first hg version
authorA.M. Thurnherr <>
Fri, 04 Jun 2010 04:03:28 -0400
changeset 0 229a0d72d2ab
child 1 a3b6a908dec5
first hg version
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INDEX
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#                    I N D E X 
+#                    doc: Thu Feb  7 14:21:21 2008
+#                    dlm: Fri Feb 22 08:39:45 2008
+#                    (c) 2008 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 22 26 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
+=General Utilities=
+[listHdr]	list header info
+[listEns]	list ensembles
+[listBT]	list bottom-track data
+[listW]		list vertical velocities; BROKEN
+[scanBins]	list per-bin stats; BROKEN
+=Moored-ADCP Utilities=
+[RDI2grd]	make GMT-compatible GRD from ADCP raw file
+[listBins]	make per-bin velocity time series
+[meanProf]	time-averaged mean profile
+=Lowered ADCP Utilities=
+[mkProfile]	make depth-vs-time profile by integrating vertical velocities
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RDI2grd
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+#                    R D I 2 G R D 
+#                    doc: Wed Aug 30 11:51:22 2006
+#                    dlm: Thu Jun 18 07:06:34 2009
+#                    (c) 2006 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 18 54 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# make GMT grd files from RDI file
+#	Aug 30, 2006: - created at end of GRAVILUCK cruise
+#	Aug 31, 2006: - BUG: ensembles/bins were numbered from 0
+#				  - added -d)imensional coords
+#	Sep  1, 2006: - fiddled with registration
+#	Sep 19, 2007: - adapted to new []
+#	Jun 18, 2009: - BUG: xysize had been called xyside
+#	- regular grids only => no dimensional time axis for data collected
+#	  in multi-ensemble burst mode!
+# TODO:
+#	- implement soundspeed corretion
+#	- add temporal pre-averaging
+require "";
+$0 =~ m{(.*/)[^/]+};
+require "$";
+require "$";
+use NetCDF;
+sub dumpVar($$$$$)
+	my($var,$units,$long_name,$fname,$dimnum) = @_;
+	my($ncId) = NetCDF::create("$opt_b$var.grd",NetCDF::CLOBBER);
+	NetCDF::setfill($ncId,NetCDF::NOFILL);				# NetCDF library bug
+	my($sid) = NetCDF::dimdef($ncId,'side',2);
+	my($aid) = NetCDF::dimdef($ncId,'xysize',($le-$fe+1)*($lastBin-$firstBin+1));
+	my($xrid) = NetCDF::vardef($ncId,'x_range',NetCDF::DOUBLE,[$sid]);
+	my($yrid) = NetCDF::vardef($ncId,'y_range',NetCDF::DOUBLE,[$sid]);
+	my($zrid) = NetCDF::vardef($ncId,'z_range',NetCDF::DOUBLE,[$sid]);
+	my($spid) = NetCDF::vardef($ncId,'spacing',NetCDF::DOUBLE,[$sid]);
+	my($dmid) = NetCDF::vardef($ncId,'dimension',NetCDF::LONG,[$sid]);
+	my($zvid) = NetCDF::vardef($ncId,'z',NetCDF::FLOAT,[$aid]);
+	NetCDF::attput($ncId,NetCDF::GLOBAL,'title',NetCDF::CHAR,$ARGV[0]);
+	NetCDF::attput($ncId,NetCDF::GLOBAL,'source',NetCDF::CHAR,$usage);
+	NetCDF::attput($ncId,$xrid,'units',NetCDF::CHAR,
+		$opt_d ? 'day number' : 'ensemble number');
+	NetCDF::attput($ncId,$yrid,'units',NetCDF::CHAR,
+		$opt_d ? 'm' : 'bin number');
+	NetCDF::attput($ncId,$zrid,'units',NetCDF::CHAR,$units);
+	NetCDF::attput($ncId,$zvid,'long_name',NetCDF::CHAR,$long_name);
+	NetCDF::attput($ncId,$zvid,'scale_factor',NetCDF::DOUBLE,1);
+	NetCDF::attput($ncId,$zvid,'add_offset',NetCDF::DOUBLE,0);
+	NetCDF::attput($ncId,$zvid,'node_offset',NetCDF::LONG,0);
+	NetCDF::endef($ncId);
+	if ($opt_d) {											# dimensional grid
+		my($ft) = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$fe]->{DAYNO};				# x_range(side)
+		my($lt) = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$le]->{DAYNO};
+		NetCDF::varput1($ncId,$xrid,0,$ft);
+		NetCDF::varput1($ncId,$xrid,1,$lt);
+		NetCDF::varput1($ncId,$yrid,0,				 		# y_range(side)
+			$dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $firstBin*$dta{BIN_LENGTH});
+		NetCDF::varput1($ncId,$yrid,1,
+			$dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $lastBin*$dta{BIN_LENGTH});
+		NetCDF::varput1($ncId,$spid,0,($lt-$ft)/($le-$fe));	# spacing(side)
+	    NetCDF::varput1($ncId,$spid,1,$dta{BIN_LENGTH});
+	} else {												# non-dim grid
+		NetCDF::varput1($ncId,$xrid,0,$fe+1);				# x_range(side)
+		NetCDF::varput1($ncId,$xrid,1,$le+1);
+		NetCDF::varput1($ncId,$yrid,0,$firstBin+1); 		# y_range(side)
+		NetCDF::varput1($ncId,$yrid,1,$lastBin+1);
+		NetCDF::varput1($ncId,$spid,0,1);					# spacing(side)
+	    NetCDF::varput1($ncId,$spid,1,1);
+	}
+	NetCDF::varput1($ncId,$dmid,0,$le-$fe+1);				# dimension(side)
+	NetCDF::varput1($ncId,$dmid,1,$lastBin-$firstBin+1);
+	my($min) =	9e99;										# z(xyside)
+	my($max) = -9e99;
+	my(@data);
+	for (my($b)=$lastBin; $b>=$firstBin; $b--) {
+		for (my($e)=$fe; $e<=$le; $e++) {
+			my($v) = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{$fname}[$b][$dimnum];
+			$v = nan unless defined($v);
+			$min = $v if ($v < $min);
+			$max = $v if ($v > $max);
+			push(@data,$v);
+		}
+	}
+	my(@start) = (0);
+	my(@count) = (scalar(@data));
+	NetCDF::varput($ncId,$zvid,\@start,\@count,\@data);
+	NetCDF::varput1($ncId,$zrid,0,$min);					# z_range(side)
+	NetCDF::varput1($ncId,$zrid,1,$max);
+	NetCDF::close($ncId);
+# Usage
+$usage = "$0 @ARGV";
+die("Usage: $0 [-M)agnetic <declination>] [-r)ange <first_ens,last_ens>] " .
+			  "[output -b)ase <name>] [-d)imensional coordinates] " .
+			  "<RDI file>\n")
+	unless (&Getopts("b:dM:r:") && @ARGV == 1);
+print(STDERR "WARNING: magnetic declination not set!\n")
+	unless defined($opt_M);
+unless (defined($opt_b)) {
+	$opt_b = "$ARGV[0]_";
+	$opt_b =~ m{(.*)\.\d\d\d};
+($first_ens,$last_ens) = split(',',$opt_r)
+	if defined($opt_r);
+# Read Data
+print(STDERR "Reading $ARGV[0]...");
+printf(STDERR "%d complete ensembles\n",scalar(@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}));
+# Find Good Ensemble Range & Make Earth Coordinates
+print(STDERR "Checking/transforming data...");
+$dta{HEADING_BIAS} = -$opt_M;						# magnetic declination
+if ($dta{BEAM_COORDINATES}) {						# coords used
+	$beamCoords = 1;
+} elsif (!$dta{EARTH_COORDINATES}) {
+	die("$ARGV[0]: only beam and earth coordinates implemented so far\n");
+$lastGoodBin = 0;
+for ($e=0; $e<=$#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}; $e++) {			# check/transform velocities
+	next if (defined($first_ens) &&
+			 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER} < $first_ens);
+	$P{first_ens} = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER},$fe = $e
+		unless defined($P{first_ens});
+	last if (defined($last_ens) &&
+			 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER} > $last_ens);
+	$P{last_ens} = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER};
+	$le = $e;
+	die("3-beams used in ensemble #$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER}\n")
+		if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{N_BEAMS_USED} < 4);
+	die("BIT error in ensemble $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER}\n")
+		if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BUILT_IN_TEST_ERROR});
+	die("Low gain in ensemble #$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER}\n")
+        if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{LOW_GAIN});
+	for (my($b)=0; $b<$dta{N_BINS}; $b++) {
+		next unless (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][0]) &&
+					 defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][1]) &&
+					 defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][2]) &&
+					 defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][3]));
+		@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b]} = $beamCoords
+			? velInstrumentToEarth(\%dta,$e,
+				  velBeamToInstrument(\%dta,@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b]})
+			  )
+			: velApplyHdgBias(\%dta,$e,@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b]});
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{GOOD_VEL}[$b] = 1;
+		$good_vels[$b]++;
+		$lastGoodBin = $b if ($b > $lastGoodBin);
+		$firstGoodEns = $e unless defined($firstGoodEns);
+		$lastGoodEns = $e;
+    }
+unless (defined($opt_r)) {
+	$fe = $firstGoodEns;
+	$le = $lastGoodEns;
+$firstBin = 0;
+$lastBin = $lastGoodBin;
+print(STDERR "\n");
+print(STDERR "Start: $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$fe]->{DATE} $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$fe]->{TIME}\n");
+print(STDERR "End  : $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$le]->{DATE} $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$le]->{TIME}\n");
+printf(STDERR "Bins : %d-%d\n",$firstBin+1,$lastBin+1);
+# Write Data
+print(STDERR "Writing NetCDF files");
+&dumpVar('u','[m/s]','eastward velocity' ,'VELOCITY',0); print(STDERR '.');
+&dumpVar('v','[m/s]','northward velocity','VELOCITY',1); print(STDERR '.');
+&dumpVar('w','[m/s]','vertical velocity' ,'VELOCITY',2); print(STDERR '.');
+&dumpVar('e','[m/s]','error velocity'    ,'VELOCITY',3); print(STDERR '.');
+&dumpVar('ea1','[count]','beam-1 echo amplitude','ECHO_AMPLITUDE',0); print(STDERR '.');
+&dumpVar('ea2','[count]','beam-2 echo amplitude','ECHO_AMPLITUDE',1); print(STDERR '.');
+&dumpVar('ea3','[count]','beam-3 echo amplitude','ECHO_AMPLITUDE',2); print(STDERR '.');
+&dumpVar('ea4','[count]','beam-4 echo amplitude','ECHO_AMPLITUDE',3); print(STDERR '.');
+&dumpVar('corr1','[count]','beam-1 correlation','CORRELATION',0); print(STDERR '.');
+&dumpVar('corr2','[count]','beam-2 correlation','CORRELATION',1); print(STDERR '.');
+&dumpVar('corr3','[count]','beam-3 correlation','CORRELATION',2); print(STDERR '.');
+&dumpVar('corr4','[count]','beam-4 correlation','CORRELATION',3); print(STDERR '.');
+&dumpVar('pcg1','[count]','beam-1 %-good','PERCENT_GOOD',0); print(STDERR '.');
+&dumpVar('pcg2','[count]','beam-2 %-good','PERCENT_GOOD',1); print(STDERR '.');
+&dumpVar('pcg3','[count]','beam-3 %-good','PERCENT_GOOD',2); print(STDERR '.');
+&dumpVar('pcg4','[count]','beam-4 %-good','PERCENT_GOOD',3); print(STDERR '.');
+print(STDERR "\n");
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,809 @@
+#                    R D I _ B B _ R E A D . P L 
+#                    doc: Sat Jan 18 14:54:43 2003
+#                    dlm: Wed Jun  4 09:43:15 2008
+#                    (c) 2003 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 44 25 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# Read RDI BroadBand Binary Data Files (*.[0-9][0-9][0-9])
+#	Jan 18, 2003: - incepted aboard the Aurora Australis (KAOS)
+#	Jan 19, 2003: - continued
+#	Jan 20, 2003: - replaced INTENSITY by AMPLITUDE
+#	Jan 21, 2003: - changed heading-correction field names
+#	Jan 27, 2003: - cosmetics
+#	Feb 14, 2003: - moved BT setup into header
+#	Mar 15, 2003: - moved 10th xmit voltage into header as BATTERY field
+#				  - removed again, because values are not meaningful
+#	Feb 24, 2004: - continued aboard Nathaniel B. Palmer (Anslope II)
+#				  - BUG: ensemble # was wrong on error messages
+#	Feb 26, 2004: - removed ESW_ERROR and bitmasking of ERROR_STATUS_WORD
+#	Feb 27, 2004: - removed some unused (commented-out) baggage
+#	Mar 11, 2004: - BUG: renamed ACD -> ADC
+#	Mar 18, 2004: - cosmetics
+#	Mar 30, 2004: - rewrote to speed up reading; new version takes
+#					~40% less time
+#	Sep 14, 2005: - made BT data optional (NUMBER_OF_DATA_TYPES)
+#				  - added DATA_FORMAT
+#	Sep 15, 2005: - debugged
+#				  - implement checksum to robustly find EOF
+#				  - renamed to
+#				  - BUG: had used POSIX::mktime with wrong month def!
+#	Oct 30, 2005: - added WH300 FW16.27 file format
+#				  - added DATA_FORMAT_VARIANT
+#				  - changed semantics so that first valid ensemble is
+#				    in E[0] (instead of E[$ensNo-1])
+#	Nov  8, 2005: - replaced UNIXTIME by UNIX_TIME
+#				  - added SECNO
+#	Aug 31: 2006: - added DAYNO
+#	Aug  1, 2007: - BUG: typo in monthLength()
+#	Sep 18, 2007: - modified readHeader() readDta() WBRhdr() WBRens() to
+#					conserve memory (no large arrays as retvals)
+#	Jun  4, 2008: - BUG: BB150 code was not considered on Sep 18, 2007
+#	It appears that different firmware versions generate different file
+#	structures. Currently (Sep 2005) these routines have been tested
+#	with the following firmware versions (as reported by [listhdr]):
+#	05.52	BB150 (1)				UH 		CLIVAR/P16S 42
+#	16.12	WH300 (1)				FSU 	A0304		53
+#	16.21	WH300 (1)				LDEO 	NBP0402		53
+#	16.27	WH300 (2)				Nash 	?			59
+#	- RDI stores data in VAX/Intel byte order (little endian)
+#	- the output data structure does not exactly mirror the file data
+#	  structure; the header is not stored at all and the fixed leader
+#	  data are not duplicated in every ensemble
+#	- in the RDI files some fields that logically belong into the header
+#	  or the fixed leader (e.g. BT_MIN_CORRELATION) appear in the 
+#	  ensemble data --- these are not read on input
+#	- the field names are generally unabbreviated except for
+#	  BT (= Bottom Track), RL (= Reference Layer), MIN and MAX
+#	- all arrays are 0-referenced, but the ensemble number is not!
+#	- a list of filenames can be be passed to readData() so that
+#	  files split onto several memory cards (typically .000 .001 &c)
+#	  can be read --- not sure if this works, actually
+#	- the RDI manuals are not entirely clear everywhere; I have made
+#	  guesses in some cases, but they should not affect the main
+#	  fields of interest
+#	- some fields in the fixed leader are not really fixed in a LADCP
+#	  setting (e.g. xducer orientation); I'v made an educated guess
+#	  as to which fields to move to the ENS array
+#	- all units except pressure are SI, i.e. in m and m/s
+#	- I don't understand the ERROR_STATUS_WORD; here's what 3 different
+#	  instruments returned:
+#	  	0x88000100	FSU instrument during A0304 (Firmware 16.12)
+#		0x88008180	LDEO uplooker (slave) during NBP0402 (Firmware 16.21)
+#		0x00008180	LDEO downlooker (master) during NBP0402 (Firmware 16.21)
+#	  According to the manual (January 2001 version) this would, for example,
+#	  indicate power failures on both FSU and LDEO slave instruments...
+# &readData() returns perl obj (ref to anonymous hash) with the following
+# structure:
+#	DATA_FORMAT						string		BB150, WH300
+#	DATA_FORMAT_VARIANT				scalar		?
+#	NUMBER_OF_DATA_TYPES			scalar		6 (no BT) or 7
+#	ENSEMBLE_BYTES					scalar		?, number of bytes w/o checksum
+#	HEADER_BYTES					scalar		?
+#	FIXED_LEADER_BYTES				scalar		?
+#	VELOCITY_DATA_BYTES				scalar		?
+#	BT_DATA_BYTES					scalar		undefined, ? if BT_PRESENT
+#	CPU_FW_VER						scalar		0--255
+#	CPU_FW_REV						scalar		0--255
+#	BEAM_FREQUENCY					scalar		75, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400 [kHz]
+#	CONVEX_BEAM_PATTERN				bool		undefined, 1
+#	CONCAVE_BEAM_PATTERN			bool		undefined, 1
+#	SENSOR_CONFIG					scalar		1--3
+#	XDUCER_HEAD_ATTACHED			bool		undefined, 1
+#	BEAM_ANGLE						scalar		15,20,30,undefined=other [deg]
+#	N_BEAMS							scalar		4--5
+#	N_DEMODS						scalar		2--3(???),undefined=n/a
+#	N_BINS							scalar		1--128
+#	PINGS_PER_ENSEMBLE				scalar		0--16384
+#	BIN_LENGTH						scalar		0.01--64 [m]
+#	BLANKING_DISTANCE				scalar		0-99.99 [m]
+#	MIN_CORRELATION					scalar		0--255
+#	N_CODE_REPETITIONS				scalar		0--255
+#	MIN_PERCENT_GOOD				scalar		1--100 [%]
+#	MAX_ERROR_VELOCITY				scalar		0--5 [m/s]
+#	TIME_BETWEEN_PINGS				scalar		0--? [s]
+#	BEAM_COORDINATES				bool		undefined,1
+#	INSTRUMENT_COORDINATES			bool		undefined,1
+#	SHIP_COORDINATES				bool		undefined,1
+#	EARTH_COORDINATES				bool		undefined,1
+#	PITCH_AND_ROLL_USED				bool		undefined,1
+#	USE_3_BEAM_ON_LOW_CORR			bool		undefined,1
+#	BIN_MAPPING_ALLOWED				bool		undefined,1
+#	HEADING_ALIGNMENT 				scalar		-179.99..180 [deg]
+#	HEADING_BIAS			 		scalar		-179.99..180 [deg]
+#	CALCULATE_SPEED_OF_SOUND		bool		undefined,1
+#	USE_PRESSURE_SENSOR				bool		undefined,1
+#	USE_COMPASS						bool		undefined,1
+#	USE_PITCH_SENSOR				bool		undefined,1
+#	USE_ROLL_SENSOR					bool		undefined,1
+#	USE_CONDUCTIVITY_SENSOR			bool		undefined,1
+#	USE_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR			bool		undefined,1
+#	SPEED_OF_SOUND_CALCULATED		bool		undefined,1
+#	PRESSURE_SENSOR_AVAILABLE		bool		undefined,1
+#	COMPASS_AVAILABLE				bool		undefined,1
+#	PITCH_SENSOR_AVAILABLE			bool		undefined,1
+#	ROLL_SENSOR_AVAILABLE			bool		undefined,1
+#	DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER			scalar		0--655.35 [m]
+#	TRANSMITTED_PULSE_LENGTH		scalar		0--655.35 [m]
+#	RL_FIRST_BIN					scalar		1--128
+#	RL_LAST_BIN						scalar		1--128
+#	FALSE_TARGET_THRESHOLD			scalar		0--254, undefined=disabled
+#	LOW_LATENCY_SETTING				scalar		0--5(???)
+#	TRANSMIT_LAG_DISTANCE			scalar		0--655.35 [m]
+#	CPU_SERIAL_NUMBER				scalar		undefined, 0--65535 if WH300
+#	NARROW_BANDWIDTH				bool		undefined,1 (only set if WH300)
+#	WIDE_BANDWIDTH					bool		undefined,1 (only set if WH300)
+#	TRANSMIT_POWER					scalar		undefined, 0--255(high) if WH300
+#	TRANSMIT_POWER_HIGH				bool		undefined,1 (only set if WH300)
+#	BT_PINGS_PER_ENSEMBLE			scalar		0--999
+#	BT_DELAY_BEFORE_REACQUIRE		scalar		0--999
+#	BT_MIN_CORRELATION				scalar		0--255
+#	BT_MIN_EVAL_AMPLITUDE			scalar		0--255
+#	BT_MIN_PERCENT_GOOD				scalar		0--100 [%]
+#	BT_MODE							scalar		4,5,6(?)
+#	BT_MAX_ERROR_VELOCITY			scalar		0--5 [m/s], undef=not screened
+#	BT_RL_MIN_SIZE					scalar		0--99.9 [m]
+#	BT_RL_NEAR						scalar		0--999.9 [m]
+#	BT_RL_FAR						scalar		0--999.9 [m]
+#	BT_MAX_TRACKING_DEPTH			scalar		8--999.9 [m]
+#	ENSEMBLE[ensemble_no-1]			array		ensemble info
+#		XDUCER_FACING_UP			bool		undefined, 1
+#		XDUCER_FACING_DOWN			bool		undefined, 1
+#		N_BEAMS_USED				scalar		3,4,5(?)
+#		NUMBER						scalar		1--16777215
+#		BUILT_IN_TEST_ERROR			scalar		?,undefined=none
+#		SPEED_OF_SOUND				scalar		1400--1600 [m/s]
+#		XDUCER_DEPTH				scalar		0.1--999.9 [m]
+#		HEADING						scalar		0--359.99 [deg]
+#		PITCH						scalar		-20.00-20.00 [deg]
+#		ROLL						scalar		-20.00-20.00 [deg]
+#		SALINITY					scalar		0-40 [psu]
+#		TEMPERATURE					scalar		-5.00--40.00 [deg]
+#		MIN_PRE_PING_WAIT_TIME		scalar		? [s]
+#		HEADING_STDDEV				scalar		0-180 [deg]
+#		PITCH_STDDEV				scalar		0.0-20.0 [deg]
+#		ROLL_STDDEV					scalar		0.0-20.0 [deg]
+#		ADC_XMIT_CURRENT			scalar		0--255
+#		ADC_XMIT_VOLTAGE			scalar		0--255
+#		ADC_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE		scalar		0--255
+#		ADC_PRESSURE_PLUS			scalar		0--255
+#		ADC_PRESSURE_MINUS			scalar		0--255
+#		ADC_ATTITUDE				scalar		0--255
+#		ADC_CONTAMINATION			scalar		0--255
+#		ERROR_STATUS_WORD			scalar		undefined, ? (only set if WH300)
+#		PRESSURE					scalar		undefined, ?-? [dbar] (only set if WH300)
+#		PRESSURE_STDDEV				scalar		undefined, ?-? [dbar] (only set if WH300)
+#		DATE						string		MM/DD/YYYY
+#		YEAR						scalar		?
+#		MONTH						scalar		1--12
+#		DAY							scalar		1--31
+#		TIME						string		HH:MM:SS.hh
+#		HOUR						scalar		0--23
+#		MINUTE						scalar		0--59
+#		SECONDS						scalar		0--59.99
+#		UNIX_TIME					scalar		0--?
