author A.M. Thurnherr <>
Tue, 27 Nov 2018 17:00:50 -0500
changeset 50 84914596c635
parent 49 5006e9158207
child 54 828e5466391b
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
V1.4 corrected

#                    L A D C P _ V K E 
#                    doc: Tue Oct 14 11:05:16 2014 
#                    dlm: Tue Jul 24 17:02:30 2018
#                    (c) 2012 A.M. Thurnherr
#                    uE-Info: 399 0 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI

$antsSummary = 'calculate VKE from LADCP-derived vertical-velocity profiles';

#	- LADCP_VKE takes either one .wspec file (produced by [LADCP_wspec]
#	  and, possibly, post-processed) or any number of .wprof files (the
#	  normal case) as input
#	- when .wprof files are supplied, [LADCP_wspec] is used to calculate
#	  the corresponding VKE spectra
#	- when multiple .wprof files are supplied, the resulting spectra
#	  are averaged
#	- the averaged spectra will only cover the windows that are present in
#	  the final(!) .wprof input files

#	! verify that p0fit.slope.sig is correct (-x scale factor)

#	Oct 14, 2014: - created from [LADCPfs]
#	Oct 15, 2014: - added parameterization output
#	Oct 17, 2014: - changed parameterization constant $c to 0.021
#	Nov  6, 2014: - restored from backup and adapted to ANTS V6.0
#	Nov  7, 2014: - changed parameterization constant $c to 0.0215
#	Apr 16, 2015: - disabled output activation unless ANTS tools are available
#				  - removed superfluous $ANTSBIN definition
#	May 18, 2015: - added -p)ulse <length>
#	Jun 11, 2015: - removed w_z code (yfname param requirement)
#	Jun 12, 2015: - adapted to &antsParam()
#				  - BUG: %k.0 and %lambda.0 had been required erroneously (.1 are first ones to be used)
#				  - made finescale limits optional
#				  - renamed -b=>-l, -c=>-o, -s=>-i
#	Jun 14, 2015: - renamed -p=>-a
#				  - added -p
#				  - removed weird evals
#	Jun 15, 2015: - added plot & other mods
#	Jun 16, 2015: - define default outputs when STDOUT is a tty
#				  - adapted to re-added pwrdens.0 in LADCP_wspec output
#				  - modified plot label
#	Jun 17, 2015: - added eps.w to plot
#	Jul 30, 2015: - moved main label and made it blue
#	Sep 28, 2015: - added a p0fit r test to ensure that correlation has the correct sign
#	Oct 12, 2015: - BUG: plot was in landscape mode
#				  - added input run label(s) to plot
#				  - require ANTSlibs V6.2 for release
#   Oct 13, 2015: - adapted to []
#	Nov 30, 2015: - BUG: -a was not allowed in usage
#				  - added -f
#	Dec 27, 2015: - reduced minlim for eps to 1e-13 W/kg
#	Dec 29, 2015: - added 3rd consistency check (p0 limit)
#	Jan 25, 2016: - added software version %PARAM
#	Mar  7, 2016: - removed unused spectral normalization code
#				  - added latitude constraint for calculation of eps.w
#	Mar  8, 2016: - renamed fs_pwr to pwr.fs for consistency
#				  - renamed eps.w to eps.VKE for consistency
#				  - changed default output filenames for -d and -u
#				  - removed ./ from figure label
#				  - update ANTSlib to 6.3
#	Mar 16, 2016: - adapted to gmt5
#	Mar 17, 2016: - added version to plot
#				  - added -k)e dissipation
#				  - reduced eps scale
#	Mar 26, 2016: - added slope
#	Mar 27, 2016: - added slope stddev
#				  - added opt_x
#				  - re-designed QC checks
#				  - added -z)ap
#	Mar 28, 2016: - made QC tests consistent with I08S observations based on p0fit.rms == 0.4
#				  - added support for w.nsamp.avg
#				  - removed -z from LDCP_wspec
#				  - reduced -z default to 1, because 2 noise should affect only shotest scales
#	Mar 29, 2016: - changed default of -x to 1 & removed from usage
#				  - BUG: -l/-a did not work
#				  - removed p0fit.nsamp from output (is constant)
#	Mar 30, 2016: - added support for multiple wprof input files
#	Mar 31, 2016: - standardized %PARAMs (got rid of old binpgrams:: params)
#				  - added spectral averaging
#				  - disabled -l/-a code (override bin size & pulse length)
#				  - added removal of params on multiple files
#				  - disabled code to create different plot/output names on -d/-u
#				  - added -q)uatorial cutoff lat
#	Apr  1, 2016: - cosmetics
#	Apr  2, 2016: - added low-p0 power-law fit as alternative
#	Apr  3, 2016: - removed low-p0 power-law fit as it was not well thought out
#				  - changed -l default from 1e-7 to 5e-8, which agrees better with GHP
#					solution without latiudinal dependency in case of 2016 I08S
#				  - define own LADCP_wspec defaults here
#				  - changed default of -q from 5 to 3
#	Apr  6, 2016: - cosmetics
#	Apr 16, 2016: - assertion failed on I98S#153 => modify code to allow nans in LADCP_wspec
#					output
#	Apr 27, 2016: - cosmetics (usage message)
#	Aug 16, 2016: - increased -l default to 1.2e-7 based on UK2.5 SR1 repeat section
#	Sep  1, 2016: - changed -l to mean epsilon, and increased value to 1e-10
#				  - added %eps.minlim 
#	Mar 13, 2017: - added -a)mbient <eps>
#	Mar 14, 2017: - disabled -a) by default, because -a 0 is clearly bad and
#				    I have no evidence yet that -a something is better than -l 0
#	Oct 17, 2017: - added default 'eps' field on -k
#				  - added field to files processed without -k
#	Dec  9, 2017: - added support for $antsSuppressCommonOptions
#	Apr 24, 2018: - BUG: output was one field too wide (filled with nans) because antsBufNFields was not reset
#	Apr 25, 2018: - added -y and removed spectral bins from default output

