author A.M. Thurnherr <>
Wed, 18 Apr 2012 10:36:46 -0400
changeset 9 6ea152571f00
parent 6 4d48ffde2471
child 10 7e76fdef8953
permissions -rw-r--r--

#                    D E F A U L T S . P L 
#                    doc: Tue Oct 11 17:11:21 2011
#                    dlm: Thu Oct 27 22:36:34 2011
#                    (c) 2011 A.M. Thurnherr
#                    uE-Info: 60 0 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI

#	Oct 11, 2011: - created
#	Oct 12, 2011: - added $processing_param_file
#	Oct 13, 2011: - added $out_basename, $TL_out, $TL_hist_out
#	Oct 14, 2011: - added $w_out, $profile_out
#				  - renamed _out to out_; out_basename to out_basename
#	Oct 17, 2011: - added {data,plot,log}_subdir
#				  - added $out_BR
#				  - adapted to new filter-plot scripts
#				  - changed -v default to 2
#	Oct 19, 2011: - added SS_max_allowed_range & renamed _min_
#	Oct 20, 2011: - added $out_timeseries default
#				  - added $per_bin_valid_frac_lim
#	Oct 26, 2011: - added $first_guess_timelag
#	Oct 27, 2011: - modified ProcessingParam file loading
#				  - added ${pitch,roll,heading}_bias

# Variable Names:
#	- variables that are only used in a particular library are
#	  prefixed with a 2-caps code

# Data Input 

# File to load cruise/cast-specific processing parameters from

if (-r "ProcessingParams.$RUN") {
	$processing_param_file = "ProcessingParams.$RUN";
} elsif (-r "ProcessingParams.default") {
	$processing_param_file = "ProcessingParams.default";
} else {
	croak("$0: cannot load either <ProcessingParams.$RUN> or <ProcessingParams.default>\n");

# CTD depth adjustment
#	- set with -a
#	- value is added to CTD pressure
#	- use when CTD has -ve pressures

$CTD_neg_press_offset = &antsFloatOpt($opt_a,0);

# suppress 3-beam LADCP solutions

$RDI_Coords::minValidVels = 4 if ($opt_4);							

# correct attiude sensors

$pitch_bias = $roll_bias = $heading_bias = 0;

# bins to use in w calculations
#	- set with -b
#	- defaults to 2-last

$opt_b = '2,*' unless defined($opt_b);
($LADCP_firstBin,$LADCP_lastBin) = split(',',$opt_b);
croak("$0: cannot decode -b $opt_b\n")
    unless (numberp($LADCP_firstBin) &&
            ($LADCP_lastBin eq '*' || numberp($LADCP_lastBin)));

# Logging and Output

#	- there are 4 verbosity levels, selected by -v
#		0:	only print errors
#		1:	default, UNIX-like (warnings and info messages that are not produced for every cast)
#		2:	progress messages and useful information
#		>2:	debug messges
#	- the most useful ones of these are 1 & 2

$verbosity_level = &antsCardOpt($opt_v,2);

# output bin size in meters

$output_bin_size = &antsFloatOpt($opt_o,10);

# min w samples required for each vertical-velocity bin

$min_w_nsamp = &antsCardOpt($opt_k,20);

# output base name

$out_basename = sprintf('%03d',$STN);

# output subdirectories

croak("$RUN: no such directory\n") unless (-d $RUN);
$data_subdir = $plot_subdir = $log_subdir = $RUN;

# main w output and all its plots:
#	_w.eps			vertical velocities
#	_residuals.eps	residual vertical velocities
#	_Sv.eps			volume scattering coefficient after Deimes (1999)
#	_corr.eps		correlation

$out_w = "| LWplot_residuals $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_residuals.eps" .
		 "| LWplot_Sv $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_Sv.eps" .
		 "| LWplot_corr $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_corr.eps" .
		 "| LWplot_w $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_w.eps" .
		 "> $data_subdir/$out_basename.w";

# w profile output

$out_profile = "| LWplot_prof $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_prof.eps" .
			   "> $data_subdir/$";

# log output

$out_log = "$log_subdir/$out_basename.log";

# time-series output

$out_timeseries = "$data_subdir/$out_basename.tis";

# diagnostic plots

$out_BR		= "| LWplot_BR 	   $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_BR.eps";
$out_TL 	= "| LWplot_TL     $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_TL.eps";
$out_TLhist = "| LWplot_TLhist $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_TLhist.eps";

