changeset 0 0a450563f904
child 2 ec6b10ba8a34
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/getinv.m	Tue Oct 20 16:23:49 2009 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,1354 @@
+function [p,dr,ps,de,der]=getinv(di,p,ps,dr,iplot)
+% function [p,dr,ps,de,der]=getinv(di,p,ps,dr,iplot)
+% LADCP processing software version 5.0
+% - solve linear inverse problem
+%  Martin Visbeck, LDEO, April-2000
+%                    G E T I N V . M 
+%                    doc: Thu Jun 17 15:36:21 2004
+%                    dlm: Wed Aug 25 02:04:54 2010
+%                    (c) 2004 ladcp@
+%                    uE-Info: 988 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 8 NIL ofnI
+% Jun 17, 2004: - removed ps.botfac = 0 on lack of magdecl
+% Jun 27, 2004: - added warning about removed SADCP profiles
+% Jul  6, 2004: - BUG: warning did not work because p was not accessible
+%		       inside lainsadcp()
+% Jul 17, 2004: - added warning about down/up mismatch (GPS problems)
+% Jan  7, 2009: - tightened use of exist()
+% Aug 25, 2010: - BUG: warning about low SADCP weight was produced
+%		       (and corresponding velocities removed) even
+%		       on sadcpfac=0, i.e. when SADCP data were only
+%		       used for plotting
+if nargin<5, iplot=0; end
+%###  start by defining all processing parameter which are not set by the user
+disp('GETINV:  compute best velocity profile')
+% resolution of final profile in meter
+% how strong shall the bottom track influence the solution
+% how strong shall the SADCP velocity influence the solution
+% how stong shall the GPS positon influence the barotropic solution
+% how strong do you believe in the simple wire dynamics (not very good yet)
+% how much do you want to smooth the ocean profile
+% how much do you want to smooth the ocean profile
+smallfac=[0 0];
+for i=1:imax
+ smallfac(i,1)=i;
+ smallfac(i,2)=0.02/(1+abs(i-(imax/2)))*tanh(p.maxdepth/3000);
+% do you want up/down cast seperately then set to 1
+% decide how to weight data
+% taper small weights weight = weight. ^weightpower
+% weight bottom track data with distance of bottom
+% ps=setdefv(ps,'btrk_weight_nblen',[15 5]);
+ps=setdefv(ps,'btrk_weight_nblen',[0 0]);
+% restrict data to one instrument only 1: up+dn, 2:dn only  3:up only
+% Check for magnetic deviation
+if existf(p,'drot')
+ if ~isfinite(p.drot)
+  warn=[' magnetic deviation given is NAN '];
+  p.warnp(size(p.warnp,1)+1,1:length(warn))=warn;
+  p.rot=0;
+  ps.sadcpfac=0;
+  ps.barofac=0;
+%  ps.botfac=0; %%% NOT NEEDED?!
+  ps.dragfac=0;
+ end
+  warn=[' NO magnetic deviation given '];
+  p.warnp(size(p.warnp,1)+1,1:length(warn))=warn;
+  p.rot=0;
+  ps.sadcpfac=0;
+  ps.barofac=0;
+%  ps.botfac=0; %%% NOT NEEDED?!
+  ps.dragfac=0;
+% Barotropic velocity error due to navigation error
+disp([' Barotropic velocity error ',num2str(2*p.nav_error/p.dt_profile),...
+      ' [m/s]'])
+% Super ensemble velocity error
+sw=stdnan(,:)); ii=find(sw>0);
+disp([' super ensemble velocity error ',num2str(sw),' [m/s]'])
+if exist('dr','var')
+ if existf(dr,'uerr')
+  if any(isfinite(dr.uerr))
+   ps.velerr=medianan(dr.uerr);
+   disp([' set velocity error to:',num2str(ps.velerr),' [m/s]'])
+  end
+ end
+disp([' vertical resolution ( is ',num2str(,' [m]'])
+%### set up matrixes for inverse problem
+%set up data arrays 
+% restrict to up/down looker
+if ps.up_dn_looker==2
+ di.weight(di.izu,:)=nan;
+ disp(' restrict inversion to down looking instrument only')
+elseif ps.up_dn_looker==3
+ di.weight(di.izd,:)=nan;
+ disp(' restrict inversion to up looking instrument only')
+ p=rmfield(p,'zbottom');
+%  velocities are complex*di.rv;
+% bottom track velocity
+if existf(p,'zbottom');
+ bvel=di.bvel(1,:)+sqrt(-1)*di.bvel(2,:);
+ bvels=sqrt(di.bvels(1,:).^2+di.bvels(2,:).^2);
+ if sum(ps.btrk_weight_nblen) > 0
+  % normalize btweight with gaussian centered at 5 binlenght from bottom
+  hbot=di.z+p.zbottom;
+  hm=abs(diff(di.izm([-1:0]+end,1)))*ps.btrk_weight_nblen(1);
+  hs=abs(diff(di.izm([-1:0]+end,1)))*ps.btrk_weight_nblen(2);
+  whbot=exp(-(hbot-hm).^2./(hs).^2);
+  bvels=bvels./whbot;
+  disp([' weighted bottom track with Gaussian centered ',...