($ANTSLIB) = (`which ANTSlib` =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]*$});
($WCALC)   = ($0              =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]*$});
$WCALC = '.' if ($WCALC eq '');
$ANTS_TOOLS_AVAILABLE = (`which list` ne '');

require "$WCALC/";
require "$ANTSLIB/";
require "$ANTSLIB/";
require "$ANTSLIB/";

use FileHandle;
use IPC::Open2;

# Empirical constants & defaults

#my($c) = 0.0215;						# Thurnherr et al. (GRL 2015)
my($c) = 0.026;							# increased by 20% for V1.2beta7
$opt_q = 3;								# Equatorial band: little more than a guess based on 2015 P16N
$opt_l = 5e-11;							# [W/kg]; based on DIMES data sets, method works for eps >= 2e-10; 5e-11 allows for scatter in p0
$opt_a = nan;							# assume background dissipation for samples that pass the tests but have eps below -l
$opt_z = 1;								# number of w_ocean samples to require
$opt_o = 0;								# remove mean before calculating spectra
$opt_s = 150;							# surface layer to exclude from spectra
$opt_g = 40;							# max gap to interpolate over
$opt_c_default = 100;					# short-wavelength cutoff

# Usage

$antsSuppressCommonOptions = 1;
		    "[poly-o)rder <n[$opt_o]> to de-mean data; -1 to disable>] [apply cosine-t)aper]",
		    '[-d)own/-u)pcast-only] [exclude -b)ottom window]',								# LADCP_wspec options
			"[-s)urface <layer depth to exclude[${opt_s}m]>",
            "[-g)ap <max depth layer to fill with interpolation[${opt_g}m]>]",
            '[-w)indow <power-of-two input-records[32]>]',
			"[shortwave -c)utoff <kz or lambda[${opt_c_default}m]>]",						# LADCP_VKE options
			"[e-q)uatorial cutoff <latitude[${opt_q}deg]>]",
			"[-l)ow-eps <cutoff[${opt_l} W/kg]>] [-a)mbient <eps[${opt_a} W/kg]>]",
			"[-z) ignore velocities derived from fewer than <N[$opt_z]> samples]",
			'[o-m)it spectral correction] [spectral-tilt-correction -r)ange <max[0m]>]',
			"[-e)ps-parameterization <constant[${c}s^-0.5]>",
			'[include microstructure -k)e dissipation <file:field> in _VKE plot]',
			'[-y) record spectra in output file]',
			'[write output -f)iles to <directory>]',
			'[write output filed with -i)ndividual spectra <basename>]',
			'[output -p)lot <ps-file[]>]',

