author A.M. Thurnherr <>
Fri, 18 Dec 2009 10:53:18 -0500
changeset 2 11dd83aace0d
parent 0 648bde652211
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
for NBP1001

#                    D E F A U L T S . E X P E C T 
#                    doc: Wed Mar 10 21:14:18 2004
#                    dlm: Sat Nov  4 04:19:14 2006
#                    (c) 2004 A.M. Thurnherr
#                    uE-Info: 26 46 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 8 NIL ofnI


# Mar 10, 2004: - created during NBP0402
# Apr  4, 2004: - final version NBP0402
# Jun 14, 2004: - copied for CLIVAR P02
# Jun 15, 2004: - adapted to BB150/Workhorse setup
# Jun 16, 2004: - ditto
# Jun 19, 2004: - BUG: could not handle multiple BB150 data files
# Dec 20, 2004: - adapted for CLIVAR A16S
# Jan 19, 2006: - updated documentation
#		- allowed for empty-string time_server
# Oct  3, 2006: - adapted for LADDER cruise
# Oct 28, 2006: - continued
# Nov  1, 2006: - change master/slave serial numbers after CTD4
#		  (should have been done after CTD3, but I spaced; A.T.)
# Nov  4, 2006: - changed backup dir structure
# Nov  11,2006: - slave away as beam1 is broken (but did not work since
#                  CTD15 on Nov 16; F.T)


# At the beginning of each cast, the clock of the acquisition computer should
# synchronized with the master clock used for timestamping the GPS information.
# The easiest way to accomplish this is by probing an NTP server on the ship
# (if there is one), which can be defined by setting the following variable.
# If there is no such server available, the variable should be set to the
# empty string (set time_server ""), in which case clock synchronization must
# be done differently (e.g. manually).

set time_server	"";

# bbabble needs to know the tty device name(s) of the serial connection(s)
# to the ADCP head(s). If only one head is connected, tty1 is ignored.
# If two heads are connected, the device names are exchangeable, i.e.
# either instrument can be connected to either port.

set tty0 "/dev/ttyS0";
set tty1 "/dev/ttyS1";

# In case of 2 ADCP heads, babble needs to know which is the master and
# which is the slave. This is accomplished by setting the following variables
# to the corresponding instrument serial numbers (PS0 output). By convention,
# the downlooker is the master. If only a single head is connected, both
# variables are ignored.

set master_sn 7877;
set slave_sn  1412;

# Before deployment, every ADCP head has to be programmed by sending it
# a corresponding command file, defined by the following variables. If only
# a single head is connected, the slave_* variable is ignored.

set master_cmd_file "MASTER.cmd";
set slave_cmd_file  "SLAVE.cmd";

# For convenience, it is best to use the station number to name the ADCP data
# files, and to indicate whether the data file comes from the master or
# slave. The following variables variables define the printf(3) format
# that is used to create the files names from the station number. If only
# a single head is connected, the slave_* variable is ignored.
# NOTE: Some implementations of the ymodem protocol (notably lrb running
#	under Mandrake 8) use lowercase for the downloaded file. It is
#	therefore better to use only lowercase characters in the deployment
#	names.

set master_deployment_name_fmt	"%03ddn";
set slave_deployment_name_fmt	"%03dup";

# Older RDI instruments (e.g. the BB150) do not allow the data-file name
# to be defined in the instrument, in which case the files have to be
# renamed after downloading. The following variables define the shell
# globbing patterns for the master and slave. For example, the UH BB150
# used during CLIVAR P02 generated files with extension .612; the coresponding
# globbing pattern is "*.612". If only a single head is connected, the
# slave_* variable is ignored.

set master_download_glob 	"";
set slave_download_glob		"";

# For consistency it is nicest if low station numbers contain leading
# zeroes. The following variable defines the corresponding printf(3) format.

set stn_format "%03d";

# The following directory is used to store command files, instrument
# configurations and ADCP data. Separate subdirectories (named according to
# stn_format) are used for each cast.

set raw_dir "../data/raw";

# After downloading, the data directory is backed up to the following
# directory. Make sure that it resides on a different disk than raw_dir.
# Empty string disables backup for testing purposes.

set backup_dir "../../backup/raw";

# bbabble can be made to abort downloading after a preset amount of time,
# defined by the following variable. 

set download_timeout 999999;

# Semi-Standard Functions

proc set_computer_time {} {				# set computer clock
	global time_server;
	if {[string length $time_server] == 0} {return}
	exec sudo rdate -s $time_server;

proc check_data {file} {				# check data file
	exec sh -c "scanbb $file";
	exec sh -c "sed -n '/^zmax/,/^zend/s/ at.*/m/p' `basename $file .000`.scn > /dev/tty";

proc backup_master_data {stn} {				# copy data to network
	global master_deployment_name_fmt master_cmd_file backup_dir;
	if {[string length $backup_dir] == 0} {return}

	if {![file isdirectory $backup_dir]} {
		error "$backup_dir does not exist relative to [pwd]";

	set master_dir [format $backup_dir/$master_deployment_name_fmt $stn];
	if {![file isdirectory $master_dir]} {exec mkdir $master_dir};
	exec sh -c "cp [format $master_deployment_name_fmt $stn]* $master_dir";
	exec sh -c "cp $master_cmd_file* $master_dir";
	exec sh -c "cp *log $master_dir";
proc backup_slave_data {stn} {				# copy data to network
	global slave_deployment_name_fmt slave_cmd_file backup_dir;
	if {[string length $backup_dir] == 0} {return}

	if {![file isdirectory $backup_dir]} {
		error "$backup_dir does not exist relative to [pwd]";

	set slave_dir [format $backup_dir/$slave_deployment_name_fmt $stn];
	if {![file isdirectory $slave_dir]} {exec mkdir $slave_dir};
	exec sh -c "cp [format $slave_deployment_name_fmt $stn]* $slave_dir";
	exec sh -c "cp $slave_cmd_file* $slave_dir";
	exec sh -c "cp *log $slave_dir";

proc rename_master_download_file {target} {	# BB150
	global master_download_glob;
	if {[string length $master_download_glob] == 0} {return}
	set files [glob -nocomplain $master_download_glob];
	set nfiles [llength $files];
	if {$nfiles == 0} {
		if {![file exists $target]} {
			error "can't find downloaded master file";
        if {$nfiles > 1} {
	        send_user "WARNING: Multiple files downloaded from master --- rename, backup, check manually!";
	exec mv [lindex $files end] $target;

proc rename_slave_download_file {target} {	# BB150
	global slave_download_glob;
	if {[string length $slave_download_glob] == 0} {return}
	set files [glob -nocomplain $slave_download_glob];
	set nfiles [llength $files];
	if {$nfiles == 0} {
		if {![file exists $target]} {
			error "can't find downloaded slave file";
        if {$nfiles > 1} {
	        send_user "WARNING: Multiple files downloaded from slave --- rename, backup, check manually!";
	exec mv [lindex $files end] $target;