changeset 0 0a450563f904
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/htmltable2.m	Tue Oct 20 16:23:49 2009 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+%                    H T M L T A B L E 2 . M 
+%                    doc: Wed Jan  7 16:35:22 2009
+%                    dlm: Wed Jan  7 16:35:33 2009
+%                    (c) 2009 A.M. Thurnherr
+%                    uE-Info: 11 0 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
+%   Jan  7, 2009: - tightened use of exist()
+function [] = htmltable(directory, dods)
+% function [] = htmltable(directory, dods)
+% Create HTML Table of LADCP Files in a Directory
+% Input :  directory  : Either a directory '/home/someone/lookhere/'
+%                       Or the 'f' structure from LADCP where
+%                       'f.res' will be used.
+%          dods       : Structure with DODS info ** OPTIONAL **
+%              - dods address for cruise file
+%                       dods.d1     - start of address for cast
+%                       dods.d2     - end of address for cast
+% Output : Files created in your directory:
+%             index.html  - Start Page with Map
+%             index.htm   - Start Page with Map
+%             table0.html - Start Page with Map
+%             table1.html - Individual Cast Data
+%             table2.html - Processing Methods
+%             table3.html - Technical
+%             table4.html - Plots
+%      - Map of Cruise (filename will vary)
+%             cruise.gif  - Map of Cruise (filename will vary)
+% For DODS addresses, htmltable will insert the cast number to get the
+% correct address.
+% Example: directory = '../ladcp_output/';
+% = ['' ...
+%                         '.LDEO/.ClimateGroup/.LADCP/.test/dods'];
+%          dods.d1     = ['' ...
+%                         '.LDEO/.ClimateGroup/.LADCP/.test/N+'];
+%          dods.d2     = ['+VALUE/dods'];
+if nargin < 1, help htmltable, return, end
+if nargin == 2 & isstruct(dods)
+   DODS = 1;
+   DODS = 0;
+disp(' Surveying Files')
+warning off
+if isstruct(directory)
+   loc = directory.res;
+   ii = max(find(loc == '/'));
+   loc = loc(1:ii);
+   loc = directory;
+d = dir([loc '/*.nc']);
+% Ignore Cruise File
+count = 0;
+bad = [];
+for i = 1:length(d)
+   f = netcdf([loc '/' d(i).name]);
+   % Is this an LADCP File?
+   if isempty(f.GEN_Profile_start_decimal_day(:))
+      bad = [bad i];
+      if ~isempty(f{'cast'}(:))
+	 cruise_cast = f{'cast'}(:);
+	 cruise_station = f{'station'}(:);
+      end
+   else
+      count = count + 1;
+   end
+   close(f)
+d(bad) = [];
+if ~exist('cruise_cast','var')
+   DODS = 0;
+if count 
+   disp([' Found ' int2str(count) ' Files to Process']);
+   for i = 1:length(d)
+      disp(['  ' d(i).name]);
+   end
+   error([' Nothing To Do!';])
+f = netcdf([loc '/' d(1).name]);
+name = f.cruise_id(:);
+soft =;
+time = date;
+time(time == '-') = ' ';
+if isempty(name)
+   name = 'unknown';
+disp([' Cruise ID: ' name ]);
+disp([' Software:  ' soft ]);
+disp([' Creating HTML Tables']);
+% Header
+cr=char(10); % Carriage Return
+H0 = ['<TITLE>' name '</TITLE>' cr ...
+      '<B>' name '</B>' cr '<BR>' cr ...
+      'Created on ' time ' using ' soft cr '<BR>' ...
+      '<a href="table0.html"> Cruise Data </a> &nbsp' cr ...
+      '<a href="table1.html"> Individual Cast Data </a> &nbsp' cr ...
+      '<a href="table2.html"> Processing Methods</a> &nbsp' cr ...
+      '<a href="table3.html"> Technical </a> &nbsp' cr ...
+      '<a href="table4.html"> Plots </a> &nbsp' cr ...
+      '<a href="../index.html"> Other Cruises </a> &nbsp' cr];
+% TABLE 0
+H1 = [H0, '<img SRC="' name '.gif" HEIGHT=800 WIDTH=600 ALIGN=center>' cr];
+if DODS
+H1 = [H1 '<br><ul><li>' cr...
+      '<a href="' ...
+      '">Live Access IRI/LDEO Data Server</a><br>'];
+H1 = [H1 '<li>All Cruise Data in one file: ' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<a href="' name '.nc"> NetCDF </a>'];
+H1 = [H1 ' <br>' cr '</li><li>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<a href="' name '.mat"> MATLAB </a>'];
+H1 = [H1 ' <br>' cr '</li><li>' cr];
+if DODS
+   H1 = [H1 ' <a href="' '"> DODS </a> <br>' cr];   
+   H1 = [H1 ' DODS <br>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '</li><li>' ...