# Calculate VKE spectra with [LADCP_wspec] if input is a set of w_ocean files

my($widx_min) =  99;																# sentinels
my($widx_max) = -99;

if (defined(fnrNoErr('dc_w'))) {													# pre-process with LADCP_wspec when handed vertical-velocity input
	&antsInstallBufFull('eof');														# read first file

	my($opts);																		# set up options to pass
	$opts .= ' -d' if ($opt_d);														
	$opts .= ' -u' if ($opt_u);
	$opts .= ' -b' if ($opt_b);
	$opts .= ' -t' if ($opt_t);
	$opts .= " -s $opt_s" if defined($opt_s);
	$opts .= " -g $opt_g" if defined($opt_g);
	$opts .= " -w $opt_w" if defined($opt_w);
	$opts .= " -o $opt_o" if defined($opt_o);

	open2(\*FROMCLD,\*TOCLD,"LADCP_wspec $opts") ||									# spawn sub-process
		croak("LADCP_wspec $opts: $!\n");
	print(TOCLD $antsOldHeaders); 													# feed already gobbled header 
	for (my($r)=0; $r<@ants_; $r++) {												# feed all .wprof records to LADCP_wspec
		print(TOCLD "@{$ants_[$r]}\n");

	for (my($bufi)=0; defined($ARGV[0]); $bufi++) {									# multiple input files: loop until 2nd last
		$input_list .= "$P{profile_id}($P{run_label}) ";
		if ($bufi == 0) {															# do once for mulitple files
			&antsAddParams('ADCP_bin_length','','ADCP_blanking_distance','',		# delete most %PARAMs, leaving
						   'ADCP_frequency','','ADCP_orientation','',				# 	only potentially useful ones (from last file):
						   'ADCP_pulse_length','','BT_max_bin_range_diff','',		#		%profile_id
						   'BT_max_range','','BT_max_w_error','',					#		%water_depth
						   'BT_rms_w_discrepancy','','CTD_time_lags','',			#		%lat
						   'LADCP_firstBin','','LADCP_lastBin','',					#		%lon
						   'LADCP_w_ocean::version','','SS_min_samp','',			#		%dnXX
		close(TOCLD);																# close LADCP_VKE input
	    while (@specrec = &antsFileIn(FROMCLD)) {
	    	my($i) = ($specrec[$widxf]>0) ? $specrec[$widxf] : 0;
	    	@{$specbuf[$bufi][$i]} = @specrec;
#			print(STDERR "specrec[$i] = @specrec\n");
#		printf(STDERR "windows up to %d buffered\n",$#{$specbuf[$bufi]});

		$antsBufSkip = @ants_;
    	&antsIn();																	# read next .wprof file
		open2(\*FROMCLD,\*TOCLD,"LADCP_wspec $opts") || 							# process it
			croak("LADCP_wspec $opts: $!\n");
		print(TOCLD $antsOldHeaders);
		for (my($r)=0; $r<@ants_; $r++) {
			print(TOCLD "@{$ants_[$r]}\n");
	close(TOCLD);																	# connect stdout from LADCP_VKE to stdin
	open(STDIN,"<&FROMCLD") || croak("dup(FROMCLD): $!\n");
	<>;																				# clear EOF condition

	undef(%P);																		# shouldn't matter, because we'll get the same %PARAMs back
	undef(@antsLayout);																# shouldn't matter, because it will get overwritten
	undef($antsOldHeaders);															# forget those
	$antsBufNFields = 0;

} elsif (defined(fnrNoErr('pwrdens.0'))) {
	croak("$0: -d, -u, -b, -w, -s meaningless when $0 used with spectral input\n")
		if ($opt_d || $opt_u || $opt_b || defined($opt_w) || defined($opt_s) || defined($opt_g));
} else {
	if ($ARGV[0]) {
		croak("$ARGV[0]: no such file or directory\n");
	} else {
		croak("$0: empyt input\n");

# Handle LADCP_VKE usage & read spectra from final file
#	- spectra from previous files are in @specbuf

$n_input_files = 1 + @specbuf;									# number of input files provided


&antsFloatOpt(\$opt_e,$c);										# default parameterization
&antsFloatOpt(\$opt_x,1);										# spectral fit stddev scale factor

if (defined($opt_c)) {											# shortwave cutoff supplied
	$lmin = ($opt_c < 1) ? 2*$PI/$opt_c : $opt_c;
	&antsAddParams('LADCP_VKE::shortwave_cutoff',2*$PI/$lmin);	# ensure eps.VKE is calculated below
} elsif (defined(antsParam('shortwave_cutoff'))) {				# cutoff already applied
	$lmin = 2*$PI/antsParam('shortwave_cutoff');
} else {														# use 100m default cutoff
	$lmin = $opt_c_default;
	&antsAddParams('LADCP_VKE::shortwave_cutoff',2*$PI/$lmin);	# ensure eps.VKE is calculated below
$lmax = 9e99;													# no longwave cutoff implemented yet

