author A.M. Thurnherr <>
Fri, 07 Jan 2011 23:10:30 +0000
changeset 7 0373c17d8b57
parent 5 f41d45fe7ae9
permissions -rw-r--r--
modified libRDI.expect to reliably wake up both instruments by making sure slave is woken up first

                    R E A D M E . L I N U X 
                    doc: Thu Jan 19 09:43:38 2006
                    dlm: Fri Dec 10 15:24:48 2010
                    (c) 2006 A.M. Thurnherr
                    uE-Info: 91 0 NIL 0 0 72 3 2 4 NIL ofnI

This file contains Linux-specific notes for installing and running the
LDEO LADCP operator scripts.


1. perl

perl is part of most standard Linux installations. See Linux
documentation on how to install missing software. In order to test it,

/usr/bin/perl -e 'use threads'

If perl is not in /usr/bin, the 1st line of [bbabble] has to be

2. gcc

gcc, a C pre-processor, is part of all Linux distributions, as far as I
am aware. In order to test it, run

gcc -E /usr/include/stdio.h > /dev/null

If you don't have gcc installed you'll have to modify [bbabble]. This is
for perl/system programming experts only.

3. rb/lrb

[l]rb is the receiver-component of a public-domain implementation of
the ymodem protocol called lrzsz. It exists as modules for most popular
Linux distributions. Alternatively, the source can be downloaded from However, since the version
has not changed since December 1998 (version 0.12.20) the corresponding
tar file (lrzsz-0.12.20.tar.gz) is included in this directory.

In order to test whether lrb is already installed, at least one of the
following commands must work:

lrb --help
rb --help

Otherwise, you must install lrb. The following commands might work:

tar xfz lrzsz-0.12.20.tar.gz
cd lrzsz-0.12.20
sudo make install

4. expect

expect is part of most Linux distributions, I think. In order to test
it, run

/usr/bin/expect < /dev/null

If expect does not reside in /usr/bin, you'll have to edit all the
operator scripts (grep -l /usr/bin/expect *).

5. mkProfile/scanbb

mkProfile is part of the LADCP_perl-tools collection available
from the LDEO LADCP repository. 

scanbb is part of Eric Firing's LADCP processing software, which is
available from

If neither mkProfile nor scanbb are available, LADCP-data-file checking
can be disabled by modifying the procedure check_data in
[CRUISE_SETUP.expect]. This is not recommended, however.


The native RS-232 tty devices in Linux are called /dev/ttyS0,
/dev/ttyS1, ...  Most modern computers do not have multiple RS-232
ports the ADCP heads will most likely be connected to the acquisition
computer via USB-to-serial converters. The ones that we use at LDEO
have tty device names /dev/ttyUSB0, /dev/ttyUSB1, ...