author Andreas Thurnherr <>
Mon, 27 Jun 2022 19:06:50 -1000
changeset 58 7688bec6fe87
parent 55 2d8e1139acd5
child 59 4118a8e880de
permissions -rw-r--r--
adapted to SBE files with badly formatted records

#                    P L O T _ W P R O F . P L 
#                    doc: Sun Jul 26 11:08:50 2015
#                    dlm: Mon Apr 12 08:44:01 2021
#                    (c) 2015 A.M. Thurnherr
#                    uE-Info: 26 61 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI

#	Jul 26, 2015: - created from LWplot_prof_2beam
#	Jul 30, 2015: - moved main label outside plot area
#	Oct 12, 2015: - BUG: gaps were not plotted as such
#	Mar 16, 2016: - adapted to gmt5
#	Mar 17, 2016: - improved
#	May 18, 2016: - replaced rms tilt by mean tilt with traffic background
#				  - added plot_wprof_ymin tweakable
#	May 24, 2016: - BUG: ymin did not work for nsamp
#				  - fixed for partial-depth profiles
#				  - suppress plotting of nsamp == 0
#	May 26, 2016: - added instrument coord system to plot labels
#	Mar 20, 2018: - BUG: units of vertical package acceleration were wrong
#				  - added blue background for likely in-ice package accelerations
#	May 16, 2020: - added residual profile data to background
#	May 23, 2020: - BUG: windows without samples made program bomb
#	Mar 23, 2021: - BUG: instrument frequency was rounded to 100kHz
#	Apr 12, 2021: - added documentation on background shading

# Tweakables:
# $plot_wprof_xmin = -0.27;
# $plot_wprof_ymin = 3600;
# $plot_wprof_ymax = 5000;
# $plot_wprof_xtics = "-0.25 -0.15 -0.05 0.05";

require "$ANTS/";

sub setR1() { GMT_setR("-R$plot_wprof_xmin/0.35/$plot_wprof_ymin/$plot_wprof_ymax"); }
sub setR2() { GMT_setR("-R-450/350/$plot_wprof_ymin/$plot_wprof_ymax"); }

sub plotDC($$)
	my($f,$minsamp) = @_;
	for (my($bi)=0; $bi<=$#{$DNCAST{$f}}; $bi++) {
		if (numberp($DNCAST{$f}[$bi]) && $DNCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]>=$minsamp) {
			printf(GMT "%g %g\n",$DNCAST{$f}[$bi],($bi+0.5)*$opt_o);
		} else {
			print(GMT "nan nan\n");

sub plotUC($$)
	my($f,$minsamp) = @_;
	for (my($bi)=0; $bi<=$#{$UPCAST{$f}}; $bi++) {
		if (numberp($UPCAST{$f}[$bi]) && $UPCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]>=$minsamp) {
			printf(GMT "%g %g\n",$UPCAST{$f}[$bi],($bi+0.5)*$opt_o);
		} else {
			print(GMT "nan nan\n");

sub plotBT($$)
	my($f,$minsamp) = @_;
	for (my($bi)=0; $bi<=$#{$BT{$f}}; $bi++) {
		if (numberp($BT{$f}[$bi]) && $BT{N_SAMP}[$bi]>=$minsamp) {
			$have_BT = 1;
			printf(GMT "%g %g\n",$BT{$f}[$bi],($bi+0.5)*$opt_o);
		} else {
			print(GMT "nan nan\n");

# plot red \\\\ //// patterns (for dc and uc) in background 
#	- based on rms residual (like residual profiles)
#	- 100-m-thick layers
#	- white (no pattern) for rms residual <= 0.002
#	- red (max saturation) for rms residual >= 0.012