+#		SECNO						scalar		0--? (number of seconds since daystart)
+#		DAYNO						double		fractional day number since start of current year (1.0 is midnight Jan 1st)
+#		VELOCITY[bin][beam]			scalars		-32.767--32.768 [m/s], undef=bad
+#		CORRELATION[bin][beam]		scalars		1--255, undefined=bad
+#		ECHO_AMPLITUDE[bin][beam]	scalars		0--255
+#		PERCENT_GOOD[bin][beam]		scalars		0--255
+#		BT_RANGE[beam]				scalars		tons [m]
+#		BT_VELOCITY[beam]			scalars		see VELOCITY
+#		BT_CORRELATION[beam]		scalars		see CORRELATION
+#		BT_EVAL_AMPLITUDE[beam]		scalars		0--255
+#		BT_PERCENT_GOOD[beam]		scalars		see PERCENT_GOOD
+#		BT_RL_VELOCITY[beam]		scalars		see VELOCITY
+#		BT_RL_CORRELATION[beam]		scalars		see CORRELATION
+#		BT_RL_PERCENT_GOOD[beam]	scalars		see PERCENT_GOOD
+#		BT_SIGNAL_STRENGTH[beam]	scalars		0--255
+#		HIGH_GAIN					bool		1, undefined
+#		LOW_GAIN					bool		1, undefined
+use strict;
+use Time::Local;						# timegm()
+# Time Conversion Subroutines
+sub monthLength($$)										# of days in month
+    my($Y,$M) = @_;
+    return 31 if ($M==1 || $M==3 || $M==5 || $M==7 ||
+                  $M==8 || $M==10 || $M==12);
+    return 30 if ($M==4 || $M==6 || $M==9 || $M==11);
+    return 28 if ($Y%4 != 0);
+    return 29 if ($Y%100 != 0);
+    return 28 if ($Y%400 > 0);
+    return 29;
+{ my($epoch,$lM,$lD,$lY,$ldn);							# static scope
+  sub dayNo($$$$$$)
+  {
+	  my($Y,$M,$D,$h,$m,$s) = @_;
+	  my($dn);
+	  if ($Y==$lY && $M==$lM && $D==$lD) {				# same day as last samp
+		  $dn = $ldn;
+	  } else {											# new day
+		  $epoch = $Y unless defined($epoch);			# 1st call
+		  $lY = $Y; $lM = $M; $lD = $D;					# store
+		  for ($dn=0,my($cY)=$epoch; $cY<$Y; $cY++) {	# multiple years
+			  $dn += 337 + &monthLength($Y,$M);
+		  }
+		  $dn += $D;									# day in month
+		  while (--$M > 0) {							# preceding months
+			  $dn += &monthLength($Y,$M);
+		  }
+		  $ldn = $dn;									# store
+	  }
+	  return $dn + $h/24 + $m/24/60 + $s/24/3600;
+  }
+} # static scope
+# Read Data
+my($WBRcfn);							# current file name
+my(@WBRofs);							# data type offsets
+my($FmtErr) = "%s: illegal %s Id 0x%04x at ensemble %d";
+sub WBRhdr($)
+	my($dta) = @_;
+	my($buf,$hid,$did,$Ndt,$B,$W,$i,$dummy,$id);
+	my($B1,$B2,$B3,$B4,$B5,$B6,$B7,$W1,$W2,$W3,$W4,$W5);
+	#--------------------
+	#--------------------
+	read(WBRF,$buf,6) == 6 || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+	($hid,$did,$dta->{ENSEMBLE_BYTES},$dummy,$dta->{NUMBER_OF_DATA_TYPES})
+		= unpack('CCvCC',$buf);
+	$hid == 0x7f || die(sprintf($FmtErr,$WBRcfn,"Header",$hid,0));
+	$did == 0x7f || die(sprintf($FmtErr,$WBRcfn,"Data Source",$did,0));
+	die(sprintf("\n$WBRcfn: WARNING: unexpected number of data types (%d)\n",
+			unless ($dta->{NUMBER_OF_DATA_TYPES} == 6 ||
+					$dta->{NUMBER_OF_DATA_TYPES} == 7);
+	$dta->{BT_PRESENT} = ($dta->{NUMBER_OF_DATA_TYPES} == 7);
+	read(WBRF,$buf,2*$dta->{NUMBER_OF_DATA_TYPES})
+		== 2*$dta->{NUMBER_OF_DATA_TYPES}
+			|| die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+	@WBRofs = unpack("v$dta->{NUMBER_OF_DATA_TYPES}",$buf);
+	$dta->{HEADER_BYTES} 					= $WBRofs[0];
+	$dta->{FIXED_LEADER_BYTES} 				= $WBRofs[1] - $WBRofs[0];
+	$dta->{VARIABLE_LEADER_BYTES}			= $WBRofs[2] - $WBRofs[1];
+	$dta->{VELOCITY_DATA_BYTES}				= $WBRofs[3] - $WBRofs[2];
+	$dta->{CORRELATION_DATA_BYTES}			= $WBRofs[4] - $WBRofs[3];
+	$dta->{ECHO_INTENSITY_DATA_BYTES}		= $WBRofs[5] - $WBRofs[4];
+	if ($dta->{BT_PRESENT}) {
+		$dta->{PERCENT_GOOD_DATA_BYTES}		= $WBRofs[6] - $WBRofs[5];
+		$dta->{BT_DATA_BYTES}				= $dta->{ENSEMBLE_BYTES} - 4 - $WBRofs[6];
+	} else {
+		$dta->{PERCENT_GOOD_DATA_BYTES}		= $dta->{ENSEMBLE_BYTES} - 4 - $WBRofs[5];
+	}
+#	for ($i=0; $i<$dta->{NUMBER_OF_DATA_TYPES}; $i++) {
+#		printf(STDERR "\nWBRofs[$i] = %d",$WBRofs[$i]);
+#	}
+	$dta->{DATA_FORMAT_VARIANT} = 1;
+	if ($dta->{FIXED_LEADER_BYTES} == 53 || $dta->{FIXED_LEADER_BYTES} == 59) {
+		$dta->{DATA_FORMAT} = 'WH300';
+		$dta->{DATA_FORMAT_VARIANT} = 2 if ($dta->{FIXED_LEADER_BYTES} == 59);
+	} elsif ($dta->{FIXED_LEADER_BYTES} == 42) {
+		$dta->{DATA_FORMAT} = 'BB150';
+    } else {
+    	printf(STDERR "\n$WBRcfn: WARNING: unknown data format (%d FIXED_LEADER_BYTES)\n",
+		);
+		$dta->{DATA_FORMAT} = 'unknown';
+    }
+	#----------------------------------
+	# Check Data Format of 1st Ensemble
+	#----------------------------------
+	seek(WBRF,$WBRofs[1],0) || die("$WBRcfn: $!");
+	read(WBRF,$buf,2) == 2 || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+	$id = unpack('v',$buf);
+	$id == 0x0080 || die(sprintf($FmtErr,$WBRcfn,"Variable Leader",$id,1));
+	seek(WBRF,$WBRofs[2],0) || die("$WBRcfn: $!");
+	read(WBRF,$buf,2) == 2 || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+	$id = unpack('v',$buf);
+	$id == 0x0100 || die(sprintf($FmtErr,$WBRcfn,"Velocity Data",$id,1));
+	seek(WBRF,$WBRofs[3],0) || die("$WBRcfn: $!");
+	read(WBRF,$buf,2) == 2 || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+	$id = unpack('v',$buf);
+	$id == 0x0200 || die(sprintf($FmtErr,$WBRcfn,"Correlation Data",$id,1));
+	seek(WBRF,$WBRofs[4],0) || die("$WBRcfn: $!");
+	read(WBRF,$buf,2) == 2 || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+	$id = unpack('v',$buf);
+	$id == 0x0300 || die(sprintf($FmtErr,$WBRcfn,"Echo Intensity",$id,1));
+	seek(WBRF,$WBRofs[5],0) || die("$WBRcfn: $!");
+	read(WBRF,$buf,2) == 2 || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+	$id = unpack('v',$buf);
+	$id == 0x0400 || die(sprintf($FmtErr,$WBRcfn,"Percent-Good Data",$id,1));
+	if ($dta->{BT_PRESENT}) {
+		seek(WBRF,$WBRofs[6],0) || die("$WBRcfn: $!");
+		read(WBRF,$buf,2) == 2 || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+		$id = unpack('v',$buf);
+		$id == 0x0600 || die(sprintf($FmtErr,$WBRcfn,"Bottom Track",$id,1));
+    }
+	#--------------------
+	#--------------------
+	seek(WBRF,$WBRofs[0],0) || die("$WBRcfn: $!");
+	read(WBRF,$buf,42) == 42 || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+	($id,$dta->{CPU_FW_VER},$dta->{CPU_FW_REV},$B1,$B2,$dummy,$dummy,$dummy,
+	 $dta->{N_BINS},$dta->{PINGS_PER_ENSEMBLE},$dta->{BIN_LENGTH},
+	 $dta->{BLANKING_DISTANCE},$dummy,$dta->{MIN_CORRELATION},
+	 $dta->{HEADING_ALIGNMENT},$dta->{HEADING_BIAS},$B6,$B7,
+		unpack('vCCCCC3CvvvCCCCvCCCCvvCCvvCCCCv',$buf);
+	$id == 0x0000 || die(sprintf($FmtErr,$WBRcfn,"Fixed Leader",$id,0));
+    $dta->{BEAM_FREQUENCY} = 2**($B1 & 0x07) * 75;
+    $dta->{CONVEX_BEAM_PATTERN} = 1 if ($B1 & 0x08);
+    $dta->{CONCAVE_BEAM_PATTERN} = 1 if (!($B1 & 0x08));
+    $dta->{SENSOR_CONFIG} = ($B1 & 0x30) >> 4;
+    $dta->{XDUCER_HEAD_ATTACHED} = 1 if ($B1 & 0x40);
+	if	  (($B2 & 0x03) == 0x00) { $dta->{BEAM_ANGLE} = 15; }
+	elsif (($B2 & 0x03) == 0x01) { $dta->{BEAM_ANGLE} = 20; }
+	elsif (($B2 & 0x03) == 0x02) { $dta->{BEAM_ANGLE} = 30; }
+	if	  (($B2 & 0xF0) == 0x40) { $dta->{N_BEAMS} = 4; }
+	elsif (($B2 & 0xF0) == 0x50) { $dta->{N_BEAMS} = 5; $dta->{N_DEMODS} = 3; }
+    elsif (($B2 & 0xF0) == 0xF0) { $dta->{N_BEAMS} = 5; $dta->{N_DEMODS} = 2; }
+    $dta->{BIN_LENGTH} /= 100;
+    $dta->{BLANKING_DISTANCE} /= 100;
+    $dta->{MAX_ERROR_VELOCITY} /= 1000;
+    $dta->{TIME_BETWEEN_PINGS} *= 60;
+	$dta->{TIME_BETWEEN_PINGS} += $B3 + $B4/100;
+	$dta->{BEAM_COORDINATES}		  = 1 if (($B5 & 0x18) == 0x00);
+	$dta->{INSTRUMENT_COORDINATES}	  = 1 if (($B5 & 0x18) == 0x08);
+	$dta->{SHIP_COORDINATES}		  = 1 if (($B5 & 0x18) == 0x10);
+	$dta->{EARTH_COORDINATES}		  = 1 if (($B5 & 0x18) == 0x18);
+	$dta->{PITCH_AND_ROLL_USED} 	  = 1 if ($B5 & 0x04);
+	$dta->{USE_3_BEAM_ON_LOW_CORR}	  = 1 if ($B5 & 0x02);
+    $dta->{BIN_MAPPING_ALLOWED}       = 1 if ($B5 & 0x01);
+			$dta->{HEADING_ALIGNMENT} / 100 : undef;
+	$dta->{HEADING_BIAS} =
+			$dta->{HEADING_BIAS} / 100 : undef;
+	$dta->{CALCULATE_SPEED_OF_SOUND}  = 1 if ($B6 & 0x40); 
+	$dta->{USE_PRESSURE_SENSOR} 	  = 1 if ($B6 & 0x20); 
+	$dta->{USE_COMPASS} 			  = 1 if ($B6 & 0x10); 
+	$dta->{USE_PITCH_SENSOR}		  = 1 if ($B6 & 0x08); 
+	$dta->{USE_ROLL_SENSOR} 		  = 1 if ($B6 & 0x04); 
+	$dta->{USE_CONDUCTIVITY_SENSOR}   = 1 if ($B6 & 0x02); 
+    $dta->{USE_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR}    = 1 if ($B6 & 0x01); 
+	$dta->{SPEED_OF_SOUND_CALCULATED}	  = 1 if ($B7 & 0x40); 
+	$dta->{PRESSURE_SENSOR_AVAILABLE}	  = 1 if ($B7 & 0x20); 
+	$dta->{COMPASS_AVAILABLE}			  = 1 if ($B7 & 0x10); 
+	$dta->{PITCH_SENSOR_AVAILABLE}		  = 1 if ($B7 & 0x08); 
+	$dta->{ROLL_SENSOR_AVAILABLE}		  = 1 if ($B7 & 0x04); 
+	$dta->{CONDUCTIVITY_SENSOR_AVAILABLE} = 1 if ($B7 & 0x02); 
+    $dta->{TEMPERATURE_SENSOR_AVAILABLE}  = 1 if ($B7 & 0x01); 
+    $dta->{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER}  /= 100;
+    $dta->{TRANSMITTED_PULSE_LENGTH} /= 100;
+    $dta->{FALSE_TARGET_THRESHOLD} = undef
+		if ($dta->{FALSE_TARGET_THRESHOLD} == 255);
+    $dta->{TRANSMIT_LAG_DISTANCE} /= 100;
+	if ($dta->{DATA_FORMAT} eq 'WH300') {
+		read(WBRF,$buf,11) == 11 || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+		($W1,$W2,$W3,$W4,$W5,$dta->{TRANSMIT_POWER}) = 
+			unpack('vvvvvC',$buf);
+		$dta->{CPU_SERIAL_NUMBER} = sprintf("%04X%04X%04X%04X",$W1,$W2,$W3,$W4);
+		$dta->{NARROW_BANDWIDTH} = ($W5 == 1);
+		$dta->{WIDE_BANDWIDTH}	 = ($W5 == 0);
+	    $dta->{TRANSMIT_POWER_HIGH} = ($dta->{TRANSMIT_POWER} == 255);
+	}
+	#-----------------------
+	# 1st ENSEMBLE, BT Setup
+	#-----------------------
+	if ($dta->{BT_PRESENT}) {
+		seek(WBRF,$WBRofs[6],0) || die("$WBRcfn: $!");
+		read(WBRF,$buf,12) == 12 || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+		 $dta->{BT_MIN_PERCENT_GOOD},$dta->{BT_MODE},
+		 $dta->{BT_MAX_ERROR_VELOCITY}) = unpack('vvvCCCCv',$buf);
+		$id == 0x0600 ||
+			die(sprintf($FmtErr,$WBRcfn,"Bottom Track",$id,0,tell(WBRF)));
+			$dta->{BT_MAX_ERROR_VELOCITY} ? $dta->{BT_MAX_ERROR_VELOCITY} / 1000
+										  : undef;
+		seek(WBRF,28,1) || die("$WBRcfn: $!");
+		read(WBRF,$buf,6) == 6 || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+		($dta->{BT_RL_MIN_SIZE},$dta->{BT_RL_NEAR},$dta->{BT_RL_FAR})
+			= unpack('vvv',$buf);
+		$dta->{BT_RL_MIN_SIZE} /= 10;
+		$dta->{BT_RL_NEAR} /= 10;
+		$dta->{BT_RL_FAR} /= 10;
+		seek(WBRF,20,1) || die("$WBRcfn: $!");		# skip data
+		read(WBRF,$buf,2) == 2 || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+	    $dta->{BT_MAX_TRACKING_DEPTH} = unpack('v',$buf) / 10;
+    }
+    return $dta;
+sub WBRens($$$$$)
+	my($nbins,$ens_length,$BT_present,$data_format,$E) = @_;
+	my($start_ens,$B1,$B2,$B3,$B4,$I,$id,$bin,$beam,$buf,$dummy,@dta,$i,$cs);
+	my($ens,$ensNo,$dayStart);
+	for ($ens=$start_ens=0; 1; $ens++,$start_ens+=$ens_length+2) {
+#		print(STDERR "start_ens = $start_ens\n");
+		#-------------------------------
+		# Make Sure Ensemble is Complete
+		#-------------------------------
+		# UH BB150 writes incomplete ensembles (i.e. short read
+		# indicates EOF). FSU WH300 has bogus data in incomplete
+		# final ensemble.
+		seek(WBRF,$start_ens,0) || die("$WBRcfn: $!");
+		read(WBRF,$buf,$ens_length) == $ens_length || last;
+		read(WBRF,$cs,2) == 2 || last;
+		last unless (unpack('%16C*',$buf) == unpack('v',$cs));
+		#------------------------------
+		# Variable Leader
+		#------------------------------
+		seek(WBRF,$start_ens+$WBRofs[1],0) || die("$WBRcfn: $!");
+		read(WBRF,$buf,4) == 4 || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+		($id,$ensNo) = unpack("vv",$buf);
+		$id == 0x0080 ||
+			die(sprintf($FmtErr,$WBRcfn,"Variable Leader",$id,$ensNo+1));
+		if ($data_format eq 'BB150') {						# non Y2K RTC
+			read(WBRF,$buf,7) == 7 || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+			(${$E}[$ens]->{YEAR},${$E}[$ens]->{MONTH},
+			 ${$E}[$ens]->{DAY},${$E}[$ens]->{HOUR},${$E}[$ens]->{MINUTE},
+			 ${$E}[$ens]->{SECONDS},$B4) = unpack('CCCCCCC',$buf);
+			${$E}[$ens]->{SECONDS} += $B4/100;
+			${$E}[$ens]->{YEAR} += (${$E}[$ens]->{YEAR} > 80) ? 1900 : 2000;
+		} else {
+			seek(WBRF,7,1) || die("$WBRcfn: $!");			# use Y2K RTC
+		}
+		read(WBRF,$buf,1) == 1 || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+		$ensNo += unpack('C',$buf) << 16;
+		${$E}[$ens]->{NUMBER} = $ensNo;
+		read(WBRF,$buf,30) == 30 || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+		(${$E}[$ens]->{BUILT_IN_TEST_ERROR},${$E}[$ens]->{SPEED_OF_SOUND},
+		 ${$E}[$ens]->{XDUCER_DEPTH},${$E}[$ens]->{HEADING},
+		 ${$E}[$ens]->{PITCH},${$E}[$ens]->{ROLL},
+		 ${$E}[$ens]->{SALINITY},${$E}[$ens]->{TEMPERATURE},
+		 ${$E}[$ens]->{MIN_PRE_PING_WAIT_TIME},$B1,$B2,
+		 ${$E}[$ens]->{HEADING_STDDEV},${$E}[$ens]->{PITCH_STDDEV},
+		 ${$E}[$ens]->{ROLL_STDDEV},${$E}[$ens]->{ADC_XMIT_CURRENT},
+		 ${$E}[$ens]->{ADC_XMIT_VOLTAGE},${$E}[$ens]->{ADC_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE},
+		 ${$E}[$ens]->{ADC_PRESSURE_PLUS},${$E}[$ens]->{ADC_PRESSURE_MINUS},
+		 ${$E}[$ens]->{ADC_ATTITUDE_TEMPERATURE},${$E}[$ens]->{ADC_ATTITUDE},
+		 ${$E}[$ens]->{ADC_CONTAMINATION})
+			= unpack('vvvvvvvvCCCCCCCCCCCCCC',$buf);
+		${$E}[$ens]->{BUILT_IN_TEST_ERROR} = undef
+			unless (${$E}[$ens]->{BUILT_IN_TEST_ERROR});
+		${$E}[$ens]->{XDUCER_DEPTH} /= 10;
+		${$E}[$ens]->{HEADING} /= 100;
+		${$E}[$ens]->{PITCH} = unpack('s',pack('S',${$E}[$ens]->{PITCH})) / 100;
+		${$E}[$ens]->{ROLL}  = unpack('s',pack('S',${$E}[$ens]->{ROLL})) / 100;
+		${$E}[$ens]->{TEMPERATURE} =
+			unpack('s',pack('S',${$E}[$ens]->{TEMPERATURE})) / 100;
+		${$E}[$ens]->{MIN_PRE_PING_WAIT_TIME} *= 60;
+		${$E}[$ens]->{MIN_PRE_PING_WAIT_TIME} += $B1 + $B2/100;
+		${$E}[$ens]->{PITCH_STDDEV} /= 10;
+		${$E}[$ens]->{ROLL_STDDEV} /= 10;
+		if ($data_format eq 'WH300') {
+			read(WBRF,$buf,23) == 23 || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+			(${$E}[$ens]->{ERROR_STATUS_WORD},
+		 	 $dummy,${$E}[$ens]->{PRESSURE},${$E}[$ens]->{PRESSURE_STDDEV},
+			 $dummy,${$E}[$ens]->{YEAR},$B3,${$E}[$ens]->{MONTH},
+			 ${$E}[$ens]->{DAY},${$E}[$ens]->{HOUR},${$E}[$ens]->{MINUTE},
+			 ${$E}[$ens]->{SECONDS},$B4)
+				= unpack('VvVVCCCCCCCCC',$buf);
+			${$E}[$ens]->{PRESSURE} /= 1000;
+			${$E}[$ens]->{PRESSURE_STDDEV} /= 1000;
+			${$E}[$ens]->{YEAR} *= 100; ${$E}[$ens]->{YEAR} += $B3;
+			${$E}[$ens]->{SECONDS} += $B4/100;
+		}
+		${$E}[$ens]->{DATE}
+			= sprintf("%02d/%02d/%d",${$E}[$ens]->{MONTH},
+									 ${$E}[$ens]->{DAY},
+									 ${$E}[$ens]->{YEAR});
+		${$E}[$ens]->{TIME}
+			= sprintf("%02d:%02d:%05.02f",${$E}[$ens]->{HOUR},
+										  ${$E}[$ens]->{MINUTE},
+									 	  ${$E}[$ens]->{SECONDS});
+		${$E}[$ens]->{DAYNO}
+			= &dayNo(${$E}[$ens]->{YEAR},${$E}[$ens]->{MONTH},${$E}[$ens]->{DAY},
+					 ${$E}[$ens]->{HOUR},${$E}[$ens]->{MINUTE},${$E}[$ens]->{SECONDS});
+		${$E}[$ens]->{UNIX_TIME}
+			= timegm(0,${$E}[$ens]->{MINUTE},
+				 	   ${$E}[$ens]->{HOUR},
+					   ${$E}[$ens]->{DAY},
+					   ${$E}[$ens]->{MONTH}-1,		# NB!!!
+					   ${$E}[$ens]->{YEAR})
+			  + ${$E}[$ens]->{SECONDS};
+		$dayStart = timegm(0,0,0,${$E}[$ens]->{DAY},
+	  		                     ${$E}[$ens]->{MONTH}-1,     # NB!!!
+		                         ${$E}[$ens]->{YEAR})
+			unless defined($dayStart);
+		${$E}[$ens]->{SECNO} = ${$E}[$ens]->{UNIX_TIME} - $dayStart;
+		seek(WBRF,$start_ens+$WBRofs[0]+4,0)		# System Config / Fixed Leader
+			|| die("$WBRcfn: $!");
+		read(WBRF,$buf,5) == 5 || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+		($B1,$dummy,$dummy,$dummy,${$E}[$ens]->{N_BEAMS_USED})
+			= unpack('CCCCC',$buf);		
+		${$E}[$ens]->{XDUCER_FACING_UP}   = 1 if     ($B1 & 0x80);
+		${$E}[$ens]->{XDUCER_FACING_DOWN} = 1 unless ($B1 & 0x80);
+		#--------------------
+		# Velocity Data
+		#--------------------
+		my($ndata) = $nbins * 4;
+		seek(WBRF,$start_ens+$WBRofs[2],0) || die("$WBRcfn: $!");
+		read(WBRF,$buf,2+$ndata*2) == 2+$ndata*2 || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+		($id,@dta) = unpack("vv$ndata",$buf);
+		$id == 0x0100 ||
+			die(sprintf($FmtErr,$WBRcfn,"Velocity Data",$id,$ens));
+		for ($i=0,$bin=0; $bin<$nbins; $bin++) {
+			for ($beam=0; $beam<4; $beam++,$i++) {
+				${$E}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin][$beam] =
+					unpack('s',pack('S',$dta[$i])) / 1000
+						if ($dta[$i] != 0x8000);
+			}
+		}
+		#--------------------
+		# Correlation Data
+		#--------------------
+		seek(WBRF,$start_ens+$WBRofs[3],0) || die("$WBRcfn: $!");
+		read(WBRF,$buf,2+$ndata) == 2+$ndata || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+		($id,@dta) = unpack("vC$ndata",$buf);
+		$id == 0x0200 ||
+			die(sprintf($FmtErr,$WBRcfn,"Correlation Data",$id,$ens));
+		for ($i=0,$bin=0; $bin<$nbins; $bin++) {
+			for ($beam=0; $beam<4; $beam++,$i++) {
+				${$E}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$bin][$beam] = $dta[$i]
+					if ($dta[$i]);
+			}
+		}
+		#--------------------
+		# Echo Intensity Data
+		#--------------------
+		seek(WBRF,$start_ens+$WBRofs[4],0) || die("$WBRcfn: $!");
+		read(WBRF,$buf,2+$ndata) == 2+$ndata || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+		($id,@dta) = unpack("vC$ndata",$buf);
+		$id == 0x0300 ||
+			die(sprintf($FmtErr,$WBRcfn,"Echo Intensity",$id,$ens));
+		for ($i=0,$bin=0; $bin<$nbins; $bin++) {
+			for ($beam=0; $beam<4; $beam++,$i++) {
+				${$E}[$ens]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$bin][$beam] = $dta[$i];
+			}
+		}
+		#--------------------
+		# Percent Good Data
+		#--------------------
+		seek(WBRF,$start_ens+$WBRofs[5],0) || die("$WBRcfn: $!");
+		read(WBRF,$buf,2+$ndata) == 2+$ndata || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+		($id,@dta) = unpack("vC$ndata",$buf);
+		$id == 0x0400 ||
+			die(sprintf($FmtErr,$WBRcfn,"Percent-Good Data",$id,$ens));
+		for ($i=0,$bin=0; $bin<$nbins; $bin++) {
+			for ($beam=0; $beam<4; $beam++,$i++) {
+				${$E}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$bin][$beam] = $dta[$i];
+			}
+		}
+		#--------------------
+		# Bottom-Track Data
+		#--------------------
+		if ($BT_present) {
+			seek(WBRF,$start_ens+$WBRofs[6],0) || die("$WBRcfn: $!");
+			read(WBRF,$buf,2) == 2 || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+			$id = unpack('v',$buf);
+			$id == 0x0600 ||
+				die(sprintf($FmtErr,$WBRcfn,"Bottom Track",$id,$ens));
+			seek(WBRF,14,1) || die("$WBRcfn: $!");		# BT config
+			read(WBRF,$buf,28) == 28 || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+			@dta = unpack('v4v4C4C4C4',$buf);
+			for ($beam=0; $beam<4; $beam++) {
+				${$E}[$ens]->{BT_RANGE}[$beam] = $dta[$beam] / 100
+						if ($dta[$beam]);
+			}
+			for ($beam=0; $beam<4; $beam++) {
+				${$E}[$ens]->{BT_VELOCITY}[$beam] =
+					unpack('s',pack('S',$dta[4+$beam])) / 1000
+						if ($dta[4+$beam] != 0x8000);
+			}
+			for ($beam=0; $beam<4; $beam++) {
+				${$E}[$ens]->{BT_CORRELATION}[$beam] = $dta[8+$beam]
+					if ($dta[8+$beam]);
+			}
+			for ($beam=0; $beam<4; $beam++) {
+				${$E}[$ens]->{BT_EVAL_AMPLITUDE}[$beam] = $dta[12+$beam];
+			}
+			for ($beam=0; $beam<4; $beam++) {
+				${$E}[$ens]->{BT_PERCENT_GOOD}[$beam] = $dta[16+$beam];
+			}
+			seek(WBRF,6,1) || die("$WBRcfn: $!");		# BT config
+			read(WBRF,$buf,20) == 20 || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+			@dta = unpack('v4C4C4C4',$buf);
+			for ($beam=0; $beam<4; $beam++) {
+				${$E}[$ens]->{BT_RL_VELOCITY}[$beam] =
+					unpack('s',pack('S',$dta[$beam])) / 1000
+						if ($dta[$beam] != 0x8000);
+			}
+			for ($beam=0; $beam<4; $beam++) {
+				${$E}[$ens]->{BT_RL_CORRELATION}[$beam] = $dta[4+$beam]
+					if ($dta[4+$beam]);
+			}
+			for ($beam=0; $beam<4; $beam++) {
+				${$E}[$ens]->{BT_RL_ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$beam] = $dta[8+$beam];
+			}
+			for ($beam=0; $beam<4; $beam++) {
+				${$E}[$ens]->{BT_RL_PERCENT_GOOD}[$beam] = $dta[12+$beam];
+			}
+			seek(WBRF,2,1) || die("$WBRcfn: $!");		# BT config
+			read(WBRF,$buf,9) == 9 || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+			@dta = unpack('C4CC4',$buf);
+			for ($beam=0; $beam<4; $beam++) {
+				${$E}[$ens]->{BT_SIGNAL_STRENGTH}[$beam] = $dta[$beam];
+			}
+			${$E}[$ens]->{HIGH_GAIN} if	   ($dta[4]);
+			${$E}[$ens]->{LOW_GAIN}	unless ($dta[4]);
+			for ($beam=0; $beam<4; $beam++) {
+				${$E}[$ens]->{BT_RANGE}[$beam] += $dta[5+$beam] * 655.36
+					if ($dta[5+$beam]);
+	        }
+	    } # BT present
+	} # ens loop
+sub readHeader(@)
+	my($WBRcfn,$dta) = @_;
+    open(WBRF,$WBRcfn) || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+    WBRhdr($dta);    
+sub readData(@)
+	my($WBRcfn,$dta) = @_;
+    open(WBRF,$WBRcfn) || die("$WBRcfn: $!\n");
+    WBRhdr($dta);
+	WBRens($dta->{N_BINS},$dta->{ENSEMBLE_BYTES},
+		   $dta->{BT_PRESENT},$dta->{DATA_FORMAT},
+		   \@{$dta->{ENSEMBLE}});
+sub checkEnsemble($$)
+	my($dta,$ens) = @_;
+	printf(STDERR "3 beams used in ensemble #$dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{NUMBER}\n")
+		if ($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{N_BEAMS_USED} < 4);
+	die("BIT error in ensemble $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{NUMBER}\n")
+		if defined($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{BUILT_IN_TEST_ERROR});
+#	die(sprintf("ESW = 0x%08lx in ensemble #%s\n",
+#				 $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ERROR_STATUS_WORD},
+#				 $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{NUMBER}))
+#		if ($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ESW_ERROR});
+1;      # return true for all the world to see
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+#                    R D I _ C O O R D S . P L 
+#                    doc: Sun Jan 19 17:57:53 2003
+#                    dlm: Sun May 23 22:47:32 2010
+#                    (c) 2003 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 28 74 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# RDI Workhorse Coordinate Transformations
+#	Jan 19, 2003: - written
+#	Jan 21, 2003: - made it obey HEADING_BIAS (magnetic declination)
+#	Jan 22, 3003: - corrected magnetic declination
+#	Feb 16, 2003: - use pitch correction from RDI manual
+#	Oct 11, 2003: - BUG: return value of atan() had been interpreted
+#					     as degrees instead of radians
+#	Feb 27, 2004: - added velApplyHdgBias()
+#				  - changed non-zero HEADING_ALIGNMENT from error to warning
+#	Sep 16, 2005: - added deg() for [mkprofile]
+#	Aug 26, 2006: - BUG: incorrect transformation for uplookers
+#	Nov 30, 2007: - optimized &velInstrumentToEarth(), velBeamToInstrument()
+#				  - added support for 3-beam solutions
+#	Feb 12, 2008: - added threeBeamFlag
+#	Mar 18, 2009: - added &gimbal_pitch(), &angle_from_vertical()
+#	May 19, 2009: - added &velBeamToVertical()
+#	May 23, 2009: - debugged & renamed to &velBeamToBPEarth
+#	May 23, 2010: - changed prototypes of rad() & deg() to conform to ANTS
+use strict;
+use POSIX;
+my($PI) = 3.14159265358979;
+sub rad(@) { return $_[0]/180 * $PI; }
+sub deg(@) { return $_[0]/$PI * 180; }
+$RDI_Coords::minValidVels = 3;			# 3-beam solutions ok
+$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_1 = 0;			# stats
+$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_2 = 0;
+$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_3 = 0;
+$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_4 = 0;
+$RDI_Coords::fourBeam    = 0;
+$RDI_Coords::threeBeamFlag = 0;			# flag last transformation
+	my(@B2I);
+	sub velBeamToInstrument(@)
+	{
+		my($dta,$v1,$v2,$v3,$v4) = @_;
+		return undef unless (defined($v1) + defined($v2) +
+					   		 defined($v3) + defined($v4)
+								>= $RDI_Coords::minValidVels);
+		unless (defined(@B2I)) {
+#			print(STDERR "RDI_Coords::minValidVels = $RDI_Coords::minValidVels\n");
+			my($a) = 1 / (2 * sin(rad($dta->{BEAM_ANGLE})));
+			my($b) = 1 / (4 * cos(rad($dta->{BEAM_ANGLE})));
+			my($c) = $dta->{CONVEX_BEAM_PATTERN} ? 1 : -1;
+			my($d) = $a / sqrt(2);
+			@B2I = ([$c*$a,	-$c*$a,	0,		0	 ],
+				    [0,		0,		-$c*$a,	$c*$a],
+				    [$b,	$b,		$b,		$b	 ],
+				    [$d,	$d,		-$d,	-$d	 ]);
+#			print(STDERR "@{$B2I[0]}\n@{$B2I[1]}\n@{$B2I[2]}\n@{$B2I[3]}\n");
+		}
+		if (!defined($v1)) {					# 3-beam solutions
+			$RDI_Coords::threeBeamFlag = 1;
+			$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_1++;
+			$v1 = -($v2*$B2I[3][1]+$v3*$B2I[3][2]+$v4*$B2I[3][3])/$B2I[3][0];
+		} elsif (!defined($v2)) {
+			$RDI_Coords::threeBeamFlag = 1;
+			$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_2++;
+			$v2 = -($v1*$B2I[3][0]+$v3*$B2I[3][2]+$v4*$B2I[3][3])/$B2I[3][1];
+		} elsif (!defined($v3)) {
+			$RDI_Coords::threeBeamFlag = 1;
+			$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_3++;
+			$v3 = -($v1*$B2I[3][0]+$v2*$B2I[3][1]+$v4*$B2I[3][3])/$B2I[3][2];
+		} elsif (!defined($v4)) {
+			$RDI_Coords::threeBeamFlag = 1;
+			$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_4++;
+			$v4 = -($v1*$B2I[3][0]+$v2*$B2I[3][1]+$v3*$B2I[3][2])/$B2I[3][3];
+		} else {
+			$RDI_Coords::threeBeamFlag = 0;
+			$RDI_Coords::fourBeam++;
+		}
+		return ($v1*$B2I[0][0]+$v2*$B2I[0][1],
+				$v3*$B2I[1][2]+$v4*$B2I[1][3],
+				$v1*$B2I[2][0]+$v2*$B2I[2][1]+$v3*$B2I[2][2]+$v4*$B2I[2][3],
+				$v1*$B2I[3][0]+$v2*$B2I[3][1]+$v3*$B2I[3][2]+$v4*$B2I[3][3]);
+	}
+	my($hdg,$pitch,$roll,@I2E);
+	sub velInstrumentToEarth(@)
+	{
+		my($dta,$ens,$v1,$v2,$v3,$v4) = @_;
+		return undef unless (defined($v1) && defined($v2) &&
+					   		 defined($v3) && defined($v4));
+		unless (@I2E &&
+				$hdg   == $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{HEADING}
+							- $dta->{HEADING_BIAS} &&
+				$pitch == $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PITCH} &&
+				$roll  == $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ROLL}) {
+			printf(STDERR "$0: warning HEADING_ALIGNMENT == %g ignored\n",
+						  $dta->{HEADING_ALIGNMENT})
+				if ($dta->{HEADING_ALIGNMENT});
+			$hdg   = $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{HEADING} - $dta->{HEADING_BIAS};
+			$pitch = $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PITCH};
+			$roll  = $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ROLL};
+			my($rad_gimbal_pitch) = atan(tan(rad($pitch)) * cos(rad($roll)));
+			my($sh,$ch) = (sin(rad($hdg)),	cos(rad($hdg)));
+			my($sp,$cp) = (sin($rad_gimbal_pitch),cos($rad_gimbal_pitch));
+			my($sr,$cr) = (sin(rad($roll)),	cos(rad($roll)));
+			@I2E = $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{XDUCER_FACING_UP}
+				 ? (
+					[-$ch*$cr-$sh*$sp*$sr,	$sh*$cp,-$ch*$sr+$sh*$sp*$cr],
+					[-$ch*$sp*$sr+$sh*$cr,	$ch*$cp, $sh*$sr+$ch*$sp*$cr],
+					[+$cp*$sr,				$sp,	-$cp*$cr,			],
+				 ) : (
+					[$ch*$cr+$sh*$sp*$sr,	$sh*$cp, $ch*$sr-$sh*$sp*$cr],
+					[$ch*$sp*$sr-$sh*$cr,	$ch*$cp,-$sh*$sr-$ch*$sp*$cr],
+					[-$cp*$sr,				$sp,	 $cp*$cr,			],
+				 );
+		}
+		return ($v1*$I2E[0][0]+$v2*$I2E[0][1]+$v3*$I2E[0][2],
+				$v1*$I2E[1][0]+$v2*$I2E[1][1]+$v3*$I2E[1][2],
+				$v1*$I2E[2][0]+$v2*$I2E[2][1]+$v3*$I2E[2][2],
+				$v4);
+	}
+# velBeamToBPEarth3(@) calculates the vertical- and horizontal vels
+# from the two beam pairs separately. Note that (w1+w2)/2 is 
+# identical to the w estimated according to RDI without 3-beam 
+# solutions.