&antsInstallBufFull(0);											# load entire file
$P{run_label} = "$input_list$P{profile_id}($P{run_label})"
	if ($n_input_files > 1);

my($Hbuf) = $antsOldHeaders;									# save for later (used on -i)

	unless defined(antsParam('ADCP_pulse_length'));

$imin = 0;														# find frequency bin limits
for ($nfreq=1; defined(antsParam("lambda.$nfreq")); $nfreq++) {
	$imin = $nfreq if ($imin==0 && antsParam("lambda.$nfreq")<=$lmax);
	$imax = $nfreq if (antsParam("lambda.$nfreq") >= $lmin);
croak("$0: <lambda.min=$lmin> < min(lambda)")
	unless defined($imax);

$pg_fmin = fnr('pwrdens.0');								# first power field in spectra
$fs_fmin = $pg_fmin + $imin;								# first power field in finescale range
$fs_fmax = $pg_fmin + $imax;								# last power field in finescale range

$widxf = fnr('widx');
$df	   = fnr('depth');
$mindf = fnr('depth.min');
$maxdf = fnr('depth.max');
$wsf   = fnr('w.nsamp.avg');
$doff  = fnr('nspec');

# Redirect STDOUT & create plot if STDOUT is a tty

if (-t STDOUT) {
	$opt_f = '.' unless defined($opt_f);					# output directory
	croak("$opt_f: not a directory\n") unless (-d $opt_f);

	my($id) = &antsRequireParam('profile_id');

#	if ($opt_d) {
#		$opt_p = sprintf('%s/',$opt_f,$id) unless defined($opt_p);
#		$outfile = sprintf('%s/%03d_dc.VKE',$opt_f,$id);
#	} elsif ($opt_u) {
#		$opt_p = sprintf('%s/',$opt_f,$id) unless defined($opt_p);
#		$outfile = sprintf('%s/%03d_uc.VKE',$opt_f,$id);
#	} else {
		$opt_p = sprintf('%s/',$opt_f,$id) unless defined($opt_p);
		$outfile = sprintf('%s/%03d.VKE',$opt_f,$id);
#	}
	$outfile =~ s@^./@@;
	open(STDOUT,">$outfile") || die("$outfile: $!\n");
} elsif (defined($opt_f)) {
	croak("-f can only be used without STDOUT redirection\n");

# Library

sub average_spectra($)
	my($r) = @_;
	for (my($f)=$fs_fmin-1; $f<=$fs_fmax; $f++) {								# average w.nsamp.avg & spectral densities
		my($sum) = my($ns) = 0;
		if (numberp($ants_[$r][$f])) {											# final file has valid spectra
			$sum = $ants_[$r][$f]; $ns = 1;										# NB: nspec is correct even if it doesn't
		my($wi) = ($ants_[$r][$widxf]>0) ? $ants_[$r][$widxf] : 0;				# adjust for -1 
		for (my($bi)=0; $bi<@specbuf; $bi++) {									# loop over all buffered files
			next unless @{$specbuf[$bi][$wi]};									# skip input files w/o valid spectra
			if (abs($specbuf[$bi][$wi][$df] - $ants_[$r][$df]) > 0) {			# depth mismatch
				die("assertion failed") unless ($wi == 0);						# only allowed in bottom window
				if (abs($specbuf[$bi][$wi][$df] - $ants_[$r][$df]) >
					abs($ants_[$r][$maxdf] - $ants_[$r][$mindf])) {
						printf(STDERR "WARNING: ignoring bottom window from input file #%d because of depth mismatch\n",$bi+1)
							if ($f == $fs_fmin);
#			print(STDERR "specbuf[$bi][$wi][$f] = $specbuf[$bi][$wi][$f]\n");
			if (numberp($specbuf[$bi][$wi][$f])) {
				$sum += $specbuf[$bi][$wi][$f]; $ns++;
			$ants_[$r][$doff] += $specbuf[$bi][$wi][$doff]						# update nspec once per input record
				if ($f == $fs_fmax);											#	... but for all files
		$ants_[$r][$f] = ($ns > 0) ? $sum/$ns : nan;							# update averaged spectral density