sub plotRes()
	for (my($bi)=0; $bi<=$#{$DNCAST{MEDIAN_W}}; $bi++) {
		my($depth) = ($bi+0.5) * $opt_o;
		if ($depth > $last_depth+100 || $bi == $#{$DNCAST{MEDIAN_W}}) {
			if ($dc_n==0 || sqrt($dc_sumsq_res/$dc_n) > 0.002) {
				my($lightness) = $dc_n ? round(100*max(0.01-max(sqrt($dc_sumsq_res/$dc_n)-0.002,0),0) * 255) : 0;
				printf(GMT "%g %g\n%g %g\n%g %g\n%g %g\n",
			if ($uc_n==0 || sqrt($uc_sumsq_res/$uc_n) > 0.002) {
				my($lightness) = $uc_n ? round(100*max(0.01-max(sqrt($uc_sumsq_res/$uc_n)-0.002,0),0) * 255) : 0;
				printf(GMT "%g %g\n%g %g\n%g %g\n%g %g\n",
			$dc_sumsq_res = $dc_n = $uc_sumsq_res = $uc_n = 0;
			$last_depth = $depth;
		if (numberp($DNCAST{MEAN_RESIDUAL12}[$bi])) {
			$dc_sumsq_res += $DNCAST{MEAN_RESIDUAL12}[$bi]**2;
		if (numberp($UPCAST{MEAN_RESIDUAL12}[$bi])) {
			$uc_sumsq_res += $UPCAST{MEAN_RESIDUAL12}[$bi]**2;
		if (numberp($DNCAST{MEAN_RESIDUAL34}[$bi])) {
			$dc_sumsq_res += $DNCAST{MEAN_RESIDUAL34}[$bi]**2;
		if (numberp($UPCAST{MEAN_RESIDUAL34}[$bi])) {
			$uc_sumsq_res += $UPCAST{MEAN_RESIDUAL34}[$bi]**2;

sub plot_wprof($)
	my($pfn) = @_;

	$plot_wprof_xmin = -0.1
		unless defined($plot_wprof_xmin);		
	$plot_wprof_ymin = round(antsParam('min_depth')-25,50)
		unless defined($plot_wprof_ymin);		
	$plot_wprof_ymax = ($P{water_depth} > 0) ?
					   round($P{water_depth}+25,50) :
		unless defined($plot_wprof_ymax);					  	
	$plot_wprof_xtics = "-0.05 0.05 0.15"
		unless defined($plot_wprof_xtics);

	GMT_begin($pfn,'-JX10/-10',"-R$plot_wprof_xmin/0.35/$plot_wprof_ymin/$plot_wprof_ymax",'-P');		# START PLOT

	GMT_psxy('-G200'); 																	# MAD background
		print(GMT "0.07 $plot_wprof_ymin\n 0.07 $plot_wprof_ymax\n0.18 $plot_wprof_ymax\n0.18 $plot_wprof_ymin\n");

	if ($P{water_depth} > 0) {															# SEABED
		print(GMT "$plot_wprof_xmin $plot_wprof_ymax\n0.07 $plot_wprof_ymax\n0.07 $P{water_depth}\n $plot_wprof_xmin $P{water_depth}\n");

	plotRes();																			# RESIDUAL PROFILES
	GMT_psxy('-W0.5');																	# FRAME
		print(GMT "0 0\n 0 $plot_wprof_ymax\n");
		print(GMT ">\n50 0\n 50 $plot_wprof_ymax\n");
		print(GMT ">\n150 0\n 150 $plot_wprof_ymax\n");
		print(GMT ">\n250 0\n 250 $plot_wprof_ymax\n");

	setR1();																			# VERTICAL VELOCITIES
	GMT_psxy('-W1,coral,8_2:0');		plotDC('MEDIAN_W12',$opt_k);
	GMT_psxy('-W1,coral,1_1:0');		plotDC('MEDIAN_W34',$opt_k);
	GMT_psxy('-W1,SeaGreen,8_2:0'); 	plotUC('MEDIAN_W12',$opt_k);
	GMT_psxy('-W1,SeaGreen,1_1:0'); 	plotUC('MEDIAN_W34',$opt_k);
	GMT_psxy('-W1,black');				plotBT('MEDIAN_W',$opt_k);

	GMT_psxy('-Sc0.1c -Gcoral');		plotDC('MAD_W',1);								# MEAN ABSOLUTE DEVIATIONS
	GMT_psxy('-Sc0.1c -GSeaGreen');		plotUC('MAD_W',1);	
	GMT_psxy('-Sc0.1c -Gblack');		plotBT('MAD_W',1);	

	setR2();																			# SAMPLES
	GMT_psxy('-W0.7,coral');			plotDC('N_SAMP',1);
	GMT_psxy('-W0.7,SeaGreen');			plotUC('N_SAMP',1);	
	GMT_psxy('-W0.7,black');			plotBT('N_SAMP',1);

