changeset 56 8f120b9f795a
parent 55 2d8e1139acd5
child 57 69e39fcb7f41
--- a/	Sat Apr 10 06:00:45 2021 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-#                    P L O T _ M E A N _ R E S I D U A L S . P L 
-#                    doc: Tue Jul 28 13:21:09 2015
-#                    dlm: Fri May 15 19:06:51 2020
-#                    (c) 2015 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 122 47 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
-#	Jul 28, 2015: - created from [LWplot_BR]
-#	Jul 29, 2015: - finished
-#	Jul 30, 2015: - added bin_tics
-#				  - added outGrid_* support
-#	Jan 22, 2015: - many changes
-#				  - added quality assessment label
-#	Jan 25, 2016: - added return on no data
-#	Mar 16, 2016: - adapted to gmt5
-#   May 18, 2016: - added version
-#	May 15, 2020: - adapted to bin-residuals separate per beam pair
-#				  - added orange range
-#				  - slightly relaxed green range
-require "$ANTS/";
-sub plot_mean_residuals($)
-	my($pfn) = @_;
-	return unless ($P{BR_max_bin});
-	my($xmin) = -0.05;
-	my($xmax) =  0.05;
-	my($ymin) =  0.5;
-	my($ymax) = $P{BR_max_bin} + 0.5;
-	my($R) = "-R$xmin/$xmax/$ymin/$ymax";
-	GMT_begin($pfn,'-JX10/-10',$R,'-P');
-	if ($outGrid_firstBin>$LADCP_firstBin || $outGrid_lastBin<$LADCP_lastBin) {		# mark used bins
-		GMT_psxy('-G200 -L');
-		printf(GMT ">\n%f %f\n%f %f\n%f %f\n%f %f\n",
-			$xmin,$LADCP_firstBin-0.5,
-			$xmax,$LADCP_firstBin-0.5,
-			$xmax,$outGrid_firstBin-0.5,
-			$xmin,$outGrid_firstBin-0.5)
-				if ($outGrid_firstBin>$LADCP_firstBin);
-		printf(GMT ">\n%f %f\n%f %f\n%f %f\n%f %f\n",
-			$xmin,$LADCP_lastBin+0.5,
-			$xmax,$LADCP_lastBin+0.5,
-			$xmax,$outGrid_lastBin+0.5,
-			$xmin,$outGrid_lastBin+0.5)
-				if ($outGrid_lastBin<$LADCP_lastBin);
-	}
-	GMT_psxy('-W1');																# plot zero line
-	printf(GMT "0 $ymin\n0 $ymax\n");
-	GMT_psxy('-W2,coral,8_2:0');
-		for (my($bin)=$LADCP_firstBin; $bin<@dc_bres12; $bin++) {			
-			next if ($bin+1<$outGrid_firstBin || $bin+1>$outGrid_lastBin);
-			next unless ($dc_bres12_nsamp[$bin] >= $dc_bres12_max_nsamp/3);
-			printf(GMT "%f %d\n",$dc_avg_bres12[$bin],$bin+1);
-        }
-	GMT_psxy('-W2,coral,1_1:0');
-		for (my($bin)=$LADCP_firstBin; $bin<@dc_bres34; $bin++) {			
-			next if ($bin+1<$outGrid_firstBin || $bin+1>$outGrid_lastBin);
-			next unless ($dc_bres34_nsamp[$bin] >= $dc_bres34_max_nsamp/3);
-			printf(GMT "%f %d\n",$dc_avg_bres34[$bin],$bin+1);
-        }
-	GMT_psxy('-Ex0.2/2,coral');
-		for (my($bin)=$LADCP_firstBin-1; $bin<@dc_bres12; $bin++) {
-			printf(GMT "%f %d %f\n",
-							$dc_avg_bres12[$bin],
-							$bin+1,
-							($dc_bres12_nsamp[$bin] > 1) ?
-								$dc_sig_bres12[$bin]/sqrt($dc_bres12_nsamp[$bin]-1) : 0);
-		}
-		for (my($bin)=$LADCP_firstBin-1; $bin<@dc_bres34; $bin++) {
-			printf(GMT "%f %d %f\n",
-							$dc_avg_bres34[$bin],
-							$bin+1,
-							($dc_bres34_nsamp[$bin] > 1) ?
-								$dc_sig_bres34[$bin]/sqrt($dc_bres34_nsamp[$bin]-1) : 0);
-        }
-	GMT_psxy('-W2,SeaGreen,8_2:0');
-		for (my($bin)=$LADCP_firstBin; $bin<@uc_bres12; $bin++) {			
-			next if ($bin+1<$outGrid_firstBin || $bin+1>$outGrid_lastBin);
-			next unless ($uc_bres12_nsamp[$bin] >= $uc_bres12_max_nsamp/3);
-			printf(GMT "%f %d\n",$uc_avg_bres12[$bin],$bin+1);
-        }
-	GMT_psxy('-W2,SeaGreen,1_1:0');
-		for (my($bin)=$LADCP_firstBin; $bin<@uc_bres34; $bin++) {			
-			next if ($bin+1<$outGrid_firstBin || $bin+1>$outGrid_lastBin);
-			next unless ($uc_bres34_nsamp[$bin] >= $uc_bres34_max_nsamp/3);
-			printf(GMT "%f %d\n",$uc_avg_bres34[$bin],$bin+1);
-        }
-	GMT_psxy('-Ex0.2/2,SeaGreen');
-		for (my($bin)=$LADCP_firstBin-1; $bin<@uc_bres12; $bin++) {
-			printf(GMT "%f %d %f\n",
-							$uc_avg_bres12[$bin],
-							$bin+1,
-							($uc_bres12_nsamp[$bin] > 1) ?