+      'One File Per Cast: '];
+H1 = [H1 '<a href="' name '_nc.tgz"> NetCDF tarball </a>'];
+H1 = [H1 '</li><li>' ];
+H1 = [H1 '<a href="' name '_ps.tgz"> PS tarball </a>'];
+H1 = [H1 '</li><li>' ];
+H1 = [H1 '<a href="' name '_log.tgz"> Logfile tarball </a>'];
+H1 = [H1 '</li><li>' ];
+H1 = [H1 '<a href="' name '_lad.tgz"> ASCII results tarball </a>'];
+H1 = [H1 '</li><li>' ];
+H1 = [H1 '<a href="' name '_mat.tgz"> MAT results tarball </a>'];
+H1 = [H1 '</li><li>' ];
+H1 = [H1 '<a href="' name '_m_local.tgz"> local m-files </a>'];
+H1 = [H1 '</li><li>' ];
+H1 = [H1 '<a href="' name '_m_ladcpsoft.tgz"> LADCP software m-files </a>'];
+H1 = [H1 '</li><li>' ];
+H1 = [H1 'To unpack tarballs :   tar -xzvf filename.tgz'];
+cwd = pwd;
+disp(['  NETCDF tarball']);
+system(['tar -czf ' name '_nc.tgz *.nc']); 
+disp(['  PostScript tarball']);
+system(['tar -czf ' name '_ps.tgz *.ps']); 
+disp(['  Logfile tarball']);
+system(['tar -czf ' name '_log.tgz *.log']); 
+disp(['  ASCII tarball']);
+system(['tar -czf ' name '_lad.tgz *.lad']); 
+disp(['  Mat-file tarball']);
+system(['tar -czf ' name '_mat.tgz *.mat']); 
+disp(['  M-file tarball']);
+system(['tar -czf ' name '_m_local.tgz ',loc0,'/*.m']); 
+system(['tar -czf ' name '_m_ladcpsoft.tgz ',mpath]); 
+fid = fopen([loc '/table0.html'], 'w');
+fwrite(fid, H1);
+fid = fopen([loc '/index.html'], 'w');
+fwrite(fid, H1);
+fid = fopen([loc '/index.htm'], 'w');
+fwrite(fid, H1);
+disp(['  index.html']);
+disp(['  index.htm']);
+disp(['  table0.html']);
+% TABLE 1
+H1 = [H0 '&nbsp ',cr,...
+      '<div ALIGN=right><table BORDER COLS=12 WIDTH="100%" NOSAVE >',cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<tr align=center>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Name           </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Year           </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Month          </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Day            </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Lat            </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Lon            </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Max Z          </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Median U Error </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> NETCDF File    </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Matlab File    </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Text File      </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> DODS           </td>' cr];
+for i = 1:length(d)
+   f = netcdf([loc '/' d(i).name]);
+   warn = f.warnings(:);
+   WARN(i) = 0;
+   % Are there warnings? If so, we will highlight these
+   if length(find(warn == char(10))) > 1
+      WARN(i) = 1;
+   end
+   cruiseid = f{'name'}(:)';
+   gtime = f{'date'}(:);
+   uerr = f{'uerr'}(:);
+   lat = f{'lat'}(:);
+   lon = f{'lon'}(:);
+   station(i) = f.ladcp_station(:);
+   LAT(i) = lat;
+   LON(i) = lon;
+   maxz = max(f{'z'}(:));
+   med_err_vel = median(uerr(~isnan(uerr(:))));
+   H1 = [H1 '<tr align=center>' cr];
+   if WARN(i)
+      H1 = [H1 '<td> <font color="red">' cruiseid '</font></td>' cr];      
+   else
+      H1 = [H1 '<td>' cruiseid                     '</td>' cr];
+   end
+   H1 = [H1 '<td>' num2str(gtime(1))            '</td>' cr];
+   H1 = [H1 '<td>' num2str(gtime(2))            '</td>' cr];
+   H1 = [H1 '<td>' num2str(gtime(3))            '</td>' cr];   
+   H1 = [H1 '<td>' num3str(lat, 0,2,'0')        '</td>' cr];
+   H1 = [H1 '<td>' num3str(lon, 0,2,'0')        '</td>' cr];
+   H1 = [H1 '<td>' num2str(maxz)                '</td>' cr];
+   H1 = [H1 '<td>' num3str(med_err_vel,0,3,'0') '</td>' cr];   
+   H1 = [H1 '<td> <a href="' d(i).name    '"> nc </td>' cr];
+   mat = [d(i).name(1:end-2) 'mat'];
+   if exist([loc '/' mat],'file')
+      H1 = [H1 '<td> <a href="' mat '"> mat </td>' cr];
+   else
+      H1 = [H1 '<td> mat </td>' cr];
+   end
+   lad = [d(i).name(1:end-2) 'lad'];
+   if exist([loc '/' lad],'file')
+      H1 = [H1 '<td> <a href="' lad '"> lad </td>' cr];
+   else
+      H1 = [H1 '<td> lad </td>' cr];
+   end
+   if DODS
+      cast = cruise_cast(find(cruise_station == station(i)));
+      H1 = [H1 '<td> <a href="' dods.d1 int2str(cast) dods.d2 ...
