author A.M. Thurnherr <>
Fri, 06 Mar 2015 15:47:19 +0000
changeset 29 f72cd642972c
parent 28 79bf60e97208
child 33 dd5b67a41791
permissions -rw-r--r--

#                    L A D C P P R O C . B A C K S C A T T E R 
#                    doc: Wed Oct 20 13:02:27 2010
#                    dlm: Sun May 25 21:38:44 2014
#                    (c) 2010 A.M. Thurnherr
#                    uE-Info: 26 45 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI

#	Oct 20, 2010: - created
#	Dec 10, 2010: - BUG: backscatter above sea surface made code bomb
#						 when run with uplooker data
#	Jun 15, 2011: - added calculation of backscatter profiles from
#				    subset of bins
#	Jul  7, 2011: - use $BEAM? vars to clarify code
#				  - save SV values to use in BT code
#	Jul 14, 2011: - implemented Sv_V04
#	Jul 15, 2011: - modified Sv_V04 to take noise levels into account (Sv_T11)
#	Apr 10, 2012: - BUG: ensonified volume in Sv_T11 was wrong
#	May 16, 2012: - BUG: find_backscatter_seabed() used wrong start depth for
#						 search
#				  - BUG: same used bins entirely below seabed (only possible
#						 for shallow casts)
#	Mar 21, 2014: - adapted to new [LADCPproc.utils]
#	Mar 27, 2014: - adapted to depthOfBinAlongBeam()
#	May 25, 2014: - made search_below integer

my($BEAM1) = 0;
my($BEAM2) = 1;
my($BEAM3) = 2;
my($BEAM4) = 3;

# Volume Scattering Coefficient
# 1) There are currently 4 different methods for correcting echo
#	 amplitudes as a function of range. The method to calculate Sv
#    of Deines (1999) is the only published one, although Visbeck's
#    correction was presumably used by Visbeck and Thurnherr (2009).
# 	 The third method (Thurnherr 2011) improves on Visbeck's code.
#	 The fourth method consists in no correction.
# 2) The following observations stand out when plotting echo amplitudes
#	 against bin number in clear water (e.g. below 1400m in first
#	 downcast of IWISE yoyo cast 160; [Documentation/Sv_comparison.eps]):
#		- the corrections works approximately for the valid bins
#		  (2-13 in case of IWISE) but it amounts to a slight
#		  overcorrection, i.e. the resulting corrected backscatter
#		  profiles increase with increasing distance from the
#		  transducer
#		- in terms of remaining vertical structure, the different
#		  methods are nearly identical
#		- however, Visbeck (2004) shows fairly large instrument
#		  dependent biases because (instrument-specific) noise
#		  is not considered
#		- the vertical structure can be improved by decreasing the
#		  attenuation parameter to something like 0.05; I have
#		  verified this for the Deines and Thurnherr expressions
#		  with a single IWISE station; however, there remain
#		  small (but noticeable) instrument-specific biases
#	3) Therefore, the default code is Deines (1999); if this is
#	   not good enough, it is probably possible to derive an
#	   empirical correction from in-situ data.

# Volume Scattering Coefficient, following Deines (IEEE 1999)
#	- instrument specific! (300kHz Workhorse)
#   - no sound-speed correction applied
#   - R in bin center, instead of last quarter
#   - transmit power assumes 33V batteries
# Results:
#	- correction seems to work for a subset of bins (~bins 3-9 for 
#	  2010 P403 station 46) 
#	- this may imply that noise level depends on bin
# 	- far bins are important for seabed detection, i.e. cannot simply
#	  be discarded at this stage

sub log10 {
    my $n = shift;
    return log($n)/log(10);

sub Sv_D99($$$$$)
    my($temp,$PL,$Er,$R,$EA) = @_;
    my($C)      = -143;                 # RDI Workhorse monitor
    my($Ldbm)   = 10 * log10($PL);
    my($PdbW)   = 14.0;
    my($alpha)  = 0.069;
#    my($alpha)  = 0.048;
    my($Kc)     = 0.45;
    return $C + 10*log10(($temp+273)*$R**2) - $Ldbm - $PdbW
              + 2*$alpha*$R + $Kc*($EA-$Er);

# Volume Scattering Coefficient, following Visbeck (code 2004)
## function [ts,bcs]=targ($EA,$R,$alpha,$PL,$EAS,$ap)
## Target strength of EA for volume scatterer
## $EA = echoamp in  dB
## $R = distance in  m
## $alpha = attenuation dB/m
## $PL = pulse/bin legth in  m
## $EAS = source level
## $ap = aperature in degree
## M. Visbeck 2004
# Results:
#	- overall, correction with distance works similarly well to Deines (1999)
#	- constant bias, which could be taken care of by changing EAS
#	- however, much more serious UL/DL differences than Deines (1999)

sub Sv_V04($$$$$)
    my($temp,$PL,$Er,$R,$EA) = @_;	# only uses $R and $EA

#	my($alpha) = 0.039;		## attenuation dB/m for 150 kHz
	my($alpha) = 0.062;		## attenuation dB/m for 300 kHz
	my($EAS) = 100;			## source level in dB
	my($ap) = rad(2);		## beam aperature in DEGREE convert to radian

	my($r1) = tan($ap)*($R-$PL/2);	## radius of top and bottom of each bin
	my($r2) = tan($ap)*($R+$PL/2);
	my($V) = $PI*$PL/3 * ($r1**2+$r2**2+$r1*$r2);	## ensonified volume 

	my($TL) = 20*log10($R) + $alpha*$R;				## transmission loss

	my($TS) = 0.45*$EA - $EAS + 2*$TL - 10*log10($V);	## target strength
	my($BCS) = exp($TS/10);							## backscatter cross section

	return $TS;

