changeset 33 f891ea33a728
child 35 d3f6ca34c4ea
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
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+#                    L I B I M P . P L 
+#                    doc: Tue Nov 26 21:59:40 2013
+#                    dlm: Wed Nov 22 11:17:51 2017
+#                    (c) 2017 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 437 47 NIL 0 0 70 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#	Nov 26, 2013: - created
+#	Dec  1, 2013: - removed HDG_ROT
+#				  - added support for IMP data gaps
+#	Mar  4, 2014: - added support for DATA_SOURCE_ID
+#	May 22, 2014: - use +/-2deg to assess quality of heading offset
+#	May 23, 2014: - added $dhist_binsize, $dhist_min_pirom
+#	Jul 27, 2016: - updated variable names for consistency
+#	Jul 28, 2016: - major re-write if merging routines
+#	Jul 29, 2016: - cosmetics
+#				  - increased heading-offset resolution from 2 to 1 degrees
+#				  - BUG: inconsistent heading definition used (from old IMP with
+#						 confused coordinates)
+#				  - modified initial timelag guess (there was a bug and it is 
+#				    likely more robust based on end time rather than start time)
+#	Aug  5, 2016: - BUG: weird statement accessing LADCP_begin-1
+#				  - BUG: DSID of first ensemble was not left original
+#	Aug 22, 2016: - major changes to timelagging
+#	Aug 23, 2016: - changed semantics for removing ensembles with bad attitudes:
+#					instead of setting attitude to undef (or large pitch/roll),
+#					clearEns() is used
+#	Aug 24, 2016: - overhauled time-lagging
+#	Aug 25, 2016: - significant code cleanup
+#	Aug 26, 2016: - added output plot
+#	Oct 13, 2016: - made hdg nan for invalid records (BUG with current versions of IMP+LADCP, IMPatchPD0)
+#	Nov 22, 2016: - added heading-offset plot
+#				  - added sensor info to plots
+#	Nov 29, 2016: - added stats to compass error plot
+#	Dec 29, 2016: - improved histogram plot
+#	Nov 16, 2017: - adapted rot_vecs() to KVM coordinates
+#				  - made sensor information optional in
+#	Nov 20, 2017: - major code cleanup
+#	Nov 22, 2017: - replaced "IMP" output in routines used by KVH by "IMU"
+# gRef() library
+sub pl_mag_calib_begin($$$)															# initialize mag_calib plot
+	my($pfn,$plotsize,$axlim) = @_;
+	my($xmin,$xmax) = (-$axlim,$axlim);
+	my($ymin,$ymax) = (-$axlim,$axlim);
+	GMT_begin($pfn,"-JX${plotsize}","-R$xmin/$xmax/$ymin/$ymax",'-X6 -Y4 -P');
+	GMT_psxy('-Sc0.05');
+sub pl_mag_calib_plot($$$)															# plot data point
+	my($valid,$magX,$magY) = @_;
+	if ($valid)	{ print(GMT "> -Wred -Gred\n$magX $magY\n"); }
+	else 		{ print(GMT "> -Wgreen -Ggreen\n$magX $magY\n"); }
+sub pl_mag_calib_end($$)															# finish mag_calib plot
+	my($axlim,$HF_mag,$sensor_info) = @_;
+	GMT_psxy('-Sc0.1 -Gblue');														# calibration circle
+	for (my($a)=0; $a<2*$pi; $a+=0.075) {
+		printf(GMT "%f %f\n",$HF_mag*sin($a),$HF_mag*cos($a));
+	}
+	if ($axlim <= 0.1) {															# axes labels
+		GMT_psbasemap('-Bg1a.04f.001:"X Magnetic Field [Gauss]":/g1a0.02f0.001:"Y Magnetic Field [Gauss]":WeSn');
+	} else {
+		GMT_psbasemap('-Bg1a.1f.01:"X Magnetic Field [Gauss]":/g1a0.1f0.01:"Y Magnetic Field [Gauss]":WeSn');
+	}
+    GMT_unitcoords();																# sensor info
+	if ($sensor_info ne '') {
+	    GMT_pstext('-F+f12,Helvetica,blue+jTR -N');
+    	printf(GMT "0.98 0.98 $sensor_info\n");
+    }
+    GMT_pstext('-F+f14,Helvetica,blue+jTL -N');
