author Andreas Thurnherr <ant@ldeo.columbia.edu>
Mon, 13 Apr 2020 11:06:22 -0400
changeset 40 c1803ae2540f
parent 39 56bdfe65a697
permissions -rw-r--r--

#                    . I N T E R P . S P L I N E 
#                    doc: Wed Nov 22 21:01:09 2000
#                    dlm: Tue Aug  5 14:20:39 2008
#                    (c) 2000 A.M. Thurnherr
#                    uE-Info: 31 0 NIL 0 0 72 10 2 4 NIL ofnI

# spline interpolation

# 	May 27, 2003: - adapted from [.interp.linear]
#	Jul 19, 2004: - BUG: i instead of $i --- 'orrible!
#	May 15, 2006: - BUG: assertion did not work on -e
#	Jul 28, 2006: - Version 3.3 [HISTORY]
#				  - made 100% compatible with [.interp.spline]
#				  - added xf to ISInit() args
#	Jul 30, 2006: - continued debugging
#   Aug 22, 2006: - adapted to work with [match]
#   Aug  5, 2008: - added idr param to IS_init()

# see [.interp.linear] for documentation of interface

#	Matlab: x = 0:10;  y = sin(x); xx = 0:.25:10;
#		yy = spline(x,y,xx); plot(x,y,'o',xx,yy)
# 	gnuplot/ANTS:
#		set style function points;
#		set style data lines;
#		plot [0:10] sin(x), \
#		'<Cat -f x:0,1,10 | list x y=sin($x) | resample -s spline x \#0-10:0.25'
$IS_opts = "B:";
$IS_optsUsage = "[-B)oundary cond <1st/last>]";



sub IS_usage()
	if (defined($opt_B)) {								# NR p.115
		($yp1,$ypn) = split('/',$opt_B);
		croak("$0: can't decode -B $opt_B\n")
			unless (numberp($yp1) && numberp($ypn));


sub IS_init($$$$) {
	my($bR,$idR,$f,$xf) = @_;
	my($n) = scalar(@{$bR});

	if (defined($opt_B)) {								# handle boundary cond
		$idR->[1][$f] = -0.5;
		$u[1] = (3/($bR->[1][$xf]-$bR->[0][$xf])) *
				    (($bR->[1][$f]-$bR->[0][$f]) /
					 ($bR->[1][$xf]-$bR->[0][$xf]) - $yp1);
	} else {
		$idR->[1][$f] = $u[1] = 0;

	for ($i=2; $i<=$n-1; $i++) {
		$sig = ($bR->[$i-1][$xf]-$bR->[$i-2][$xf]) /
		$p = $sig*$idR->[$i-1][$f] + 2;
		$idR->[$i][$f] = ($sig-1)/$p;
		$u[$i] = ($bR->[$i][$f]-$bR->[$i-1][$f]) /
						- ($bR->[$i-1][$f]-$bR->[$i-2][$f]) /
		$u[$i] = (6*$u[$i]/($bR->[$i][$xf]-$bR->[$i-2][$xf]) -
					$sig * $u[$i-1]) / $p;
	if (defined($opt_B)) {
		$qn = 0.5;
		$un = (3/($bR->[$n-1][$xf]-$bR->[$n-2][$xf])) *
				($ypn-($bR->[$n-1][$f]-$bR->[$n-2][$f]) /
    } else {
		$qn = $un = 0;
	$idR->[$n][$f] = ($un-$qn*$u[$n-1]) / ($qn*$idR->[$n-1][$f]+1);
	for ($k=$n-1;$k>=1;$k--) {
		$idR->[$k][$f] = $idR->[$k][$f] * $idR->[$k+1][$f] + $u[$k];


sub IS_interpolate($$$$$$)
	my($bR,$idR,$xf,$xv,$xi,$f) = @_;

	return $xv if ($xf == $f);

	return $bR->[$xi][$f]						# edge values are ok
		if equal($xv,$bR->[$xi][$xf]);
	return $bR->[$xi+1][$f]
		if equal($xv,$bR->[$xi+1][$xf]);

	return nan unless (numberp($bR->[$xi][$f]) &&

	croak("$0: assertion $bR->[$xi+1][$xf] >= $xv >=  $bR->[$xi][$xf] failed")
		unless (defined($opt_e) || $bR->[$xi+1][$xf] >= $xv && $xv >= $bR->[$xi][$xf]);
	my($h) = $bR->[$xi+1][$xf] - $bR->[$xi][$xf];
	croak("$0: assertion #2 failed") unless ($h > 0);
	my($a) = ($bR->[$xi+1][$xf] - $xv) / $h;
	my($b) = ($xv - $bR->[$xi][$xf]) / $h;

	return $a*$bR->[$xi][$f] + $b*$bR->[$xi+1][$f] +
			(($a*$a*$a-$a) * $idR->[$xi+1][$f] +
			 ($b*$b*$b-$b) * $idR->[$xi+2][$f]) *