+        int2str(ps.btrk_weight_nblen(1)),' bins above bottom and width of ',...
+        int2str(ps.btrk_weight_nblen(2)),' bins '])
+ end
+ dbot=meshgrid(bvel,1:nbin);
+ dbot=reshape(dbot,nt*nbin,1);
+% bin depths
+% profile number
+% bin number
+% data weight
+if ps.std_weight~=1;
+ disp(' use correlation based weights')
+ % use correlation based estimator
+ wm=di.weight.^ps.weightpower;
+ % data with a d.weight smaller that weightmin are not used
+ ps=setdefv(ps,'weightmin',0.05); 
+ % use super ensemble based estimator
+ disp([' use super ensemble std based weights normalized by ',...
+       num2str(ps.velerr),' m/s '])
+ wm=ps.velerr./di.ruvs+di.weight*0;
+ % data with a d.weight smaller that weightmin are not used
+ ps=setdefv(ps,'weightmin',0.05); 
+% other arrays used
+if isfinite(sum(slon+slat))
+ xship=(slon-slon(1))*60*1852*cos(meannan(slat)*pi/180);
+ yship=(slat-slat(1))*60*1852;
+ uship=diff(xship)./diff(tim)/(24*3600);
+ vship=diff(yship)./diff(tim)/(24*3600);
+ shipvel=uship+sqrt(-1)*vship;
+ shipvel=mean([shipvel([1,1:end]);shipvel([1:end,end])]);
+% get a smooth ship surface velocity
+ tim1=tim-tim(1);
+ shipvelf=polyval(polyfit(tim1,shipvel,3),tim1);
+ i=0;
+ if length(shipvel)>5
+  while (i<50 & std(abs(shipvel-shipvelf))>0.15) | i==0
+   shipvel=mean([shipvel([3:end,end,end]);shipvel([2:end,end]);...
+         shipvel;shipvel([1,1:(end-1)]);shipvel([1,1,1:(end-2)])]);
+   i=i+1;
+  end
+  disp([' preaveraged GPS ships vel ',int2str(i),' times '])
+ end
+ % no GPS ship navigation time series, assume constant ships velocity
+ uship_a=p.uship+sqrt(-1)*p.vship;
+ shipvel=uship_a+di.z*0;
+% mean CTD vertical velocity
+if ps.dragfac>0
+  shipdragvel=shipvel;
+  if exist('dr','var')
+  % compute the ocean flow at the depth of the CTD
+   ut=interp1(dr.z,dr.u,-di.z);
+   vt=interp1(dr.z,dr.v,-di.z);
+   shipdragvel=shipvel-(ut+sqrt(-1)*vt);
+  end
+  % derive estimate for CTD velocity using ship velocity
+  % and vertical velocity and wireangle
+  %  0.2 of W-velocity project horizontal for 1 m/s
+  ps=setdefv(ps,'drag_tilt_vel',0.5);
+  tiltfac = ps.drag_tilt_vel*abs(shipdragvel).*(1-tanh(-di.z/8000));
+  % preject fration of vertical velocity in ships velocity direction
+  wctdf=-shipdragvel./(abs(shipdragvel)+0.001).*wctd.*tiltfac;
+  % make sure that this is not faster than ship velocity
+  wfac=max(abs(wctdf)./(abs(shipdragvel)+0.001),1+wctd*0);
+  wctdf=wctdf./wfac;
+  % average ctdvel back in time to take the inertia of wire into account
+  % smooth over max of 20 minutes for depth ~ 2000m
+  ps=setdefv(ps,'drag_lag_tim',20);
+  ps=setdefv(ps,'drag_lag_depth',2000);
+  for j=1:length(shipdragvel)
+    zfac=tanh(-di.z(j)/ps.drag_lag_depth);
+    % how many super ensembles need to be averaged
+    nsmooth=sum(di.time_jul>(di.time_jul(j)-ps.drag_lag_tim/24/60) & di.time_jul<di.time_jul(j));
+    ii=j-[0:fix(nsmooth*zfac)];
+    ii=ii(find(ii>0));
+    if length(ii)<2
+     ii=j;
+    end
+    % smooth w less in time
+    iw=ii(1:fix(end/10));
+    if length(iw)<2
+     iw=j;
+    end
+    % set the assumed ctd velocity as the sum between ship vel and projected w-vel
+    ctdvel(j)=meannan(shipvel(ii))+meannan(wctdf(iw));
+  end
+  ctdvel=shipvel*NaN;
+% remove last data bin  and one bin off the bottom and surface 
+if existf(p,'zbottom'),
+ zbottom=p.zbottom;