+    printf(GMT "0.01 1.06 $P{profile_id}\n");
+	GMT_end();
+sub rot_vecs($) 																	# rotate & output IMU vector data 
+	my($neg_piro) = @_;																# negate KVH pitch/roll data
+	while (&antsIn()) {
+		my($cpiro) = -1;															# current pitch/roll accelerometer
+		my(@R); 																	# rotation matrix
+		for (my($i)=0; $i<@vecs; $i++) {											# rotate vector data
+			if ($piro[$i][0] != $cpiro) {											# next sensor chip
+				$cpiro = $piro[$i][0];
+				my($pitch) = atan2($ants_[0][$vecs[$cpiro][0]], 					# eqn 25 from Freescale AN3461
+								   sqrt($ants_[0][$vecs[$cpiro][1]]**2+$ants_[0][$vecs[$cpiro][2]]**2));    
+				my($roll)  = atan2($ants_[0][$vecs[$cpiro][1]], 					# eqn 26
+								   $ants_[0][$vecs[$cpiro][2]]);
+				if ($neg_piro) {
+					$pitch *= -1;
+					$roll  *= -1;
+                }								   
+				$ants_[0][$piro[$i][1]] = deg($pitch);								# add pitch/roll to data
+				$ants_[0][$piro[$i][2]] = deg($roll);
+				my($sp) = sin($pitch); my($cp) = cos($pitch);						# define rotation matrix
+				my($sr) = sin($roll);  my($cr) = cos($roll);
+				@R = ([ $cp,	 0,   -$sp	  ],
+					  [-$sp*$sr, $cr, -$cp*$sr],
+					  [ $sp*$cr, $sr,  $cp*$cr]);
+			}
+			my($newX) = ($ants_[0][$vecs[$i][0]]-$bias[$i][0]) * $R[0][0] +
+						($ants_[0][$vecs[$i][1]]-$bias[$i][1]) * $R[0][1] +
+						($ants_[0][$vecs[$i][2]]-$bias[$i][2]) * $R[0][2];
+			my($newY) = ($ants_[0][$vecs[$i][0]]-$bias[$i][0]) * $R[1][0] +
+						($ants_[0][$vecs[$i][1]]-$bias[$i][1]) * $R[1][1] +
+						($ants_[0][$vecs[$i][2]]-$bias[$i][2]) * $R[1][2];
+			my($newZ) = ($ants_[0][$vecs[$i][0]]-$bias[$i][0]) * $R[2][0] +
+						($ants_[0][$vecs[$i][1]]-$bias[$i][1]) * $R[2][1] +
+						($ants_[0][$vecs[$i][2]]-$bias[$i][2]) * $R[2][2];
+			$ants_[0][$vecs[$i][0]] = $newX;
+			$ants_[0][$vecs[$i][1]] = $newY;
+			$ants_[0][$vecs[$i][2]] = $newZ;
+		}
+		my($magX) = $ants_[0][$magXF];
+		my($magY) = $ants_[0][$magYF];
+		my($magZ) = $ants_[0][$magZF];
+		my($HF)   = sqrt($magX**2+$magY**2);
+		my($valid)= ($HF >= $minfac*$HF_mag) && ($HF <= $maxfac*$HF_mag);
+		my($hdg)  = $valid ? mag_heading($magX,$magY) : nan;
+		&antsOut($ants_[0][$elapsedF],$ants_[0][$tempF],
+				 RDI_pitch($ants_[0][$pitchF],$ants_[0][$rollF]),$ants_[0][$rollF],
+				 $hdg,$ants_[0][$accXF],$ants_[0][$accYF],$ants_[0][$accZF],
+				 $magX,$magY,$magZ,vel_u($HF,$hdg),vel_v($HF,$hdg),$valid);
+		pl_mag_calib_plot($valid,$magX,$magY)
+			if defined($P{profile_id});
+	}
+# LADCP merging library
+# Instrument Offset Estimation
+#	1: resolution of histogram in deg
+#		1 deg okay for good sensors
+#		2 deg sometimes required (2016 P18 003 2nd sensor)
+#	2: min tilt anom to consider for offset estimation
+#		0.3 deg works even for calm casts
+#		increased values improve histogram
+#		2.0 deg is too high for quiet casts (2016 P18 003)
+#	3: minimum fraction of hist mode required
+#		10% default
+#		decreasing histogram resolution is better than
+#			decreasing this value, I think
+# trim_out_of_water()
+#	- attempt to remove out-of-water records from time-series of
+#	  horizontal acceleration
+sub trim_out_of_water($)
+	my($verbose) = @_;
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	# first-difference horizontal acceleration at full resolution to pass-filter
+	# dangling motion
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	$IMP{Ah}[0] 	= sqrt($ants_[0][$accXF]**2+$ants_[0][$accYF]**2);
+	$IMP{dAhdt}[0]	= nan;