# Volume Scattering Coefficient, Thurnherr [2011]
# in an attempt to improved on Visbeck's code, I made several
# modifications:
#	- add 5cm to beam radius (transducer radius)
#	- take beam noise into account (as in Deines [1999])
#	- use different equation for ensonified volume
# results:
#	- inclusion of beam noise greatly reduces UL/DL differences in IWISE data
#	- constant offset from Deines values, which could be taken care of by changing EAS
#	- remaining changes don't have great effects

sub Sv_T11($$$$$)
    my($temp,$PL,$Er,$R,$EA) = @_;

#	my($alpha) = 0.067;				# Deines [1999]
	my($alpha) = 0.062;				# Visbeck [2004]
#	my($alpha) = 0.048;				# attenuation dB/m for 300 kHz
	my($EAS) = 100;					# source level in dB
	my($ap) = rad(2);				# beam aperature in DEGREE convert to radian
	my($r0) = 0.05;					# beam radius at source (transducer radius)

	my($d1) = $R - $PL/2;			# distance to top and bottom of bin
	my($d2) = $R + $PL/2;
	my($r1) = $r0 + $d1*tan($ap);	# radius of top and bottom of each bin
	my($r2) = $r0 + $d2*tan($ap);
	my($V) = $PI/3 * ($d2*$r2**2 - $d1*$r1**2);	# ensonified volume

	my($TL) = 20*log10($R) + $alpha*$R;		# transmission loss

	my($TS) = 0.45*($EA-$Er) - $EAS + 2*$TL - 10*log10($V);	# target strength

	return $TS;

# no correction for attenuation losses
# however, noise level is still taken into consideration

sub Sv_nocorr($$$$$)
    my($temp,$PL,$Er,$R,$EA) = @_;

	return 0.45*($EA-$Er);


sub mk_backscatter_profs($$)
	my($LADCP_start,$LADCP_end) = @_;
	my(@Er) = (1e99,1e99,1e99,1e99);						# echo intensity reference level
	for (my($ens)=$LADCP_start; $ens<=$LADCP_end; $ens++) {
	print(STDERR "\n\t\@per-beam noise levels = @Er") if ($opt_d);

	my($Svfunc);											# Sv method
	if ($opt_u =~ /^[dD]/) {
		$Svfunc = \&Sv_D99;
	} elsif ($opt_u =~ /^[vV]/) {
		$Svfunc = \&Sv_V04;
	} elsif ($opt_u =~ /^[tT]/) {
		$Svfunc = \&Sv_T11;
	} else {
		$Svfunc = \&Sv_nocorr;

	for (my($ens)=$LADCP_start; $ens<=$LADCP_end; $ens++) {
		for (my($bin)=0; $bin<$LADCP{N_BINS}; $bin++) {
			my($range_to_bin) = &rangeToBin($ens,$bin);

			for (my($beam)=0; $beam<4; $beam++) {
				my($gi) = int(&depthOfBinAlongBeam($ens,$bin,$beam) / $GRID_DZ);
				next if ($gi < 0);
				$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SV}[$bin][$beam] = &$Svfunc($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_TEMP},

				$sSv[$gi][$bin] += $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SV}[$bin][$beam];

				if ($bin>=$Svbin_start && $bin<=$Svbin_end) {
					$sSv_prof[$gi] += $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SV}[$bin][$beam];
				} # if $bin
			} # for $beam
		} # for $bin
	} # for $end
} # sub

sub depthOfGI($) { return $_[0]*$GRID_DZ + $GRID_DZ/2; }		# depth corresponding to particular grid index

sub find_backscatter_seabed($)
	my($water_depth) = @_;
	my(@wdepth_gi);												# water_depth indices

	my($search_below) = int(max(0,$water_depth-$BT_begin_search_above));
	my($mdgi) = int($search_below/$GRID_DZ);					# grid index to begin search
	print(STDERR "\n\t\tlooking for seabed below $search_below m (gi >= $mdgi)") if ($opt_d);

	print(STDERR "\n\t\tseabed-max grid indices:") if ($opt_d);
	for (my($bin)=0; $bin<$LADCP{N_BINS}; $bin++) { 			# find backscatter min/max below $search_below in each bin
		my($min,$max,$gimax,$firstvalid,$lastvalid) = (1e99,-1e99,-1,-1,-1);
		for (my($gi)=$mdgi; $gi<@nSv; $gi++) {
			next unless ($nSv[$gi][$bin] > 0);
			$firstvalid = $gi if ($firstvalid < 0);
			my($avg) = $sSv[$gi][$bin] / $nSv[$gi][$bin];
			$lastvalid = $gi;
			$min = $avg if ($avg < $min);
			$max = $avg, $gimax = $gi if ($avg > $max);
		if ($gimax == $firstvalid) {							# should be robust except maybe for huge bins
			printf(STDERR "\n\t\tdata from below-seabed bins (%d-%d) discarded",
				$bin+1,$LADCP{N_BINS}) if ($opt_d);
		if ($max-$min>10 && $gimax!=$lastvalid) { 				# ignore boundary maxima & scatter
			printf(STDERR " %d",$gimax-$mdgi) if ($opt_d);
	return (depthOfGI(avg(@wdepth_gi)),stddev(@wdepth_gi)*$GRID_DZ);