+	my($TwoCosBAngle,$TwoSinBAngle);
+	sub velBeamToBPEarth(@)
+	{
+		my($dta,$ens,$b1,$b2,$b3,$b4) = @_;
+		my($v12,$w12,$v34,$w34);
+		return (undef,undef,undef,undef)
+			unless defined($b1) && defined($b2) && defined($b3) && defined($b4);
+		unless (defined($TwoCosBAngle)) {
+			$TwoCosBAngle = 2 * cos(rad($dta->{BEAM_ANGLE}));
+			$TwoSinBAngle = 2 * sin(rad($dta->{BEAM_ANGLE}));
+		}
+		my($roll)  = rad($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ROLL});							
+		my($sr) = sin($roll); my($cr) = cos($roll);
+		my($pitch) = atan(tan(rad($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PITCH})) * $cr);	# gimbal pitch
+		my($sp) = sin($pitch); my($cp) = cos($pitch);
+		# Sign convention:
+		#	- refer to Coord manual Fig. 3
+		#	- v12 is horizontal velocity from beam1 to beam2, i.e. westward for upward-looking ADCP
+		#	  with beam 3 pointing north (heading = 0)
+		#	- w is +ve upward, regardless of instrument orientation
+		my($v12_ic) = ($b1-$b2)/$TwoSinBAngle;							# instrument coords with w vertical up
+		my($w12_ic) = ($b1+$b2)/$TwoCosBAngle;
+		$w12_ic *= -1 if ($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{XDUCER_FACING_UP});
+		my($v34_ic) = ($b3-$b4)/$TwoSinBAngle;
+		my($w34_ic) = ($b3+$b4)/$TwoCosBAngle;
+		$w34_ic *= -1 if ($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{XDUCER_FACING_UP});
+		if ($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{XDUCER_FACING_UP}) {				# beampair Earth coords
+			$w12 = $w12_ic*$cr + $v12_ic*$sr - $v34_ic*$sp;
+			$v12 = $v12_ic*$cr - $w12_ic*$sr + $w34_ic*$sp;
+			$w34 = $w34_ic*$cp - $v34_ic*$sp + $v12_ic*$sr;
+    	    $v34 = $v34_ic*$cp + $w34_ic*$sp - $w12_ic*$sr;
+		} else {
+			$w12 = $w12_ic*$cr - $v12_ic*$sr - $v34_ic*$sp;
+			$v12 = $v12_ic*$cr + $w12_ic*$sr + $w34_ic*$sp;
+			$w34 = $w34_ic*$cp - $v34_ic*$sp - $v12_ic*$sr;
+        	$v34 = $v34_ic*$cp + $w34_ic*$sp + $w12_ic*$sr;
+		}
+		return ($v12,$w12,$v34,$w34);
+	}
+# velApplyHdgBias() applies the heading bias, which is used to correct
+# for magnetic declination for data recorded in Earth-coordinates ONLY.
+# Bias correction for beam-coordinate data is done in velInstrumentToEarth()
+	my($sh,$ch);
+	sub velApplyHdgBias(@)
+	{
+		my($dta,$ens,$v1,$v2,$v3,$v4) = @_;
+		return undef unless (defined($v1) && defined($v2));
+		unless (defined($sh)) {
+			printf(STDERR "$0: warning HEADING_ALIGNMENT == %g ignored\n",
+						  $dta->{HEADING_ALIGNMENT})
+				if ($dta->{HEADING_ALIGNMENT});
+			$sh = sin(rad(-$dta->{HEADING_BIAS}));
+			$ch = cos(rad(-$dta->{HEADING_BIAS}));
+		}
+		return ( $v1*$ch + $v2*$sh,
+				-$v1*$sh + $v2*$ch,
+				 $v3              ,
+				 $v4              );
+	}
+# Pitch/Roll Functions
+sub gimbal_pitch($$)	# RDI coord trans manual
+	my($tilt1,$tilt2) = @_;
+	return deg(atan(tan(rad($tilt1)) * cos(rad($tilt2))));
+# - angle from vertical is home grown and should be treated with caution
+# - angle between two unit vectors given by acos(v1 dot v2)
+# - vertical unit vector v1 = (0 0 1) => dot product = z-component of v2
+# - when vertical unit vector is pitched in x direction, followed by
+#	roll in y direction:
+#		x = sin(pitch)
+#		y = cos(pitch) * sin(roll)
+#		z = cos(pitch) * cos(roll)
+#			has been checked with sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2) == 1
+# - for small angles, this is very similar to sqrt(pitch^2+roll^2)
+sub angle_from_vertical($$)
+	my($tilt1,$tilt2) = @_;
+	my($rad_pitch) = atan(tan(rad($tilt1)) * cos(rad($tilt2)));
+	return deg(acos(cos($rad_pitch) * cos(rad($tilt2))));
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+#                    R D I _ U T I L S . P L 
+#                    doc: Wed Feb 12 10:21:32 2003
+#                    dlm: Sun May 23 16:35:21 2010
+#                    (c) 2003 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 156 42 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# miscellaneous RDI-specific utilities
+# History:
+#	Feb 12, 2003: - created
+#	Feb 14, 2003: - added check for short (bad) data files
+#	Feb 26, 2004: - added Earth-coordinate support
+#				  - added ensure_BT_RANGE()
+#	Mar 17, 2004: - set bad BT ranges to undef in ensure_BT_RANGE
+#				  - calc mean/stddev in ensure_BT_RANGE
+#	Mar 20, 2004: - BUG: find_seabed() could bomb when not enough
+#					bottom guesses passed the mode_width test
+#	Mar 30, 2004: - added &soundSpeed()
+#	Nov  8, 2005: - WATER_DEPTH => Z_BT
+#	Dec  1, 2005: - renamed to
+#				  - folded in mk_prof from [mkProfile]
+#	Nov 30, 2007: - adapted ref_lr_w() to 3-beam solutions
+#	Feb  1, 2008: - added comment
+#	Feb 22, 2008: - added ssCorr()
+#	Apr  9, 2008: - BUG: duplicate line of code (without effect) in find_seabed() 
+#				  - BUG: seabed < max depth was possible
+#	Jan     2010: - fiddled with seabed detection params (no conclusion)
+#	May 23, 2010: - renamed Z to DEPTH
+use strict;
+# fake_BT_RANGE(dta ptr)
+# During cruise NBP0204 it was found that one of Visbeck's RDIs consistently
+# returns zero as the bottom-track range, even thought the BT velocities
+# are good. This functions calculates the ranges if they are missing.
+sub cBTR($$$)
+	my($d,$e,$b) = @_;
+	my($maxamp) = -9e99;
+	my($maxi);
+	for (my($i)=0; $i<$d->{N_BINS}; $i++) {
+		next unless ($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$i][$b] > $maxamp);
+		$maxamp = $d->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$i][$b];
+		$maxi = $i;
+	}
+	$d->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_RANGE}[$b] =
+		$d->{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $maxi * $d->{BIN_LENGTH};
+sub ensure_BT_RANGE($)
+	my($d) = @_;
+	for (my($e)=0; $e<=$#{$d->{ENSEMBLE}}; $e++) {
+		my($sum) = my($n) = 0;
+		if (defined($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}[0])) {
+			for (my($b)=0; $b<4; $b++) {
+				cBTR($d,$e,$b)
+					unless defined($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_RANGE}[$b]);
+				$sum += $d->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_RANGE}[$b]; $n++;
+			}
+		} else {
+			for (my($b)=0; $b<4; $b++) {
+				$d->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_RANGE}[$b] = undef;
+			}
+		}
+		$d->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_MEAN_RANGE} = $sum/$n if ($n == 4);
+	}
+# (seabed depth, stddev) = find_seabed(dta ptr, btm ensno, coord flag)
+#	- this routine only detects the BT around the depeest depth!
+#	- this is on purpose, because it is used for [listBT]
+# This is a PAIN:
+# 	if the instrument is too close to the bottom, the BT_RANGE
+#	readings are all out; the only solution is to have a sufficiently
+#	large search width (around the max(depth) ensemble) so that
+#	a part of the up (oops, I forgot to finish this comment one year
+#	ago during A0304 and now I don't understand it any more :-)
+my($search_width) = 200;	# # of ensembles around bottom to search
+my($mode_width) = 10;		# max range of bottom around mode
+my($min_dist) = 20;			# min dist to seabed for good data
+my($z_offset) = 10000;		# shift z to ensure +ve array indices
+sub find_seabed($$$)
+	my($d,$be,$beamCoords) = @_;
+	my($i,$dd,$sd,$nd);
+	my(@guesses);
+	return undef unless ($be-$search_width >= 0 &&
+						 $be+$search_width <= $#{$d->{ENSEMBLE}});
+	for ($i=$be-$search_width; $i<=$be+$search_width; $i++) {
+		next unless (defined($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH}) &&
+					 defined($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{BT_RANGE}[0]) &&
+					 defined($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{BT_RANGE}[1]) &&
+					 defined($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{BT_RANGE}[2]) &&
+					 defined($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{BT_RANGE}[3]));
+		my(@BT) = $beamCoords
+				? velInstrumentToEarth($d,$i,
+					velBeamToInstrument($d,
+						@{$d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{BT_VELOCITY}}))
+				: velApplyHdgBias($d,$i,@{$d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{BT_VELOCITY}});
+		next unless (abs($BT[3]) < 0.05);
+		$d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH_BT} =
+			 $d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{BT_RANGE}[0]/4 +
+			 $d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{BT_RANGE}[1]/4 +
+ 			 $d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{BT_RANGE}[2]/4 +
+			 $d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{BT_RANGE}[3]/4;
+		next unless ($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH_BT} >= $min_dist);
+		$d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH_BT} *= -1
+			if ($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{XDUCER_FACING_UP});
+		$d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH_BT} += $d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH};
+		if ($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH_BT} > $d->{ENSEMBLE}[$be]->{DEPTH}) {
+			$guesses[int($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH_BT})+$z_offset]++;
+			$nd++;
+		} else {
+			undef($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH_BT});
+		}
+	}
+	return undef unless ($nd>5);
+	my($mode,$nmax);
+	for ($i=0; $i<=$#guesses; $i++) {			# find mode
+		$nmax=$guesses[$i],$mode=$i-$z_offset
+			if ($guesses[$i] > $nmax);
+	}
+	$nd = 0;
+	for ($i=$be-$search_width; $i<=$be+$search_width; $i++) {
+		next unless defined($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH_BT});
+		if (abs($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH_BT}-$mode) <= $mode_width) {
+			$dd += $d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH_BT};
+			$nd++;
+		} else {
+			$d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH_BT} = undef;
+		}
+	}
+	return undef unless ($nd >= 2);
+	$dd /= $nd;
+	for ($i=$be-$search_width; $i<=$be+$search_width; $i++) {
+		next unless defined($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH_BT});
+		$sd += ($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH_BT}-$dd)**2;
+	}
+	return ($dd, sqrt($sd/($nd-1)));
+# c = soundSpeed($salin,$temp,$depth)
+# Taken from the RDI BroadBand primer manual. The reference given there
+# is Urick (1983).
+sub soundSpeed($$$)
+	my($salin,$temp,$depth) = @_;
+	die("ERROR: soundSpeed($salin,$temp,$depth): non-numeric parameter\n")
+		unless numberp($salin) && numberp($temp) && numberp($depth);
+	return 1449.2 + 4.6*$temp -0.055*$temp**2  + 0.00029*$temp**3 +
+				(1.34 - 0.01*$temp) * ($salin - 35) + 0.016*$depth;
+# fac = ssCorr($eRef,$salin,$temp,$depth)
+#	$eRef :	reference to current ensemble
+#	$salin: * -> use instrument salinity
+#	$temp : * -> use instrument temperature
+#	$depth: * -> use instrument PRESSURE(!)
+{ my($warned);
+	sub ssCorr($$$$)
+	{
+		my($eRef,$S,$T,$D) = @_;
+		$S = $eRef->{SALINITY} if ($S eq '*');
+		$T = $eRef->{TEMPERATURE} if ($T eq '*');
+		if ($D eq '*') {
+			print(STDERR "WARNING: soundspeed correction using instrument pressure instead of depth!\n")
+				unless ($warned);
+			$warned = 1;
+			$D = $eRef->{PRESSURE};
+		}
+		return soundSpeed($S,$T,$D) / $eRef->{SPEED_OF_SOUND};
+	}
+# ($firstgood,$lastgood,$atbottom,$w_gap_time,$zErr,$maxz) =
+#	mk_prof($dta,$check,$filter,$lr_b0,$lr_b1,$min_corr,$max_e,$max_gap);
+sub ref_lr_w($$$$$$)								# calc ref-level vert vels
+	my($dta,$ens,$rl_b0,$rl_b1,$min_corr,$max_e) = @_;
+	my($i,@n,@bn,@v,@vel,@bv,@w);
+	for ($i=$rl_b0; $i<=$rl_b1; $i++) {
+		undef($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i][0])
+			if ($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][0] < $min_corr);
+		undef($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i][1])
+			if ($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][1] < $min_corr);
+		undef($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i][2])
+			if ($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][2] < $min_corr);
+		undef($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i][3])
+			if ($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][3] < $min_corr);
+		if ($dta->{BEAM_COORDINATES}) {
+			undef($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i][0])
+				if ($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][0] < 100);
+			undef($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i][1])
+				if ($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][1] < 100);
+			undef($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i][2])
+				if ($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][2] < 100);
+			undef($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i][3])
+	            if ($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][3] < 100);
+			@v = velInstrumentToEarth($dta,$ens,
+					velBeamToInstrument($dta,
+						@{$dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i]}));
+		} else {
+			next if ($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][0] > 0 ||
+					 $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][1] > 0 ||
+					 $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][2] > 0 ||
+					 $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][3] < 100);
+			@v = @{$dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i]};
+			# NB: no need to apply heading bias, as long as we only use w!
+		}
+		next if (!defined($v[3]) || abs($v[3]) > $max_e);
+		if (defined($v[2])) {							# valid w
+			$vel[2] += $v[2]; $n[2]++;
+			$vel[3] += $v[3], $n[3]++ if defined($v[3]);
+			push(@w,$v[2]); 							# for stderr test
+		}
+		if ($dta->{BEAM_COORDINATES}) {
+			$bv[0] += $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i][0], $bn[0]++
+				if defined($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i][0]);
+			$bv[1] += $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i][1], $bn[1]++
+				if defined($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i][1]);
+			$bv[2] += $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i][2], $bn[2]++
+				if defined($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i][2]);
+			$bv[3] += $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i][3], $bn[3]++
+	            if defined($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i][3]);
+	    }
+	}
+	my($w) = $n[2] ? $vel[2]/$n[2] : undef;				# w uncertainty
+	my($sumsq) = 0;
+	for ($i=0; $i<=$#w; $i++) {
+		$sumsq += ($w-$w[$i])**2;
+	}
+	my($stderr) = $n[2]>=2 ? sqrt($sumsq)/($n[2]-1) : undef;
+#	The following stderr test introduces a huge gap near the bottom of
+#	the profiles. Without it, they seem more reasonable.
+#	next if ($stderr > 0.05);
+	if (defined($w)) {									# valid w
+		$dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{W} = $w;
+		$dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{W_ERR} = $stderr;
+	}
+	if ($dta->{BEAM_COORDINATES}) {
+		$dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{V1} = $bn[0]>=2 ? $bv[0]/$bn[0] : undef;
+		$dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{V2} = $bn[1]>=2 ? $bv[1]/$bn[1] : undef;
+		$dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{V3} = $bn[2]>=2 ? $bv[2]/$bn[2] : undef;
+	    $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{V4} = $bn[3]>=2 ? $bv[3]/$bn[3] : undef;
+	}
+sub mk_prof($$$$$$$$)										# make profile
+	my($dta,$check,$filter,$lr_b0,$lr_b1,$min_corr,$max_e,$max_gap) = @_;
+	my($firstgood,$lastgood,$atbottom,$w_gap_time,$zErr,$maxz);
+	for (my($z)=0,my($e)=0; $e<=$#{$dta->{ENSEMBLE}}; $e++) {
+		checkEnsemble($dta,$e) if ($check);
+		filterEnsemble($dta,$e)
+			if (defined($filter) &&
+				$dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[0][0] > 0);
+		ref_lr_w($dta,$e,$lr_b0,$lr_b1,$min_corr,$max_e);	# ref. layer w
+		if (defined($firstgood)) {
+			$dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ELAPSED_TIME} =			# time since start
+				$dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME} -
+				$dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{UNIX_TIME};
+		} else {
+			if (defined($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W})) {		# start of prof.
+				$firstgood = $lastgood = $e;		    
+				$dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ELAPSED_TIME} = 0;
+				$dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH} = $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH_ERR} = 0;
+			}
+			next;
+		}
+		#--------------------------------------------------
+		# within profile: both $firstgood and $lastgood set
+		#--------------------------------------------------
+		if (!defined($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W})) {			# gap
+			$w_gap_time += $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME} -
+						   $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$e-1]->{UNIX_TIME};
+			next;
+		}
+		my($dt) = $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME} -		# time step since
+				  $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{UNIX_TIME}; # ... last good ens
+		if ($dt > $max_gap) {
+			printf(STDERR "WARNING: %d-s gap too long, profile restarted at ensemble $e\n",$dt);
+			$firstgood = $lastgood = $e;
+			$dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ELAPSED_TIME} = 0;
+			$z = $zErr = $maxz = 0;
+			$dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH} = $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH_ERR} = 0;
+			$w_gap_time = 0;
+			next;
+		}
+		#-----------------------------------
+		# The current ensemble has a valid w
+		#-----------------------------------
+		$z += $dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{W} * $dt;			# integrate
+		$zErr += ($dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{W_ERR} * $dt)**2;
+		$dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH} = $z;
+		$dta->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH_ERR} = sqrt($zErr);
+		$atbottom = $e, $maxz = $z if ($z > $maxz); 
+		$lastgood = $e;
+	}
+	filterEnsembleStats() if defined($filter);
+	return ($firstgood,$lastgood,$atbottom,$w_gap_time,$zErr,$maxz);
+# (true|false) = numberp(var)
+sub numberp(@)
+{ return  $_[0] =~ /^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/; }
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+#                    W O R K H O R S E U T I L S . P L 
+#                    doc: Wed Feb 12 10:21:32 2003
+#                    dlm: Sun May 23 16:32:37 2010
+#                    (c) 2003 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 142 42 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# miscellaneous Workhorse-specific utilities
+# History:
+#	Feb 12, 2003: - created
+#	Feb 14, 2003: - added check for short (bad) data files
+#	Feb 26, 2004: - added Earth-coordinate support
+#				  - added ensure_BT_RANGE()
+#	Mar 17, 2004: - set bad BT ranges to undef in ensure_BT_RANGE
+#				  - calc mean/stddev in ensure_BT_RANGE
+#	Mar 20, 2004: - BUG: find_seabed() could bomb when not enough
+#					bottom guesses passed the mode_width test
+#	Mar 30, 2004: - added &soundSpeed()
+#	Nov  8, 2005: - WATER_DEPTH => Z_BT
+#	May 23, 2010: - Z* -> DEPTH*
+use strict;
+# fake_BT_RANGE(dta ptr)
+# During cruise NBP0204 it was found that one of Visbeck's RDIs consistently
+# returns zero as the bottom-track range, even thought the BT velocities
+# are good. This functions calculates the ranges if they are missing.