+	for (my($r)=1; $r<@ants_; $r++) {
+		$IMP{Ah}[$r] = sqrt($ants_[$r][$accXF]**2+$ants_[$r][$accYF]**2);
+		$IMP{dAhdt}[$r] = ($IMP{Ah}[$r]-$IMP{Ah}[$r-1]) / ($ants_[$r][$elapsedF]-$ants_[$r-1][$elapsedF]);
+	}
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	# create 10-s binned time series to calculate rms values of this quantity (dAhdt), and
+	# scale this with cos(sqrt($$pitch**2+$$roll**2)) to dampen underwater peaks (when the
+	# instrument has a large tilt because it is being dragged)
+	#	NB: dAhdt, pitch and roll are only set up to last full bin (not so, sum and n)
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	my(@dAhdt,@pitch,@roll,@dAhdt_rms);
+	my(@sum) = my(@sume) = my(@sump) = my(@sumr) = my(@n) = (0);
+	my($bin_start) = $ants_[0][$elapsedF];
+	for (my($r)=1; $r<@ants_; $r++) {   
+		if ($ants_[$r][$elapsedF] - $bin_start <= 10) { 						# within 10-s bin
+			$sum[$#sum] += $IMP{dAhdt}[$r]; 									# sums
+			$sume[$#sume] += $ants_[$r][$elapsedF];
+			$sump[$#sump] += $ants_[$r][$pitchF];
+			$sumr[$#sumr] += $ants_[$r][$rollF];
+			$n[$#n]++;
+			next;
+		}
+		$dAhdt[$#sum] = $sum[$#sum] / $n[$#n];								# bin done => means
+		$elapsed[$#sum] = $sume[$#sume] / $n[$#n];
+		$pitch[$#sum] = $sump[$#sump] / $n[$#n];
+		$roll[$#sum] = $sumr[$#sumr] / $n[$#n];
+		my($sumsq) = 0; 													# sum of squares for rms(accel)
+		for (my($rr)=$r-$n[$#n]; $rr<$r; $rr++) {
+			$sumsq += ($IMP{dAhdt}[$rr] - $dAhdt[$#sum])**2;
+		}
+		$dAhdt_rms[$#sum] = sqrt($sumsq / $n[$#n]);
+		push(@sum,$IMP{dAhdt}[$r]); 										# begin next bin
+		push(@sume,$ants_[$r][$elapsedF]);
+		push(@sump,$ants_[$r][$pitchF]);
+		push(@sumr,$ants_[$r][$rollF]);
+		push(@n,1);
+		$bin_start = $ants_[$r][$elapsedF];
+	}
+	#--------------------------------------------
+	# trim beginning/end when IMP is out of water
+	#--------------------------------------------
+	my($i,$si);
+	for ($i=int(@dAhdt_rms/2); $i>0; $i--) {
+		last if ($dAhdt_rms[$i] * cos(rad(sqrt($pitch[$i]**2+$roll[$i]**2))) > 1.0);
+	}
+	if ($dAhdt_rms[$i] * cos(rad(sqrt($pitch[$i]**2+$roll[$i]**2))) > 1.0) {
+		for ($si=0; $ants_[$si][$elapsedF]<=$elapsed[$i]; $si++) {}
+		splice(@ants_,0,$si);
+		printf(STDERR "\n\t\t%5d  leading out-of-water IMP records removed",$si)
+			if ($si>0 && $verbose);
+	} else {
+		print(STDERR "\n\t\tWARNING: no leading out-of-water IMP records detected/removed") if $verbose;
+	}
+	for ($i=int(@dAhdt_rms/2); $i<@dAhdt_rms; $i++) {
+		last if ($dAhdt_rms[$i] * cos(rad(sqrt($pitch[$i]**2+$roll[$i]**2))) > 1.0);
+	}
+	if ($dAhdt_rms[$i] * cos(rad(sqrt($pitch[$i]**2+$roll[$i]**2))) > 1.0) {
+		for ($si=$#ants_; $ants_[$si][$elapsedF]>=$elapsed[$i]; $si--) {}
+		my($rem) = @ants_ - $si;
+		splice(@ants_,$si);
+		printf(STDERR "\n\t\t%5d trailing out-of-water IMU records removed",$rem)
+			if ($rem>0 && $verbose);
+	} else {
+		print(STDERR "\n\t\tWARNING: no trailing out-of-water IMU records detected/removed") if $verbose;
+	}
+	printf(STDERR "\n\t\tcast duration		  : %.1f min",
+		($ants_[$#ants_][$elapsedF] - $ants_[0][$elapsedF]) / 60)
+	        if $verbose;
+# prep_piro_IMP()
+# 	- calculate pitch/roll offsets & tilt azimuth for IMP
+#	- during an attempt to improve time lagging for the 2015 IOPAS data set,
+#	  it was noticed that one particular instrument, WHM300#12973 maxes out
+#	  pitch at 27.36 degrees, whereas the roll may not be maxed out at 28.76 deg,
+#	  the max observed during the cruise.