+ zbottom=1e32;
+ii=find(izv<( | izv>(*(jmax-1)) | izv>(;
+% remove bad or weakly constained data
+disp([' remove ',int2str(sum(wm<ps.weightmin)),' constaints below minimum weight ']);
+ii=find(isnan(d) | isnan(wm) | wm<ps.weightmin);
+if exist('dbot','var')
+ dbot(ii)=[];
+% remove empty profiles at the end
+if exist('bvel','var')
+ bvel(ii)=[];
+ bvels(ii)=[];
+% prepare some output arrays
+if existf(p,'name')
+% set up main matrices for inversion
+% resulting depth vector
+%z =([1:nz]'-.5)*;
+z =([1:nz]')*;
+%### add weights to data
+% make sure time and depth dimension are different
+if size(A2,2)==size(A1,2)
+ disp('change dimension of A2')
+ A2=[A2,A2(:,1)*0]; 
+ A2o=[A2o,A2o(:,1)*0];
+ [nt,nz]=size(A2);
+ z =([1:nz]')*;
+% save constraints
+de.type_constraints='Velocity  ';
+%### smooth ocean and CTD velocity profiles
+disp(' smooth Ocean velocity profile')
+disp(' smooth CTD velocity profile')
+de.type_constraints=[de.type_constraints;'Smoothing '];
+%### add bottom track constraint
+if exist('bvel','var')
+ if sum(isfinite(bvel))>0 
+  btweight=ps.velerr./bvels;
+  [A2,A1,d,ubot,iubot]=lainbott(dbot.*wm,bvel,btweight,A2,A1,d,ps.botfac);
+  if length(ubot)>0
+   dr.zbot=z(iubot);
+   dr.ubot=real(ubot(:,1));
+   dr.vbot=imag(ubot(:,1));
+   dr.uerrbot=ubot(:,2);
+   % make length of array unique
+   while length(dr.zbot)==nt | length(dr.zbot)==nz 
+    dr.zbot=[dr.zbot;nan];
+    dr.ubot=[dr.ubot;nan];
+    dr.vbot=[dr.vbot;nan];
+    dr.uerrbot=[dr.uerrbot;nan];
+   end 
+  else
+   psbot=0;
+  end
+  if ps.botfac>0
+   disp([' weight for bottom track is (ps.botfac) ',num2str(ps.botfac)])
+   psbot=1;
+  else
+   disp(' not enought bottom track data')
+   psbot=0; 
+  end
+ else
+  disp(' no bottom track data')
+  psbot=0; 
+ end
+ psbot=0;
+de.type_constraints=[de.type_constraints;'Bottomtrk '];
+%### add ship adcp constraint
+if existf(di,'svel')==1
+ if sum(isfinite(di.svel(:,1)))>2 
+  [p,A2,A1,d,ds]=lainsadcp(p,di.svel,A2,A1,d,,ps.sadcpfac,ps.velerr);
+  if length(ds.z_sadcp)>1
+   dr.z_sadcp=ds.z_sadcp;
+   dr.u_sadcp=ds.u_sadcp;
+   dr.v_sadcp=ds.v_sadcp;
+   dr.uerr_sadcp=ds.uerr_sadcp;
+   % make length of array unique
+   if existf(dr,'zbot'), lzbot=length(dr.zbot); else, lzbot=0; end
+   while length(dr.z_sadcp)==nt | length(dr.z_sadcp)==nz | ...
+         length(dr.z_sadcp)==lzbot
+    dr.z_sadcp=[dr.z_sadcp;nan];
+    dr.u_sadcp=[dr.u_sadcp;nan];
+    dr.v_sadcp=[dr.v_sadcp;nan];
+    dr.uerr_sadcp=[dr.uerr_sadcp;nan];
+   end
+  end
+  if ps.sadcpfac>0
+   disp([' weight for SADCP vel is (ps.sadcpfac) ',num2str(ps.sadcpfac)])
+  else
+   disp(' no sadcp used')
+   ps.sadcpfac=0;
+  end
+ else
+  disp(' not enough SADCP data')
+  ps.sadcpfac=0;
+ end
+  disp(' no SADCP data')
+  ps.sadcpfac=0;
+de.type_constraints=[de.type_constraints;'Ship ADCP '];
+%### add barotropic constraint 
+% check if position data exist 
+if (abs(uship_a)==0 & & p.lon==0) | ~isfinite(
+  disp(' no position data ');
+  ps.barofac=0;
+  ps.dragfac=0;
+if ps.barofac>0
+ fac=ps.velerr/ps.barvelerr;
+ % need to increase if parts of profile are missing
+ ii=find(di.dt>3*mean(di.dt));
+ if length(ii)>1
+  facgap=sum(di.dt(ii))/sum(di.dt);
+  disp([' lainbaro: ',int2str(facgap*100),'% of profile have no useful data '])
+  fac=fac*(1-tanh(facgap/0.15));
+ end