	GMT_unitcoords();																	# QUALITY SEMAPHORE
	print(GMT "0.895 0.895\n0.985 0.895\n0.985 0.985\n0.895 0.985\n");
	if ($dc_bres12_rms >= 0.005) { 		GMT_psxy('-Gred -N'); }
	elsif ($dc_bres12_rms >= 0.003) { 	GMT_psxy('-Gorange -N'); }
	elsif ($dc_bres12_rms >= 0.0015) { 	GMT_psxy('-Gyellow -N'); }
	else {								GMT_psxy('-Ggreen -N'); }
		print(GMT "0.90 0.90\n0.935 0.90\n0.935 0.935\n");							
	if ($dc_bres34_rms >= 0.005) { 		GMT_psxy('-Gred -N'); }
	elsif ($dc_bres34_rms >= 0.003) { 	GMT_psxy('-Gorange -N'); }
	elsif ($dc_bres34_rms >= 0.0015) { 	GMT_psxy('-Gyellow -N'); }
	else {								GMT_psxy('-Ggreen -N'); }
		print(GMT "0.945 0.90\n0.98 0.90\n0.945 0.935\n");							
	if ($uc_bres12_rms >= 0.005) { 		GMT_psxy('-Gred -N'); }
	elsif ($uc_bres12_rms >= 0.003) { 	GMT_psxy('-Gorange -N'); }
	elsif ($uc_bres12_rms >= 0.0015) { 	GMT_psxy('-Gyellow -N'); }
	else {								GMT_psxy('-Ggreen -N'); }
		print(GMT "0.90 0.98\n0.935 0.98\n0.935 0.945\n");							
	if ($uc_bres34_rms >= 0.005) { 		GMT_psxy('-Gred -N'); }
	elsif ($uc_bres34_rms >= 0.003) { 	GMT_psxy('-Gorange -N'); }
	elsif ($uc_bres34_rms >= 0.0015) { 	GMT_psxy('-Gyellow -N'); }
	else {								GMT_psxy('-Ggreen -N'); }
		print(GMT "0.945 0.98\n0.98 0.98\n0.945 0.945\n");							
if (0) {
	if ($dc_bres12_rms >= 0.005) { 		GMT_psxy('-Gred -N -Sc0.3'); }
	elsif ($dc_bres12_rms >= 0.003) { 	GMT_psxy('-Gorange -N -Sc0.3'); }
	elsif ($dc_bres12_rms >= 0.0015) { 	GMT_psxy('-Gyellow -N -Sc0.3'); }
	else {								GMT_psxy('-Ggreen -N -Sc0.3'); }
		print(GMT "0.92 0.96\n");							
	if ($dc_bres34_rms >= 0.005) { 		GMT_psxy('-Gred -N -Sc0.3'); }
	elsif ($dc_bres34_rms >= 0.003) { 	GMT_psxy('-Gorange -N -Sc0.3'); }
	elsif ($dc_bres34_rms >= 0.0015) { 	GMT_psxy('-Gyellow -N -Sc0.3'); }
	else {								GMT_psxy('-Ggreen -N -Sc0.3'); }
		print(GMT "0.96 0.96\n");							
	if ($uc_bres12_rms >= 0.005) { 		GMT_psxy('-Gred -N -Sc0.3'); }
	elsif ($uc_bres12_rms >= 0.003) { 	GMT_psxy('-Gorange -N -Sc0.3'); }
	elsif ($uc_bres12_rms >= 0.0015) { 	GMT_psxy('-Gyellow -N -Sc0.3'); }
	else {								GMT_psxy('-Ggreen -N -Sc0.3'); }
		print(GMT "0.92 0.92\n");							
	if ($uc_bres34_rms >= 0.005) { 		GMT_psxy('-Gred -N -Sc0.3'); }
	elsif ($uc_bres34_rms >= 0.003) { 	GMT_psxy('-Gorange -N -Sc0.3'); }
	elsif ($uc_bres34_rms >= 0.0015) { 	GMT_psxy('-Gyellow -N -Sc0.3'); }
	else {								GMT_psxy('-Ggreen -N -Sc0.3'); }
		print(GMT "0.96 0.92\n");
	GMT_pstext('-F+f14,Helvetica,blue+jTL -N');											# LABELS
		print(GMT "0.01 -0.06 $P{out_basename} [$P{run_label}]\n");
		print(GMT "0.61 0.02\n");
	GMT_pstext('-F -N');
		print(GMT "0.32 1.12 Vertical Velocity [m/s]\n");
	GMT_pstext('-F+f9,Helvetica,LightSkyBlue+jTR -N -Gwhite');
		print(GMT "0.99 0.01 V$VERSION\n");