+#	- therefore, IMP{TILT_AZIM} and IMP{TILT_ANOM} are calculated here, first,
+#	  with a pitch/roll cutoff value of 29 degrees
+#	- after the time lagging, when the LADCP start and end times are known,
+#	  the TILT values are re-calculated without the pitch/roll limit, and
+#	  using only the correct time range
+sub prep_piro_IMP($)
+	my($verbose) = @_;
+	my($RDI_max_tilt) = 29; 
+	my($IMP_pitch_mean,$IMP_roll_mean,$nPR) = (0,0,0);
+	for (my($r)=0; $r<@ants_; $r++) {
+		next unless numbersp($ants_[$r][$pitchF],$ants_[$r][$rollF]);
+		$nPR++;
+		$IMP_pitch_mean += min($ants_[$r][$pitchF],$RDI_max_tilt);
+		$IMP_roll_mean	+= min($ants_[$r][$rollF],$RDI_max_tilt);
+	}
+	$IMP_pitch_mean /= $nPR;
+	$IMP_roll_mean /= $nPR;
+	printf(STDERR "\n\t\tIMU mean pitch/roll	  : %.1f/%.1f deg",$IMP_pitch_mean,$IMP_roll_mean)
+			if $verbose;
+	for (my($r)=0; $r<@ants_; $r++) {
+		next unless numbersp($ants_[$r][$pitchF],$ants_[$r][$rollF]);
+		$IMP{TILT_AZIMUTH}[$r] = tilt_azimuth(min($ants_[$r][$pitchF],$RDI_max_tilt)-$IMP_pitch_mean,
+											  min($ants_[$r][$rollF],$RDI_max_tilt) -$IMP_roll_mean);
+		$IMP{TILT_ANOM}[$r] = angle_from_vertical(min($ants_[$r][$pitchF],$RDI_max_tilt)-$IMP_pitch_mean,
+												  min($ants_[$r][$rollF],$RDI_max_tilt) -$IMP_roll_mean);
+	}
+	return ($IMP_pitch_mean,$IMP_roll_mean);
+# prep_piro_LADCP()
+#	- calculate pitch/roll offsets & tilt azimuth of LADCP
+sub prep_piro_LADCP($)
+	my($verbose) = @_;
+	my($LADCP_pitch_mean,$LADCP_roll_mean) = (0,0);
+	for (my($ens)=$LADCP_begin; $ens<=$LADCP_end; $ens++) {
+			gimbal_pitch($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PITCH},$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ROLL});
+		$LADCP_pitch_mean += $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{GIMBAL_PITCH};
+		$LADCP_roll_mean  += $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ROLL};
+	}
+	$LADCP_pitch_mean /= ($LADCP_end-$LADCP_begin+1);
+	$LADCP_roll_mean  /= ($LADCP_end-$LADCP_begin+1);
+	printf(STDERR "\n\t\tLADCP mean pitch/roll	  : %.1f/%.1f deg",$LADCP_pitch_mean,$LADCP_roll_mean)
+			if $verbose;
+	for (my($ens)=$LADCP_begin; $ens<=$LADCP_end; $ens++) {
+			tilt_azimuth($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{GIMBAL_PITCH}-$LADCP_pitch_mean,
+						 $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ROLL}-$LADCP_roll_mean);
+			angle_from_vertical($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{GIMBAL_PITCH}-$LADCP_pitch_mean,
+								$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ROLL}-$LADCP_roll_mean);
+	}
+	print(STDERR "\n") if $verbose;
+	return ($LADCP_pitch_mean,$LADCP_roll_mean);
+# sub calc_hdg_offset()
+#	- estimate heading offset from tilt time series
+#	- returns heading offset and updated IMP mean tilts
+#	- also creates diagnostic plot with pl_hdg_offset()
+sub pl_hdg_offset($@)
+	my($dhist_binsize,$modefrac,@dhist) = @_;
+	my($plotsize) = '13c';
+	my($xmin,$xmax) = (-180.5,180.5);
+	my($ymin) = 0;
+	my($ymax) = 1.05 * $dhist[$HDG_offset];
+	GMT_begin("$P{profile_id}${opt_a}","-JX${plotsize}","-R$xmin/$xmax/$ymin/$ymax",'-X6 -Y4 -P');
+	GMT_psxy("-Sb${dhist_binsize}u -GCornFlowerBlue");
+	for (my($i)=0; $i<@dhist; $i++) {
+		next unless $dhist[$i];
+		printf(GMT "%f $dhist[$i]\n",$i*$dhist_binsize>180 ? $i*$dhist_binsize-360 : $i*$dhist_binsize);