+sub cBTR($$$)
+	my($d,$e,$b) = @_;
+	my($maxamp) = -9e99;
+	my($maxi);
+	for (my($i)=0; $i<$d->{N_BINS}; $i++) {
+		next unless ($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$i][$b] > $maxamp);
+		$maxamp = $d->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$i][$b];
+		$maxi = $i;
+	}
+	$d->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_RANGE}[$b] =
+		$d->{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $maxi * $d->{BIN_LENGTH};
+sub ensure_BT_RANGE($)
+	my($d) = @_;
+	for (my($e)=0; $e<=$#{$d->{ENSEMBLE}}; $e++) {
+		my($sum) = my($n) = 0;
+		if (defined($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}[0])) {
+			for (my($b)=0; $b<4; $b++) {
+				cBTR($d,$e,$b)
+					unless defined($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_RANGE}[$b]);
+				$sum += $d->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_RANGE}[$b]; $n++;
+			}
+		} else {
+			for (my($b)=0; $b<4; $b++) {
+				$d->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_RANGE}[$b] = undef;
+			}
+		}
+		$d->{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_MEAN_RANGE} = $sum/$n if ($n == 4);
+	}
+# (seabed depth, stddev) = find_seabed(dta ptr, btm ensno, coord flag)
+#	- this routine only detects the BT around the depeest depth!
+#	- this is on purpose, because it is used for [listBT]
+# This is a PAIN:
+# 	if the instrument is too close to the bottom, the BT_RANGE
+#	readings are all out; the only solution is to have a sufficiently
+#	large search width (around the max(depth) ensemble) so that
+#	a part of the up (oops, I forgot to finish this comment one year
+#	ago during A0304 and now I don't understand it any more :-)
+my($search_width) = 200;	# # of ensembles around bottom to search
+my($mode_width) = 10;		# max range of bottom around mode
+my($z_offset) = 10000;		# shift z to ensure +ve array indices
+sub find_seabed($$$)
+	my($d,$be,$beamCoords) = @_;
+	my($i,$dd,$sd,$nd);
+	my(@guesses);
+	return undef unless ($be-$search_width >= 0 &&
+						 $be+$search_width <= $#{$d->{ENSEMBLE}});
+	for ($i=$be-$search_width; $i<=$be+$search_width; $i++) {
+		next unless (defined($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{BT_RANGE}[0]) &&
+					 defined($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{BT_RANGE}[1]) &&
+					 defined($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{BT_RANGE}[2]) &&
+					 defined($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{BT_RANGE}[3]));
+		my(@BT) = $beamCoords
+				? velInstrumentToEarth($d,$i,
+					velBeamToInstrument($d,
+						@{$d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{BT_VELOCITY}}))
+				: velApplyHdgBias($d,$i,@{$d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{BT_VELOCITY}});
+		next unless (abs($BT[3]) < 0.05);
+		$d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH_BT} =
+		$d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH_BT} =
+			 $d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{BT_RANGE}[0]/4 +
+			 $d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{BT_RANGE}[1]/4 +
+ 			 $d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{BT_RANGE}[2]/4 +
+			 $d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{BT_RANGE}[3]/4;
+		$d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH_BT} *= -1
+			if ($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{XDUCER_FACING_UP});
+		$d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH_BT} += $d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH};
+		$guesses[int($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH_BT})+$z_offset]++;
+		$nd++;
+	}
+	return undef unless ($nd>5);
+	my($mode,$nmax);
+	for ($i=0; $i<=$#guesses; $i++) {			# find mode
+		$nmax=$guesses[$i],$mode=$i-$z_offset
+			if ($guesses[$i] > $nmax);
+	}
+	$nd = 0;
+	for ($i=$be-$search_width; $i<=$be+$search_width; $i++) {
+		next unless defined($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH_BT});
+		if (abs($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH_BT}-$mode) <= $mode_width) {
+			$dd += $d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH_BT};
+			$nd++;
+		} else {
+			$d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH_BT} = undef;
+		}
+	}
+	return undef unless ($nd >= 2);
+	$dd /= $nd;
+	for ($i=$be-$search_width; $i<=$be+$search_width; $i++) {
+		next unless defined($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH_BT});
+		$sd += ($d->{ENSEMBLE}[$i]->{DEPTH_BT}-$dd)**2;
+	}
+	return ($dd, sqrt($sd/($nd-1)));
+# c = soundSpeed()
+# Taken from the RDI BroadBand primer manual. The reference given there
+# is Urick (1983).
+sub soundSpeed($$$)
+	my($salin,$temp,$depth) = @_;
+	return 1449.2 + 4.6*$temp -0.055*$temp**2  + 0.00029*$temp**3 +
+				(1.34 - 0.01*$temp) * ($salin - 35) + 0.016*$depth;
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beamStats
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+#                    L I S T B I N S 
+#                    doc: Fri Aug 25 15:57:05 2006
+#                    dlm: Thu Feb 21 15:05:40 2008
+#                    (c) 2006 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 32 57 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# Split data file into per-bin time series.
+#	Aug 25, 2006: - created from [listEns]
+#	Aug 26, 2006: - added -M)agdecl
+#				  - changed -b to -f
+#	Aug 27, 2006: - added %bin
+#	Aug 28, 2006: - BUG: options were confused
+#	Jan  4, 2007: - improved usage message for -a
+#				  - added %mag_decl
+#				  - BUG: roundoff error in %pct_good_vels
+#	Sep 19, 2007: - adapted to new []
+#	Feb  7, 2008: - added sound-speed correction
+#				  - enabled 3-beam solutions
+#	Feb  8, 2008: - added -d)iscard <beam>
+#				  - added -b)eam coordinate output
+#	Feb 12, 2008: - modified 3-beam output
+#				  - added -p)ct_good <min>
+#	Feb 13, 2008: - various improvements
+#	Feb 19, 2008: - BUG: division by zero
+#					BUG: min() did not work with 1st elt undef
+#	Feb 21, 2008: - BUG: had forgotten to undo debugging changes
+#				  - removed missing magdecl warning on -b
+# General Notes:
+#	- everything (e.g. beams) is numbered from 1
+#	- no support for BT data
+# Soundspeed Correction:
+#	- applied as described in the RDI coord-trans manual
+#	- sound-speed variation over range is ignored (valid for small gradients)
+#	=> - same simple correction for all velocity components
+#	   - simple correction for cell depths
+# Min %-good (min_pcg):
+#	- nan for records w/o valid velocities
+#	- min(%-good) of the beams used for the velocity solution
+#	- min_pcg does not have to decrease monotonically with distance,
+#	  at least when 3-beam solutions are allowed and when -p is used to
+#	  edit the data
+#	- non-monotonic min_pcg is particularly obvious with the DYNAMUCK BM_ADCP
+#	  data, where one of the beams performed much worse than the others
+require "";
+$0 =~ m{(.*/)[^/]+};
+require "$";
+require "$";
+require "$";
+die("Usage: $0 [-r)ange <first_ens,last_ens>] " .
+			  "[output -f)ile <pat[bin%d.raw]>] " .
+			  "[-a)ll ens (not just those with good vels)] " .
+			  "[-M)agnetic <declination>] " .
+			  "[-S)oundspeed correction <salin|*,temp|*,depth|*> " .
+		 	  "[require -4)-beam solutions] [-d)iscard <beam#>] " .
+		 	  "[-%)good <min>] " .
+		 	  "[output -b)eam coordinates] " .
+			  "<RDI file>\n")
+	unless (&Getopts("4abd:f:M:p:r:S:") && @ARGV == 1);
+die("$0: -4 and -d are mutually exclusive\n")
+	if ($opt_4 && defined($opt_d));
+die("$0: -p and -b are mutually exclusive\n")
+	if ($opt_b && defined($opt_p));
+$opt_p = 0 unless defined($opt_p);
+$RDI_Coords::minValidVels = 4 if ($opt_4);			# no 3-beam solutions
+print(STDERR "WARNING: magnetic declination not set!\n")
+	unless defined($opt_M) || defined($opt_b);
+$opt_f = 'bin%d.raw' unless defined($opt_f);
+$ifn = $ARGV[0];
+($first_ens,$last_ens) = split(',',$opt_r)
+	if defined($opt_r);
+($salin,$temp,$depth) = split(',',$opt_S)
+	if defined($opt_S);
+$variable_ssCorr = ($salin eq '*' || $temp eq '*' || $depth eq '*');
+sub ssCorr($$$$)						# sound velocity correction factor
+	my($e,$S,$T,$D) = @_;
+	$S = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{SALINITY} if ($S eq '*');
+	$T = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{TEMPERATURE} if ($T eq '*');
+	if ($D eq '*') {
+		print(STDERR "WARNING: soundspeed correction using instrument pressure instead of depth!\n")
+			unless ($warned);
+		$warned = 1;
+		$D = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PRESSURE};
+	}
+	return soundSpeed($S,$T,$D) / $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{SPEED_OF_SOUND};
+sub min(@)								# return minimum
+	my($min) = 99e99;
+	for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#_; $i++) {
+		$min = $_[$i] if defined($_[$i]) && ($_[$i] < $min);
+	}
+	return ($min == 99e99) ? nan : $min;
+sub dumpBin($$$)						# write time series of single bin
+	my($b,$fe,$le) = @_;
+	my($file) = sprintf($opt_f,$b+1);
+	open(P,">$file") || die("$file: $!\n");
+	print(P "#ANTS#PARAMS# ");
+	foreach my $k (keys(%P)) {
+		print(P "$k\{$P{$k}\} ");
+	}
+	my($pct3b) = ($good_vels[$b] > 0) ? 100*$three_beam[$b]/$good_vels[$b] : nan;
+	printf(STDERR "%.0f%%/%.0f%% ",100*$good_vels[$b]/($le-$fe+1),$pct3b);
+	printf(P "pct_good_vels{%.0f} ",100*$good_vels[$b]/($le-$fe+1));
+	printf(P "pct_3_beam{%.0f} ",$pct3b);
+	printf(P "bin{%d}",$b+1);
+	printf(P " soundspeed_correction{%s}",defined($opt_S) ? $opt_S : 'NONE!');
+	printf(P " dz{%g}",$dz[$b] *
+				(defined($opt_S) ? ssCorr($fe,$salin,$temp,$depth) : 1)
+	) unless ($variable_ssCorr);
+	print( P "\n");
+	print(P "#ANTS#FIELDS# " .
+			"{ensemble} {date} {time} {elapsed} " .
+			"{heading} {pitch} {roll} " .
+			"{sig_heading} {sig_pitch} {sig_roll} " .
+			"{xmit_current} {xmit_voltage} " .
+			"{temp} " .
+			($opt_b ? "{v1} {v2} {v3} {v4} " : "{u} {v} {w} {err_vel} ") .
+			"{corr1} {corr2} {corr3} {corr4} " .
+			"{amp1} {amp2} {amp3} {amp4} " .
+			($opt_b ? "{pcg1} {pcg2} {pcg3} {pcg4}" : "{3_beam} {min_pcg}")
+	);
+	print(P " {dz}") if ($variable_ssCorr);
+	print(P "\n");
+	my($t0) = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$fe]->{UNIX_TIME};
+	for (my($e)=$fe; $e<=$le; $e++) {
+		next unless ($opt_a || $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{GOOD_VEL}[$b]);
+		my($ssCorr) = defined($opt_S) ? ssCorr($e,$salin,$temp,$depth) : 1;
+		print(P "$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER} ");
+		print(P "$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DATE} ");
+		print(P "$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{TIME} ");
+		printf(P "%d ",$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME}-$t0);
+		print(P "$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{HEADING} ");
+		print(P "$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PITCH} ");
+		print(P "$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROLL} ");
+		print(P "$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{HEADING_STDDEV} ");
+		print(P "$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PITCH_STDDEV} ");
+		print(P "$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROLL_STDDEV} ");
+		print(P "$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ADC_XMIT_CURRENT} ");
+		print(P "$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ADC_XMIT_VOLTAGE} ");
+		print(P "$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{TEMPERATURE} ");
+		if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{GOOD_VEL}[$b]) {
+			printf(P "%g ",$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][0] * $ssCorr);
+			printf(P "%g ",$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][1] * $ssCorr);
+			printf(P "%g ",$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][2] * $ssCorr);
+			printf(P "%g ",$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][3] * $ssCorr);
+		} else {
+			print(P "nan nan nan nan ");
+		}
+		print(P "@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{CORRELATION}[$b]} ");
+		print(P "@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$b]} ");
+		if ($opt_b) {
+			print(P "@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b]} ");
+		} else {
+			printf(P "%d ",$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{THREE_BEAM}[$b]);
+			printf(P "%s ",min(@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b]}));
+		}
+		printf(P "%g ",$dz[$b]*$ssCorr) if ($variable_ssCorr);
+		print(P "\n");
+	}
+	close(P);
+$P{RDI_file} = $ifn;
+$P{mag_decl} = $opt_M if defined($opt_M);
+printf("%d complete ensembles...\n",scalar(@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}));
+$dta{HEADING_BIAS} = -$opt_M;						# magnetic declination
+if ($dta{BEAM_COORDINATES}) {						# coords
+	$beamCoords = 1;
+} else {
+	die("$0: -b requires input in beam coordinates\n")
+		if ($opt_b);
+	die("$ifn: only beam and earth coordinates implemented so far\n")
+		if (!$dta{EARTH_COORDINATES});
+$P{N_ensembles} = @{$dta{ENSEMBLE}};
+for (my($b)=0; $b<$dta{N_BINS}; $b++) {				# calc dz
+	$dz[$b] = $dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $b*$dta{BIN_LENGTH};
+$lastGoodBin = 0;
+for ($e=0; $e<=$#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}; $e++) {			# check/transform velocities
+	next if (defined($first_ens) &&
+			 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER} < $first_ens);
+	$P{first_ens} = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER},$fe = $e
+		unless defined($P{first_ens});
+	last if (defined($last_ens) &&
+			 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER} > $last_ens);
+	$P{last_ens} = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER};
+	$le = $e;
+	die("3-beams used in ensemble #$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER}\n")
+		if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{N_BEAMS_USED} < 4);
+	die("BIT error in ensemble $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER}\n")
+		if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BUILT_IN_TEST_ERROR});
+	die("Low gain in ensemble #$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER}\n")
+        if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{LOW_GAIN});
+	for (my($b)=0; $b<$dta{N_BINS}; $b++) {
+		if (defined($opt_d)) {
+			undef($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][$opt_d-1]);
+			undef($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][$opt_d-1]);
+		}
+		for (my($i)=0; $i<4; $i++) {
+			if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][$i] < $opt_p) {
+				undef($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][$i]);
+				undef($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][$i]);
+			}
+        }
+		@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b]} = $beamCoords
+			? velInstrumentToEarth(\%dta,$e,
+				  velBeamToInstrument(\%dta,@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b]})
+			  )
+			: velApplyHdgBias(\%dta,$e,@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b]})
+				unless ($opt_b);
+		unless (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][0])) {
+			undef(@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b]});
+			next;
+		}
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{THREE_BEAM}[$b] = $RDI_Coords::threeBeamFlag;
+		$three_beam[$b] += $RDI_Coords::threeBeamFlag;
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{GOOD_VEL}[$b] = 1;
+		$good_vels[$b]++; 
+		$lastGoodBin = $b if ($b > $lastGoodBin);
+		$firstGoodEns = $e unless defined($firstGoodEns);
+		$lastGoodEns = $e;
+    }
+unless (defined($opt_r)) {
+	$fe = $firstGoodEns;
+	$le = $lastGoodEns;
+$firstBin = 0;
+$lastBin = $lastGoodBin;
+print( STDERR "Start      : $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$fe]->{DATE} $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$fe]->{TIME}\n");
+print( STDERR "End        : $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$le]->{DATE} $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$le]->{TIME}\n");
+printf(STDERR "Bins       : %d-%d\n",$firstBin+1,$lastBin+1);
+printf(STDERR "3-Beam     : %d %d %d %d\n",$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_1,
+										   $RDI_Coords::threeBeam_2,
+										   $RDI_Coords::threeBeam_3,
+										   $RDI_Coords::threeBeam_4);
+print(STDERR "Good/3-beam: ");
+for ($b=$firstBin; $b<=$lastBin; $b++) {				# generate output
+	dumpBin($b,$fe,$le);
+print(STDERR "\n");
new file mode 120000
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/listBT
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+#                    L I S T B T 
+#                    doc: Sat Jan 18 18:41:49 2003
+#                    dlm: Sun May 23 16:33:33 2010
+#                    (c) 2003 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 527 42 NIL 0 0 72 11 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# Extract Bottom-Track Data
+#	Jan 18, 2003: - created
+#	Jan 23, 2003: - added magnetic declination
+#	Jan 25, 2003: - continued construction
+#	Feb 11, 2003: - finally made it work
+#	Feb 12, 2003: - added default profile output
+#	Feb 13, 2003: - corrected raw output
+#	Feb 14, 2003: - added errors if instrument-BT filters are more strict
+#					than command-line values
+#	Feb 18, 2003: - removed -d dependency on -W
+#	Mar  3, 2003: - added -C)ompass correction
+#	Mar 10, 2003: - added -f)orce to allow visbeck-style post processing
+#	Mar 16, 2003: - added range comment
+#	Feb 26, 2004: - added Earth-coordinate support
+#	Feb 27, 2004: - made water-track calculation conditional (-E || -B)
+#	Mar  9, 2004: - added magnetic_declination to %PARAMs
+#	Apr  1, 2004: - added CTD u/v stats to %PARAMs
+#	Apr  2, 2004: - added CTD_msf (mean square fluctuation) stat
+#	Apr  3, 2004: - BUG: CTD vels were repeated for stats
+#				  - removed non-ANTS option
+#	Nov  8, 2005: - UNIXTIME => UNIX_TIME
+#				  - adapted to new binary read library
+#				  - output editing statistics
+#	Aug 15, 2006: - added -b
+#	Aug 25, 2006: - fiddled
+#	Sep 19, 2007: - adapted to new [] (not tested)
+#	Nov  1, 2008: - BUG: sig(u) was reported instead of sig(v)
+#	Jul 30, 2009: - NaN => nan
+#	- the RDI BT data contains ranges that are greater than the
+#	  WT ping ranges. I don't know if those data are valid!
+#	- there is a fair bit of heuristic used, especially in the 
+#	  reference-layer calculation
+#	- depth-correction (-m) is highly recommended because it allows
+#	  much better bad-BT detection and it is required for a valid
+#	  comparison with LADCP profiles
+#	- the criterion for bottom-interference of the water-track data
+#	  is derived from Firing's [merge.c] (adding 1.5 bin lengths to
+#	  the calculated range), modified by taking the real beam angle
+#	  into account.
+#	- from the RDI manuals it is not entirely clear whether the BT range
+#	  is given in vertical or in along-beam meters; comparison with the 
+#	  WT range (calculated from the bin with the maximum echo amplitude)
+#	  shows that vertical meters are used
+# NOTES on quality checks:
+#	-a	minimum BT amplitude; setting this to 50 (RDI default is 30)
+#		reduces the vertical range over which the bottom is detected but
+#		not the quality of the bottom track data; therefore, this should
+#		probably not be used.
+#	-c	minimum BT correlation; the RDI default for this parameter is 220,
+#		which seems to work fine.
+#	-e	max error velocity (BT & WT); this is primarily used for detecting
+#		good BT data, i.e. it should be set to a small value (Firing uses
+#		0.1m/s in merge); if too small a value is chosen too many good
+#		data are discarded; note that the same error-velocity criterion
+#		is used to separate good from bad data when mean profiles are
+#		constructed.
+#	-w	max difference between reference-layer w and BT w; this is a
+#		powerful criterion for determining good BT data; I like a value of
+#		0.03 m/s.
+#	-d	when the depth is corrected (-m) the...
+$0 =~ m{(.*)/[^/]+};
+require "$1/";
+require "$1/";
+require "$1/";
+use Getopt::Std;
+$USAGE = "$0 @ARGV";
+die("Usage: $0 " .
+	"[use -b)ins <1st,last>] " .
+	"[write -R)aw data] [write -B)T data] " .
+    "[write -E)nsembles <pref>] [-F)ilter ensembles <script>] " .
+    "[-C)ompass correction <amp/phase/bias>] " .
+	"[-w) <max-diff|0.03>] [-a)mp <min|30>] [-e)rr-vel <max|0.05>] " .
+	"[-c)orrelation <min|220>] " .
+	"[-W)ater <depth> [allowed -d)epth-diff <maxdiff|20>]] " .
+	"[-f)orce (no setup tests)] " .
+	"[-M)agnetic <declination>] " .
+	"<RDI file>\n")
+	unless (&getopts("BC:E:F:M:RW:a:b:c:d:e:fw:") && @ARGV == 1);
+print(STDERR "WARNING: magnetic declination not set!\n")
+	unless defined($opt_M);
+$opt_c = 220  unless defined($opt_c);				# defaults
+$opt_a = 30   unless defined($opt_a);
+$opt_e = 0.05 unless defined($opt_e);
+$opt_w = 0.03 unless defined($opt_w);
+$opt_d = 20   unless defined($opt_d);
+if (defined($opt_C)) {								# compass correction
+	($CC_amp,$CC_phase,$CC_bias) = split('/',$opt_C);
+	die("$0: can't decode -C$opt_C\n")
+		unless defined($CC_bias);
+unless ($opt_f) {									# check BT setup
+	readHeader($ARGV[0],\%dta);		
+	die("$0: minimum instrument BT correlation ($dta{BT_MIN_CORRELATION}) " .
+		"too large for selected criterion (-c $opt_c) --- use -f to override\n")
+			if ($dta{BT_MIN_CORRELATION} > $opt_c);
+	die("$0: minimum instrument BT amplitude ($dta{BT_MIN_EVAL_AMPLITUDE}) " .
+		"too large for selected criterion (-a $opt_a) --- use -f to override\n")
+			if ($dta{BT_MIN_EVAL_AMPLITUDE} > $opt_a);
+	die("$0: maximum instrument BT error velocity ($dta{BT_MAX_ERROR_VELOCITY}) " .
+		"too small for selected criterion (-e $opt_e) --- use -f to override\n")
+			if ($dta{BT_MAX_ERROR_VELOCITY} < $opt_e);
+require $opt_F if defined($opt_F);					# load filter
+print(STDERR "reading $ARGV[0]...");
+readData($ARGV[0],\%dta);							# read data
+print(STDERR "done\n");
+$dta{HEADING_BIAS} = -$opt_M;						# magnetic declination
+ensure_BT_RANGE(\%dta);								# make sure they're there
+$firstBin = $lastBin = '*';							# bins to use
+($firstBin,$lastBin) = split(',',$opt_b)
+	if defined($opt_b);
+$firstBin = 1 			if ($firstBin eq '*');
+$lastBin = $dta{N_BINS} if ($lastBin  eq '*');
+$firstBin--; $lastBin--;
+die("$ARGV[0]: not enough bins for ref layer\n")
+	unless ($lastBin-$firstBin >= 6);
+if ($dta{BEAM_COORDINATES}) {						# coords used
+	$beamCoords = 1;
+} elsif (!$dta{EARTH_COORDINATES}) {
+	die("$ARGV[0]: only beam and earth coordinates implemented so far\n");
+# Calculate reference-layer w
+sub w($)
+	my($ens) = @_;
+	my($i,$n,@v,$w);
+	for (my($b)=$firstBin; $b<=$lastBin; $b++) {
+		if ($beamCoords) {
+			next if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][0] < 100 ||
+					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][1] < 100 ||
+					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][2] < 100 ||
+					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][3] < 100);
+			@v = velInstrumentToEarth(\%dta,$ens,
+					velBeamToInstrument(\%dta,
+	                    @{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$b]}));
+	    } else {
+			next if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][0] > 0 ||
+					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][1] > 0 ||
+					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][2] > 0 ||
+					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][3] < 100);
+			@v = velApplyHdgBias(\%dta,$ens,
+					@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$b]});
+	    }
+		next unless (defined($v[3]) && abs($v[3]) <= $opt_e);
+		$w += $v[2]; $n++;
+	}
+#	printf(STDERR "$ens $n %.3f\n",$n>=1?$w/$n:-999);
+	return $n>=2 ? $w/$n : undef;
+# Dump raw BT data from one ensemble
+sub dumpRaw($)
+	my($e) = @_;
+	unless ($headerDone) {
+		print("#ANTS# [] $USAGE\n");
+		print("#ANTS#PARAMS# RDI_file{$ARGV[0]}\n");
+		print("#ANTS#FIELDS# {ens} {range1} {range2} {range3} {range4} " .
+				"{beamvel1} {beamvel2} {beamvel3} {beamvel4} {cor1} " .
+				"{cor2} {cor3} {cor4} {amp1} {amp2} {amp3} {amp4}\n");
+		$headerDone = 1;
+	}
+	printf("%d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER},
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_RANGE}[0],
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_RANGE}[1],
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_RANGE}[2],
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_RANGE}[3],
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}[0],
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}[1],
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}[2],
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}[3],
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_CORRELATION}[0],
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_CORRELATION}[1],
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_CORRELATION}[2],
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_CORRELATION}[3],
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_EVAL_AMPLITUDE}[0],
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_EVAL_AMPLITUDE}[1],
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_EVAL_AMPLITUDE}[2],
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_EVAL_AMPLITUDE}[3]
+	);
+# Dump processed BT data from one ensemble 
+sub dumpBT($)
+	my($e) = @_;
+	unless ($headerDone) {
+		print("#ANTS# [] $USAGE\n");
+		printf("#ANTS#PARAMS# RDI_file{$ARGV[0]} bottom_time{%.1f}\n",
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$maxz_e]->{ELAPSED});
+		print("#ANTS#FIELDS# {ens} {unix_time} {time} {depth} {BT_range} " .
+				"{WT_range} {u} {v} {w} {e} {w_ref} {corr} {amp}\n");
+		$headerDone = 1;
+	}
+	printf("%d %.2f %.2f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.1f %.1f\n", 
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER},
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME},
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ELAPSED},
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH},
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_MEAN_RANGE},
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{WT_MEAN_RANGE},
+		@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}},
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W_REF},
+	);
+# Dump a single ensemble with valid BT data to separate file
+sub dumpEns(@)										# write profile
+	my($e) = @_;
+	my($b,$i);
+	open(P,">$opt_E.$e") || die("$opt_E.$e: $!\n");
+	print(P "#ANTS#PARAMS# " .
+			"depth{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH}} " .
+			"range{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_MEAN_RANGE}} " .
+			"wt_range{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{WT_MEAN_RANGE}} " .
+			"w_ref{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W_REF}} " .
+			"BT_u{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}[0]} " .
+			"BT_v{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}[1]} " .
+			"BT_w{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}[2]} " .
+			"BT_e{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}[3]} " .
+			"BT_cor1{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_CORRELATION}[0]} " .
+			"BT_cor2{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_CORRELATION}[1]} " .
+			"BT_cor3{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_CORRELATION}[2]} " .
+			"BT_cor4{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_CORRELATION}[3]} " .
+			"BT_amp1{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_AMPLITUDE}[0]} " .
+			"BT_amp2{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_AMPLITUDE}[1]} " .
+			"BT_amp3{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_AMPLITUDE}[2]} " .
+			"BT_amp4{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_AMPLITUDE}[3]} " .
+			"BTFWT_u{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BTFWT_VELOCITY}[0]} " .
+			"BTFWT_v{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BTFWT_VELOCITY}[1]} " .
+			"BTFWT_w{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BTFWT_VELOCITY}[2]} " .