sub integrate_fs_power($)														# integrate fs spectrum
	my($r) = @_;
	$ants_[$r][$fspwrf] = 0;
	for (my($f)=$fs_fmin; $f<=$fs_fmax; $f++) {
		$ants_[$r][$fspwrf] += $ants_[$r][$f];
	$ants_[$r][$fspwrf] *= antsParam('resolution_bandwidth');

sub fit_universal_w_spec($)														# vertical velocity => p0
	my($r) = @_;
	my($nsamp) = $fs_fmax - $fs_fmin + 1;

	# fit slope-2 line in log-log space (main estimator)

	if ($nsamp >= 2) {															# require min 2 wavenumber samples

		my($DOF) = 0;
		my($sumd,$sumx,$sumy) = (0,0,0);										# fit kz^-2 power law
		for (my($f)=$fs_fmin; $f<=$fs_fmax; $f++) {
			my($i) = $f - $pg_fmin;
			$sumx += log10(antsParam("k.$i"));
			$sumy += log10($ants_[$r][$f]);
			$sumd += log10($ants_[$r][$f]) + 2*log10(antsRequireParam("k.$i"));
		my($p0) = $sumd/$nsamp;
		$ants_[$r][$p0f] = 10**$p0;

		my($avgx) = $sumx/$nsamp;												# avg for r calc
		my($avgy) = $sumy/$nsamp;
		my($sumsqerr,$sxx,$syy,$sxy,$sumsqxt,$sumx,$sumy,$sumwt) =				# r, rms error, pwrlaw slope
		for (my($f)=$fs_fmin; $f<=$fs_fmax; $f++) {								
			my($i)  	= $f - $pg_fmin;
			my($x)  	= log10(&antsParam("k.$i"));
			my($y)  	= log10($ants_[$r][$f]);
			my($ysig) 	= $opt_x * $y / sqrt($ants_[$r][$doff]);
			my($xt) 	= $x - $avgx; $sxx += &SQR($xt);						# correlation coeff (r)
            my($yt) 	= $y - $avgy; $syy += &SQR($yt); $sxy += $xt * $yt;
			my($wt) 	= 1 / &SQR($ysig); $sumwt += $wt;						# slope (linear fit in log-log space)
			$sumx 	   += $x * $wt; 
			$sumy 	   += $y * $wt;
			$sumsqerr  += ($p0 - 2*$x - $y)**2;									# rms error
        my($midx) = $sumx / $sumwt;
#		print(STDERR "$sumx:$sumy:$sumwt\n");
#		print(STDERR "$midx\n");
		my($sumsqdx,$sumslp) = (0,0);
		for (my($f)=$fs_fmin; $f<=$fs_fmax; $f++) {
			my($i)  	= $f - $pg_fmin;
			my($x)      = log10(&antsParam("k.$i"));
			my($y) 		= log10($ants_[$r][$f]);
			my($ysig) 	= $opt_x * $y / sqrt($ants_[$r][$doff]);
	        my($dx)   	= ($x - $midx) / $ysig;
			$sumsqdx   += &SQR($dx);
	        $sumslp    += $dx * $y / $ysig;
        $ants_[$r][$rmsf] 	= sqrt($sumsqerr/$nsamp);
        $ants_[$r][$rf]   	= $sxy/(sqrt($sxx * $syy) + $SMALL_AMOUNT);
        $ants_[$r][$slpf] 	= $sumslp / $sumsqdx;
        $ants_[$r][$sslpf] 	= sqrt(1 / $sumsqdx);

	} else {
		&antsInfo("WARNING: no fit --- need min 2 samples");

# Load Dissipation Data

my(@eps_ms,@depth_ms);										# output variables
if (defined($opt_k)) {
	my($file,$field) = split(':',$opt_k);
	$field = 'eps' unless defined($field);
	open(ADDF,"$file") || croak("$file: $!\n");				# open file
	my(@afl) = &antsFileLayout(ADDF);						# read layout
	for (my($f)=0; $f<=$#afl; $f++) {						# find depth & eps fields
		$akf = $f if ($afl[$f] eq 'depth');
		$aef = $f if ($afl[$f] eq $field);
	croak("$file: fields 'depth' and '$field' required\n")
		unless defined($akf) && defined($aef);
	while (1) {												# load entire profile
		last unless @ar = &antsFileIn(ADDF);
		next unless numberp($ar[$akf]) && numberp($ar[$aef]);
		push(@depth_ms,$ar[$akf]); push(@eps_ms,$ar[$aef]);

