changeset 0 0a450563f904
child 20 61b92f8fb463
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/checkinv.m	Tue Oct 20 16:23:49 2009 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+function p=checkinv(dr,di,de,der,p,ps)
+% function p=checkinv(dr,di,de,der,p,ps)
+% check inversion for consistency 
+% Martin Visbeck 2004
+unoise=meannan(stdnan([der.ru_err ; der.rv_err])) ;
+disp('CHECKINV all values are given in [m/s] ')
+ disp([' Velocity profile error: ',num3str(uerrm,6,3),...
+       '  should be about noise: ',num3str(unoise,6,3)])
+% check bottom track
+if existf(dr,'zbot') 
+ if existf(de,'bvels') 
+  % std of missmatch between bottom track and U_ctd
+  ubso=([real(de.bvel)+dr.uctd]);
+  vbso=([imag(de.bvel)+dr.vctd]);
+  uvbso=meannan(sqrt(ubso.^2+vbso.^2));
+ % std of bottom track 
+  uvbsi=meannan(de.bvels);
+ else
+  disp(' do not know how uncertain the bottom track is')
+  uvbso=nan;
+  uvbsi=nan;
+ end
+ disp([' Check bottom track rms: ',num3str(uvbso,6,3),...
+       '  should be smaller than ',num3str(uvbsi,6,3),' / ',num3str(ps.botfac,6,3)])
+% check SADCP
+if existf(dr,'z_sadcp')
+ % std of missmatch between SADCP and LADCP velocity profile
+ us=interp1(dr.z,dr.u,dr.z_sadcp);
+ vs=interp1(dr.z,dr.v,dr.z_sadcp);
+ usso=([us-dr.u_sadcp]);
+ vsso=([vs-dr.v_sadcp]);
+ uvsso=meannan(sqrt(usso.^2+vsso.^2));
+ % given std of SADCP profile
+ uvssi=medianan(dr.uerr_sadcp);
+ disp([' Check SADCP        rms: ',num3str(uvsso,6,3),...
+       '  should be smaller than ',num3str(uvssi,6,3),' / ',num3str(ps.sadcpfac,6,3)])
+% check GPS
+if existf(dr,'uship')
+ % difference of mean ships drift from LADCP and GPS 
+ dtiv=gradient(dr.tim);
+ us=sum(dtiv.*dr.uship)/sum(dtiv);
+ vs=sum(dtiv.*dr.vship)/sum(dtiv);
+ uvgso=sqrt((us-p.uship).^2 + (vs-p.vship).^2);
+ % computed uncertainty of GPS derived ships speed
+ uvgsi=ps.barvelerr;
+ disp([' GPS-LADCP ship spd diff:',num3str(uvgso,6,3),...
+       '  should be smaller than ',num3str(uvgsi,6,3),' / ',num3str(ps.barofac,6,3)])
+% plot inverse solution weights
+if existf(de,'type_constraints')
+ ic=find(sum([de.ctd_constraints,de.ocean_constraints]')~=0);  
+ figure(12)
+ clf
+ orient tall
+ ic2=3*length(ic);
+ col=jet(ic2);
+ ic3=[1:length(ic)]*3;
+ ic3=[ic3(1:2:end),fliplr(ic3(2:2:end))];
+ colormap(col(ic3,:));
+ subplot(211)
+ bar(dr.z,de.ocean_constraints(ic,:)','stack') 
+ legend(de.type_constraints(ic,:),-1)
+ ylabel('sum of weights')
+ title('ocean velocity constraints')
+ xlabel('depth [m]')
+ axis tight
+ subplot(212)
+ bar(de.ctd_constraints(ic,:)','stack') 
+ legend(de.type_constraints(ic,:),-1)
+ title('CTD velocity constraints')
+ ylabel('sum of weights')
+ xlabel('super ensemble')
+ axis tight
+ streamer([,'  Figure 12']);