+			"\n"
+	);
+	print(P "#ANTS#FIELDS# " .
+			"{depth} {hab} {u} {v} {w} {e} {cor1} {cor2} {cor3} {cor4} " .
+			"{amp1} {amp2} {amp3} {amp4} {pcg1} {pcg2} {pcg3} {pcg4}\n"
+	);
+	my($slc) = (1-cos(rad($dta{BEAM_ANGLE})))*$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_MEAN_RANGE}
+				+ 1.5*$dta{BIN_LENGTH};		# side-lobe contamination
+	for ($b=$firstBin; $b<=$lastBin; $b++) {
+		next unless (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][0]) &&
+					 defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][1]) &&
+					 defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][2]) &&
+					 defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][3]));
+		my($dz) = $dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $b*$dta{BIN_LENGTH};
+		last if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_MEAN_RANGE}-$dz <= $slc);
+		my(@v) = $beamCoords
+			   ? velInstrumentToEarth(\%dta,$e,
+					velBeamToInstrument(\%dta,
+						@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b]}))
+			   : velApplyHdgBias(\%dta,$e,@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b]});
+		next unless defined($v[0]);
+		next if (abs($v[3]) > $opt_e ||
+				 abs($v[2]-$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}[2]) > 0.1);
+		$v[0] -= $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}[0];
+		$v[1] -= $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}[1];
+		my(@out) = (
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH}+$dz,
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_MEAN_RANGE}-$dz,
+			$v[0],$v[1],$v[2],$v[3],
+			@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{CORRELATION}[$b]},
+			@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$b]},
+			@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b]}
+		);
+		for ($i=0; $i<17; $i++) { $out[$i] = nan unless defined($out[$i]); }
+		print(P "@out\n");
+	}
+	close(P);
+# Add Ensemble With Valid BT Data to Profile
+sub binEns($)
+	my($e) = @_;
+	my($slc) = (1-cos(rad($dta{BEAM_ANGLE})))*$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_MEAN_RANGE}
+					+ 1.5*$dta{BIN_LENGTH};     # side-lobe contamination
+	for (my($b)=$firstBin; $b<=$lastBin; $b++) {
+		next unless (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][0]) &&
+					 defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][1]) &&
+					 defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][2]) &&
+					 defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][3]));
+		my($dz) = $dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $b*$dta{BIN_LENGTH};
+		last if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_MEAN_RANGE}-$dz <= $slc);
+		my(@v) = $beamCoords
+			   ? velInstrumentToEarth(\%dta,$e,
+					velBeamToInstrument(\%dta,
+						@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b]}))
+			   : velApplyHdgBias(\%dta,$e,@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b]});
+		next unless defined($v[0]);
+		next if (abs($v[3]) > $opt_e ||
+				 abs($v[2]-$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}[2]) > 0.1);
+		$v[0] -= $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}[0];
+		$v[1] -= $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}[1];
+		my($bin) = int(($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH}+$dz) / $dta{BIN_LENGTH});
+		$minBin = $bin unless ($bin >= $minBin);
+		$maxBin = $bin unless ($bin <= $maxBin);
+		if (defined($BTn[$bin])) {
+			my($f1) = $BTn[$bin] / ($BTn[$bin]+1);
+			my($f2) = ($BTn[$bin]-1) / $BTn[$bin];
+			$BTsigu[$bin] =
+				$f2*$BTsigu[$bin] + $f1*($v[0]-$BTu[$bin])**2/$BTn[$bin];
+			$BTsigv[$bin] =
+				$f2*$BTsigv[$bin] + $f1*($v[1]-$BTv[$bin])**2/$BTn[$bin];
+			$BTn[$bin]++;
+			$BTu[$bin] = $f1*$BTu[$bin] + $v[0]/$BTn[$bin];
+			$BTv[$bin] = $f1*$BTv[$bin] + $v[1]/$BTn[$bin];
+		} else {
+			$BTu[$bin] = $v[0];
+			$BTv[$bin] = $v[1];
+			$BTn[$bin] = 1;
+		}
+	}
+# Output Bottom-Referenced Profile
+sub dumpProf($$$)
+	my($db,$wd,$md) = @_;
+	my(@sum,@mean);
+	for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#listCTDu; $i++) {			# CTD vel mean
+		$sum[0] += $listCTDu[$i];
+		$sum[1] += $listCTDv[$i];
+	}
+	@mean = ($sum[0]/@listCTDu,$sum[1]/@listCTDv);
+	@sum = (0,0);									# stddev
+	for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#listCTDu; $i++) {
+		$sum[0] += ($listCTDu[$i]-$mean[0])**2;
+		$sum[1] += ($listCTDv[$i]-$mean[1])**2;
+	}
+	@sigma = ($sum[0]/sqrt($#listCTDu),$sum[1]/sqrt($#listCTDv));
+	@sum = (0,0);									# mean speed fluct
+	for (my($i)=1; $i<=$#listCTDu; $i++) {			# also: list for median
+		push(@cfluc,sqrt(($listCTDu[$i]-$listCTDu[$i-1])**2 +
+					 	 ($listCTDv[$i]-$listCTDv[$i-1])**2));
+		$sum[0] += $cfluc[$#cfluc];
+	}
+	printf("#ANTS#PARAMS# LADCP_depth_bias{%.1f} water_depth{%.1f} magnetic_declination{%.1f}\n",
+			$db,$wd,$md);
+	printf("#ANTS#PARAMS# CTD_u{%.3f} CTD_v{%.3f} CTD_sig_u{%.3f} CTD_sig_v{%.3f} CTD_mean_cfluc{%.4f} CTD_median_cfluc{%.4f}\n",
+			@mean,@sigma,$sum[0]/$#listCTDu,(sort{$a<=>$b}@cfluc)[@cfluc/2]);
+	printf("#ANTS#PARAMS# good_ens{$good}\n");
+	print("#ANTS#FIELDS# {depth} {u} {v} {sig_u} {sig_v} {n_data}\n");
+	for (my($bin)=$minBin; $bin<=$maxBin; $bin++) {
+		next unless defined($BTu[$bin]);
+		printf("%d %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f %d\n",
+			($bin+0.5)*$dta{BIN_LENGTH},
+			$BTu[$bin],$BTv[$bin],
+			sqrt($BTsigu[$bin]),sqrt($BTsigv[$bin]),
+			$BTn[$bin]);
+	}
+# STEP 1: Calculate Depth (integrate w)
+for ($e=0; $e<=$#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}; $e++) {
+	checkEnsemble(\%dta,$e);
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W_REF} = w($e);
+	next unless (defined($start_e) ||
+				 defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W_REF}));
+	$start_e = $e unless defined($start_e);
+	$end_e = $e if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W_REF});
+	$lasttime = $curtime;
+	$curtime = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME};
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ELAPSED} =
+		$curtime - $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$start_e]->{UNIX_TIME};
+	filterEnsemble(\%dta,$e)
+		if (defined($opt_F) &&
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[0][3] > 0);
+	$z += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W_REF} *
+			(defined($lasttime) ? ($curtime - $lasttime) : 0);
+	$maxz_e=$e,$maxz = $z unless ($z < $maxz);
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH} = $z;
+unless ($opt_R) {
+	($w_depth,$swd) = find_seabed(\%dta,$maxz_e,$beamCoords);
+	die("$0: can't determine water depth (sigma = $swd)\n")
+		unless (defined($w_depth) && $swd < 10);
+	if (defined($opt_W)) {						# adjust depth
+		$zbias = $w_depth - $opt_W; $w_depth = $opt_W;
+		for ($e=$start_e; $e<=$end_e; $e++) {
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH} -= $zbias;
+		}
+	}
+# print(STDERR "maxz = $maxz, w_depth = $w_depth\n");
+# STEP 2: Process BT Data
+for ($e=$start_e; $e<=$end_e; $e++) {
+	next unless ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_RANGE}[0] &&	# BT data available
+				 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_RANGE}[1] &&
+				 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_RANGE}[2] &&
+				 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_RANGE}[3]);
+#	die("$0: don't know what to do with non-zero %-good and " .
+#		"signal-strength values at ensemble " .
+#		"#$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER}\n")
+#		if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_PERCENT_GOOD}[0] ||
+#			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_PERCENT_GOOD}[1] ||
+#			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_PERCENT_GOOD}[2] ||
+#			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_PERCENT_GOOD}[3] ||
+#			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_SIGNAL_STRENGHT}[0] ||
+#			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_SIGNAL_STRENGHT}[1] ||
+#			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_SIGNAL_STRENGHT}[2] ||
+#			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_SIGNAL_STRENGHT}[3]);
+	if ($opt_R) {										# dump raw data
+		dumpRaw($e);
+		next;
+	}
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{HEADING} -=					# compass correction
+		$CC_amp * sin(rad($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{HEADING} - $CC_phase))
+			+ $CC_bias
+				if defined($opt_C);
+	@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}} = $beamCoords	# xform BT vel
+	    ? velInstrumentToEarth(\%dta,$e,
+			velBeamToInstrument(\%dta,@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}}))
+		: velApplyHdgBias(\%dta,$e,@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}});
+ 	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_MEAN_RANGE} =				# mean vals
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_RANGE}[0]/4 +
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_RANGE}[1]/4 +
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_RANGE}[2]/4 +
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_RANGE}[3]/4;
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_CORRELATION}[0]/4 +
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_CORRELATION}[1]/4 +
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_CORRELATION}[2]/4 +
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_CORRELATION}[3]/4;
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_EVAL_AMPLITUDE}[0]/4 +
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_EVAL_AMPLITUDE}[1]/4 +
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_EVAL_AMPLITUDE}[2]/4 +
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_EVAL_AMPLITUDE}[3]/4;
+#	next												# could add this
+#		if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_MEAN_RANGE} < 50);
+	$bad_amp++,next
+		if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_EVAL_AMPLITUDE}[0] < $opt_a ||
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_EVAL_AMPLITUDE}[1] < $opt_a ||
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_EVAL_AMPLITUDE}[2] < $opt_a ||
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_EVAL_AMPLITUDE}[3] < $opt_a);
+	$bad_corr++,next
+		if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_CORRELATION}[0] < $opt_c ||
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_CORRELATION}[1] < $opt_c ||
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_CORRELATION}[2] < $opt_c ||
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_CORRELATION}[3] < $opt_c);
+	$bad_w_ref++,next									# quality checks
+		if (abs($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}[2] -
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W_REF}) > $opt_w);
+	$bad_e_vel++,next
+		if (abs($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}[3]) > $opt_e);
+	$bad_depth++,next
+		if (abs($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_MEAN_RANGE} +
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH} - $w_depth) > $opt_d);
+	$good++;
+	push(@listCTDu,-$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}[0]);
+	push(@listCTDv,-$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}[1]);
+	if ($opt_E || $opt_B) {
+		my(@maxamp) = (0,0,0,0);						# water-track range
+		my(@btm_e) = (0,0,0,0);
+		for ($b=$firstBin; $b<=$lastBin; $b++) {
+			for ($i=0; $i<4; $i++) {
+				if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$b][$i] > $maxamp[$i]) {
+					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{WT_RANGE}[$i] = $b;
+					$maxamp[$i] = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$b][$i];
+					$btm_e[$i] = $e;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		for ($i=0; $i<4; $i++) {
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{WT_RANGE}[$i] *= $dta{BIN_LENGTH};
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{WT_RANGE}[$i] += $dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER};
+		}
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{WT_MEAN_RANGE} =
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{WT_RANGE}[0]/4 +
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{WT_RANGE}[1]/4 +
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{WT_RANGE}[2]/4 +
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{WT_RANGE}[3]/4;
+		my($btm_e) = int($btm_e[0]/4+$btm_e[1]/4+$btm_e[2]/4+$btm_e[3]/4+0.5);
+		@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$btm_e]->{BTFWT_VELOCITY}} = $beamCoords # BT from WT
+			? velInstrumentToEarth(\%dta,$e,
+				velBeamToInstrument(\%dta,@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}}))
+	        : velApplyHdgBias(\%dta,$e,@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}});
+	}
+	dumpEns($e) if defined($opt_E);						# output BT profiles
+	if ($opt_B) { dumpBT($e); }
+	else { binEns($e); }
+filterEnsembleStats() if defined($opt_F);
+exit(0) if ($opt_R);
+printf(STDERR "%5d BT records removed due to bad w\n",$bad_w_ref)
+	if defined($bad_w_ref);
+printf(STDERR "%5d BT records removed due to bad err vel\n",$bad_e_vel)
+	if defined($bad_e_vel);
+printf(STDERR "%5d BT records removed due to bad echo amplitude\n",$bad_amp)
+	if defined($bad_amp);
+printf(STDERR "%5d BT records removed due to bad correlation\n",$bad_corr)
+	if defined($bad_corr);
+printf(STDERR "%5d BT records removed due to bad depth\n",$bad_depth)
+	if defined($bad_depth);
+die("$0: no good BT data\n") unless ($good);
+printf(STDERR "\n%5d BT records remaining\n",$good);
+	unless ($opt_B);
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/listBins
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+#                    L I S T B I N S 
+#                    doc: Fri Aug 25 15:57:05 2006
+#                    dlm: Sat May 23 16:34:30 2009
+#                    (c) 2006 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 269 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# Split data file into per-bin time series.
+#	Aug 25, 2006: - created from [listEns]
+#	Aug 26, 2006: - added -M)agdecl
+#				  - changed -b to -f
+#	Aug 27, 2006: - added %bin
+#	Aug 28, 2006: - BUG: options were confused
+#	Jan  4, 2007: - improved usage message for -a
+#				  - added %mag_decl
+#				  - BUG: roundoff error in %pct_good_vels
+#	Sep 19, 2007: - adapted to new []
+#	Feb  7, 2008: - added sound-speed correction
+#				  - enabled 3-beam solutions
+#	Feb  8, 2008: - added -d)iscard <beam>
+#				  - added -b)eam coordinate output
+#	Feb 12, 2008: - modified 3-beam output
+#				  - added -p)ct_good <min>
+#	Feb 13, 2008: - various improvements
+#	Feb 19, 2008: - BUG: division by zero
+#					BUG: min() did not work with 1st elt undef
+#	Feb 21, 2008: - BUG: had forgotten to undo debugging changes
+#				  - removed missing magdecl warning on -b
+#	Feb 22, 2008: - moved ssCorr() to []
+#				  - BUG: %d complete ensembles was written to STDOUT
+#				  - BUG: %N_ensembles was total number of ensembles, not
+#						 only the ones used
+#				  - BUG: 0 errvel was output for 3-beam solutions =>
+#						 wrong time-average statistics
+#	May 19, 2009: - added -w to calculate vertical velocities from
+#					two beam pairs separately
+#	May 21, 2009: - added horizontal beampair velocities on -w
+#				  - -P)itchRoll <bias/bias>
+#	May 22, 2009: - added -B) <bias/bias/bias/bias>
+#	May 23, 2009: - adapted to changed beampair-velocity fun name
+# General Notes:
+#	- everything (e.g. beams) is numbered from 1
+#	- no support for BT data
+# Soundspeed Correction:
+#	- applied as described in the RDI coord-trans manual
+#	- sound-speed variation over range is ignored (valid for small gradients)
+#	=> - same simple correction for all velocity components
+#	   - simple correction for cell depths
+# Min %-good (min_pcg):
+#	- nan for records w/o valid velocities
+#	- min(%-good) of the beams used for the velocity solution
+#	- min_pcg does not have to decrease monotonically with distance,
+#	  at least when 3-beam solutions are allowed and when -p is used to
+#	  edit the data
+#	- non-monotonic min_pcg is particularly obvious with the DYNAMUCK BM_ADCP
+#	  data, where one of the beams performed much worse than the others
+require "";
+$0 =~ m{(.*/)[^/]+};
+require "$";
+require "$";
+require "$";
+die("Usage: $0 [-r)ange <first_ens,last_ens>] " .
+			  "[output -f)ile <pat[bin%d.raw]>] " .
+			  "[-a)ll ens (not just those with good vels)] " .
+			  "[-M)agnetic <declination>] " .
+			  "[-S)oundspeed correction <salin|*,temp|*,depth|*> " .
+			  "[-P)itch/Roll <bias/bias>] [-B)eamvel <bias/bias/bias/bias>] " .
+		 	  "[require -4)-beam solutions] [-d)iscard <beam#>] " .
+		 	  "[-%)good <min>] " .
+		 	  "[output -b)eam coordinates] [output two separate -w) estimates] " .
+			  "<RDI file>\n")
+	unless (&Getopts("4abB:d:f:M:p:r:P:S:w") && @ARGV == 1);
+($P{pitch_bias},$P{roll_bias}) = split('[,/]',$opt_P);
+($P{velbias_b1},$P{velbias_b2},$P{velbias_b3},$P{velbias_b4}) = split('[,/]',$opt_B);
+die("$0: -4 and -d are mutually exclusive\n")
+	if ($opt_4 && defined($opt_d));
+die("$0: -p and -b are mutually exclusive\n")
+	if ($opt_b && defined($opt_p));
+$opt_p = 0 unless defined($opt_p);
+$RDI_Coords::minValidVels = 4 if ($opt_4);			# no 3-beam solutions
+print(STDERR "WARNING: magnetic declination not set!\n")
+	unless defined($opt_M) || defined($opt_b);
+$opt_f = 'bin%d.raw' unless defined($opt_f);
+$ifn = $ARGV[0];
+($first_ens,$last_ens) = split(',',$opt_r)
+	if defined($opt_r);
+($SS_salin,$SS_temp,$SS_depth) = split(',',$opt_S)
+	if defined($opt_S);
+$variable_ssCorr = ($SS_salin eq '*' || $SS_temp eq '*' || $SS_depth eq '*');
+sub min(@)								# return minimum
+	my($min) = 99e99;
+	for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#_; $i++) {
+		$min = $_[$i] if defined($_[$i]) && ($_[$i] < $min);
+	}
+	return ($min == 99e99) ? nan : $min;
+sub dumpBin($$$)						# write time series of single bin
+	my($b,$fe,$le) = @_;
+	my($file) = sprintf($opt_f,$b+1);
+	open(P,">$file") || die("$file: $!\n");
+	print(P "#ANTS#PARAMS# ");
+	foreach my $k (keys(%P)) {
+		print(P "$k\{$P{$k}\} ");
+	}
+	if ($opt_b) {
+		printf(STDERR "%.0f%% ",100*$good_vels[$b]/($le-$fe+1));
+	} else {
+		my($pct3b) = ($good_vels[$b] > 0) ? 100*$three_beam[$b]/$good_vels[$b] : nan;
+		printf(STDERR "%.0f%%/%.0f%% ",100*$good_vels[$b]/($le-$fe+1),$pct3b);
+		printf(P "pct_3_beam{%.0f} ",$pct3b);
+	}
+	printf(P "pct_good_vels{%.0f} ",100*$good_vels[$b]/($le-$fe+1));
+	printf(P "bin{%d}",$b+1);
+	printf(P " soundspeed_correction{%s}",defined($opt_S) ? $opt_S : 'NONE!');
+	printf(P " dz{%g}",$dz[$b] *
+				(defined($opt_S) ? ssCorr($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$fe],$SS_salin,$SS_temp,$SS_depth) : 1)
+	) unless ($variable_ssCorr);
+	print( P "\n");
+	print(P "#ANTS#FIELDS# " .
+			"{ensemble} {date} {time} {elapsed} " .
+			"{heading} {pitch} {roll} " .
+			"{sig_heading} {sig_pitch} {sig_roll} " .
+			"{xmit_current} {xmit_voltage} " .
+			"{temp} " .
+			($opt_b ? "{v1} {v2} {v3} {v4} " : "{u} {v} {w} {err_vel} ") .
+			($opt_w ? "{v12} {w12} {v34} {w34} " : "" ) .
+			"{corr1} {corr2} {corr3} {corr4} " .
+			"{amp1} {amp2} {amp3} {amp4} " .
+			($opt_b ? "{pcg1} {pcg2} {pcg3} {pcg4}" : "{3_beam} {min_pcg}")
+	);
+	print(P " {dz}") if ($variable_ssCorr);
+	print(P "\n");
+	my($t0) = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$fe]->{UNIX_TIME};
+	for (my($e)=$fe; $e<=$le; $e++) {
+		next unless ($opt_a || $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{GOOD_VEL}[$b]);
+		my($ssCorr) = defined($opt_S) ? ssCorr($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e],$SS_salin,$SS_temp,$SS_depth) : 1;
+		print(P "$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER} ");
+		print(P "$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DATE} ");
+		print(P "$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{TIME} ");
+		printf(P "%d ",$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME}-$t0);
+		print(P "$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{HEADING} ");
+		print(P "$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PITCH} ");
+		print(P "$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROLL} ");
+		print(P "$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{HEADING_STDDEV} ");
+		print(P "$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PITCH_STDDEV} ");
+		print(P "$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROLL_STDDEV} ");
+		print(P "$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ADC_XMIT_CURRENT} ");
+		print(P "$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ADC_XMIT_VOLTAGE} ");
+		print(P "$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{TEMPERATURE} ");
+		if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{GOOD_VEL}[$b]) {
+			printf(P "%g ",$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][0] * $ssCorr);
+			printf(P "%g ",$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][1] * $ssCorr);
+			printf(P "%g ",$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][2] * $ssCorr);
+			if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{THREE_BEAM}[$b]) {
+				print(P "nan ");
+			} else {
+				printf(P "%g ",$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][3] * $ssCorr);
+			}
+			if ($opt_w) {
+				printf(P defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BEAMPAIR_VELOCITY}[$b][0]) ? "%g " : "nan ",
+							$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BEAMPAIR_VELOCITY}[$b][0]);
+				printf(P defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BEAMPAIR_VELOCITY}[$b][1]) ? "%g " : "nan ",
+							$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BEAMPAIR_VELOCITY}[$b][1]);
+				printf(P defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BEAMPAIR_VELOCITY}[$b][2]) ? "%g " : "nan ",
+							$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BEAMPAIR_VELOCITY}[$b][2]);
+				printf(P defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BEAMPAIR_VELOCITY}[$b][3]) ? "%g " : "nan ",
+							$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BEAMPAIR_VELOCITY}[$b][3]);
+			}
+		} else {
+			print(P "nan nan nan nan ");
+			print(P "nan nan nan nan ") if ($opt_w);
+		}
+		print(P "@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{CORRELATION}[$b]} ");
+		print(P "@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$b]} ");
+		if ($opt_b) {
+			print(P "@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b]} ");
+		} else {
+			printf(P "%d ",$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{THREE_BEAM}[$b]);
+			printf(P "%s ",min(@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b]}));
+		}
+		printf(P "%g ",$dz[$b]*$ssCorr) if ($variable_ssCorr);
+		print(P "\n");
+	}
+	close(P);
+$P{RDI_file} = $ifn;
+$P{mag_decl} = $opt_M if defined($opt_M);
+printf(STDERR "%d complete ensembles...\n",scalar(@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}));
+$dta{HEADING_BIAS} = -$opt_M;						# magnetic declination
+if ($dta{BEAM_COORDINATES}) {						# coords
+	$beamCoords = 1;
+} else {
+	die("$0: -b requires input in beam coordinates\n")
+		if ($opt_b);
+	die("$ifn: only beam and earth coordinates implemented so far\n")
+		if (!$dta{EARTH_COORDINATES});
+for (my($b)=0; $b<$dta{N_BINS}; $b++) {				# calc dz
+	$dz[$b] = $dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $b*$dta{BIN_LENGTH};
+$lastGoodBin = 0;
+for ($e=0; $e<=$#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}; $e++) {			# check/transform velocities
+	next if (defined($first_ens) &&
+			 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER} < $first_ens);
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PITCH} -= $P{pitch_bias};
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROLL}  -= $P{roll_bias};
+	$P{first_ens} = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER},$fe = $e
+		unless defined($P{first_ens});
+	last if (defined($last_ens) &&
+			 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER} > $last_ens);
+	$P{last_ens} = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER};
+	$le = $e;
+	die("3-beams used in ensemble #$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER}\n")
+		if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{N_BEAMS_USED} < 4);
+	die("BIT error in ensemble $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER}\n")
+		if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BUILT_IN_TEST_ERROR});
+	die("Low gain in ensemble #$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER}\n")
+        if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{LOW_GAIN});
+	for (my($b)=0; $b<$dta{N_BINS}; $b++) {
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][0] -= $P{velbias_b1};
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][1] -= $P{velbias_b2};
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][2] -= $P{velbias_b3};
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][3] -= $P{velbias_b4};
+		if ($opt_w) {
+			@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BEAMPAIR_VELOCITY}[$b]} =
+				velBeamToBPEarth(\%dta,$e,@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b]});
+		}
+		if (defined($opt_d)) {
+			undef($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][$opt_d-1]);
+			undef($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][$opt_d-1]);
+		}
+		for (my($i)=0; $i<4; $i++) {
+			if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][$i] < $opt_p) {
+				undef($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][$i]);
+				undef($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][$i]);
+			}
+        }
+		@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b]} = $beamCoords
+			? velInstrumentToEarth(\%dta,$e,
+				  velBeamToInstrument(\%dta,@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b]})
+			  )
+			: velApplyHdgBias(\%dta,$e,@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b]})
+				unless ($opt_b);
+		unless (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][0])) {
+			undef(@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b]});
+			next;
+		}
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{THREE_BEAM}[$b] = $RDI_Coords::threeBeamFlag;
+		$three_beam[$b] += $RDI_Coords::threeBeamFlag;
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{GOOD_VEL}[$b] = 1;
+		$good_vels[$b]++; 
+		$lastGoodBin = $b if ($b > $lastGoodBin);
+		$firstGoodEns = $e unless defined($firstGoodEns);
+		$lastGoodEns = $e;
+    }
+unless (defined($opt_r)) {
+	$fe = $firstGoodEns;
+	$le = $lastGoodEns;
+$P{N_ensembles} = $le - $fe + 1;
+$firstBin = 0;
+$lastBin = $lastGoodBin;
+print( STDERR "Start      : $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$fe]->{DATE} $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$fe]->{TIME}\n");
+print( STDERR "End        : $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$le]->{DATE} $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$le]->{TIME}\n");
+printf(STDERR "Bins       : %d-%d\n",$firstBin+1,$lastBin+1);
+if ($opt_b) {
+	print(STDERR "Good       : ");
+} else {
+	printf(STDERR "3-Beam     : %d %d %d %d\n",$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_1,
+											   $RDI_Coords::threeBeam_2,
+											   $RDI_Coords::threeBeam_3,
+											   $RDI_Coords::threeBeam_4);
+	print(STDERR "Good/3-beam: ");
+for ($b=$firstBin; $b<=$lastBin; $b++) {				# generate output
+	dumpBin($b,$fe,$le);
+print(STDERR "\n");
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/listEns
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+#                    L I S T E N S 
+#                    doc: Sat Jan 18 18:41:49 2003
+#                    dlm: Thu Jul 30 17:42:09 2009
+#                    (c) 2003 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 247 47 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# Print useful info from the ensemble list or dump ensembles to
+# separate files.