+ if ~isfinite(fac), fac=1; end
+ [A2,A1,d]=lainbaro(A2,A1,d,uship_a,dtiv,ps.barofac*fac);
+de.type_constraints=[de.type_constraints;'GPS naviga'];
+%### small deep ocean velocity
+if sum(ps.smallfac(:,2))>0
+ [A2,A1,d]=lainsmal(A2,A1,d,ps.smallfac);
+de.type_constraints=[de.type_constraints;'Small flow'];
+%### check if problem is well constrained
+if (psbot==0 & ps.barofac==0 & ps.sadcpfac==0), 
+    disp(' no bottom no barotropic no SADCP constrain => will set mean U,V to zero')
+    dr.onlyshear=1;
+    [A2,A1,d]=lainocean(A2,A1,d);
+elseif existf(dr,'onlyshear') 
+    dr=rmfield(dr,'onlyshear');
+de.type_constraints=[de.type_constraints;'Zero mean '];
+%### add CTD drag constraint
+if ps.dragfac>0
+ disp([' weight for drag is (ps.dragfac) ',num2str(ps.dragfac)])
+ [A2,A1,d]=laindrag(A2,A1,d,ctdvel,ps.dragfac);
+de.type_constraints=[de.type_constraints;'Drag Model'];
+disp([' ready for inversion  length of  d: ',num3str(ld,6,0)])
+disp(['           (CTD vel)  length of A1: ',num3str(a1l,6,0)])
+disp(['         (ocean vel)  length of A2: ',num3str(a2l,6,0)])
+% save results in output array
+if size(uocean,2)>1
+ dr.uerr=(uocean(:,2));
+if sum(isfinite(slat+slon))>0 | ps.dragfac>0
+ dr.shiplon=slon;
+ dr.shiplat=slat;
+ dr.xship=(slon-slon(1))*60*1852*cos(meannan(slat)*pi/180);
+ dr.yship=(slat-slat(1))*60*1852;
+ dr.uship=real(shipvel);
+ dr.vship=imag(shipvel);
+if size(uctd,2)>1
+ dr.uctderr=(uctd(:,2))';
+orient tall
+ tim=dr.tim-fix(dr.tim(1));
+ uctd_drag=real(ctdvel);
+ vctd_drag=imag(ctdvel);
+ % plot some of the drag fac results
+ subplot(421)
+ plot(tim,dr.uctd,'-b','linewidth',1.8)
+ hold on
+ if existf(dr,'uship')==1
+  plot(tim,dr.uship,'g-')
+ end
+ ut=interp1(dr.z,dr.u,-dr.zctd);
+ ii=find(isfinite(ut+dr.uctd));
+ if length(ii)>5
+  ii=ii(round((end*0.33):(end*0.67)));
+  co=corrcoef([ut(ii)',dr.uctd(ii)']);
+  ps.ucorr=co(1,2);
+ else
+  ps.ucorr=NaN;
+ end
+ plot(tim,ut,'-k','linewidth',1.2)
+ if ps.dragfac~=0
+  plot(tim,uctd_drag,'-r')
+ end
+ grid
+ title('ctd(-b) ship(-g) drag(-r) ocean(-k)')
+ ylabel(['U [m/s] corr: ',num2str(ps.ucorr)])
+ axis tight
+ subplot(422)
+ plot(tim,dr.vctd,'-b','linewidth',1.8)
+ hold on
+ grid
+ if existf(dr,'uship')==1
+  plot(tim,dr.vship,'g-')
+ end
+ vt=interp1(dr.z,dr.v,-dr.zctd);
+ ii=find(isfinite(vt+dr.vctd));
+ if length(ii)>5
+  ii=ii(round((end*0.33):(end*0.67)));
+  co=corrcoef([vt(ii)',dr.vctd(ii)']);
+  ps.vcorr=co(1,2);
+ else
+  ps.vcorr=NaN;
+ end
+ plot(tim,vt,'-k','linewidth',1.2)
+ if ps.dragfac~=0
+  plot(tim,vctd_drag,'-r')
+ end
+ ylabel(['V [m/s] corr: ',num2str(ps.vcorr)])
+ axis tight
+ if sum(shipvel)~=prod(shipvel)
+  subplot(423)
+  shippos=cumsum(shipvel.*dt);
+  ctddist=abs(shippos-ctdpos);
+  plot(tim,ctddist,'linewidth',2)
+  grid
+  ylabel('CTD distance from ship [m]')
+  xlabel('time in days')
+  axis tight
+ end
+ subplot(424)
+ plot(tim,dr.wctd,'linewidth',2)
+ grid
+ ylabel('CTD vertical velocity')
+ xlabel('time in days')
+ axis tight
+ subplot(212)
+ xctd=dr.xctd;
+ yctd=dr.yctd;
+ ii=fix(linspace(1,length(xctd),10));
+ [m,ib]=min(dr.zctd);
+ plot(xctd,yctd,'linewidth',2)
+ hold on
+ plot(xctd(ii),yctd(ii),'r.','markersize',10)
+ plot(xctd(ib),yctd(ib),'g+','markersize',9)
+ if existf(dr,'xship')
+  plot(dr.xship,dr.yship,'-g',dr.xship(ii),dr.yship(ii),'k.','markersize',10)