+	}
+	GMT_psbasemap('-Bg45a90f15:"IMP Heading Offset [\260]":/ga100f10:"Frequency":WeSn');
+	GMT_unitcoords();
+	GMT_pstext('-F+f14,Helvetica,CornFlowerBlue+jTR -N');
+	printf(GMT "0.99 1.06 %g \260 offset (%d%% agreement)\n",angle($HDG_offset),100*$modefrac);
+	GMT_pstext('-F+f14,Helvetica,blue+jTL -N');
+	printf(GMT "0.01 1.06 $P{profile_id} $opt_a\n");
+    GMT_end();
+sub calc_hdg_offset($)
+	my($verbose) = @_;
+	print(STDERR "\n\tRe-calculating IMP pitch/roll anomalies") if $verbose;
+	($IMP_pitch_mean,$IMP_roll_mean,$nPR) = (0,0,0);
+	for (my($ens)=$LADCP_begin; $ens<=$LADCP_end; $ens++) {
+		my($r) = int(($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ELAPSED_TIME} + $IMP{TIME_LAG} - $ants_[0][$elapsedF]) / $IMP{DT});
+		if ($r < 0 && $ens == $LADCP_begin) {
+			$r = int(($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[++$ens]->{ELAPSED_TIME} + $IMP{TIME_LAG} - $ants_[0][$elapsedF]) / $IMP{DT})
+				while ($r < 0);
+			printf(STDERR "\n\tIMP data begin with instrument already in water => skipping %ds of LADCP data",
+					if ($verbose);
+			$LADCP_begin = $ens;
+		}
+		if ($r > $#ants_) {
+			printf(STDERR "\n\tIMP data end while instrument is still in water => truncating %ds of LADCP data",
+					if ($verbose);
+			$LADCP_end = $ens - 1;
+			last;
+		}
+		next unless numberp($IMP{TILT_AZIMUTH}[$r]);
+		$nPR++;
+		$IMP_pitch_mean += $ants_[$r][$pitchF];
+		$IMP_roll_mean	+= $ants_[$r][$rollF];
+	}
+	$IMP_pitch_mean /= $nPR;
+	$IMP_roll_mean /= $nPR;
+	for (my($ens)=$LADCP_begin; $ens<=$LADCP_end; $ens++) {
+		my($r) = int(($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ELAPSED_TIME} + $IMP{TIME_LAG} - $ants_[0][$elapsedF]) / $IMP{DT});
+		next unless numberp($IMP{TILT_AZIMUTH}[$r]);
+			$IMP{TILT_AZIMUTH}[$r] = tilt_azimuth($ants_[$r][$pitchF]-$IMP_pitch_mean,
+												  $ants_[$r][$rollF] -$IMP_roll_mean);
+			$IMP{TILT_ANOM}[$r] = angle_from_vertical($ants_[$r][$pitchF]-$IMP_pitch_mean,
+													  $ants_[$r][$rollF] -$IMP_roll_mean);
+	}
+	printf(STDERR "\n\t\tIMP mean pitch/roll: %.1f/%.1f deg",$IMP_pitch_mean,$IMP_roll_mean)
+			if $verbose;
+	if (defined($opt_s)) {
+		$HDG_offset = $opt_s;
+		printf(STDERR "\n\tHEADING_OFFSET = %.1f (set by -s)\n",$HDG_offset) if $verbose;
+	} else {
+		my($dhist_binsize,$dhist_min_pirom,$dhist_min_mfrac) = split(/,/,$opt_e);
+		croak("$0: cannot decode -e $opt_e\n")
+			unless ($dhist_binsize > 0 && $dhist_min_pirom > 0 && $dhist_min_mfrac > 0);
+		my(@dhist); my($nhist) = my($modeFreq) = 0;
+		for (my($ens)=$LADCP_begin; $ens<=$LADCP_end; $ens++) {
+			my($r) = int(($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ELAPSED_TIME} + $IMP{TIME_LAG} - $ants_[0][$elapsedF]) / $IMP{DT});
+			next unless numberp($IMP{TILT_AZIMUTH}[$r]);
+			next unless (abs($ants_[$r][$pitchF]-$IMP_pitch_mean) >= $dhist_min_pirom &&
+						 abs($ants_[$r][$rollF] -$IMP_roll_mean) >= $dhist_min_pirom);
+			$dhist[int(angle_pos($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{TILT_AZIMUTH}-$IMP{TILT_AZIMUTH}[$r])/$dhist_binsize+0.5)]++;
+			$nhist++;
+		}
+		croak("$0: empty histogram\n")
+			unless ($nhist);
+		$HDG_offset = 0;
+		for (my($i)=1; $i<@dhist-1; $i++) { 							# make sure mode is not on edge