+#	Jan 18, 2003: - created
+#	Mar 18, 2004: - updated
+#	Sep 15, 2005: - made ESW optional (BB150)
+#				  - change RDI binread library name
+#	Aug 25, 2006: - added -r)ange
+#				  - added write -E)nsembles
+#	Aug 26, 2006: - added -M)agdecl
+#	Sep 19, 2007: - adapted to new [] (not tested)
+#	Jan 26, 2008: - BUG: diagnostic output had been written to STDOUT
+#	Feb  1, 2008: - BUG: still more diagnostic output written to STDOUT
+#				  - BUG: -E/-A combo had ignored -E
+#				  - changed %-good fieldnames for earth coordinates
+#				  - allowed for 3-beam solutions
+#	Feb  7, 2008: - added -f)ields
+#	Apr  4, 2008: - made -f output nan on undefined values
+#				  - BUG: -f fields did not allow array indices
+#				  - added in-w)ater data only
+#				  - restructured for simplicity
+#	Mar  2, 2009: - added # of valid bin-1 vels to non-ANTS output
+#	Jul 30, 2009: - NaN => nan
+# Notes:
+#	- -E outputs data in earth coordinates
+#	- -E output is always in ANTS format, ignoring -A
+#	- no soundspeed correction
+require "";
+$0 =~ m{(.*/)[^/]+};
+require "$";
+require "$";
+die("Usage: $0 [-A)nts] [-Q)uiet (errcheck only)] " .
+			  "[-f)ields <[name=]FIELD[,...]>] " .
+			  "[write -E)nsemples <pref> [-M)agnetic <declination>] [min -p)ercent-good <#>]] " .
+			  "[-r)ange <first_ens,last_ens>] [in-w)ater ensembles only]" .
+			  "<RDI file...>\n")
+	unless (&Getopts("AE:f:M:p:Qr:w") && $#ARGV >= 0);
+print(STDERR "WARNING: magnetic declination not set!\n")
+	if defined($opt_E) && !defined($opt_M);
+die("$0: illegal option combination\n")
+	if ($opt_Q && $opt_A) || ((defined($opt_M) || defined($opt_p)) && !defined($opt_E));
+($first_ens,$last_ens) = split(',',$opt_r)
+	if defined($opt_r);
+undef($opt_A) if defined($opt_E);
+$opt_p = 0 unless defined($opt_p);
+if ($opt_f) {										# additional fields
+	@addFields = split(',',$opt_f);
+	foreach my $f (@addFields) {
+		$f =~ s/\s//g;								# remove spaces
+		@def = split('=',$f);
+		if (@def == 2) {							# name=field
+			$addLayout .= $opt_A ? " {$def[0]}" : " $def[0]";
+			$f = $def[1];
+		} else {									# field
+			$addLayout .= " {$f}";
+		}
+	}
+#	print(STDERR "addLayout = $addLayout\n");
+#	print(STDERR "\@addFields = @addFields\n");
+while (-f $ARGV[0]) {
+	if ($opt_A && !$opt_E) {
+		print("#ANTS#PARAMS# RDI_file{$ARGV[0]}\n");
+	} elsif (!$opt_Q) {
+		print(STDERR "$ARGV[0]: ");
+	}
+	readData(@ARGV,\%dta);
+	printf(STDERR "%d complete ensembles...\n",scalar(@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}))
+		unless ($opt_Q);
+	$dta{HEADING_BIAS} = -$opt_M;						# magnetic declination
+	shift;
+	if ($dta{BEAM_COORDINATES}) {						# coords used
+		$beamCoords = 1;
+	} elsif (!$dta{EARTH_COORDINATES}) {
+		die("$ARGV[0]: only beam and earth coordinates implemented so far\n");
+	}
+	if ($opt_A) {										# select output fmt: ANTS
+		unless ($opt_Q) {
+			printf("#ANTS#PARAMS# N_ensembles{%d}\n",scalar(@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}));
+			print('#ANTS#FIELDS# {ens} {time} {xducer_up} {temp} {hdg} {pitch} {roll} {XMIT_VOLTAGE} {XMIT_CURRENT}');
+			print(' {ESW}') if ($dta{DATA_FORMAT} eq 'WH300');
+	        print("$addLayout\n");
+	    }
+		$dumpEns = sub ($)
+		{
+			my($e) = @_;
+			printf('%d %lf %d %g %g %g %g %g %g',
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER},
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME},
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{XDUCER_FACING_UP} ? 1 : 0,
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{TEMPERATURE},
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{HEADING},
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PITCH},
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROLL},
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ADC_XMIT_VOLTAGE},
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ADC_XMIT_CURRENT},
+			);
+			printf(' %08X',$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ERROR_STATUS_WORD})
+				if ($dta{DATA_FORMAT} eq 'WH300');
+			foreach my $f (@addFields) {
+				my($fn,$fi) = ($f =~ m{([^[]*)(\[.*)});
+				$fn = $f unless defined($fn);
+				my($v) = eval("\$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{$fn}$fi");
+				print(defined($v) ? " $v" : " nan");
+			}
+			print("\n");
+		}
+	} elsif ($opt_E) {										# one file per ens
+		$dumpEns = sub ($)
+		{
+			my($e) = @_;
+			my($b,$i);
+			my($file) = "$opt_E.$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER}";
+			open(P,">$file") || die("$file: $!\n");
+			print(P "#ANTS#PARAMS# " .
+					"BT_u{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}[0]} " .
+					"BT_v{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}[1]} " .
+					"BT_w{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}[2]} " .
+					"BT_e{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_VELOCITY}[3]} " .
+					"BT_cor1{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_CORRELATION}[0]} " .
+					"BT_cor2{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_CORRELATION}[1]} " .
+					"BT_cor3{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_CORRELATION}[2]} " .
+					"BT_cor4{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_CORRELATION}[3]} " .
+					"BT_amp1{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_AMPLITUDE}[0]} " .
+					"BT_amp2{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_AMPLITUDE}[1]} " .
+					"BT_amp3{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_AMPLITUDE}[2]} " .
+					"BT_amp4{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BT_AMPLITUDE}[3]} " .
+					"\n"
+			);
+			print(P "#ANTS#FIELDS# " .
+					"{dz} {u} {v} {w} {e} {cor1} {cor2} {cor3} {cor4} " .
+					"{amp1} {amp2} {amp3} {amp4} "
+			);
+			if ($beamCoords) {
+				print(P "{pcg1} {pcg2} {pcg3} {pcg4}");
+			} else {
+				print(P "{pc3beam} {pcBadErrVel} {pc1or2beam} {pc4beam}");
+			}
+			print(P "$addLayout\n");
+			for (my($b)=0; $b<$dta{N_BINS}; $b++) {
+				my(@v);
+				my($dz) = $dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $b*$dta{BIN_LENGTH};
+				if ($beamCoords) {
+					undef($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][0])
+						if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][0] < $opt_p);
+					undef($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][1])
+						if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][1] < $opt_p);
+					undef($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][2])
+						if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][2] < $opt_p);
+					undef($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][3])
+						if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][3] < $opt_p);
+					@v = velInstrumentToEarth(\%dta,$e,
+							velBeamToInstrument(\%dta,
+								@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b]}));
+				} else {
+					@v = velApplyHdgBias(\%dta,$e,@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b]});
+				}
+				$v[0] = nan unless defined($v[0]);
+				$v[1] = nan unless defined($v[1]);
+				$v[2] = nan unless defined($v[2]);
+				$v[3] = nan unless defined($v[3]);
+				my(@out) = (
+					$dz,$v[0],$v[1],$v[2],$v[3],
+					@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{CORRELATION}[$b]},
+					@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$b]},
+					@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b]}
+				);
+				foreach my $f (@addFields) {
+					my($fn,$fi) = ($f =~ m{([^[]*)(\[.*)});
+					$fn = $f unless defined($fn);
+					push(@out,eval("\$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{$fn}$fi"));
+				}
+				for ($i=0; $i<17+@addFields; $i++) {
+					$out[$i] = nan unless defined($out[$i]);
+				}
+				print(P "@out\n");
+			}
+			close(P);
+		}
+	} else {											# neither ANTS nor ens files
+		unless ($opt_Q) {
+			if ($dta{DATA_FORMAT} eq 'WH300') {
+				printf("    # Date       Time        XD  Temp Headng Pitch  Roll vels(bin1) ESW$addLayout\n");
+				printf("-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+			} else {
+				printf("    # Date       Time        XD  Temp Headng Pitch  Roll vels(bin1)$addLayout\n");
+				printf("-------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+			}
+		}
+		$dumpEns = sub ($)
+		{
+			my($e) = @_;
+			printf('%5d %s %s %s %5.1f %6.1f %5.1f %5.1f %3d',
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER},
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DATE},
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{TIME},
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{XDUCER_FACING_UP} ? "UP" : "DN",
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{TEMPERATURE},
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{HEADING},
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PITCH},
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROLL},
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BIN1VELS},
+			);
+			printf(' 0x%08X',$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ERROR_STATUS_WORD})
+				if ($dta{DATA_FORMAT} eq 'WH300');
+			foreach my $f (@addFields) {
+				my($fn,$fi) = ($f =~ m{([^[]*)(\[.*)});
+				$fn = $f unless defined($fn);
+				my($v) = eval("\$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{$fn}$fi");
+				print(defined($v) ? " $v" : " nan");
+			}
+			print("\n");
+		}
+	}
+	for ($e=0; $e<=$#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}; $e++) {
+		next if (defined($first_ens) &&
+				 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER} < $first_ens);
+		last if (defined($last_ens) &&
+				 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER} > $last_ens);
+		 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BIN1VELS} =
+				defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[1][0]) +
+				defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[1][1]) +
+				defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[1][2]) +
+	            defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[1][3]);
+		next if ($opt_w && $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BIN1VELS}<3);
+		die("3-beams used in ensemble #$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER}\n")
+			if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{N_BEAMS_USED} < 4);
+		die("BIT error in ensemble $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER}\n")
+			if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BUILT_IN_TEST_ERROR});
+		die("Low gain in ensemble #$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER}\n")
+			if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{LOW_GAIN});
+		&$dumpEns($e)
+			unless ($opt_Q);
+	}
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/listHdr
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+#                    L I S T H D R 
+#                    doc: Sat Jan 18 18:41:49 2003
+#                    dlm: Wed Jul  9 13:30:35 2008
+#                    (c) 2003 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 66 0 NIL 0 0 72 8 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# Print useful info from the RDI BB header
+#	Jan 18, 2003: - incepted as a test for []
+#	Jan 19, 2003: - continued
+#	Feb 14, 2003: - added BT setup params
+#	Mar 15, 2003: - added and removed BATTERY
+#	Feb 24, 2004: - corrected TRANSMIT_LAG_DISTANCE units
+#	Feb 26, 2004: - added ENSEMBLE_LENGTH
+#				  - added FIRMWARE
+#	Mar  4, 2004: - added transducer orientation
+#	Mar 30, 2004: - decified firmware output
+#	Sep 14, 2005: - made BT data optional, dep. on NUMBER_OF_DATA_TYPES
+#				  - added DATA_FORMAT & related
+#	Sep 15, 2005: - change BinRead library name
+#				  - compacted output format
+#	Oct 30, 2005: - shuffled stuff, added DATA_FORMAT_VARIANT
+#	Aug 21, 2006: - added CPU_SERIAL_NUMBER
+#				  - added usage error
+#	Sep 19, 2007: - adapted to new [] (not tested)
+#	Jul  9, 2008: - added output regarding available sensors
+$0 =~ m{(.*/)[^/]+};
+require "$";
+die("Usage: $0 <RDI file[...]>\n")
+	unless (@ARGV);
+while (-f $ARGV[0]) {
+	print("$ARGV[0]:\n");
+	readHeader(@ARGV,\%hdr);
+	shift;
+	print("    Instrument Characteristics:\n");
+	printf("\tCPU_SERIAL_NUMBER\t\t= %s\n",$hdr{CPU_SERIAL_NUMBER});
+	printf("\tFIRMWARE\t\t\t= %d.%d\n",$hdr{CPU_FW_VER},$hdr{CPU_FW_REV});
+	printf("\tBEAM_FREQUENCY\t\t\t= %d kHz\n",$hdr{BEAM_FREQUENCY});
+	printf("\tBEAM_ANGLE\t\t\t= %d deg\n",$hdr{BEAM_ANGLE});
+	printf("\tN_BEAMS\t\t\t\t= %d\n",$hdr{N_BEAMS});
+	printf("\tN_DEMODS\t\t\t= %d\n",$hdr{N_DEMODS}) if defined($hdr{N_DEMODS});
+	printf("\tSensors\t\t\t\t: ");
+	printf("PRESSURE ") 						if ($hdr{PRESSURE_SENSOR_AVAILABLE});
+	printf("COMPASS ") 							if ($hdr{COMPASS_AVAILABLE});
+	printf("PITCH ") 							if ($hdr{PITCH_SENSOR_AVAILABLE});
+	printf("ROLL ") 							if ($hdr{ROLL_SENSOR_AVAILABLE});
+	print("\n");
+	printf("\tFlags\t\t\t\t: ");
+	print("\n");
+	print("    File Format:\n");
+	printf("\tDATA_FORMAT\t\t\t= %s (variant %d)\n",
+	printf("\tNUMBER_OF_DATA_TYPES\t\t= %d\n",$hdr{NUMBER_OF_DATA_TYPES});
+	printf("\tENSEMBLE_BYTES\t\t\t= %3d bytes\n",$hdr{ENSEMBLE_BYTES});
+	printf("\tHEADER_BYTES\t\t\t= %3d bytes\n",$hdr{HEADER_BYTES});
+	printf("\tFIXED_LEADER_BYTES\t\t= %3d bytes\n",$hdr{FIXED_LEADER_BYTES});
+	printf("\tVARIABLE_LEADER_BYTES\t\t= %3d bytes\n",$hdr{VARIABLE_LEADER_BYTES});
+	printf("\tVELOCITY_DATA_BYTES\t\t= %3d bytes\n",$hdr{VELOCITY_DATA_BYTES});
+	printf("\tCORRELATION_DATA_BYTES\t\t= %3d bytes\n",$hdr{CORRELATION_DATA_BYTES});
+	printf("\tPERCENT_GOOD_DATA_BYTES\t\t= %3d bytes\n",$hdr{PERCENT_GOOD_DATA_BYTES});
+	printf("\tBT_DATA_BYTES\t\t\t= %3d bytes\n",$hdr{BT_DATA_BYTES})
+		if ($dta->{BT_PRESENT});
+	print("    Coordinate System:\n");
+	printf("\tHEADING_ALIGNMENT_CORRECTION\t\t= %g deg\n",    
+												if defined($hdr{HEADING_ALIGNMENT_CORRECTION});
+	printf("\tHEADING_BIAS_CORRECTION\t\t= %g deg\n",
+												$hdr{HEADING_BIAS_CORRECTION})
+												if defined($hdr{HEADING_BIAS_CORRECTION});
+	print("\tFlags\t\t\t\t: ");
+	printf("BEAM_COORDINATES ") 				if ($hdr{BEAM_COORDINATES});
+	printf("SHIP_COORDINATES ") 				if ($hdr{SHIP_COORDINATES});
+	printf("PITCH_AND_ROLL_USED ")				if ($hdr{PITCH_AND_ROLL_USED});
+	printf("BIN_MAPPING_ALLOWED ")				if ($hdr{ALLOW_BIN_MAPPING});
+	print("\n");
+		print("    Speed-of-Sound Sensors Used:\n");
+		printf("\tCOMPASS_USED\n")			if ($hdr{COMPASS_USED});
+		printf("\tPITCH_SENSOR_USED\n")		if ($hdr{PITCH_SENSOR_USED});
+		printf("\tROLL_SENSOR_USED\n")		if ($hdr{ROLL_SENSOR_USED});
+		printf("\tCONDUCTIVITY_SENSOR_USED\n")    
+												if ($hdr{CONDUCTIVITY_SENSOR_USED});
+												if ($hdr{TEMPERATURE_SENSOR_USED});
+		print("\n");
+	}
+	print("    Bin Setup:\n");
+	printf("\tN_BINS\t\t\t\t= %d\n",			$hdr{N_BINS});
+	printf("\tBLANKING_DISTANCE\t\t= %g m\n", $hdr{BLANKING_DISTANCE});
+	printf("\tTRANSMIT_LAG_DISTANCE\t\t= %g m\n",   
+												$hdr{TRANSMIT_LAG_DISTANCE});
+	printf("\tDISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER\t\t= %g m\n",   
+												$hdr{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER});
+	printf("\tBIN_LENGTH\t\t\t= %g m\n",		$hdr{BIN_LENGTH});
+	printf("\tTRANSMITTED_PULSE_LENGTH\t= %g m\n",    
+												$hdr{TRANSMITTED_PULSE_LENGTH});
+	printf("\tRL_FIRST_BIN\t\t\t= %d\n",		$hdr{RL_FIRST_BIN});
+	printf("\tRL_LAST_BIN\t\t\t= %d\n",		$hdr{RL_LAST_BIN});
+	print("    Water-Track Setup:\n");
+	printf("\tPINGS_PER_ENSEMBLE\t\t= %d\n",	$hdr{PINGS_PER_ENSEMBLE});
+	printf("\tTIME_BETWEEN_PINGS\t\t= %g s\n",$hdr{TIME_BETWEEN_PINGS});
+	printf("\tTRANSMIT_POWER\t\t\t= %d\n",	$hdr{TRANSMIT_POWER});
+	printf("\tMIN_CORRELATION\t\t\t= %d\n",	$hdr{MIN_CORRELATION});
+	printf("\tMIN_PERCENT_GOOD\t\t= %d %%\n",	$hdr{MIN_PERCENT_GOOD});
+	printf("\tMAX_ERROR_VELOCITY\t\t= %g m/s\n",
+												$hdr{MAX_ERROR_VELOCITY});
+	printf("\tFALSE_TARGET_THRESHOLD\t\t= %d\n",
+												$hdr{FALSE_TARGET_THRESHOLD})
+												if defined($hdr{FALSE_TARGET_THRESHOLD});
+	printf("\tFlags\t\t\t\t: ");
+	printf("NARROW_BANDWIDTH ") 				if ($hdr{NARROW_BANDWIDTH});
+	printf("WIDE_BANDWIDTH ")					if ($hdr{WIDE_BANDWIDTH});
+	printf("USE_3_BEAM_ON_LOW_CORR ")			if ($hdr{USE_3_BEAM_ON_LOW_CORR});
+	print("\n");
+	if ($hdr{NUMBER_OF_DATA_TYPES} == 7) {
+		print("    Bottom-Track Setup:\n");
+		printf("\tBT_MODE\t\t\t\t= %d\n", 		$hdr{BT_MODE});
+		printf("\tBT_PINGS_PER_ENSEMBLE\t\t= %d\n",
+													$hdr{BT_PINGS_PER_ENSEMBLE});
+		printf("\tBT_TIME_BEFORE_REACQUIRE\t= %g s\n",
+													$hdr{BT_TIME_BEFORE_REACQUIRE});
+		printf("\tBT_MIN_CORRELATION\t\t= %d\n",$hdr{BT_MIN_CORRELATION});
+		printf("\tBT_MIN_EVAL_AMPLITUDE\t\t= %d\n",
+													$hdr{BT_MIN_EVAL_AMPLITUDE});
+		printf("\tBT_MIN_PERCENT_GOOD\t\t= %d %%\n",
+													$hdr{BT_MIN_PERCENT_GOOD});
+		printf("\tBT_MAX_ERROR_VELOCITY\t\t= %g m/s\n",
+													$hdr{BT_MAX_ERROR_VELOCITY})
+													if defined($hdr{BT_MAX_ERROR_VELOCITY});
+		printf("\tBT_RL_MIN_SIZE\t\t\t= %g m\n",	$hdr{BT_RL_MIN_SIZE});
+		printf("\tBT_RL_NEAR\t\t\t= %g m\n",		$hdr{BT_RL_NEAR});
+		printf("\tBT_RL_FAR\t\t\t= %g m\n",		$hdr{BT_RL_FAR});
+		printf("\tBT_MAX_TRACKING_DEPTH\t\t= %g m\n"
+	                                        ,       $hdr{BT_MAX_TRACKING_DEPTH});
+    }
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/listW
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+#                    L I S T W 
+#                    doc: Wed Mar 24 06:45:09 2004
+#                    dlm: Thu Jul 30 17:42:33 2009
+#                    (c) 2004 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 205 53 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# dump vertical velocities
+# NB: currently broken
+#	Mar 24, 2004: - created from [listens] and [mkprofile]
+#	Mar 27, 2004: - added elapsed field
+#				  - floatized time
+#	Apr  3, 2004: - cosmetics
+#	Nov  8, 2005: - UNIXTIME => UNIX_TIME
+#	Sep 19, 2007: - adapted to new [] (not tested)
+#	Jul 30, 2009: - NaN => nan
+$0 =~ m{(.*)/[^/]+}; 
+require "$1/";
+require "$1/";
+require "$1/";
+use Getopt::Std;
+$USAGE = "$0 @ARGV";
+die("Usage: $0 " .
+		"[-A)nts] " .
+		"[-F)ilter <script>] " .
+		"[bin -r)ange  <bin|0,bin|*>] " .
+		"[-e)rr-vel <max|0.1>] [-c)orrelation <min|70>] " .
+		"[-S)alin <val|35>] [-t)emp <bias>] " .
+		"[output -f)ields <field[,...]> " .
+		"<RDI file>\n")
+	unless (&getopts("Ac:e:F:f:r:S:t:") && @ARGV == 1);
+$opt_e = 0.1 unless defined($opt_e);				# defaults
+$opt_c = 70	 unless defined($opt_c);
+$opt_S = 35  unless defined($opt_S);
+print(STDERR "WARNING: Using uncalibrated ADCP temperature!\n"),$opt_t = 0
+	 unless defined($opt_t);
+require $opt_F if defined($opt_F);					# load filter
+if ($opt_f) {										# additional fields
+	@f = split(',',$opt_f);
+	foreach $f (@f) {
+		my($f) = $f;								# copy it
+		$f =~ s{\[.*$}{};							# remove indices
+		$addFields .= " {$f}";
+	}
+print(STDERR "Reading $ARGV[0]...");				# read data
+print(STDERR "done\n");
+if (defined($opt_r)) {								# bin range
+	($minb,$maxb) = split(',',$opt_r);
+	die("$0: can't decode -r $opt_r\n") unless defined($maxb);
+} else {
+	$minb = 0;
+	$maxb = $dta{N_BINS} - 1;
+die("$ARGV[0]: not enough bins for choice of -r\n")	# enough bins?
+	unless ($dta{N_BINS} >= $maxb);
+if ($dta{BEAM_COORDINATES}) {						# coords used
+	$beamCoords = 1;
+} elsif (!$dta{EARTH_COORDINATES}) {
+	die("$ARGV[0]: only beam and earth coordinates implemented so far\n");
+# Reference-Layer w (from [mkprofile])
+#	- also sets W field when valid
+sub ref_lr_w($)
+	my($ens) = @_;
+	my($i,$n,$w);
+	for ($i=$minb; $i<=$maxb; $i++) {
+		next if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][0] < $opt_c ||
+				 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][1] < $opt_c ||
+				 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][2] < $opt_c ||
+				 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][3] < $opt_c);
+		if ($beamCoords) {
+			next if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][0] < 100 ||
+					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][1] < 100 ||
+					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][2] < 100 ||
+					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][3] < 100);
+			@v = velInstrumentToEarth(\%dta,$ens,
+					velBeamToInstrument(\%dta,
+						@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i]}));
+		} else {
+			next if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][0] > 0 ||
+					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][1] > 0 ||
+					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][2] > 0 ||
+					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][3] < 100);
+			@v = @{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i]};
+		}
+		next if (!defined($v[3]) || abs($v[3]) > $opt_e);
+		if (defined($v[2])) {							# valid w
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{W}[$i] = $v[2];
+			$w += $v[2]; $n++;
+		}
+	}
+	return $n ? $w/$n : undef;
+print(STDERR "Generating profile by integrating w...");
+for ($e=0; $e<=$#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}; $e++) {
+	checkEnsemble(\%dta,$e);								# sanity checks
+	filterEnsemble(\%dta,$e)								# filter ensemble 
+		if (defined($opt_F) &&
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[0][0] > 0);
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{REFW} = ref_lr_w($e);
+	next unless defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{REFW});
+	unless (defined($firstgood)) {							# init profile
+		$firstgood = $lastgood = $e;			
+		$depth = 0;
+	}
+	my($dt) = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME} -			# time step since
+			  $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{UNIX_TIME};		# ... last good ens
+	if ($dt > 120) {
+		printf(STDERR "\nWARNING: %d-s gap too long, profile restarted at ensemble $e...",$dt);
+		$firstgood = $lastgood = $e;			
+		$dt = $depth = 0;
+	}
+	$depth += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{REFW} * $dt		# integrate depth
+		if ($dt > 0);
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH} = $depth;
+	$atbottom = $e, $maxdepth = $depth if ($depth > $maxdepth);	
+	my($ss) = soundSpeed($opt_S,							# sound-speed corr
+				  	     $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{TEMPERATURE}-$opt_t,
+				   	     $depth);
+		$ss / $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{SPEED_OF_SOUND};
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{SPEED_OF_SOUND} = $ss;
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{REFW} *=
+	$lastgood = $e;
+printf(STDERR "done (max depth = %.1fm, depth at end of cast = %.1fm)\n",
+			$maxdepth,$depth);
+filterEnsembleStats() if defined($opt_F);
+print(STDERR "Writing output...");
+if ($opt_A) {
+	print("#ANTS# [] $USAGE\n");
+	print("#ANTS#FIELDS# {ens} {unix_time} {time} {bin} {depth} {dz} {w} {ref_w} {dw} $addFields\n");
+	printf("#ANTS#PARAMS# maxdepth{$max_depth} bottom_time{%d}\n",
+	    $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{UNIX_TIME} - 
+		 	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{UNIX_TIME});
+} else {
+	print("# ens-no time elapsed bin-no depth dz w ref-w dw $addFields\n");
+	print("#----------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+for ($e=$firstgood; $e<=$lastgood; $e++) {
+	for ($i=$minb; $i<=$maxb; $i++) {						# dump valid
+		next unless defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W}[$i]);
+		printf("%d %f %f %d %.1f %.1f %g %g %g ",
+			$e,$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME},
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME} -
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{UNIX_TIME},$i,
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH} +
+					($dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $i*$dta{BIN_LENGTH}),
+				($dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $i*$dta{BIN_LENGTH}),
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W}[$i],
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{REFW},
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W}[$i] - $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{REFW},
+		);
+		sub p($) { print(defined($_[0])?"$_[0] ":"nan "); }
+		if (defined(@f)) {
+			foreach $f (@f) {
+				my($fn,$fi) = ($f =~ m{([^[]*)(\[.*)});
+				$fn = $f unless defined($fn);
+				p(eval("\$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{$fn}$fi"));
+			}
+		}
+		print("\n");
+	}
+print(STDERR "done\n");
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meanProf
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+#                    M E A N P R O F 
+#                    doc: Fri Feb 22 08:40:18 2008
+#                    dlm: Fri Feb 22 18:02:40 2008
+#                    (c) 2008 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 232 0 NIL 0 0 72 74 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# extract time-averaged mean profile from ADCP data
+#	Feb 22, 2008: - created from [listBins]
+# Soundspeed Correction:
+#	- applied as described in the RDI coord-trans manual
+#	- sound-speed variation over range is ignored (valid for small gradients)
+#	=> - same simple correction for all velocity components
+#	   - simple correction for cell depths
+require "";
+$0 =~ m{(.*/)[^/]+};
+require "$";
+require "$";
+require "$";
+die("Usage: $0 [-r)ange <first_ens,last_ens>] " .
