author A.M. Thurnherr <ant@ldeo.columbia.edu>
Sat, 09 Jul 2011 15:08:37 -0400
changeset 7 e06925788055
parent 1 a3b6a908dec5
child 14 8c79b38a7086
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
post IWISE_2011

#                    S P L I T R D I 
#                    doc: Sat Aug 21 22:20:27 2010
#                    dlm: Fri Jun 24 11:30:06 2011
#                    (c) 2010 A.M. Thurnherr
#                    uE-Info: 27 68 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI

# split RDI files based on list of ensemble numbers (e.g. from yoyo -t)

#	Aug 21, 2010: - created
#	Jun 24, 2011: - replaced -b, -n by -o

#	- it is assumed that the input file begins with ensemble #1
#	- input file extension 000 is assumed
#	- turning-point ensembles are written to preceding profile,
#	  for compatibility with [yoyo]

#	- in order to assign individual yoyo casts numerical station numbers,
#	  by default, the yoyo cast number is inserted after the station number

#	splitRDI 017DL000.000 `mkProfile 017DL000.000 | yoyo -QFens -ut`

$0 =~ m{(.*/)[^/]+};
require "$1RDI_BB_Read.pl";
use Getopt::Std;

die("Usage: $0 " .
	"[-o)ut-file <fmt[e.g. 017%02dDL000.000]>] " .
	"<RDI file> <ens> <ens[...]>\n")
		unless (&getopts('o:') && @ARGV>=3);

$opt_o = substr($ARGV[0],0,3)					# default output filename format
		 . '%02d'
		 . substr($ARGV[0],-9)
			unless defined($opt_o);
readHeader($ARGV[0],\%hdr); shift;				# get length of ensembles
$ens_len = $hdr{ENSEMBLE_BYTES} + 2;

$first_ens = $ARGV[0]+1; shift;					# initialize loop
$last_ens  = $ARGV[0]; shift;
$cnr = 0;

do {											# split data
	sysseek(WBRF,($first_ens-2)*$ens_len,0) ||
		die("$WBRcfn: $!");
	$last_ens++ unless defined($ARGV[0]);
	$nBytes = ($last_ens-$first_ens+1) * $ens_len;
	sysread(WBRF,$buf,$nBytes) == $nBytes ||
		die("$WBRcfn: file truncated");

	$fn = sprintf($opt_o,$cnr++);
	open(F,">$fn") || die("$fn: $!\n");
	syswrite(F,$buf,$nBytes) == $nBytes ||
		die("$fn: $!\n");
	printf(STDERR "$fn: %d ensembles ($nBytes bytes)\n",$last_ens-$first_ens+1);
	$first_ens = $last_ens+1;
	$last_ens  = $ARGV[0]; shift;
} while defined($last_ens);