+  plot([xctd(ii);dr.xship(ii)],[yctd(ii); dr.yship(ii)],'-y','linewidth',0.5)
+  xlabel('CTD-position (blue) and ship (green) east-west [m]')
+ else
+  xlabel('CTD-position east-west [m]')
+ end
+ text(xctd(ib),yctd(ib),'bottom')
+ axis equal
+ axis tight
+ text(xctd(1),yctd(1),'start')
+ ylabel('north-south [m]')
+ title([,' Results from Drag Fac : ',num2str(ps.dragfac)])
+ grid
+ set(gca,'fontsize',10)
+ streamer([,'  Figure 7']);
+ orient tall
+ pause(0.01)
+ % compute velcoity error
+ der=geterr(dr,di,iplot);
+ if size(uocean,2)>1					% second pass: uerr is set
+ 							% note that dr.uerr is entirely re-scaled %%##%%
+  dr.uerr=dr.uerr/medianan(dr.uerr)*medianan(sqrt(der.u_oce_s.^2+der.v_oce_s.^2));
+ else							% first pass: error is stddev of uocean(z)
+  dr.uerr= sqrt(der.u_oce_s.^2+der.v_oce_s.^2)';
+ end
+% compute mean target strengt profile
+% compute mean range profile
+if length(di.izu)>0
+ dr.range_do=dr.z*NaN;
+ dr.range_up=dr.z*NaN;
+for i=1:length(dr.z)
+ ii=find(abs(dr.z(i)+di.z)<2*;
+ if length(ii)>1
+  dr.ts(i)=mean(di.tsd(ii));
+  dr.ts_out(i)=mean(di.tsd_out(ii));
+  zd=abs(di.izm(di.izd,1)-di.z(1));
+  range=zd(sum(isfinite(,ii)))+1);
+  dr.range(i)=medianan(range,ceil(length(ii)/4));
+  if length(di.izu)>0
+    zd=abs(di.izm(di.izu,1)-di.z(1));
+    range=zd(sum(isfinite(,ii)))+1);
+    dr.range_up(i)=medianan(range,ceil(length(ii)/4));
+    dr.range_do(i)=dr.range(i);
+    dr.range(i)=dr.range_up(i)+dr.range_do(i);
+  end
+ end
+if nargout>2
+% prepare some output for error analysis
+de.R=sum(abs(d)>0)/(nt+nz) ;
+if exist('bvel','var')
+ de.bvel=bvel;
+ de.bvels=bvels;
+%### solve up and down cast seperately
+if ps.down_up
+ baroclinfac=10;
+ %down trace
+ disp(' solve only down trace')
+ A1s=A1(idoc,:);
+ ii=find(full(sum(A1s))==0);
+ A1s(:,ii)=[];
+ A2s=A2(idoc,:);
+ ds=d(idoc);
+ disp(' smooth Ocean velocity profile')
+ [A2s,A1s,ds]=lainsmoo(A2s,A1s,ds,ps.smoofac);
+ disp(' smooth CTD velocity profile')
+ [A1s,A2s,ds]=lainsmoo(A1s,A2s,ds,ps.smoofac);
+ % add zero mean constrain
+ A1s=[A1s;A1s(1,:)*0];
+ A2s=[A2s;A2s(1,:)*0+baroclinfac];
+ ds=[ds;0];
+ [uocean_do,uctd_do]=lainsolv(A2s,A1s,ds);
+ ii=find(abs(uocean_do(:,1))>5); 
+ if length(ii)>0
+  disp([' found ',int2str(length(ii)),' big > 5m/s down cast UOCEAN:'])
+  uocean_do(ii)=NaN;
+ end
+ dr.u_do=real(uocean_do(:,1));
+ dr.v_do=imag(uocean_do(:,1));
+ if length(iupc)>5, 
+  %up trace
+  disp(' solve only up trace')
+  A1s=A1(iupc,:);
+  ii=find(full(sum(A1s))==0);
+  A1s(:,ii)=[];
+  A2s=A2(iupc,:);
+  ds=d(iupc);
+  disp(' smooth Ocean velocity profile')
+  [A2s,A1s,ds]=lainsmoo(A2s,A1s,ds,ps.smoofac);
+  disp(' smooth CTD velocity profile')
+  [A1s,A2s,ds]=lainsmoo(A1s,A2s,ds,ps.smoofac);
+  % add zero mean constrain
+  A1s=[A1s;A1s(1,:)*0];
+  A2s=[A2s;A2s(1,:)*0+baroclinfac];
+  ds=[ds;0];
+  [uocean_up,uctd_up]=lainsolv(A2s,A1s,ds);
+  ii=find(abs(uocean_up(:,1))>5); 
+  if length(ii)>0
+   disp([' found ',int2str(length(ii)),' big >5 m/s up cast UOCEAN:'])
+   uocean_up(ii)=NaN;
+  end
+ else
+  uocean_up=uocean_do*NaN;
+ end
+ dr.u_up=real(uocean_up(:,1));
+ dr.v_up=imag(uocean_up(:,1));
+ u_bias = meannan(dr.u_do-dr.u_up);
+ v_bias = meannan(dr.v_do-dr.v_up);
+ if abs(u_bias) > 0.02 | abs(v_bias) > 0.02
+   warn=(sprintf(' large up/down bias (u=%.2fm/s; v=%.2fm/s) --- GPS problems?',...