# Process File

$fspwrf  = &antsNewField('pwr.fs');							# derived fields

$p0f	 = &antsNewField('p0');								# VKE density
$rmsf	 = &antsNewField('p0fit.rms');						# rms misfit
$rf      = &antsNewField('p0fit.r');						# correlation coefficient
$slpf	 = &antsNewField('p0fit.slope');					# power-law slope
$sslpf	 = &antsNewField('p0fit.slope.sig');				# power-law slope stddev
$wepsf   = &antsNewField('eps.VKE');						# epsilon from VKE
$msepsf  = &antsNewField('');							# externally supplied microstructure eps if available

my(@outLayout) = @antsNewLayout;							# save for later
for ($f=0; $f<@outLayout; $f++) {							# determine last spectral field in input
	$totf = $f if ($outLayout[$f] eq 'pwr.tot');
	$tnsf = $f if ($outLayout[$f] eq 'pwr.tot.nsamp');
croak("$0: cannot find fields 'pwr.tot' or 'pwr.tot.nsamp' in input\n")
	unless defined($totf) || defined($tnsf);
$lsf = defined($tnsf) ? $tnsf : $totf;

if ($opt_p) {												# begin plot
	$xmin = (&antsParam('output_depth_resolution')>=350) ? 0.012 : 0.018;
	$xmax = 0.2; $ymin = 1; $ymax = 1e4;
	$plotsize = 13;
	GMT_begin($opt_p,"-JX${plotsize}l","-R$xmin/$xmax/$ymin/$ymax",'-P -X6 -Y4');	# init plot
	GMT_psxy('-G25/255/25 -L');
	printf(GMT "%f %f\n",$xmin,$xmin**(-2)*sqrt(2));
	printf(GMT "%f %f\n",$xmax,$xmax**(-2)*sqrt(2));
	printf(GMT "%f %f\n",$xmax,$xmax**(-2)/sqrt(2));
	printf(GMT "%f %f\n",$xmin,$xmin**(-2)/sqrt(2));

my($min_depth) =  9e99;
my($max_depth) = -9e99;

my($latM) = abs(&antsRequireParam('lat'));
&antsInfo("WARNING: low latitude-profile no epsilon estimated")
	unless ($latM > $opt_q);

for (my($r)=0; $r<@ants_; $r++) {														# loop over all windows

	if (numberp($ants_[$r][$pg_fmin])) {												# there is a spectrum

		# apply spectral correction
		unless ($opt_m) {
			for (my($i)=0; $i<$nfreq; $i++) {											# loop over wavenumbers
				$ants_[$r][$i+$pg_fmin] *=
		# calculate fs quantities
		average_spectra($r);															# average all avaiable spectra
		integrate_fs_power($r); 														# calculate total finescale power
		fit_universal_w_spec($r);														# fit kz^-2 spectrum & calc stats
		if (numberp($ants_[$r][$p0f])) {												# update min/max depth
			$min_depth = $ants_[$r][$mindf] if ($ants_[$r][$mindf] < $min_depth);
			$max_depth = $ants_[$r][$maxdf] if ($ants_[$r][$maxdf] > $max_depth);

	} else { 																			# no spectrum
		$ants_[$r][$fspwrf] = $ants_[$r][$p0f] = $ants_[$r][$rmsf] =
			$ants_[$r][$rf] = $ants_[$r][$slpf] = $ants_[$r][$sslpf] = nan;

	# QC Tests:
	#	- the following limits were independently derived 
	#		p0fit.rms <= 0.4			primary filter used in Thurnherr et al. (GRL 2015)
	#		-3 <= p0fit.slope <= -1		based largely on 2016 I08S data with sufficient/insufficient range
	#		p0fit.r <= -0.5				based largely on 2016 I08S data with sufficient/insufficient range
	#		w.nsamp.avg >= 50			based on observations in many data sets with weak backscatter, 
	#								    including DoMORE, GO-SHIP P16S, GO-SHIP I08S
	#	- then, I plotted slope & r vs. rms and found that rms = 0.4 corresponds to, on average
	#		-3 <= p0fit.slope <= -1
	#		p0fit.r <= -0.4
	#	- in a plot of rms vs nsamp the limiting value of 0.4 is hit at 50 samples
	# Additional Empirical Filters:
	#	- latitude > 3deg				guess based on Thurnherr et al., 2015, Gregg et al., 2003, 2015 GO-SHIP P16N
	#   - eps >= 5e-11 W/kg				based on DIMES data, cutting where errors become > factor 2