+			  "[-Q)uiet (stats only)] " .
+			  "[-S)oundspeed correction <salin|*,temp|*,depth|*> " .
+		 	  "[require -4)-beam solutions] [-d)iscard <beam#>] " .
+		 	  "[-%)good <min>] " .
+		 	  "[output -b)eam coordinates] " .
+			  "[-M)agnetic <declination>] " .
+			  "[-D)epth <depth>] " .
+			  "<RDI file>\n")
+	unless (&Getopts("4bd:D:M:p:r:QS:") && @ARGV == 1);
+die("$0: -4 and -d are mutually exclusive\n")
+	if ($opt_4 && defined($opt_d));
+die("$0: -p and -b are mutually exclusive\n")
+	if ($opt_b && defined($opt_p));
+$opt_p = 0 unless defined($opt_p);
+$RDI_Coords::minValidVels = 4 if ($opt_4);			# no 3-beam solutions
+print(STDERR "WARNING: magnetic declination not set!\n")
+	unless defined($opt_M) || defined($opt_b);
+$ifn = $ARGV[0];
+($first_ens,$last_ens) = split(',',$opt_r)
+	if defined($opt_r);
+($SS_salin,$SS_temp,$SS_depth) = split(',',$opt_S)
+	if defined($opt_S);
+die("$0: Cannot do variable soundspeed correction (implementation restriction)\n")
+	if ($SS_salin eq '*' || $SS_temp eq '*' || $SS_depth eq '*');
+# Read & Check Data, Transform Velocities
+$P{RDI_file} = $ifn;
+$P{mag_decl} = $opt_M if defined($opt_M);
+print(STDERR "reading $ifn: ");
+printf(STDERR "%d complete ensembles.\n",scalar(@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}));
+$dta{HEADING_BIAS} = -$opt_M;						# magnetic declination
+if ($dta{BEAM_COORDINATES}) {						# coords
+	$beamCoords = 1;
+} else {
+	die("$0: -b requires input in beam coordinates\n")
+		if ($opt_b);
+	die("$ifn: only beam and earth coordinates implemented so far\n")
+		if (!$dta{EARTH_COORDINATES});
+for (my($b)=0; $b<$dta{N_BINS}; $b++) {				# calc dz
+	$dz[$b] = $dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $b*$dta{BIN_LENGTH};
+$lastGoodBin = 0;
+for ($e=0; $e<=$#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}; $e++) {			# check/transform velocities
+	next if (defined($first_ens) &&
+			 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER} < $first_ens);
+	$P{first_ens} = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER},$fe = $e
+		unless defined($P{first_ens});
+	last if (defined($last_ens) &&
+			 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER} > $last_ens);
+	$P{last_ens} = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER};
+	$le = $e;
+	die("3-beams used in ensemble #$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER}\n")
+		if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{N_BEAMS_USED} < 4);
+	die("BIT error in ensemble $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER}\n")
+		if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{BUILT_IN_TEST_ERROR});
+	die("Low gain in ensemble #$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER}\n")
+        if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{LOW_GAIN});
+	for (my($b)=0; $b<$dta{N_BINS}; $b++) {
+		if (defined($opt_d)) {
+			undef($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][$opt_d-1]);
+			undef($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][$opt_d-1]);
+		}
+		for (my($i)=0; $i<4; $i++) {
+			if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][$i] < $opt_p) {
+				undef($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][$i]);
+				undef($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][$i]);
+			}
+        }
+		@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b]} = $beamCoords
+			? velInstrumentToEarth(\%dta,$e,
+				  velBeamToInstrument(\%dta,@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b]})
+			  )
+			: velApplyHdgBias(\%dta,$e,@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b]})
+				unless ($opt_b);
+		$sum_corr1[$b] += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{CORRELATION}[$b][0];
+		$sum_corr2[$b] += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{CORRELATION}[$b][1];
+		$sum_corr3[$b] += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{CORRELATION}[$b][2];
+		$sum_corr4[$b] += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{CORRELATION}[$b][3];
+		$sum_amp1[$b] += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$b][0];
+		$sum_amp2[$b] += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$b][1];
+		$sum_amp3[$b] += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$b][2];
+		$sum_amp4[$b] += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$b][3];
+		unless (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][0])) {
+			undef(@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b]});
+			next;
+		}
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{THREE_BEAM}[$b] = $RDI_Coords::threeBeamFlag;
+		$three_beam[$b] += $RDI_Coords::threeBeamFlag;
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{GOOD_VEL}[$b] = 1;
+		$good_vels[$b]++; 
+		$lastGoodBin = $b if ($b > $lastGoodBin);
+		$firstGoodEns = $e unless defined($firstGoodEns);
+		$lastGoodEns = $e;
+		$sum_u[$b] += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][0];
+		$sum_v[$b] += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][1];
+		$sum_w[$b] += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][2];
+		$sum_e[$b] += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][3]
+			unless ($RDI_Coords::threeBeamFlag);
+		$sum_pcg1[$b] += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][0];
+		$n_pcg1[$b]++ if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][0]);
+		$sum_pcg2[$b] += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][1];
+		$n_pcg2[$b]++ if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][1]);
+		$sum_pcg3[$b] += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][2];
+		$n_pcg3[$b]++ if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][2]);
+		$sum_pcg4[$b] += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][3];
+		$n_pcg4[$b]++ if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][3]);
+    }
+unless (defined($opt_r)) {
+	$fe = $firstGoodEns;
+	$le = $lastGoodEns;
+$nEns = $le - $fe + 1;
+die("$0: insufficient data\n") if ($nEns < 2);
+$P{N_ensembles} = $nEns;
+$firstBin = 0;
+$lastBin = $lastGoodBin;
+print( STDERR "Start      : $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$fe]->{DATE} $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$fe]->{TIME}\n");
+print( STDERR "End        : $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$le]->{DATE} $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$le]->{TIME}\n");
+printf(STDERR "Bins       : %d-%d\n",$firstBin+1,$lastBin+1);
+printf(STDERR "3-Beam     : %d %d %d %d\n",$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_1,
+										   $RDI_Coords::threeBeam_2,
+										   $RDI_Coords::threeBeam_3,
+										   $RDI_Coords::threeBeam_4)
+	unless ($opt_b);										   
+# Calculate Stddevs
+for ($b=0; $b<=$lastGoodBin; $b++) {
+	$mean_corr1[$b] = $sum_corr1[$b] / $nEns; $mean_corr2[$b] = $sum_corr2[$b] / $nEns;
+	$mean_corr3[$b] = $sum_corr3[$b] / $nEns; $mean_corr4[$b] = $sum_corr4[$b] / $nEns;
+	$mean_amp1[$b] = $sum_amp1[$b] / $nEns; $mean_amp2[$b] = $sum_amp2[$b] / $nEns;
+	$mean_amp3[$b] = $sum_amp3[$b] / $nEns; $mean_amp4[$b] = $sum_amp4[$b] / $nEns;
+	$mean_pcg1[$b] = $sum_pcg1[$b] / $n_pcg1[$b]; $mean_pcg2[$b] = $sum_pcg2[$b] / $n_pcg2[$b];
+	$mean_pcg3[$b] = $sum_pcg3[$b] / $n_pcg3[$b]; $mean_pcg4[$b] = $sum_pcg4[$b] / $n_pcg4[$b];
+	$mean_u[$b] = $sum_u[$b] / $good_vels[$b]; $mean_v[$b] = $sum_v[$b] / $good_vels[$b];
+	$mean_w[$b] = $sum_w[$b] / $good_vels[$b];
+	$mean_e[$b] = $sum_e[$b] / ($good_vels[$b] - $three_beam[$b]);
+for ($e=$fe; $e<=$le; $e++) {
+	for ($b=0; $b<=$lastGoodBin; $b++) {
+		$sumsq_corr1[$b] += ($mean_corr1[$b] - $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{CORRELATION}[$b][0])**2;
+		$sumsq_corr2[$b] += ($mean_corr2[$b] - $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{CORRELATION}[$b][1])**2;
+		$sumsq_corr3[$b] += ($mean_corr3[$b] - $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{CORRELATION}[$b][2])**2;
+		$sumsq_corr4[$b] += ($mean_corr4[$b] - $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{CORRELATION}[$b][3])**2;
+		$sumsq_amp1[$b] += ($mean_amp1[$b] - $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$b][0])**2;
+		$sumsq_amp2[$b] += ($mean_amp2[$b] - $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$b][1])**2;
+		$sumsq_amp3[$b] += ($mean_amp3[$b] - $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$b][2])**2;
+		$sumsq_amp4[$b] += ($mean_amp4[$b] - $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$b][3])**2;
+		$sumsq_pcg1[$b] += ($mean_pcg1[$b] - $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][0])**2
+			if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][0]);
+		$sumsq_pcg2[$b] += ($mean_pcg2[$b] - $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][1])**2
+			if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][1]);
+		$sumsq_pcg3[$b] += ($mean_pcg3[$b] - $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][2])**2
+			if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][2]);
+		$sumsq_pcg4[$b] += ($mean_pcg4[$b] - $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][3])**2
+			if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$b][3]);
+		next unless ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{GOOD_VEL}[$b]);
+		$sumsq_u[$b] += ($mean_u[$b] - $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][0])**2;
+		$sumsq_v[$b] += ($mean_v[$b] - $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][1])**2;
+		$sumsq_w[$b] += ($mean_w[$b] - $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][2])**2;
+		next if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{THREE_BEAM}[$b]);
+		$sumsq_e[$b] += ($mean_e[$b] - $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][3])**2;
+	}
+for ($b=0; $b<=$lastGoodBin; $b++) {
+	$var_corr1[$b] = $sumsq_corr1[$b] / ($nEns-1); $var_corr2[$b] = $sumsq_corr2[$b] / ($nEns-1);
+	$var_corr3[$b] = $sumsq_corr3[$b] / ($nEns-1); $var_corr4[$b] = $sumsq_corr4[$b] / ($nEns-1);
+	$var_amp1[$b] = $sumsq_amp1[$b] / ($nEns-1); $var_amp2[$b] = $sumsq_amp2[$b] / ($nEns-1);
+	$var_amp3[$b] = $sumsq_amp3[$b] / ($nEns-1); $var_amp4[$b] = $sumsq_amp4[$b] / ($nEns-1);
+	$var_pcg1[$b] = $sumsq_pcg1[$b] / ($n_pcg1[$b]-1) if ($n_pcg1[$b] > 1);
+	$var_pcg2[$b] = $sumsq_pcg2[$b] / ($n_pcg2[$b]-1) if ($n_pcg2[$b] > 1);
+	$var_pcg3[$b] = $sumsq_pcg3[$b] / ($n_pcg3[$b]-1) if ($n_pcg3[$b] > 1);
+	$var_pcg4[$b] = $sumsq_pcg4[$b] / ($n_pcg4[$b]-1) if ($n_pcg4[$b] > 1);
+	next unless ($good_vels[$b] > 1);
+	$var_u[$b] = $sumsq_u[$b] / ($good_vels[$b]-1);
+	$var_v[$b] = $sumsq_v[$b] / ($good_vels[$b]-1);
+	$var_w[$b] = $sumsq_w[$b] / ($good_vels[$b]-1);
+	next unless ($good_vels[$b] - $three_beam[$b] > 1);
+	$var_e[$b] = $sumsq_e[$b] / ($good_vels[$b] - $three_beam[$b] - 1);
+# Calculate Beam Statistics
+# Produce Output
+unless ($opt_Q) {
+	my($ssCorr) = defined($opt_S)
+				? ssCorr($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$fe],$SS_salin,$SS_temp,$SS_depth)
+				: 1;
+	print("#ANTS#PARAMS# ");
+	foreach my $k (keys(%P)) {
+		print("$k\{$P{$k}\} ");
+	}
+	printf("soundspeed_correction{%s}",defined($opt_S) ? $opt_S : 'NONE!');
+	print("\n");
+	print("#ANTS#FIELDS# " .
+		  "{bin} {dz} " .
+		  (defined($opt_D) ? "{depth} " : "") .
+		  ($opt_b ? "{v1} {v2} {v3} {v4} " : "{u} {v} {w} {err_vel} ") .
+		  ($opt_b ? "{sig_v1} {sig_v2} {sig_v3} {sig_v4} " : "{sig_u} {sig_v} {sig_w} {sig_err_vel} ") .
+		  "{corr1} {corr2} {corr3} {corr4} " .
+		  "{sig_corr1} {sig_corr2} {sig_corr3} {sig_corr4} " .
+		  "{amp1} {amp2} {amp3} {amp4} " .
+		  "{sig_amp1} {sig_amp2} {sig_amp3} {sig_amp4} " .
+		  "{pcg1} {pcg2} {pcg3} {pcg4} " .
+		  "{sig_pcg1} {sig_pcg2} {sig_pcg3} {sig_pcg4}" .
+		  "\n"
+	);
+	for ($b=$firstBin; $b<=$lastBin; $b++) {
+		printf("%d %.1f ",$b+1,$dz[$b]*$ssCorr);
+		printf("%.1f ",$opt_D - $dz[$b]*$ssCorr)
+			if defined($opt_D);
+		printf("%s ",defined($mean_u[$b]) ? $mean_u[$b] : nan);
+		printf("%s ",defined($mean_v[$b]) ? $mean_v[$b] : nan);
+		printf("%s ",defined($mean_w[$b]) ? $mean_w[$b] : nan);
+		printf("%s ",defined($mean_e[$b]) ? $mean_e[$b] : nan);
+		printf("%s ",defined($var_u[$b]) ? sqrt($var_u[$b]) : nan);
+		printf("%s ",defined($var_v[$b]) ? sqrt($var_v[$b]) : nan);
+		printf("%s ",defined($var_w[$b]) ? sqrt($var_w[$b]) : nan);
+		printf("%s ",defined($var_e[$b]) ? sqrt($var_e[$b]) : nan);
+		printf("%g %g %g %g ",$mean_corr1[$b],$mean_corr2[$b],
+						 	  $mean_corr3[$b],$mean_corr4[$b]);
+		printf("%g %g %g %g ",sqrt($var_corr1[$b]),sqrt($var_corr2[$b]),
+						 	  sqrt($var_corr3[$b]),sqrt($var_corr4[$b]));
+		printf("%g %g %g %g ",$mean_amp1[$b],$mean_amp2[$b],
+						 	  $mean_amp3[$b],$mean_amp4[$b]);
+		printf("%g %g %g %g ",sqrt($var_amp1[$b]),sqrt($var_amp2[$b]),
+						 	  sqrt($var_amp3[$b]),sqrt($var_amp4[$b]));
+		if ($good_vels[$b] > 0) {
+			printf("%g %g %g %g ",$mean_pcg1[$b],$mean_pcg2[$b],
+								   $mean_pcg3[$b],$mean_pcg4[$b]);
+			printf("%g %g %g %g\n",sqrt($var_pcg1[$b]),sqrt($var_pcg2[$b]),
+								   sqrt($var_pcg3[$b]),sqrt($var_pcg4[$b]));
+		} else {
+			print("nan nan nan nan ");
+			print("nan nan nan nan\n");
+		}
+	}
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mkProfile
@@ -0,0 +1,808 @@
+#                    M K P R O F I L E 
+#                    doc: Sun Jan 19 18:55:26 2003
+#                    dlm: Sun May 23 16:34:02 2010
+#                    (c) 2003 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 788 36 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# Make an LADCP Profile by Integrating W (similar to Firing's scan*).
+#	Jan 19, 2003: - written in order to test the RDI libs
+#	Jan 20, 2003: - added ensemble number
+#	Jan 21, 2003: - added horizontal integration
+#	Jan 22, 2003: - corrected magnetic declination
+#	Jan 23, 2003: - added -F)ilter
+#	Jan 24, 2003: - added more %PARAMs; started integration from 1st bin
+#				  - added -g, -f, battery status
+#	Jan 25, 2003: - added more %PARAMs
+#	Feb  1, 2003: - BUG: bottom-track quality checking was bad
+#	Feb  8, 2003: - allowed for array-indices on -f
+#	Feb  9, 2003: - added 50% goodvelbin
+#				  - removed unknown-field err on -f to allow -f W
+#	Feb 10, 2003: - changed initialization depth to 0m
+#				  - changed %bottom_depth to %max_depth
+#	Feb 11, 2003: - changed sign of magnetic declination
+#	Feb 12, 2003: - corrected BT-range scaling
+#	Feb 14, 2003: - added %pinging_hours, %min_range
+#				  - removed magnetic declination from default
+#	Feb 26, 2004: - added earth coordinates
+#	Mar  3, 2004: - removed requirement for -M on !-Q
+#				  - corrected range-stats on earth coordinates
+#	Mar  4, 2004: - added number of ensebles to output
+#	Mar 11, 2004: - BUG: rename ACD -> ADC
+#	Mar 12, 2004: - added %bottom_xmit_{current|voltage}
+#	Mar 16, 2004: - BUG: on -M u/v/x/y were wrong
+#	Mar 17, 2004: - added error estimates on u/v/x/y
+#				  - removed battery stuff (has to be done btw casts)
+#	Mar 18, 2004: - totally re-did u/v integration
+#	Mar 19, 2004: - re-designed u/v uncertainty estimation
+#	Sep 15, 2005: - changed BinRead library name
+#				  - made max gap length variable
+#	Sep 16, 2005: - re-did u,v,w uncertainties
+#	Nov  8, 2005: - UNIXTIME => UNIX_TIME
+#				  - added unix_time, secno, z_BT to default output
+#	Dec  1, 2005: - moved profile-building code to []
+#				  - changed -f syntax to allow name=FIELD
+#				  - added %bin1_dist, %bin_length
+#	Dec  8, 2005: - remove spaces from -f argument to allow multiline
+#				    definitions in Makefiles
+#	Nov 13, 2006: - BUG: end-of-cast depth had not been reported correctly
+#				  - cosmetics
+#	Nov 30, 2007: - adapted to 3-beam solutions
+#	Dec 11, 2007: - adapted to earlier modifications (Sep 2007) of
+#					[]
+#	Dec 14, 2007: - replaced z by depth
+#	Dec 17, 2007: - BUG: downcast flag was set incorrectly
+#	Jan 24, 2008: - rotation had been output as degrees/s; to make it more
+#				    consistent with pitch/roll, I changed it to simple degrees
+#				  - added net rotations [deployment]/down/up/[recovery]
+#	Apr  9, 2008: - added profile -B)ottom depth
+#				  - BUG: depth of first bin was reported as beginning of cast
+#	Oct 24, 2008: - added RANGE and RANGE_BINS fields
+#	Mar 18, 2009: - BUG: pitch/roll calculation had typo
+#				  - calc pitch/roll separately for down-/upcasts
+#				  - removed approximations in pitch/roll calcs
+#	Jul 30, 2009: - typo '<' removed from output
+#				  - NaN => nan
+#	- the battery values are based on transmission voltages (different
+#	  from battery voltages) and reported without units (raw 8-bit a2d
+#	  values)
+#	- -B with the CTD max depth can be used to linearly scale the depths;
+#	  even so, the profile can have negative depths, in particular when
+#	  the CTD is sent to a shallow depth first and then returned to the surface
+#	  before beginning the cast
+#	- in one case that I looked at (Anslope ][, cast 82), there are large
+#	  depth errors, even when -B is used
+#	- this utility works only approximately for uplookers (profile is
+#	  roughly ok, but apparently contaminated by surface reflection,
+#	  but stats are not ok; e.g. NBP0402
+$0 =~ m{(.*)/[^/]+}; 
+require "$1/";
+require "$1/";
+require "$1/";
+require "";
+$USAGE = "$0 @ARGV";
+die("Usage: $0 " .
+	"[-A)nts] [-Q)uiet] [-F)ilter <script>] " .
+	"[-s)uppress checkensemble()] " .
+	"[require -4)-beam solutions] " .
+	"[-r)ef-layer <bin|1,bin|6>] [-n) vels <min|2>] " .
+	"[-e)rr-vel <max|0.1>] [-c)orrelation <min>] " .
+	"[-m)ax <gap>] " .
+	"[-d)rift <dx,dy>] [-g)ps <start lat,lon/end lat,lon>] " .
+	"[output -f)ields <field[,...]> " .
+	"[-M)agnetic <declination>] [profile -B)ottom <depth>] " .
+	"<RDI file>\n")
+		unless (&Getopts("4AB:F:M:Qd:r:n:e:c:g:f:m:s") && @ARGV == 1);
+die("$0: -Q and -A are mutually exclusive\n")
+	if ($opt_Q && $opt_A);
+$RDI_Coords::minValidVels = 4 if ($opt_4);			# no 3-beam solutions
+require $opt_F if defined($opt_F);					# load filter
+$opt_r = "1,6" 	unless defined($opt_r);				# defaults
+$opt_n = 2	   	unless defined($opt_n);
+$opt_e = 0.1   	unless defined($opt_e);
+$opt_c = 70	   	unless defined($opt_c);
+$opt_m = 120	unless defined($opt_m);
+($minb,$maxb) = split(',',$opt_r);					# reference layer
+die("$0: can't decode -r $opt_r\n") unless defined($maxb);
+if ($opt_g) {										# GPS info
+	($s_lat,$s_lon,$e_lat,$e_lon) = gps_to_deg($opt_g);
+	$lat = $s_lat/2 + $e_lat/2;
+	$lon = $s_lon/2 + $e_lon/2;
+	$ddx = dist($lat,$s_lon,$lat,$e_lon);
+	$ddy = dist($s_lat,$lon,$e_lat,$lon);
+if ($opt_d) {										# ship drift
+	($ddx,$ddy) = split(',',$opt_d);
+	die("$0: can't decode -d $opt_d\n") unless defined($ddy);
+print(STDERR "Reading $ARGV[0]...");				# read data
+print(STDERR "done\n");
+die("$ARGV[0]: not enough bins for choice of -r\n")	# enough bins?
+	unless ($dta{N_BINS} >= $maxb);
+if ($dta{BEAM_COORDINATES}) {						# coords used
+	$beamCoords = 1;
+} elsif (!$dta{EARTH_COORDINATES}) {
+	die("$ARGV[0]: only beam and earth coordinates implemented so far\n");
+if (defined($opt_M)) {								# magnetic declination
+	$dta{HEADING_BIAS} = -1*$opt_M;
+} else {
+	$dta{HEADING_BIAS} = 0;
+ensure_BT_RANGE(\%dta);								# calc if missing
+if ($opt_f) {										# additional fields
+	@f = split(',',$opt_f);
+	foreach $f (@f) {
+		$f =~ s/\s//g;								# remove spaces
+		@def = split('=',$f);
+		if (@def == 2) {							# name=field
+			$addFields .= " {$def[0]}";
+			$f = $def[1];
+		} else {									# field
+			$addFields .= " {$f}";
+		}
+	}
+#	print(STDERR "addFields = $addFields\n");
+#	print(STDERR "\@f = @f\n");
+# Misc funs used to decode options
+sub dist($$$$)										# distance
+	my($lat1,$lon1,$lat2,$lon2) = @_;
+	my($a) = 6378139; 								# Earth's radius
+	$lat1 = rad($lat1); $lon1 = rad($lon1);
+	$lat2 = rad($lat2); $lon2 = rad($lon2);
+	$ct1 = cos($lat1); $st1 = sin($lat1); $cp1 = cos($lon1);
+	$sp1 = sin($lon1); $ct2 = cos($lat2); $st2 = sin($lat2);
+	$cp2 = cos($lon2); $sp2 = sin($lon2);
+	$cos = $ct1*$cp1*$ct2*$cp2 + $ct1*$sp1*$ct2*$sp2 + $st1*$st2;
+	$cos =  1 if ($cos >  1);
+	$cos = -1 if ($cos < -1);
+	return $a * acos($cos);
+sub deg_to_dec($)									# parse degrees
+	my($deg,$min) = split(':',$_[0]);
+	return $deg + $min/60;
+sub gps_to_deg($)									# decode lat/lon
+	my($start,$end) = split('/',$_[0]);
+	my($sa,$so,$ea,$eo);
+	my($lat,$lon) = split(',',$start);
+	if ($lat =~ m{N$}) 		{ $sa =  deg_to_dec($`); }
+	elsif ($lat =~ m{S$}) 	{ $sa = -deg_to_dec($`); }
+	else 					{ $sa = $lat; }
+	if ($lon =~ m{E$}) 		{ $so =  deg_to_dec($`); }
+	elsif ($lon =~ m{W$}) 	{ $so = -deg_to_dec($`); }
+	else 					{ $so = $lon; }
+	my($lat,$lon) = split(',',$end);
+	if ($lat =~ m{N$}) 		{ $ea =  deg_to_dec($`); }
+	elsif ($lat =~ m{S$}) 	{ $ea = -deg_to_dec($`); }
+	else 					{ $ea = $lat; }
+	if ($lon =~ m{E$}) 		{ $eo =  deg_to_dec($`); }
+	elsif ($lon =~ m{W$}) 	{ $eo = -deg_to_dec($`); }
+	else 					{ $eo = $lon; }
+	return ($sa,$so,$ea,$eo);
+# Step 1: Integrate w & determine water depth 
+($firstgood,$lastgood,$atbottom,$w_gap_time,$zErr,$maxz) =
+	mk_prof(\%dta,!$opt_s,$opt_F,$minb,$maxb,$opt_c,$opt_e,$opt_m);
+die("$ARGV[0]: no good ensembles found\n")
+	unless defined($firstgood);
+if (defined($opt_B)) {										# scale Z
+	my($zscale) = $opt_B / ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{DEPTH} -# downcast
+				     	    $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{DEPTH});
+#	printf(STDERR "scaling downcast depths by %.2f\n",$zscale);
+	for (my($e)=$firstgood; $e<$atbottom; $e++) {
+		next unless defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH});
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH} =
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{DEPTH} + $zscale *
+				($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH}-$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{DEPTH});
+	}
+	$zscale = $opt_B / ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{DEPTH} -	# upcast
+				 		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{DEPTH});
+#	printf(STDERR "scaling upcast depths by %.2f\n",$zscale);
+	for (my($e)=$atbottom; $e<=$lastgood; $e++) {
+		next unless defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH});
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH} =
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{DEPTH} + $zscale *
+				($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH}-$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{DEPTH});
+	}
+($water_depth,$sig_wd) =									# sea bed
+	find_seabed(\%dta,$atbottom,$beamCoords);
+# Step 1a: determine alternate Z by using mean/sigma of w in gaps
+# This does not make much sense for w, because w is always very close
+# to zero. It might make sense for u and v, though, and it would
+# be more consistent with the way the displacement uncertainties are
+# calculated. However, the way the profiles are calculated at the
+# moment (using the last valid velocity across the gap) is probably
+# closer to the truth in most cases.