+			u_bias,v_bias));
+   p.warnp(size(p.warnp,1)+1,1:length(warn))=warn;
+   disp([' WARNING: ' warn]);
+ end
+% compute pressure from depth
+% ----------------------------------------------------------
+function [Ao,Ac,d]=lainbaro(Ao,Ac,d,uship,dt,w)
+%function [Ao,Ac,d]=lainbaro(Ao,Ac,d,uship,dt,w)
+% add barotropic constrain
+% [uship] ship velocity over the cast from GPS positions
+% w strength of constrain
+if nargin<6, w=1; end
+% normalize weights 
+% fac=li./(sum(dt)*ljc);
+% fac=1/(sum(dt));
+disp([' normalized barotropic constrain weight: ',num2str(w)])
+disp([' mean individual ctd velocity weight : ',num2str(mean(w*fac))])
+% ----------------------------------------------------------
+function [Ao,Ac,d]=lainocean(Ao,Ac,d,w)
+%function [Ao,Ac,d]=lainocean(Ao,Ac,d,w)
+% set barotropic constrain to be no mean ocean velocity
+% w strength of constrain
+if nargin<4, w=1; end
+% normalize weights
+disp(' add no mean flow constraint')
+function [Ao,Ac,d,ubot,ibot]=lainbott(dbvel,bvel,bvelw,Ao,Ac,d,botfacin)
+% function [Ao,Ac,d,ubot,ibot]=lainbott(dbvel,bvel,bvelw,Ao,Ac,d,botfacin)
+% add bottom track to the two parts of the A matrix
+% dbvel = bottom track velocity array 
+% bvel = bottom track velocity
+% bvelw = ratio between bottom track std and vel error
+% d = cell velocity data
+% Ao = ocean matrix
+% Ac = ctd matrix
+% botfac = nominal weight for bottom track
+% also compute bottom track velocity
+% ubot (:,1) = mean velocity
+% ubot (:,2) = error
+% ibot depth index
+if nargin<5, botfacin=1; end
+if nargout>3
+ disp(' bottom inversion ')
+ % minimum number of estimates
+ nmin=3;
+ Ab=Aob;
+ s=sum(Ab>0)>=(nmin);
+ ibot=find(s==1);
+ % remove empty vertical depth
+ id=find(s==0);
+ Ab(:,id)=[];
+ if length(ibot)>1
+  % solve
+  %[ubot,uebot]=lesqfit(dbot,Ab);
+  % ubot=lesqchol(dbot,Ab);
+  [m,me]=lesqfit(dbot,Ab);
+  ubot=[full(m),abs(full(me))];
+  velerr=min(abs(full(me)));
+  botfac=botfacin./ubot(:,2)*velerr;
+  igood=find(ubot(:,2)<2*median(ubot(:,2)));
+  ubot=ubot(igood,:);
+  ibot=ibot(igood);
+ else
+  disp(' not enough bottom track data for bottom inversion ')
+  ubot=[];
+  botfac=botfacin;
+ end 
+% scaling needs more work
+% range in fraction of total profile 
+% range=5*full(sum(Ac~=0))/size(Ac,2);
+% use sqrt of contraints 
+if length(iokbot>0)
+ range=sqrt(full(sum(abs(Ac))));
+ botfac=bvelw(iokbot)*botfacin.*range(iokbot);
+ Acb=zeros(length(botfac),size(Ac,2));
+ for i=1:length(botfac)
+  Acb(i,iokbot(i))=botfac(i);
+  db(i,1)=bvel(iokbot(i))*botfac(i);
+ end
+ d=[d;db];
+ Ac=[Ac;Acb];
+ Ao(length(d),1)=0;
+ disp([' ',int2str(length(botfac)),...
+       ' bottom track ctd-vel weights of about : ',num2str(mean(botfac))])
+ disp('no finite bottom track velocities ')
+function [p,Ao,Ac,d,ds]=lainsadcp(p,svel,Ao,Ac,d,dz,sadcpfac,velerr)
+% function [p,Ao,Ac,d,ds]=lainsadcp(p,svel,Ao,Ac,d,dz,sadcpfac,velerr)
+% add SADCP to the two parts of the A matrix
+% svel = ship ADCP data velocity profile
+% d = cell velocity data
+% Ao = ocean matrix
+% Ac = ctd matrix
+% sadcpfac = weight for SADCP velocity
+% velerr = velocity error for LADCP super ensemble
+if nargin<7, velerr=0; end
+if nargin<6, sadcpfac=1; end
+% weight according to scatter in mean SADCP profile
+% first replace small or no error with large error
+ij=find(~isfinite(verr) | verr==0);
+% If there are more than one profile use std for weights
+if size(svel,1)>3
+ if ~(velerr>0)
+  fac0=sort(verr);
+  velerr=mean(fac0(1:ceil(end*0.2)));
+ end
+ fac=velerr./verr;
+ fac=dsadcp*0+1;
+% Apply constraint
+if sadcpfac>0
+  % weight down by factor of 2 because it directly influence velocity (up and down)
+  fac2=sqrt(full(sum(abs(Ao))))/2;
+  for i=1:length(dsadcp)
+  % sort to depth
+   jz=round(zsadcp(i)/dz);
+   jz=min(max(jz,1),ljo);
+  % fac(i)=fac(i)*fac2(jz);
+   Ao(li+i,jz)=sadcpfac*fac(i);
+   d=[d;dsadcp(i)*sadcpfac.*fac(i)];
+  end
+  Ac(length(d),1)=0;
+  disp([' mean sadcp weight : ',num2str(mean(sadcpfac.*fac))])
+  if nargout>3
+   iok=find(fac>0.1);
+   if length(iok) < length(fac)
+     disp(sprintf(' %d out of %d SADCP profiles removed because of low weight',...