	if ($latM > $opt_q &&													# 	1) not (too) equatorial
		$ants_[$r][$rmsf] <= 0.4 &&											#	2) rms spectra misfit <= 0.4 (as in Thurnherr et al., GRL 2015)
		$ants_[$r][$slpf]>=-3 && $ants_[$r][$slpf]<=-1 &&					#	3) slope consistent with -2 power law
		$ants_[$r][$rf] <= -0.4 &&											#	4) p and k_z are well correlated
		$ants_[$r][$wsf] >= $opt_z) {										# 	5) minimum # of samples
			if (($ants_[$r][$p0f]/$opt_e)**2 >= $opt_l) {					# level is above eps.minlim (-l) 
				$ants_[$r][$wepsf] = ($ants_[$r][$p0f] / $opt_e)**2;		# 	=> Thurnherr et al. (GRL 2015)
            } else {														# level is below eps.minlim
				$ants_[$r][$wepsf] = $opt_a;								# 	=> set to arbitrary background value
	} else {																# failed any of checks 1-5 => nan
		$ants_[$r][$wepsf] = nan;

	# average external microstructure eps, if supplied

	if (defined($opt_k)) {
		my($sum,$n) = (0,0);
		for (my($i)=0; $i<@eps_ms; $i++) {										# linearly search all eps records
			next unless $depth_ms[$i] >= $ants_[$r][$mindf] &&
						$depth_ms[$i] <= $ants_[$r][$maxdf];
			$sum += $eps_ms[$i]; $n++;
		$ants_[$r][$msepsf] = $n ? $sum / $n : nan;
	} else {
		$ants_[$r][$msepsf] = nan;
	# produce output

	if (defined($opt_p)) {														# plot current spectrum on -p & calc mean
		my($R) = 0;																# RGB map
		my($G) = int(200*(1-$r/@ants_));
		my($B) = ($r < @ants_/2) ? 150 : int(100+100*(1-$r/@ants_));
		for (my($f)=$pg_fmin+1; $f<$pg_fmin+$nfreq; $f++) {						# avg & plot high-quality spectra only
			next unless numberp($ants_[$r][$f]) && numberp($ants_[$r][$p0f]);	#	- omit zero wavenumber ($pg_fmin)
			next unless numberp($ants_[$r][$wepsf]);
			my($k) = antsParam(sprintf("k.%d",$f-$pg_fmin));
			printf(GMT "$k %g\n",$ants_[$r][$f]/$ants_[$r][$p0f]);
			$sumGoodPwr[$f] += $ants_[$r][$f]/$ants_[$r][$p0f];
		GMT_psxy("-W1,$R/$G/$B,.");												# avg & plot all spectra with dots
		for (my($f)=$pg_fmin+1; $f<$pg_fmin+$nfreq; $f++) {
			next unless numberp($ants_[$r][$f]) && numberp($ants_[$r][$p0f]);
			my($k) = antsParam(sprintf("k.%d",$f-$pg_fmin));
			printf(GMT "$k %g\n",$ants_[$r][$f]/$ants_[$r][$p0f]);
			$sumPwr[$f] += $ants_[$r][$f]/$ants_[$r][$p0f];

	if (defined($opt_i)) {														# output current spectrum on -i
		open(STDOUT_DUP,">&",STDOUT) || croak("$0: cannot dup STDOUT\n");
		@antsNewLayout = ('k','lambda','pwrdens','finescale','pwrdens_fit');
		if ($ants_[$r][$widxf] > 0) {
			$ofname = sprintf("${opt_i}_%02d.wspec",$r+1);
		} else {
			$ofname = sprintf("${opt_i}_btm.wspec");
		open(STDOUT,">$ofname") || croak("$ofname: $!\n");
		&antsActivateOut() if ($ANTS_TOOLS_AVAILABLE);

