa355644c
permissions -rw-r--r--

                    H I S T O R Y 
                    doc: Tue May 15 18:04:39 2012
                    dlm: Sat Dec 23 16:13:38 2017
                    (c) 2012 A.M. Thurnherr
                    uE-Info: 214 15 NIL 0 0 72 3 2 4 NIL ofnI

V1.0 (for re-implemented shear method)

May 15, 2012:
	- V1.0 [.hg/hgrc]
	- began history
	- uploaded current version to server for use with first version
      of re-implemented shear method


Jul 11, 2013:
	- V1.1 [.hg/hgrc]
	- various minor improvements

V1.2 (for Glider-ADCP processing with shear method)

May  7, 2015:
	- V1.2 [.hg/hgrc]
	- version used for LADCPproc V1.3 (Explorer/Slocum processing)

V1.3 (for LADCP_w V1.0)	

Oct 12, 2015:
	- V1.3 [.hg/hgrc]  
	- version published for LADCP_w V1.0

V1.4 (for LADCP_1 V1.2)

Nov  4, 2015: V1.4
	- merged with Oct 2 version on Studio desktop, which ignores
      initial garbage in PD0 files

Jan  5, 2016: 
	- added [ADCP_tools_lib.pl] with compile-time version control
	- [RDI_Coords.pl] added &velEarthToBeam()
	- updated [listBins] to use versioned libs and calc w12 & w34
      from earth-coordinate data correctly

Jan 6, 2016:
	- minor change to [listBins]

Jan 9, 2016:
	- added &velEarthToBeam(), &velBeamToEarth() to [RDI_Coords.pl]
	- improvements to [RDI_PD0_IO.pl]
	- adapted [listHdr] to producer-id in PD0 files & other minor changes
	- renamed function to solve name conflic in [RDI_Utils.pl]

Jan 9 - Feb 26:
	- added swap_beams() to [editPD0]

Feb 29, 2016:
	- improvements to [RDI_PD0_IO.pl]
	- finished debugging [RDI_Coords.pl]

Mar 8, 2016:
	- verified/updated version in [ADCP_tools_lib.pl] [.hg/hgrc]
	- published V1.4 on server

V1.5 (adapted to more modern perl)

Mar 17, 2016: V1.5
	- verified/updated version in [ADCP_tools_lib.pl] [.hg/hgrc]
	- adapted to new Getopts & removed compile warnings

Mar 29, 2016:
	- published for LADCP_w V1.2beta6

V1.6 (bin interpolation; prematurely published for LADCP_w V1.3beta1)
Apr 12, 2016: V1.6
	- updated version in [ADCP_tools_lib.pl]
	- [editPD0]: added instrument2beam()

Apr 19, 2016:
	- added time/date to -E output [listEns]

Apr 25, 2016:
	- added [listVels] utility

May 19, 2016:
	- began implemeting bin-interpolation in [RDI_Coords.pl], which requires
      changes to velBeamToInstrument() arguments
	- adapted several routines to velBeamToEarth()

May 25, 2016:
	- published for LADCP_w V1.3beta1

V1.7 (bin interpolation; better transformations)

May 25, 2016:
	- continue working on bin interpolation [RDI_Coords.pl]

May 26, 2016:
	- made it work
	- updated version in [ADCP_tools_lib.pl]

Jun  6, 2016:
	- implemented coordinate transformations of Lohrman et al. (JAOT 1990)
	- [RDI_Coords.pl]: sign error in v34

Jun  8, 2016:
	- minor improvement in [RDI_Coords.pl]
	- improvements to [editPD0]

Jun  9, 2016:
	- minor improvements to [listBins]	

Jul  7, 2016:
	- major BUG: velEarthToBPw() was wrong; new implementation
	  debugged and verified by Paul Wanis from TRDI

Jul 12, 2016:
	- improvements to [editPD0]

Jul 26, 2016:
	- minor improvement to [splitPD0]

Jul 30, 2016:
	- minor bug in [RDI_PD0_IO.pl]
	- improvements to [splitPD0]

# V1.8 (improved support for IMP)

Aug 23, 2016:
	- added &clearEns to [RDI_PD0_IO.pl]
	- updated to V1.8

Sep 12, 2016:
	- improvement to [mkProfile]	

Nov  9-23, 2016:
	- improvements to [RDI_PD0_IO.pl]
	- BUG in [editPD0] [listEns] [listHdr]

Jan 17, 2017:
	- improvements to [listBins]

Mar 7, 2017:
	- namespace clash in [RDI_PD0_IO.pl]

# V1.9 (published version for LADCP_w)

Mar 12, 2017:
	- updated HISTORY
	- updated to V1.9 [ADCP_tools_lib.pl]

Mar 15, 2017:
	- published

# V2.0 (bad bug in velBeamtoBPEarth())

Nov 20, 2017:
	- added patchPD0 to DT tools

Nov 26, 2017:
	- updated to V2.0 [ADCP_tools_lib.pl]
	- bad bug in [RDI_Coords.pl] velBeamToBPEarth()
	- improved gap heuristics in [RDI_Utils.pl]

Dec  6, 2017:
	- updated [Manual.pdf]
	- added [Manual.pdf] [loadANTS.m] to distro
	- published

# V2.1 (make listHdr -s not bomb on incomplete files)

Dec  7, 2017:
	- changes to [RDI_PD0_IO.pl] [listHdr]
	- updated to V2.1 [ADCP_tools_lib.pl]

Dec 23, 2017:
	- added support for -c to [patchPD0] for DT KVH system
	- added backward compatibility to [patchPD0]
	- updated all tools to use MinVersion 2.1
	- updated [patchPD0] to use ANTSlib V7.0