+			  length(fac)-length(iok),length(fac)));
+   end
+   if isempty(iok)
+    warn=(' all SADCP values removed because of low weight');
+    p.warnp(size(p.warnp,1)+1,1:length(warn))=warn;
+    disp([' WARNING: ' warn]);
+   end
+   ds.z_sadcp=zsadcp(iok);
+   ds.u_sadcp=real(dsadcp(iok));
+   ds.v_sadcp=imag(dsadcp(iok));
+   ds.uerr_sadcp=verr(iok);
+  end % nargout <= 3
+else % sadcpfac <= 0
+  if nargout>3
+   ds.z_sadcp=zsadcp;
+   ds.u_sadcp=real(dsadcp);
+   ds.v_sadcp=imag(dsadcp);
+   ds.uerr_sadcp=verr;
+  end
+function [Ao,Ac,d]=laindrag(Ao,Ac,d,ctdvel,w)
+%function [Ao,Ac,d]=laindrag(Ao,Ac,d,ctdvel,w)
+% use drag law to constrain UCTD
+% ctdvel  GPS derived ship velocity modified for drag
+% w strength of constrain
+if nargin<5, w=1; end
+% how often to constrain CTD velocity
+% normalize weights
+disp([' typical drag CTD velocity weight is: ',num2str(median(wfac))])
+% loop over depth
+for i=1:length(izz);
+ iz=izz(i); 
+% set weights for A matrix
+ iz0=zeros(1,ljc);
+ iz0(iz)=wfac(iz);
+ Ac=[Ac;iz0];
+% try to take ocean velocity drag into account
+ if 1
+   iz1=zeros(1,ljo);
+   % get index for ocean velocity above point (assume up-down length)
+   izl=length(izz)/2;
+   izmax=round((izl-abs(iz-izl))*ljo/izl);
+   izmax=min(ljo,izmax);
+   izmax=max(1,izmax);
+   % drag works on difference between ocean and shipvel
+   % but nearby ocean velocity is felt more
+   iz1(1:izmax)=(1:izmax).^2;
+   iz1=iz1*sum(iz0)/sum(iz1);
+   Ao=[Ao;-iz1];
+ else 
+  in=in+1;
+  Ao(li+in,1)=0;
+ end
+% set U_CTD = - ctdvel as constrain
+ d=[d;-ctdvel(iz)*sum(iz0)];
+function [A]=lainseta(zbin,dz)
+% function [A]=lainseta(zbin,dz)
+% set up LADCP inversion matrix A
+% given the depth of each measurement zbin (m) (or profile number)
+% and increment of target depth (m) (number of profiles for Uctd)
+% convert variable to index
+% factor first
+% fix outliers
+% row index
+%set up sparse matrix
+function [A,Ap,d]=lainsmoo(A,Ap,d,fs0,cur);
+%function [A,Ap,d]=lainsmoo(A,Ap,d,fs0,cur);
+% smooth results by minimizing curvature
+% also smooth if elements are not constrained
+if nargin<4, fs0=1; end
+if nargin<5, cur=[-1 2 -1]; end
+% find ill constrained data
+% increase weight for poorly constrained data
+fs1=fsm./fs ;
+fs=fs1 * fs0(1);
+if length(ibad)>0
+% set ill constrainded data to a minimum weight
+ fs(ibad)=max(fs1(ibad),0.5);
+ if fs0==0
+  disp([' found ',int2str(length(ibad)),' ill constrained elements will smooth '])
+ else
+  disp([' found ',int2str(length(ibad)),' ill constrained elements'])
+ end
+if sum(fs>0)>0
+ cur=cur-mean(cur);
+ lc=length(cur);
+ lc2=fix(lc/2);
+ fs2=fs((lc2+1):(end-lc2));
+ inc=[1:length(cur)]-lc2;
+ ii=find(fs2>0);
+ % find how many smooth constraints to apply
+ if length(ii)>0 
+  [i1,i2]=meshgrid(inc,ii+lc2-1);
+  [curm,fsm]=meshgrid(cur,fs2(ii));
+  As=sparse(i2,i1+i2,curm.*fsm);
+  [lt,lm]=size(A);
+  if size(As,2)<lm 
+   As(1,lm)=0;
+  end
+  A=[A;As];
+ end
+% smooth start and end of vector
+ for j=1:lc2
+  j0=j-1;
+  [lt,lm]=size(A);
+  if fs(1+j0)>0
+   A(lt+1,[1:2]+j0)=[2 -2]*fs(1+j0);
+  end
+  if fs(end-j0)>0
+   A(lt+2,end-[1,0]-j0)=[-2 2]*fs(end-j0);
+  end
+ end
+ [lt,lm]=size(A);
+ Ap(lt,1)=0;
+ d(lt)=0;
+ disp(' no smoothness constraint applied ')
+function [A,Ap,d]=lainsmal(A,Ap,d,fs0);
+%function [A,Ap,d]=lainsmal(A,Ap,d,fs0);
+% require small shear for certain vertical wave length
+if nargin<4, fs0=[3, 0.1]; end
+for j=1:size(fs0,1)
+ disp([' small shear for wavelength ',int2str(fs0(j,1)),...
+      ' weight:  ',num2str(fs0(j,2))])
+ isin=sin(iz*2*pi/length(iz)*fs0(j,1));
+ icos=cos(iz*2*pi/length(iz)*fs0(j,1));
+ A=[A;[isin;icos]*fs0(j,2)*fac];
+disp([' typical small shear velocity weight is: ',num2str(fac)])
+function [uocean,uctd,uoceanerr,uctderr]=lainsolv(Aocean,Actd,dladcp,nsolve);
+%function [uocean,uctd,uoceanerr,uctderr]=lainsolv(Aocean,Actd,dladcp,nsolve);
+% solve LADCP current profiling using an invers technique.