		my($saveParams) = $antsCurParams;										# add all extra input fields as %PARAMs
		for (my($f)=$lsf+1; $f<@outLayout; $f++) {
		for (my($f)=$pg_fmin+1; $f<$pg_fmin+$nfreq; $f++) {
			my($k) = antsParam(sprintf("k.%d",$f-$pg_fmin));
			my($l) = antsParam(sprintf("lambda.%d",$f-$pg_fmin));
					 ($f>=$fs_fmin && $f<=$fs_fmax),
					 numberp($ants_[$r][$p0f]) ? $ants_[$r][$p0f] * $k**(-2) : nan);

		open(STDOUT,">&",STDOUT_DUP) || croak("$0: cannot restore STDOUT\n");
		$antsCurParams = $saveParams;

if (defined($opt_p)) {															# complete plot
	if (@nPwr) {
		GMT_psxy('-W2,255/100/100,.');											# plot mean spectrum; dotted; entire range
		for (my($f)=$fs_fmin; $f<=$fs_fmax; $f++) {
			my($k) = antsParam(sprintf("k.%d",$f-$pg_fmin));
			printf(GMT "$k %g\n",$sumPwr[$f]/$nPwr[$f]);

	if (@nGoodPwr) {
		GMT_psxy('-W1,255/100/100');											# plot mean spectrum; entire range
		for (my($f)=$pg_fmin+1; $f<$pg_fmin+$nfreq; $f++) {
			my($k) = antsParam(sprintf("k.%d",$f-$pg_fmin));
			printf(GMT "$k %g\n",$sumGoodPwr[$f]/$nGoodPwr[$f]);
		GMT_psxy('-W4,255/100/100');											# plot mean fs spectrum (heavy)
		for (my($f)=$fs_fmin; $f<=$fs_fmax; $f++) {
			my($k) = antsParam(sprintf("k.%d",$f-$pg_fmin));
			printf(GMT "$k %g\n",$sumGoodPwr[$f]/$nGoodPwr[$f]);

	GMT_psbasemap('-Bf3a2:"Vertical Wavenumber [rad/m]":/' .					# annotate axes
				  'f3a1:"VKE/p@-0@- [m@+3@+s@+-1/2@+/(rad m@+-1@+)]":WeS');
	GMT_psbasemap('-B3:"Vertical Wavelength [m]:N"');

	GMT_unitcoords_logscale();													# print profile number 
	GMT_pstext('-F+f14,Helvetica,blue+jTL -Gwhite');
	if (defined($outfile)) { printf(GMT "0.02 0.98 $outfile [$P{run_label}] %s\n",antsParam('input_data')); }
	else { printf(GMT "0.02 0.98 %03d [$P{run_label}] %s\n",antsParam('profile_id'),antsParam('input_data')); }
	GMT_pstext('-F+f9,Helvetica,orange+jTR -N -Gwhite');
		print(GMT "0.99 0.99 V$VERSION\n");

	GMT_set('FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY 10','MAP_ANNOT_OFFSET_PRIMARY 0.01c',			# eps profile inset
	$min_depth = 400 if ($min_depth > 1e4);
	$max_depth = 1500 if ($max_depth < 0);
	GMT_psbasemap('-X0.3 -Y0.3 -Bg1a1f3p:"@~e@~@-VKE@- [W kg@+-1@+]":/g1000a500f100:"Depth [m]":wEsN');
	for (my($r)=0; $r<@ants_; $r++) {
		my($R) = 0; my($G) = int(200*(1-$r/@ants_));							# calculate color ramp
		my($B) = ($r < @ants_/2) ? 150 : int(100+100*(1-$r/@ants_));
		if (numberp($ants_[$r][$msepsf])) {										# microstructure eps
			print(GMT "> -W1.5,DarkOrange2\n");									
			print(GMT "$ants_[$r][$msepsf] $ants_[$r][$mindf]\n");
			print(GMT "$ants_[$r][$msepsf] $ants_[$r][$maxdf]\n");
		if (numberp($ants_[$r][$wepsf])) {
			print(GMT "> -W2,$R/$G/$B\n");										# plot eps.w in blue
			print(GMT "$ants_[$r][$wepsf] $ants_[$r][$mindf]\n");
			print(GMT "$ants_[$r][$wepsf] $ants_[$r][$maxdf]\n");
	GMT_end();																	# finish plot

@antsNewLayout = @outLayout;													# restore layout
$antsOldHeaders = $Hbuf;
$antsHeadersPrinted = 0;

unless (defined($opt_y)) {														# remove spectral bins from output
	for (my($r)=0; $r<@ants_; $r++) {

&antsFlush();																	# output results