	GMT_pstext('-F+f12,Helvetica,coral+jTL -Gwhite');
		print(GMT "0.02 0.02 downcast\n");
	GMT_pstext('-F+f12,Helvetica,SeaGreen+jTL -Gwhite');
		print(GMT "0.24 0.02 upcast\n");
	if ($have_BT) {
		GMT_pstext('-F+f12,Helvetica,black+jBL -Gwhite');
			print(GMT "0.02 0.98 b.track\n");

	GMT_pstext('-F+f9,Helvetica,CornFlowerBlue+jTL -N');
		printf(GMT "0.64 1.020 %d kHz $LADCP{INSTRUMENT_TYPE} $P{ADCP_orientation}\n",
		printf(GMT "0.64 1.055 %s [%.1fm/]\n",
			$LADCP{BEAM_COORDINATES} ? 'beam vels' : 'Earth vels',
		print(GMT "0.64 1.090 mean tilt\n 		0.77 1.096 :\n");
		print(GMT "0.64 1.130 rms a\@-pkg\@-\n	0.77 1.1315 :\n");

	if ($P{dc_mean_tilt} < 4) {
		GMT_pstext('-F+f9,Helvetica,coral+jTL -N');
	} elsif ($P{dc_mean_tilt} < 8) {
		GMT_pstext('-F+f9,Helvetica,coral+jTL -Gyellow -N');
	} else {
		GMT_pstext('-F+f9,Helvetica,coral+jTL -Gred -N');
			printf(GMT "0.808 1.090 %.1f\\260\n",$P{dc_mean_tilt});
	if ($P{uc_mean_tilt} < 4) {
		GMT_pstext('-F+f9,Helvetica,SeaGreen+jTL -N');
	} elsif ($P{uc_mean_tilt} < 8) {
		GMT_pstext('-F+f9,Helvetica,SeaGreen+jTL -Gyellow -N');
	} else {
		GMT_pstext('-F+f9,Helvetica,SeaGreen+jTL -Gred -N');
			printf(GMT "0.91 1.090 %.1f\\260\n",$P{uc_mean_tilt});

	if ($P{dc_rms_accel_pkg} < 0.1) {
		GMT_pstext('-F+f9,Helvetica,coral+jTL -Gblue -N');
	} elsif ($P{dc_rms_accel_pkg} < 0.7) {
		GMT_pstext('-F+f9,Helvetica,coral+jTL -N');
	} else {
		GMT_pstext('-F+f9,Helvetica,coral+jTL -Gyellow -N');
		printf(GMT "0.78 1.125 %.1fm/s\@+2\@+\n",$P{dc_rms_accel_pkg});
	if ($P{uc_rms_accel_pkg} < 0.1) {
		GMT_pstext('-F+f9,Helvetica,SeaGreen+jTL -Gblue -N');
	} elsif ($P{uc_rms_accel_pkg} < 0.7) {
		GMT_pstext('-F+f9,Helvetica,SeaGreen+jTL -N');
	} else {
		GMT_pstext('-F+f9,Helvetica,SeaGreen+jTL -Gyellow -N');
		printf(GMT "0.89 1.125 %.1fm/s\@+2\@+\n",$P{uc_rms_accel_pkg});
	my($depth_tics) = ($plot_wprof_ymax-$plot_prof_ymin < 1000 ) ? 'f10a100' : 'f100a500';				# AXES
	GMT_psbasemap("-Bf0.01:'':/$depth_tics:'Depth [m]':WeS");
	foreach my $t (split('\s+',$plot_wprof_xtics)) {
	GMT_psbasemap('-Bf10a1000-950:"                                     # of Samples":N');
	GMT_end();																			# FINISH PLOT

1; # return true on require