+% dladcp = [Aocean,Actd] * [uocean,uctd]
+% nsolve = 0  Cholseky transform
+%        = 1  Moore Penrose Inverse
+%   Martin Visbeck LDEO 15/12/1998
+%   need LESQFIT and LESQCHOL routines
+if nargin<4, nsolve=0; end
+if nargout>2, nsolve=1; end
+% set up big matrix
+% solve system
+if nsolve==1
+ disp('Moore-Penrose inverse')
+ [m,me]=lesqfit(d,A);
+ me=full(me);
+ disp('Cholesky transform')
+ m=lesqchol(d,A);
+% split results up 
+if nsolve==1
+ if nargout>2
+  uoceanerr=abs(me(i1));
+  uctderr=abs(me(i2));
+ else
+  uctd=[uctd,abs(me(i2))];
+  uocean=[uocean,abs(me(i1))];
+ end
+function [Ao,Ac,d,ido,iup]=lainweig(Ao,Ac,d,w)
+%function [Ao,Ac,d,ido,iup]=lainweig(Ao,Ac,d,w)
+% apply weights to ensembles
+% w of dimension d applied to all
+function [m,dm,c]=lesqchol(d,g)
+% function [m,dm,c]=lesqcholw(d,g)
+% fit least squares method to linear problem 
+% Use Cholesky transform
+%input parameters:
+%  d:= data vector ;  g:= model matrix 
+% output parameters:
+% m=model factors; dm= model data, c=correlation 
+if i~=n; disp(' wrong arguments'),return,end
+[r,b] = chol( g.' * g);
+if b~=0, m=g(1,:)'+NaN; dm=d+NaN; c=NaN; return, end
+y = forwardsub(r.' , g.' * d);
+m  = backsub(r,y);
+if nargout<2, return, end
+dm = g * m;
+if nargout<3, return, end
+co = cov([d,dm]);
+c  = co(1,2) / sqrt( co(1,1)*co(2,2) );
+function [m,me,c,dm,gi]=lesqfit(d,g)
+% function [m,me,c,dm,gi]=lesqfit(d,g)
+% fit least squares method to linear problem Menke(1984)
+%input parameters:
+%  d:= data vector ;  g:= model matrix
+% output parameters:
+% m=model factors; me=error of factors; c=correlation ;gi= general inverse
+if i~=n; disp(' wrong arguments'),return,end
+in = inv( g' * g);
+gi = in * g';
+m  = gi * d ;
+if nargout<2, return, end
+dm = g * m;
+me = diag( sqrt( in * ( (d-dm)' * (d-dm)) ./ ( i-j) ) );
+% The inversion error estimates of the ocean-velocity profile
+% are re-scaled above on line marked with %%##%%. Therefore, following
+% line could be substituted for the preceding line of code:
+%	me = diag(sqrt(in));
+% However, doing so changes the error estimates of the BT velocities.
+if nargout<3, return, end
+co = cov([d,dm]);
+c  = co(1,2) / sqrt( co(1,1)*co(2,2) );
+function  X = backsub(A,B)
+% X = BACKSUB(A,B)  Solves AX=B where A is upper triangular.
+% A is an nxn upper-triangular matrix (input)
+% B is an nxp matrix (input)
+% X is an nxp matrix (output)
+[n,p] = size(B);
+X = zeros(n,p);
+X(n,:) = B(n,:)/A(n,n);
+for i = n-1:-1:1,
+  X(i,:) = (B(i,:) - A(i,i+1:n)*X(i+1:n,:))/A(i,i);
+function  X = forwardsub(A,B)
+% X = FORWARDSUB(A,B))  Solves AX=B where A is lower triangular.
+% A is an nxn lower-triangular matrix, input.
+% B is an nxp matrix (input)
+% X is an nxp matrix (output)
+[n,p] = size(B);
+X = zeros(n,p);
+X(1,:) = B(1,:)/A(1,1);
+for i = 2:n,
+  X(i,:) = (B(i,:) - A(i,1:i-1)*X(1:i-1,:))/A(i,i);
+function x = diff2(x,k,dn)
+%DIFF2   Difference function.  If X is a vector [x(1) x(2) ... x(n)],
+%       then DIFF(X) returns a vector of central differences between
+%       elements [x(3)-x(1)  x(4)-x(2) ... x(n)-x(n-2)].  If X is a
+%   matrix, the differences are calculated down each column:
+%       DIFF(X) = X(3:n,:) - X(1:n-2,:).
+%   DIFF(X,n) is the n'th difference function.
+%   J.N. Little 8-30-85
+%   Copyright (c) 1985, 1986 by the MathWorks, Inc.
+if nargin < 2,  k = 1; end
+if nargin < 3,  dn = 2; end
+for i=1:k
+    [m,n] = size(x);
+    if m == 1
+                x = x(1+dn:n) - x(1:n-dn);
+    else
+                x = x(1+dn:m,:) - x(1:m-dn,:);
+    end