+			$HDG_offset = $i if ($dhist[$i] >= $dhist[$HDG_offset]);
+		}
+		my($modefrac) = ($dhist[$HDG_offset]+$dhist[$HDG_offset-1]+$dhist[$HDG_offset+1]) / $nhist;
+		$HDG_offset *= $dhist_binsize;
+		pl_hdg_offset($dhist_binsize,$modefrac,@dhist);
+		if ($opt_f) {
+			printf(STDERR "\n\nIGNORED WARNING (-f): Cannot determine reliable heading offset; $HDG_offset+/-$dhist_binsize deg accounts for only %f%% of total\n",$modefrac*100)
+				if ($modefrac < $dhist_min_mfrac);
+		} else {
+			croak(sprintf("\n$0: Cannot determine reliable heading offset; $HDG_offset+/-$dhist_binsize deg accounts for only %f%% of total\n",$modefrac*100))
+				if ($modefrac < $dhist_min_mfrac);
+		}
+		printf(STDERR "\n\t") if $verbose;
+		printf(STDERR "IMP heading offset = %g deg (%d%% agreement)\n",angle($HDG_offset),100*$modefrac) if $verbose;
+	}
+	return ($HDG_offset,$IMP_pitch_mean,$IMP_roll_mean);
+# rot_IMP()
+# 	- rotate IMP Data Into LADCP Instrument Coords
+#	- also replaced pitch/roll by corresponding anomalies!!!
+sub rot_IMP($)
+	my($verbose) = @_;
+	my($crho) = cos(rad($HDG_offset));
+	my($srho) = sin(rad($HDG_offset));
+	for (my($ens)=$LADCP_begin; $ens<=$LADCP_end; $ens++) {
+		my($r) = int(($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ELAPSED_TIME} + $IMP{TIME_LAG} - $ants_[0][$elapsedF]) / $IMP{DT});
+		if (numbersp($ants_[$r][$pitchF],$ants_[$r][$rollF])) { 				# pitch/roll
+			my($rot_p) = (($ants_[$r][$pitchF]-$IMP_pitch_mean)*$crho +
+						  ($ants_[$r][$rollF]-$IMP_roll_mean)*$srho);
+			my($rot_r) = (-($ants_[$r][$pitchF]-$IMP_pitch_mean)*$srho +
+						   ($ants_[$r][$rollF]-$IMP_roll_mean)*$crho);
+			$ants_[$r][$pitchF] = $rot_p;
+			$ants_[$r][$rollF]	= $rot_r;
+		}
+		$ants_[$r][$hdgF] = angle_pos($ants_[$r][$hdgF] - $HDG_offset)
+			if numberp($ants_[$r][$hdgF]);
+	}
+	my($rot_p) =  $IMP_pitch_mean * $crho + $IMP_roll_mean * $srho; 			# mean pitch roll
+	my($rot_r) = -$IMP_pitch_mean * $srho + $IMP_roll_mean * $crho;
+	$IMP_pitch_mean = $rot_p;
+	$IMP_roll_mean	= $rot_r;
+	print(STDERR "\n") if $verbose;
+	return ($IMP_pitch_mean,$IMP_roll_mean);
+# create_merge_plots()
+#   - tilt time series (*
+sub create_merge_plots($$$)
+    my($basename,$plotsize,$verbose) = @_;
+	#---------------------------------
+	# Tilt Time Series (*
+	#---------------------------------
+	my($mint,$maxt) = (99,-99);
+	for (my($ens)=$LADCP_begin; $ens<=$LADCP_end; $ens++) {
+				$mint = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{IMP_TILT_ANOM} if ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{IMP_TILT_ANOM} < $mint);
+				$maxt = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{IMP_TILT_ANOM} if ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{IMP_TILT_ANOM} > $maxt);
+				$mint = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{TILT_ANOM} if ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{TILT_ANOM} < $mint);
+				$maxt = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{TILT_ANOM} if ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{TILT_ANOM} > $maxt);
+		}
+	}
+	my($xmin,$xmax) = (-90,90);
+	my($ymin) = round($mint-0.5);
+	my($ymax) = round($maxt+0.5);
+	GMT_begin("${basename}","-JX${plotsize}","-R$xmin/$xmax/$ymin/$ymax",'-X6 -Y4 -P');
+	GMT_psxy('-W2,coral');
+	for (my($ens) = $LADCP_begin + 5; 
+		 $ens++) {
