author A.M. Thurnherr <>
Fri, 17 Jun 2011 13:33:47 -0400
changeset 1 ee10850f757d
parent 0 3365828b1004
child 5 509cc9966b68
permissions -rw-r--r--

#                    A C O U S T I C _ B A C K S C A T T E R . P L 
#                    doc: Wed Oct 20 13:02:27 2010
#                    dlm: Thu Dec 30 22:22:02 2010
#                    (c) 2010 A.M. Thurnherr
#                    uE-Info: 131 36 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI

#	Oct 20, 2010: - created
#	Dec 10, 2010: - BUG: backscatter above sea surface made code bomb
#						 when run with uplooker data
#	Dec 30, 2010: - adapted for use with [LADCP_w]

# Volume Scattering Coefficient, following Deines (IEEE 1999)
#	- instrument specific! (300kHz Workhorse)
#   - no sound-speed correction applied
#   - R in bin center, instead of last quarter
#   - transmit power assumes 33V batteries

# NB:
#	- correction seems to work for a subset of bins (~bins 3-9 for 
#	  2010 P403 station 46) 
#	- this may imply that noise level depends on bin
# 	- far bins are important for seabed detection, i.e. cannot simply
#	  be discarded at this stage

sub Sv($$$$$)
    my($temp,$PL,$Er,$R,$EA) = @_;
    my($C)      = -143;                 # RDI Workhorse monitor
    my($Ldbm)   = 10 * log10($PL);
    my($PdbW)   = 14.0;
    my($alpha)  = 0.069;
    my($Kc)     = 0.45;
    return $C + 10*log10(($temp+273)*$R**2) - $Ldbm - $PdbW
              + 2*$alpha*$R + $Kc*($EA-$Er);

# Calculate per-bin backscatter profiles
#	input: 	first and last valid LADCP ensemble
#	output:	sSv[$depth][$bin]	sum of volume scattering coefficients
#			nSv[$depth][$bin]	number of samples in bin


sub calc_backscatter_profs($$)
	my($LADCP_start,$LADCP_end) = @_;
	my(@Er) = (1e99,1e99,1e99,1e99);						# echo intensity reference level
	for (my($ens)=$LADCP_start; $ens<=$LADCP_end; $ens++) {
			if ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$LADCP{N_BINS}-1][0] < $Er[0]);
			if ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$LADCP{N_BINS}-1][1] < $Er[1]);
			if ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$LADCP{N_BINS}-1][2] < $Er[2]);
			if ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$LADCP{N_BINS}-1][3] < $Er[3]);
	debugmsg("per-beam noise levels = @Er\n");

	my($cosBeamAngle) = cos(rad($LADCP{BEAM_ANGLE}));
	for (my($ens)=$LADCP_start; $ens<=$LADCP_end; $ens++) {
		my(@bd) = calc_binDepths($ens);
		for (my($bin)=$LADCP_firstBin-1; $bin<=$LADCP_lastBin-1; $bin++) {
			my($depth) = int($bd[$bin]);
#			next if ($depth < 0);		# enable to use this code for uplookers
			my($range_to_bin) = ($bd[$bin] - $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_DEPTH})
									/ cos(rad($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{TILT}))
									/ $cosBeamAngle;
			if (numberp($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_TEMP})) {
				$sSv[$depth][$bin] += Sv($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_TEMP},
									  $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$bin][0])/4 +
									  $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$bin][1])/4 +
									  $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$bin][2])/4 +
	        } else {
				$sSv[$depth][$bin] += Sv($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_TEMPERATURE},
									  $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$bin][0])/4 +
									  $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$bin][1])/4 +
									  $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$bin][2])/4 +

# determine location of seabed from backscatter profiles
#	input:	depth below seabed can possibly be (e.g. max CTD depth)
#	output:	median/mad of estimated water depth

sub find_backscatter_seabed($)
	my($search_below) = int($_[0]);								# grid index to begin search
	my(@wdepth);												# list of water_depth indices

	for (my($bin)=$LADCP_firstBin-1; $bin<=$LADCP_lastBin-1; $bin++) { 	# find backscatter min/max below $search_below in each bin
		my($minSv,$maxSv,$depthmaxSv,$lastvalid) = (1e99,-1e99,-1,-1);
		for (my($depth)=$search_below; $depth<@nSv; $depth++) {
			next unless ($nSv[$depth][$bin] > 0);
			my($Sv) = $sSv[$depth][$bin] / $nSv[$depth][$bin];
			$lastvalid = $depth;
			$minSv = $Sv if ($Sv < $minSv);
			$maxSv = $Sv, $depthmaxSv = $depth if ($Sv > $maxSv);
		if ($maxSv-$minSv>10 && $depthmax!=$lastvalid) { 		# ignore boundary maxima & scatter
	my($wd) = median(@wdepth);
	return ($wd,mad2($wd,@wdepth));