# Data Editing

# min correlation

$min_correlation = &antsFloatOpt($opt_c,70);

# max tilt (pitch/roll)

$max_tilt = &antsFloatOpt($opt_t,15);

# max err vel

$max_allowed_errvel = &antsFloatOpt($opt_e,0.1);

# truncate farthest valid velocities

$truncate_farthest_valid_bins = 0;

# discard velocities from chosen beam (1-4)

$discard_velocities_from_beam = 0;

# max LADCP gap length in seconds

$max_LADCP_reflr_vel_gap = &antsFloatOpt($opt_g,60);

# max allowed vertical velocity in m/s

$max_allowed_w = &antsFloatOpt($opt_m,1);

# in each ensemble, vertical velocities differing more than this
# parameter times mean absolute deviation from median, are considered 
# outliers and removed

$per_ens_outliers_mad_limit = 2;

# data from bins with less valid velocities than the following parameter
# are considered bad and removed

$per_bin_valid_frac_lim = 0.15;

# ensembles when instrument is shallower than 
# $surface_layer_depth in meters are removed.
# possible contamination: ship's hull, thrusters, bubble clouds
# Inspired by 2011_IWISE station 8

$surface_layer_depth = 25;

# Time Lagging

# externally supplied lag

$first_guess_timelag = $opt_i;

# reference layer bins for w for time matching

($refLr_firstBin,$refLr_lastBin) = (2,6);

# number of time lags during each of 2 lagging steps

$opt_n = '10,100' unless defined($opt_n);
@number_of_timelag_windows = split(',',$opt_n);
croak("$0: cannot decode -n $opt_n\n")
	unless numberp($number_of_timelag_windows[0]) && numberp($number_of_timelag_windows[1]);

# time lag search window widths for each of 2 lagging steps
#	- full width in seconds

$opt_w = '240,20' unless defined($opt_w);
@length_of_timelag_windows = split(',',$opt_w);
croak("$0: cannot decode -w $opt_w\n")
	unless numberp($length_of_timelag_windows[0]) && numberp($length_of_timelag_windows[1]);

# if top 3 lags have spread greater than $TL_max_allowed_three_lag_spread
# (in CTD scans) they must account for at least $TL_required_timelag_top_three_fraction
# or there is an error
#	- $TL_max_allowed_three_lag_spread default was initially set to 2 but found to be 
#	  violated quite often during 2011_IWISE
# 	- large spread may indicate dropped CTD scans
# 	- the optimum value of $TL_max_allowed_three_lag_spread may be cast-duration dependent

$TL_max_allowed_three_lag_spread = 3;
$TL_required_top_three_fraction = &antsFloatOpt($opt_3,0.6);

# Seabed Search

# # of ensembles around bottom to search

$SS_search_window_halfwidth = 200;	 

# max allowed distance of seabed from mode of distribution

$SS_max_allowed_depth_range = 10;

# The following numbers define the valid range of height-above bottom
# for seabed detection. If the the mean BT_RANGE of a given ens
# falls outside this range, the ensemble is ignored during seabed detection.
# Also, bins falling outside this range are not considered during 
# construction of accoustic backscatter profiles.

$SS_min_allowed_range = 20;
$SS_max_allowed_range = 150;

# Bottom Tracking

# Don't look for BT-referenced velocities if package is more than $BT_max_range
# above seabed. This parameter is frequency dependent and the current value is
# appropriate (if rather high) for 300kHz Workhorse intruments.

$BT_max_range = 300;

# The code only tries to bin BT-referenced velocities if a consistent bottom
# is available in all 4 beams. Ensembles where the range of bin numbers where
# the maximum echo is found is greater than $max_BIT_bin_range_diff are rejected.
# In addition to flukes this also rejects ensembles collected with large
# instrument tilts. The value of 3 is a first guess that has not been explored.

$BT_max_bin_range_diff = 3;

# If the difference between measured vertical velocity of the seabed (i.e.
# the package vertical velocity referenced by the seabed) and the vertical
# velocity of the CTD (from dp/dt) si greater than $BT_max_w_error the current
# ensemble is ignored and $nBTwFlag is increased. The value of
# 3cm/s is taken from listBT developed on A0304 cruise.

$BT_max_w_error = 0.03;


1;	# return true