+								 $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{IMP_TILT_ANOM});
+	}
+	GMT_psxy('-W1');
+	for (my($ens) = $LADCP_begin + 5; 
+		 $ens++) {
+								 $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{TILT_ANOM});
+	}
+	GMT_psxy('-W2,SeaGreen');
+	for (my($ens) = $LADCP_end - 5; 
+		 $ens--) {
+								 $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{IMP_TILT_ANOM});
+	}
+	GMT_psxy('-W1');
+	for (my($ens) = $LADCP_end - 5; 
+		 $ens--) {
+								 $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{TILT_ANOM});
+	}
+    GMT_psbasemap('-Bg30a30f10:"Elapsed Time [sec]":/g5a5f1:"Tilt Magnitude [\260]":WeSn');
+	GMT_unitcoords();
+    GMT_pstext('-F+f14,Helvetica,Coral+jTL');
+	    printf(GMT "0.52 0.98 downcast\n");
+    GMT_pstext('-F+f14,Helvetica,SeaGreen+jTR');
+	    printf(GMT "0.48 0.98 upcast\n");	    
+	GMT_psxy('-W4,LightSkyBlue');
+		printf(GMT "0.5 0\n0.5 1\n");
+    GMT_pstext('-F+f14,Helvetica,blue+jTL -N');
+	    printf(GMT "0.01 1.06 $P{profile_id} $opt_a\n");
+	GMT_end();
+	#------------------------------
+	# Heading Errors (*
+	#------------------------------
+	my(@err_binned,@err_nsamp);
+	my($sumErr) = 0; my($nErr) = $LADCP_end - $LADCP_begin + 1;
+	for (my($ens)=$LADCP_begin; $ens<=$LADCP_end; $ens++) {
+		next unless ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{TILT_ANOM} < 10);
+		my($r) = int(($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ELAPSED_TIME} + $IMP{TIME_LAG} - $ants_[0][$elapsedF]) / $IMP{DT});
+		my($bi) = int($ants_[$r][$hdgF]/5);
+		my($err) = angle_diff($ants_[$r][$hdgF],$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{HEADING});
+		next unless numberp($err);
+		$err_binned[$bi] += $err; $sumErr += $err;
+		$err_nsamp[$bi]++;
+	}
+	for (my($bi)=0; $bi<@err_nsamp; $bi++) {
+		$err_binned[$bi] = ($err_nsamp[$bi] >= 5)
+						 ? $err_binned[$bi]/$err_nsamp[$bi]
+						 : undef;
+	}
+	my(@err_dssq);
+	for (my($ens)=$LADCP_begin; $ens<=$LADCP_end; $ens++) {
+		next unless ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{TILT_ANOM} < 10);
+		my($r) = int(($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ELAPSED_TIME} + $IMP{TIME_LAG} - $ants_[0][$elapsedF]) / $IMP{DT});
+		my($bi) = int($ants_[$r][$hdgF]/5);
+		my($err) = angle_diff($ants_[$r][$hdgF],$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{HEADING});
+		next unless numberp($err);
+		$err_dssq[$bi] += ($err-$err_binned[$bi])**2;
+	}
+	my($xmin,$xmax) = (0,360);
+	my($ymin,$ymax) = (-45,45);
+	GMT_begin("${basename}","-JX${plotsize}","-R$xmin/$xmax/$ymin/$ymax",'-X6 -Y4 -P');
+	GMT_psxy('-Ey/3,CornFlowerBlue');
+	my($sumSq,$sumBe) = my($nSq,$nBe) = (0,0);
+	for (my($bi)=0; $bi<@err_binned; $bi++) {
+		next unless ($err_nsamp[$bi] >= 2);
+		next unless numberp($err_binned[$bi]);
+		$sumSq += $err_binned[$bi]**2; $nSq++;
+		$sumBe += $err_binned[$bi]; $nBe++;
+#		printf(GMT "%f %f\n",2.5+5*$bi,$err_binned[$bi]);
+		printf(GMT "%f %f %f\n",2.5+5*$bi,$err_binned[$bi],sqrt($err_dssq[$bi]/($err_nsamp[$bi]-1)));
+	}
+    GMT_psbasemap('-Bg90a45f5:"ADCP Heading [\260]":/g15a15f5:"ADCP Compass Error [\260]":WeSn');
+	GMT_unitcoords();
+    GMT_pstext('-F+f12,Helvetica,CornFlowerBlue+jTR -Gwhite -C25%');
+    printf(GMT "0.98 0.98 rms error = %7.1f \260\n",sqrt($sumSq/$nSq));
