author A.M. Thurnherr <>
Thu, 16 Apr 2015 14:50:59 +0000
changeset 27 2053d8de8d6b
parent 6 4d48ffde2471
permissions -rw-r--r--
updated plots & seabed code; GoM data process correctly

                    R E A D M E . O U T F I L E S 
                    doc: Wed Feb 15 19:37:49 2012
                    dlm: Wed Feb 15 19:54:27 2012
                    (c) 2012 A.M. Thurnherr
                    uE-Info: 51 61 NIL 0 0 72 3 2 8 NIL ofnI

During processing of, say station 067, the data files listed below are
produced. While these are all ASCII files containing numbers and
comment lines beginning with #, they have meta-data encoded in them and
are, therefore, not particularly readable. They can easily be imported
into Matlab, however, using the loadANTS.m.

=Standard Field Names=

depth		depth in meters
downcast	flag that is 1 for downcast, 0 for upcast
elapsed		elapsed time in seconds since beginning of cast
ens		ADCP ensemble number

dc_		downcast prefix
uc_		upcast prefix
BT_		bottom-tracking prefix

.mad		mean-absolute-deviation suffix
.nsamp		number-of-sample suffix

=Output Files=

067.log		- log-file of diagnostic processing output 

067.w		- this file contains literally everything
		- each record contains a single w sample (from a
		  particular bin of a particular ensemble) with all
		  available metadata	- vertical velocity profiles:
			1) downcast only
			2) upcast only
			3) combined down-/upcast (not recommended)
			4) bottom tracked (only near seabed)

067.LADCPtis	- time series of LADCP reference-layer w data
		- this file is produced before processing, i.e. it can
		  be used to diagnose time-lagging problems

067.tis		- more complete time series data including

067.TL		- diagnostic output of time-lagging algorithm