-								$uc_sig_bres12[$bin]/sqrt($uc_bres12_nsamp[$bin]-1) : 0);
-		}
-		for (my($bin)=$LADCP_firstBin-1; $bin<@uc_bres34; $bin++) {
-			printf(GMT "%f %d %f\n",
-							$uc_avg_bres34[$bin],
-							$bin+1,
-							($uc_bres34_nsamp[$bin] > 1) ?
-								$uc_sig_bres34[$bin]/sqrt($uc_bres34_nsamp[$bin]-1) : 0);
-        }
-	GMT_unitcoords();																	# LABELS
-	GMT_pstext('-F+f9,Helvetica,orange+jTR -N -Gwhite');
-        print(GMT "0.99 0.01 V$VERSION\n");
-	GMT_pstext('-F+f14,Helvetica,blue+jBL -N');											# profile id
-		print(GMT "0.0 -0.03 $P{out_basename} $P{run_label}\n");
-	GMT_pstext('-F+f12,Helvetica-Bold,black+jBL -Gwhite'); 							# rms residuals
-		print(GMT "0.1 0.88 beams <1,2>\n");
-	GMT_pstext('-F+f12,Helvetica-Bold,black+jBL -Gwhite');
-		print(GMT "0.7 0.88 beams <3,4>\n");
-	GMT_pstext('-F+f12,Helvetica,coral+jBL');											# rms residuals
-		print(GMT "0.01 0.93 dc\n");
-	if ($dc_bres12_rms >= 0.005) { 		GMT_pstext('-F+f12,Helvetica,white+jBL -Gred'); }
-	elsif ($dc_bres12_rms >= 0.003) { 	GMT_pstext('-F+f12,Helvetica,black+jBL -Gorange'); }
-	elsif ($dc_bres12_rms >= 0.0015) { 	GMT_pstext('-F+f12,Helvetica,black+jBL -Gyellow'); }
-	else {								GMT_pstext('-F+f12,Helvetica,black+jBL -Ggreen'); }
-		printf(GMT "0.10 0.93 %.1f mm/s rms\n",1000*$dc_bres12_rms);
-	if ($dc_bres34_rms >= 0.005) { 		GMT_pstext('-F+f12,Helvetica,white+jBL -Gred'); }
-	elsif ($dc_bres34_rms >= 0.003) { 	GMT_pstext('-F+f12,Helvetica,black+jBL -Gorange'); }
-	elsif ($dc_bres34_rms >= 0.0015) { 	GMT_pstext('-F+f12,Helvetica,black+jBL -Gyellow'); }
-	else {								GMT_pstext('-F+f12,Helvetica,black+jBL -Ggreen'); }
-		printf(GMT "0.70 0.93 %.1f mm/s rms\n",1000*$dc_bres34_rms);
-	GMT_pstext('-F+f12,Helvetica,SeaGreen+jBL');
-		print(GMT "0.01 0.98 uc\n");
-	if ($uc_bres12_rms >= 0.005) { 		GMT_pstext('-F+f12,Helvetica,white+jBL -Gred'); }
-	elsif ($uc_bres12_rms >= 0.003) { 	GMT_pstext('-F+f12,Helvetica,black+jBL -Gorange'); }
-	elsif ($uc_bres12_rms >= 0.0015) { 	GMT_pstext('-F+f12,Helvetica,black+jBL -Gyellow'); }
-	else {								GMT_pstext('-F+f12,Helvetica,black+jBL -Ggreen'); }
-		printf(GMT "0.10 0.98 %.1f mm/s rms\n",1000*$uc_bres12_rms);
-	if ($uc_bres34_rms >= 0.005) { 		GMT_pstext('-F+f12,Helvetica,white+jBL -Gred'); }
-	elsif ($uc_bres34_rms >= 0.003) { 	GMT_pstext('-F+f12,Helvetica,black+jBL -Gorange'); }
-	elsif ($uc_bres34_rms >= 0.0015) { 	GMT_pstext('-F+f12,Helvetica,black+jBL -Gyellow'); }
-	else {								GMT_pstext('-F+f12,Helvetica,black+jBL -Ggreen'); }
-		printf(GMT "0.70 0.98 %.1f mm/s rms\n",1000*$uc_bres34_rms);
-	my($bin_tics) = ($ymax <= 20) ? 'f1a1' : 'f1a2';
-	GMT_setR($R);																		# FINISH PLOT
-	GMT_end("-Bf0.005a0.02:'Residual Vertical Velocity [m/s]':/$bin_tics:'Bin [#]':WeSn");
-1; # return true on require