+    printf(GMT "0.98 0.94 time-averaged error = %7.1f \260\n",$sumErr/$nErr);
+    printf(GMT "0.98 0.90 heading-averaged error = %7.1f \260\n",$sumBe/$nBe);
+    GMT_pstext('-F+f14,Helvetica,blue+jTL -N');
+    printf(GMT "0.01 1.06 $P{profile_id} $opt_a\n");
+    GMT_end();
+	print(STDERR "\n") if $verbose;
+# output_merged()
+#	- output merged data
+sub output_merged($)
+	my($verbose) = @_;
+	my($tazimF)		= &antsNewField('tilt_azimuth');
+	my($tanomF)		= &antsNewField('tilt_magnitude');
+	my($L_tazimF) 	= &antsNewField('LADCP_tilt_azimuth');
+	my($L_tanomF) 	= &antsNewField('LADCP_tilt_magnitude');
+	my($L_elapsedF) = &antsNewField('LADCP_elapsed');
+	my($L_ensF) 	= &antsNewField('LADCP_ens');
+	my($L_depthF) 	= &antsNewField('LADCP_depth_estimate');
+	my($L_pitchF)	= &antsNewField('LADCP_pitch');
+	my($L_rollF)	= &antsNewField('LADCP_roll');
+	my($L_hdgF)		= &antsNewField('LADCP_hdg');
+	my($dcF)		= &antsNewField('downcast');
+	for (my($ens)=0; $ens<=$#{$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}}; $ens++) {
+		my($r) = int(($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ELAPSED_TIME} + $IMP{TIME_LAG} - $ants_[0][$elapsedF]) / $IMP{DT});
+		if ($r<0 || $r>$#ants_) {
+			my(@out);
+			$out[$elapsedF] = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ELAPSED_TIME} + $IMP{TIME_LAG};
+			$out[$L_elapsedF] = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ELAPSED_TIME};
+			$out[$L_ensF]		= $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{NUMBER};
+			$out[$dcF]		= ($ens <= $LADCP_bottom);
+			&antsOut(@out);
+		} elsif ($ens < $LADCP_begin || $ens > $LADCP_end) {
+			$ants_[$r][$L_elapsedF] = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ELAPSED_TIME};
+			$ants_[$r][$L_ensF] 	= $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{NUMBER};
+			$ants_[$r][$L_pitchF]	= undef;
+			$ants_[$r][$L_rollF]	= undef;
+			$ants_[$r][$L_hdgF]		= undef;
+			$ants_[$r][$pitchF]		= undef;			
+			$ants_[$r][$rollF]		= undef;			
+			$ants_[$r][$hdgF]		= undef;			
+			$ants_[$r][$dcF]        = ($ens <= $LADCP_bottom);
+			&antsOut(@{$ants_[$r]});
+		} else {
+			$ants_[$r][$tazimF] 	= angle($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{IMP_TILT_AZIMUTH} + $HDG_offset);
+			$ants_[$r][$tanomF] 	= $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{IMP_TILT_ANOM};
+			$ants_[$r][$L_tazimF]	= $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{TILT_AZIMUTH};
+			$ants_[$r][$L_tanomF]	= $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{TILT_ANOM};
+			$ants_[$r][$L_elapsedF] = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ELAPSED_TIME};
+			$ants_[$r][$L_ensF] 	= $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{NUMBER};
+			$ants_[$r][$L_depthF]	= $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{DEPTH};
+			$ants_[$r][$L_pitchF]	= $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{GIMBAL_PITCH} - $LADCP_pitch_mean;
+			$ants_[$r][$L_rollF]	= $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ROLL} - $LADCP_roll_mean;
+			$ants_[$r][$L_hdgF] 	= $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{HEADING};
+			$ants_[$r][$dcF]        = ($ens <= $LADCP_bottom);
+			&antsOut(@{$ants_[$r]});
+		}
+	}
+	print(STDERR "\n") if $verbose;
+1; # return true for all the world to see