+#$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{ALT_Z} = 0;
+#$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{ALT_Z_ERR} = 0;
+#for ($e=$firstgood+1; $e<=$lastgood; $e++) {
+#	my($dt) = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME} -
+#			  $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e-1]->{UNIX_TIME};
+#	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ALT_Z} =
+#		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e-1]->{ALT_Z} +
+#		$dt * (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e-1]->{W}) ?
+#				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e-1]->{W} : $meanW);
+#	$sumVar += defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e-1]->{W}) ?
+#				($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e-1]->{W_ERR} * $dt)**2 : ($dt**2)*$varW;
+#	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ALT_Z_ERR} = sqrt($sumVar);
+# Step 2: Integrate u & v
+sub ref_lr_uv($$$)									# calc ref-level u/v
+	my($ens,$z,$water_depth) = @_;
+	my($i,$n,@v,@goodU,@goodV);
+	$water_depth = 99999 unless defined($water_depth);
+	for ($i=$minb; $i<=$maxb; $i++) {
+		next if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][0] < $opt_c ||
+				 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][1] < $opt_c ||
+				 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][2] < $opt_c ||
+				 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][3] < $opt_c);
+		if ($beamCoords) {
+			next if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][0] < 100 ||
+					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][1] < 100 ||
+					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][2] < 100 ||
+					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][3] < 100);
+			@v = velInstrumentToEarth(\%dta,$ens,
+					velBeamToInstrument(\%dta,
+						@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i]}));
+		} else {
+			next if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][0] > 0 ||
+					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][1] > 0 ||
+					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][2] > 0 ||
+					 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$i][3] < 100);
+			@v = velApplyHdgBias(\%dta,$ens,
+					@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i]});
+		}
+		next if (!defined($v[3]) || abs($v[3]) > $opt_e);
+#		Martin's BT routines show strong shear just above sea bed
+#		=> skip lowest 20m.
+		if (defined($v[0])) {							# valid u,v
+			if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{XDUCER_FACING_UP}) {
+				if ($z - $dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER}
+					   - $i*$dta{BIN_LENGTH} > 0) {
+					push(@goodU,$v[0]); push(@goodV,$v[1]);
+					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{U} += $v[0];
+					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{V} += $v[1];
+					$n++;
+			   }
+			} else {
+				if ($z + $dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER}
+					   + $i*$dta{BIN_LENGTH} < $water_depth-20) {
+					push(@goodU,$v[0]); push(@goodV,$v[1]);
+					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{U} += $v[0];
+					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{V} += $v[1];
+					$n++;
+			   }
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if ($n >= 2) {
+		my(@sumsq) = (0,0);
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{U} /= $n;
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{V} /= $n;
+		for ($i=0; $i<$n; $i++) {
+			$sumsq[0] += ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{U}-$goodU[$i])**2;
+			$sumsq[1] += ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{V}-$goodV[$i])**2;
+		}
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{U_ERR} = sqrt($sumsq[0])/($n-1);
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{V_ERR} = sqrt($sumsq[1])/($n-1);
+    } else {
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{U} = undef;
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{V} = undef;
+    }    	
+($x,$y) = (0,0);											# init
+$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{X} = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{X_ERR} = 0;
+$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{Y} = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{Y_ERR} = 0;
+$prevgood = $firstgood;
+for ($e=$firstgood+1; defined($opt_M)&&$e<=$lastgood; $e++) {
+	#--------------------------------------------------
+	# within profile: both $firstgood and $prevgood set
+	#--------------------------------------------------
+	ref_lr_uv($e,$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH},$water_depth)	# instrument vel
+		if (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W}));
+	if (!defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{U})) {				# gap
+		$uv_gap_time += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME} -
+				   		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e-1]->{UNIX_TIME};
+		next;
+	}
+	my($dt) = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME} -			# time step since
+			  $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{UNIX_TIME};		# ...last good ens
+	#-----------------------------------
+	# The current ensemble has valid u/v
+	#-----------------------------------
+	$x -= $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{U} * $dt;			# integrate
+	$xErr += ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{U_ERR} * $dt)**2;
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{X} = $x;
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{X_ERR} = sqrt($xErr);
+	$y -= $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{V} * $dt;
+	$yErr += ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{V_ERR} * $dt)**2;
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{Y} = $y;
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{Y_ERR} = sqrt($yErr);
+	$prevgood = $e;
+unless (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X})) {		# last is bad in u/v
+	my($dt) = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{UNIX_TIME} -		# time step since
+			  $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{UNIX_TIME};		# ...last good ens
+	$x -= $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{U} * $dt;			# integrate
+	$xErr += ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{U_ERR} * $dt)**2;
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X} = $x;
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X_ERR} = sqrt($xErr);
+	$y -= $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{V} * $dt;
+	$yErr += ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$prevgood]->{V_ERR} * $dt)**2;
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{Y} = $y;
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{Y_ERR} = sqrt($yErr);
+$firstgood++ if ($firstgood == 0);							# centered diff
+$lastgood-- if ($lastgood == $#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}});			# in step 6
+# Step 3: Calculate Uncertainties
+# Time series of W_ERR indicate that errors are very large near the
+# surface and near the sea bed, perhaps because of reflections.
+# A reasonable estimate for typical uncertainty is therefore the mode
+# of the std errors.
+my($histRez) = 1e-4;
+for ($e=$firstgood; $e<=$lastgood; $e++) {
+	$histWErr[int($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W_ERR}/$histRez+0.5)]++
+		if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W_ERR});
+	$histUErr[int($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{U_ERR}/$histRez+0.5)]++
+		if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{U_ERR});
+	$histVErr[int($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{V_ERR}/$histRez+0.5)]++
+		if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{V_ERR});
+my($max) = 0; my($mode);
+for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#histWErr; $i++) {
+	next if ($histWErr[$i] < $max);
+	$max = $histWErr[$i]; $mode = $i;
+$wErr = $mode * $histRez if defined($mode);
+$max = 0; $mode = undef;
+for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#histUErr; $i++) {
+	next if ($histUErr[$i] < $max);
+	$max = $histUErr[$i]; $mode = $i;
+$uErr = $mode * $histRez if defined($mode);
+$max = 0; $mode = undef;
+for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#histVErr; $i++) {
+	next if ($histVErr[$i] < $max);
+	$max = $histVErr[$i]; $mode = $i;
+$vErr = $mode * $histRez if defined($mode);
+#print(STDERR "u: mu = $meanU / sigma = $uErr\n");
+#print(STDERR "v: mu = $meanV / sigma = $vErr\n");
+#print(STDERR "w: mu = $meanW / sigma = $wErr\n");
+if (defined($opt_M)) {									# displacement errors
+	$x_err = $uErr * $uv_gap_time + $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X_ERR};
+	$y_err = $vErr * $uv_gap_time + $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{Y_ERR};
+$z_err = $wErr * $w_gap_time + $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{DEPTH_ERR};
+#printf(STDERR "x_err = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X_ERR} + %g\n",
+#				$uErr * $uv_gap_time);
+#printf(STDERR "y_err = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{Y_ERR} + %g\n",
+#				$vErr * $uv_gap_time);
+#printf(STDERR "z_err = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{DEPTH_ERR} + %g\n",
+#				$wErr * $w_gap_time);
+# Step 4: Calculate Beam Range Stats
+my($min_good_bins) = 999;
+sub count_good_vels($)								# count good vels
+	my($ens) = @_;
+	my($good) = -1; my($this_worst_beam);
+	if ($beamCoords) {
+		for (my($i)=0; $i<$dta{N_BINS}; $i++) {
+			for (my($b)=0; $b<4; $b++) {
+				$good=$i,$this_worst_beam=$b,$nVels[$i][$b]++
+					if defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$i][$b]);
+			}
+	    }
+	} else {
+		for (my($i)=0; $i<$dta{N_BINS}; $i++) {
+			for (my($b)=0; $b<4; $b++) {
+				$good=$i,$this_worst_beam=$b,$nVels[$i][$b]++
+					if ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$i][$b] >=
+						$dta{MIN_CORRELATION});
+			}
+	    }
+	}
+	$min_good_ens=$ens, $min_good_bins=$good, $worst_beam=$this_worst_beam
+		if ((!defined($water_depth) || 
+			  $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{DEPTH} < $water_depth-200)
+			&& $good >= 0 && $good < $min_good_bins);
+for ($e=$firstgood; $e<=$lastgood; $e++) {					# range
+	my($i);
+	for ($i=0; $i<$dta{N_BINS}; $i++) {
+		last if (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$i][0]) +
+				 defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$i][1]) +
+				 defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$i][2]) +
+				 defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$i][3]) < 3);
+	}
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{RANGE_BINS} = $i;
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{RANGE} =
+		$dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $i * $dta{BIN_LENGTH};
+for ($e=$firstgood; $e<=$lastgood; $e++) {					# mean corr/amp
+	$sumcor = $sumamp = $ndata = 0;
+	for (my($i)=0; $i<$dta{N_BINS}; $i++) {
+		for (my($b)=0; $b<4; $b++) {
+			next unless ($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{CORRELATION}[$i][$b]);
+			$sumcor += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{CORRELATION}[$i][$b];
+			$sumamp += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$i][$b];
+			$ndata++;
+		}
+	}
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{MEAN_CORRELATION} = $sumcor/$ndata;
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{MEAN_ECHO_AMPLITUDE} = $sumamp/$ndata;
+for ($e=$firstgood+50; $e<=$lastgood-50; $e++) {			# range stats
+	count_good_vels($e);
+for ($i=0; $i<$dta{N_BINS}; $i++) {
+	for ($b=0; $b<4; $b++) {
+		$maxVels = $nVels[$i][$b] unless ($maxVels > $nVels[$i][$b]);
+	}
+for ($i=0; $i<$dta{N_BINS}; $i++) {
+	for ($b=0; $b<4; $b++) {
+		$gb[$b] = $i if ($nVels[$i][$b] >= 0.8*$maxVels);
+    }
+$gb = ($gb[0]+$gb[1]+$gb[2]+$gb[3]) / 4;
+# Step 5: Remove Ship Drift (probably not useful)
+if (defined($opt_M) && defined($ddx)) {						# remove barotropic
+	$du = $ddx / $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{ELAPSED_TIME};# mean drift vel
+	$dv = $ddy / $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{ELAPSED_TIME};
+	$iu = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X} /				# mean obs vel
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{ELAPSED_TIME};
+	$iv = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{Y} /
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{ELAPSED_TIME};
+	for ($e=$firstgood; $e<=$lastgood; $e++) {
+		next unless (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{X}) &&
+					 defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{Y}));
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{U} -= $du;
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{V} -= $dv;
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{X} += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ELAPSED_TIME} * ($du-$iu);
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{Y} += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ELAPSED_TIME} * ($dv-$iv);
+	}
+# Step 6: Pitch, Roll, Rotation
+my($prrms,$dnprrms,$upprrms) = (0,0,0);
+my($rotrms,$prerot,$dnrot,$uprot,$postrot) = (0,0,0,0,0);
+sub rot($)
+	my($e) = @_;
+	my($rot) = $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{HEADING} -
+			   $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e-1]->{HEADING};
+	$rot -= 360 if ($rot >  180);
+	$rot += 360 if ($rot < -180);
+	return $rot;
+for ($e=1; $e<$firstgood; $e++) {				# pre-deployment
+	$prerot += rot($e);
+for (; $e<= $atbottom; $e++) {					# downcast
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PITCHROLL} =
+		&angle_from_vertical($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PITCH},
+						  	 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROLL});
+	$prrms += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PITCHROLL}**2;
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROTATION} = rot($e);
+	$dnrot += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROTATION};
+	$rotrms += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROTATION}**2;
+$dnprrms = $prrms;
+for (; $e<=$lastgood; $e++) {					# upcast
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PITCHROLL} =
+		&angle_from_vertical($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PITCH},
+						  	 $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROLL});
+	$prrms += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PITCHROLL}**2;
+	$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROTATION} = rot($e);
+	$uprot += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROTATION};
+	$rotrms += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROTATION}**2;
+$upprrms = $prrms - $dnprrms;
+for (; $e<=$#{$dta->{ENSEMBLE}}; $e++) {		# post-recovery
+	$postrot += rot($e);
+$prerot  /= 360;								# rotations, not degrees
+$dnrot   /= 360;
+$uprot   /= 360;
+$postrot /= 360;
+$prrms 	 = sqrt($prrms/($lastgood-$firstgood));
+$dnprrms = sqrt($dnprrms/($atbottom-$firstgood));
+$upprrms = sqrt($upprrms/($lastgood-$atbottom));
+$rotrms = sqrt($rotrms/($lastgood-$firstgood));
+printf(STDERR "# of ensembles   : %d\n",scalar(@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}));
+printf(STDERR "Start of cast    : %s (#%5d) at %6.1fm\n",
+					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{TIME},
+					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{NUMBER},
+					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{DEPTH});
+printf(STDERR "Bottom of cast   : %s (#%5d) at %6.1fm\n",
+					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{TIME},
+					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{NUMBER},
+					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{DEPTH});
+if (defined($water_depth)) {
+	printf(STDERR "Seabed           :                      at %6.1fm (+-%dm)\n",$water_depth,$sig_wd);
+} else {
+	print(STDERR "Seabed           : not found\n");
+printf(STDERR "End of cast      : %s (#%5d) at %6.1fm\n",
+					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{TIME},
+					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{NUMBER},
+					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{DEPTH});
+printf(STDERR "Rel. Displacement: x = %d(%d)m / y = %d(%d)m\n",
+					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X}, $x_err, 
+					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{Y}, $y_err, 
+				) if defined($opt_M);
+printf(STDERR "Cast Duration    : %.1f hours (pinging for %.1f hours)\n",
+					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{ELAPSED_TIME} / 3600,
+					($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}]->{UNIX_TIME} -
+						$dta{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{UNIX_TIME}) / 3600);
+printf(STDERR "Minimum range    : %dm at ensemble %d, beam %d\n",
+					$min_good_bins*$dta{BIN_LENGTH},
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$min_good_ens]->{NUMBER},
+				$worst_beam);
+printf(STDERR "80%%-valid bins   : %.1f\n",$gb+1);
+printf(STDERR "80%%-valid range  : %dm\n",
+				$dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $gb*$dta{BIN_LENGTH});
+printf(STDERR "3-beam solutions : $RDI_Coords::threeBeam_1 " .
+								 "$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_2 " .
+								 "$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_3 " .
+                                 "$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_4\n")
+	unless ($opt_4);
+printf(STDERR "net rotations    : [%d]/%d/%d/[%d]\n",$prerot,$dnrot,$uprot,$postrot);
+printf(STDERR "rms pitch/roll   : %.1f/%.1f\n",$dnprrms,$upprrms);
+if ($opt_A) {												# ANTS format
+	print("#ANTS# [] $USAGE\n");
+	$uFields = "{u} {u_err} {v} {v_err} {x} {x_err} {y} {y_err}"
+		if defined($opt_M);
+	print("#ANTS#FIELDS# {ens} {time} {elapsed} {secno} {downcast} " .
+						"{w} {w_err} {depth} {depth_err} {depth_BT} " .
+						"{pitchroll} {rotation} " .
+		  				"$uFields $addFields\n");
+   	printf("#ANTS#PARAMS# date{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{DATE}} " .
+				   "start_time{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{TIME}} " .
+				  "bottom_time{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{TIME}} " .
+				     "end_time{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{TIME}} " .
+		  "bottom_xmit_voltage{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{ADC_XMIT_VOLTAGE}} " .
+		  "bottom_xmit_current{$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{ADC_XMIT_CURRENT}} " .
+			 "pinging_duration{%.1f} " .
+			    "cast_duration{%.1f} " .
+	    	   "0.8_valid_bins{%.1f} " .
+	     	  "0.8_valid_range{%.1f} " .
+				    "max_depth{%.1f} " .
+				  "depth_error{%.1f} " .
+				    "min_range{%d} " .
+				  "n_ensembles{%d} " .
+				   "w_gap_time{%d} " .
+				     "stderr_w{%.4f} " .
+				"rms_pitchroll{%.1f} " .
+  	   "downcast_rms_pitchroll{%.1f} " .
+		 "upcast_rms_pitchroll{%.1f} " .
+				 "rms_rotation{%.2f} " .
+		 "deployment_rotations{%d} " .
+		   "downcast_rotations{%d} " .
+		     "upcast_rotations{%d} " .
+		   "recovery_rotations{%d} " .
+				    "bin1_dist{%.1f} " .
+				   "bin_length{%.1f} " .
+		  				 "\n",
+				($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}]->{UNIX_TIME} -
+						$dta{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{UNIX_TIME}),
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{ELAPSED_TIME},
+				$gb+1,
+				$dta{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $gb*$dta{BIN_LENGTH},
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{DEPTH},
+				$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{DEPTH} -
+					$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$firstgood]->{DEPTH},
+					$min_good_bins*$dta{BIN_LENGTH},
+				scalar(@{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}),
+				$w_gap_time,$wErr,$prrms,$dnprrms,$upprrms,$rotrms,
+				$prerot,$dnrot,$uprot,$postrot,
+				$dta{BIN_LENGTH},
+		  );
+	printf("#ANTS#PARAMS# magnetic_declination{$opt_M} " .
+							   	  "uv_gap_time{%d} " .
+						    	       "mean_u{%.4f} " .
+							         "stderr_u{%.4f} " .
+							               "dx{%d} " .
+							           "dx_err{%d} " .
+							           "mean_v{%.4f} " .
+							         "stderr_v{%.4f} " .
+							               "dy{%d} " .
+							           "dy_err{%d}\n",
+		$uv_gap_time,
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X} /
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{ELAPSED_TIME},
+		$uErr, $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{X}, $x_err,
+		$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{Y} /
+			$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{ELAPSED_TIME},
+		$vErr, $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$lastgood]->{Y}, $y_err,
+	) if defined ($opt_M);
+	print("#ANTS#PARAMS# start_lat{$s_lat} start_lon{$s_lon} " .
+						  "end_lat{$e_lat} end_lon{$e_lon} " .
+						      "lat{$lat} lon{$lon}\n")
+		if defined($lat);
+	if ($dta{TIME_BETWEEN_PINGS} == 0) {
+		 print("#ANTS#PARAMS# pinging_rate{staggered}\n");
+	} else {
+		 printf("#ANTS#PARAMS# pinging_rate{%.2f}\n",
+			1/$dta{TIME_BETWEEN_PINGS});
+    }		
+    printf("#ANTS#PARAMS# drift_x{%d} drift_y{%d} " .
+						 "drift_u{%.3f} drift_v{%.3f} " .
+		   "\n",$ddx,$ddy,$du,$dv) if defined($ddx);
+	if (defined($water_depth)) {
+		printf("#ANTS#PARAMS# water_depth{%d} sig-water_depth{%d}\n",
+					$water_depth,$sig_wd);
+	} else {
+		print("#ANTS#PARAMS# water_depth{nan} sig-water_depth{nan}\n");
+	}
+sub p($) { print(defined($_[0])?"$_[0] ":"nan "); }
+sub pb($) { print($_[0]?"1 ":"0 "); }
+unless ($opt_Q) {										# write profile
+	for ($e=$firstgood; $e<=$lastgood; $e++) {
+		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{NUMBER});
+		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME});
+		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ELAPSED_TIME});
+		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{SECNO});
+		pb($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{UNIX_TIME} < $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$atbottom]->{UNIX_TIME});
+		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W});
+		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{W_ERR});
+		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH});
+		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH_ERR});
+		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{DEPTH_BT});
+		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{PITCHROLL});
+		p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ROTATION});
+		if (defined($opt_M)) {
+			p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{U}); p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{U_ERR});
+			p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{V}); p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{V_ERR});
+			p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{X}); p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{X_ERR});
+			p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{Y}); p($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{Y_ERR});
+	    }
+		if (defined(@f)) {
+			foreach $f (@f) {
+				my($fn,$fi) = ($f =~ m{([^[]*)(\[.*)});
+				$fn = $f unless defined($fn);
+				p(eval("\$dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{$fn}$fi"));
+			}
+		}
+		print("\n");
+	}
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scanBins
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#                    S C A N B I N S 
+#                    doc: Mon Jan 27 17:55:34 2003
+#                    dlm: Wed Sep 19 10:02:51 2007
+#                    (c) 2003 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 11 24 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# Collect Per-Bin Stats
+#	NB: currently broken
+#	Jan 27, 2003: - created
+#	Sep 19, 2007: - adapted to new [] (not tested)
+$0 =~ m{(.*)/[^/]+}; 
+require "$1/";
+require "";
+die("Usage: $0 " .
+	"" .
+	"<RDI file>\n")
+		unless (&Getopts("") && @ARGV == 1);
+print(STDERR "Reading $ARGV[0]...");
+readData($ARGV[0],\%dta);									# read data
+print(STDERR "done\n");
+for ($e=0; $e<=$#{$dta{ENSEMBLE}}; $e++) {
+	checkEnsemble(\%dta,$e);									# sanity checks
+	$nens++;
+	next unless (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[0][0]) &&
+				 defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[0][1]) &&
+				 defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[0][2]) &&
+				 defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[0][3]));
+	$ngoodens++;
+	for ($b=0; $b<$dta{N_BINS}; $b++) {					# collect stats
+		my($ngood) = defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][0])
+				   + defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][1])
+				   + defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][2])
+				   + defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][3]);
+		if 	  ($ngood == 4) { $ngood4[$b]++; }
+		elsif ($ngood == 3) { $ngood3[$b]++; }
+		else				{ $nbad[$b]++; }
+		for ($i=0; $i<4; $i++) {
+			if (defined($dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{VELOCITY}[$b][$i])) {
+				$ngood[$b][$i]++;
+				$sumcor[$b][$i] += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{CORRELATION}[$b][$i];
+				$sumamp[$b][$i] += $dta{ENSEMBLE}[$e]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$b][$i];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+printf("$ngoodens good ensembles out of $nens\n");
+for ($b=0; $b<$dta{N_BINS}; $b++) {						# gen output
+	printf("%2d: vels: %3d%% 4-bin, %3d%% 3-bin, %3d%% bad; ",
+		$b+1,
+		100*$ngood4[$b]/$ngoodens,100*$ngood3[$b]/$ngoodens,
+		100*$nbad[$b]/$ngoodens);
+	printf("mean corr: %3d/%3d/%3d/%3d; mean amp: %3d/%3d/%3d/%3d",
+		$sumcor[$b][0]/$ngood[$b][0], $sumcor[$b][1]/$ngood[$b][1],
+		$sumcor[$b][2]/$ngood[$b][2], $sumcor[$b][3]/$ngood[$b][3],
+		$sumamp[$b][0]/$ngood[$b][0], $sumamp[$b][1]/$ngood[$b][1],
+		$sumamp[$b][2]/$ngood[$b][2], $sumamp[$b][3]/$ngood[$b][3]);
+	print("\n");
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_velBeamToBeamPair
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+#                    T E S T _ V E L B E A M T O B E A M P A I R 
+#                    doc: Thu May 21 13:40:27 2009
+#                    dlm: Thu May 21 15:03:47 2009
+#                    (c) 2009 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 89 24 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
+require	"";
+$dta{BEAM_ANGLE} = 20;
+# Case 1: uplooker, bin 3 pointing south
+$dta{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{HEADING} = 180;
+$dta{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{PITCH} = 0;
+$dta{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{ROLL} = 0;
+@RDI = velInstrumentToEarth(\%dta,0,velBeamToInstrument(\%dta,2,1,0,0));
+@ant = velBeamToBeamPair(\%dta,0,2,1,0,0);
+die("1: $RDI[0] $ant[0]\n")
+	unless (abs($RDI[0]-$ant[0]) < 1e-6);
+@RDI = velInstrumentToEarth(\%dta,0,velBeamToInstrument(\%dta,0,0,1,3));
+@ant = velBeamToBeamPair(\%dta,0,0,0,1,3);
+die("2: $RDI[1] $ant[2]\n")
+	unless (abs($RDI[1]-$ant[2]) < 1e-6);
+$dta{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{PITCH} = 20;
+$dta{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{ROLL} = 0;
+@RDI = velInstrumentToEarth(\%dta,0,velBeamToInstrument(\%dta,2,1,2,1));
+@ant = velBeamToBeamPair(\%dta,0,2,1,2,1);
+die("3: $RDI[0] $ant[0]\n")
+	unless (abs($RDI[0]-$ant[0]) < 1e-6);
+die("4: $RDI[1] $ant[2]\n")
+	unless (abs($RDI[1]-$ant[2]) < 1e-6);
+$dta{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{PITCH} = 0;
+$dta{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{ROLL} = 15;
+@RDI = velInstrumentToEarth(\%dta,0,velBeamToInstrument(\%dta,-2,-0.5,-2,-0.5));
+@ant = velBeamToBeamPair(\%dta,0,-2,-0.5,-2,-0.5);
+die("5: $RDI[0] $ant[0]\n")
+	unless (abs($RDI[0]-$ant[0]) < 1e-6);
+die("6: $RDI[1] $ant[2]\n")
+	unless (abs($RDI[1]-$ant[2]) < 1e-6);
+# Case 1: downlooker, bin 3 pointing south
+$dta{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{HEADING} = 180;
+$dta{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{PITCH} = 0;
+$dta{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{ROLL} = 0;
+@RDI = velInstrumentToEarth(\%dta,0,velBeamToInstrument(\%dta,2,1,0,0));
+@ant = velBeamToBeamPair(\%dta,0,2,1,0,0);
+die("7: $RDI[0] $ant[0]\n")
+	unless (abs($RDI[0]+$ant[0]) < 1e-6);
+@RDI = velInstrumentToEarth(\%dta,0,velBeamToInstrument(\%dta,0,0,1,3));
+@ant = velBeamToBeamPair(\%dta,0,0,0,1,3);
+die("8: $RDI[1] $ant[2]\n")
+	unless (abs($RDI[1]-$ant[2]) < 1e-6);
+$dta{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{PITCH} = 20;
+$dta{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{ROLL} = 0;
+@RDI = velInstrumentToEarth(\%dta,0,velBeamToInstrument(\%dta,2,1,2,1));
+@ant = velBeamToBeamPair(\%dta,0,2,1,2,1);
+die("9: $RDI[0] $ant[0]\n")
+	unless (abs($RDI[0]+$ant[0]) < 1e-6);
+die("10: $RDI[1] $ant[2]\n")
+	unless (abs($RDI[1]-$ant[2]) < 1e-6);
+$dta{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{PITCH} = 0;
+$dta{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{ROLL} = 15;
+@RDI = velInstrumentToEarth(\%dta,0,velBeamToInstrument(\%dta,-2,-0.5,-2,-0.5));
+@ant = velBeamToBeamPair(\%dta,0,-2,-0.5,-2,-0.5);
+die("11: $RDI[0] $ant[0]\n")
+	unless (abs($RDI[0]+$ant[0]) < 1e-6);
+die("12: $RDI[1] $ant[2]\n")
+	unless (abs($RDI[1]-$ant[2]) < 1e-6);
+print(STDERR "ok\n");