+	    '"> dods </a> <td>' cr];      
+   else
+      H1 = [H1 '<td> dods <td>' cr];
+   end
+   close(f)
+H1 = strrep(H1, '<td></td>', '<td>&nbsp </td>'); % Pad Empty Cells
+fid = fopen([loc '/table1.html'], 'w');
+fwrite(fid, H1);
+disp(['  table1.html']);
+% TABLE 2 - Processing Data
+empty = '<td>&nbsp </td>';
+H1 = [H0 '&nbsp ',cr,...
+      '<div ALIGN=right><table BORDER COLS=6 WIDTH="100%" NOSAVE >', cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<tr align=center>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Name </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Bar Ref </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Depth Source </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Sound Speed </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Percent 3-Beam </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Log </td>' cr];
+for i = 1:length(d)
+   H1 = [H1 '<tr align=center>' cr];
+   f = netcdf([loc '/' d(i).name]);
+   cruiseid = f{'name'}(:)';
+   if WARN(i)
+      H1 = [H1 '<td> <font color="red">' cruiseid '</font></td>' cr];      
+   else
+      H1 = [H1 '<td>' cruiseid                     '</td>' cr];
+   end
+   dum = f.BAR_ref_descr(:);
+   if ~isempty(dum)
+      H1 = [H1 '<td>' dum '</td>' cr];
+   else
+      H1 = [H1 empty];
+   end
+   dum = f.GEN_Depth_source(:);
+   if ~isempty(dum)
+      H1 = [H1 '<td>' dum '</td>' cr];
+   else
+      H1 = [H1 empty];
+   end
+   dum = f.GEN_Sound_sp_calc(:);
+   if ~isempty(dum)
+      H1 = [H1 '<td>' dum '</td>' cr];
+   else
+      H1 = [H1 empty];
+   end
+   dum = f.GEN_Percent_3beam(:);
+   if ~isempty(dum)
+      H1 = [H1 '<td>' num2str(dum) '</td>' cr];
+   else
+      H1 = [H1 empty];
+   end
+   H1 = [H1 '<td> <a href="' d(i).name(1:end-2) 'log"> log </td>' cr];
+   close(f)
+H1 = strrep(H1, '<td></td>', '<td>&nbsp </td>'); % Pad Empty Cells
+fid = fopen([loc '/table2.html'], 'w');
+fwrite(fid, H1);
+disp(['  table2.html']);
+% TABLE 3 - LADCP Technical Data
+H1 = [H0 '&nbsp',cr,...
+      '<div ALIGN=right><table BORDER COLS=11 WIDTH="100%" NOSAVE >', cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<tr align=center>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Name </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> LADCP Up Hard Type </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> LADCP Up Hard SN </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> LADCP Up Hard Conf Single Ping Acc </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> LADCP Up Conf Bin Len </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> LADCP Up Conf Number Pings </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> LADCP Dn Hard Type </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> LADCP Dn Hard SN </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> LADCP Dn Hard Conf Single Ping Acc </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> LADCP Dn Conf Bin Len </td>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> LADCP Dn Conf Number Pings </td>' cr];
+for i = 1:length(d)
+   f = netcdf([loc '/' d(i).name]);
+   H1 = [H1 '<tr align=center>' cr];
+   cruiseid = f{'name'}(:)';
+   if WARN(i)
+      H1 = [H1 '<td> <font color="red">' cruiseid '</font></td>' cr];      
+   else
+      H1 = [H1 '<td>' cruiseid                     '</td>' cr];
+   end
+   dum = f.LADCP_up_hard_type(:);
+   if ~isempty(dum)
+      H1 = [H1 '<td>' dum '</td>' cr];
+   else
+      H1 = [H1 empty];
+   end
+   dum = f.LADCP_up_hard_SN(:);
+   if ~isempty(dum)
+      H1 = [H1 '<td>' num2str(dum) '</td>' cr];
+   else
+      H1 = [H1 empty];
+   end
+   dum = f.LADCP_up_conf_single_ping_acc(:);
+   if ~isempty(dum)
+      H1 = [H1 '<td>' num3str(dum,1,3,'0') '</td>' cr];
+   else
+      H1 = [H1 empty];
+   end
+    dum = f.LADCP_up_conf_bin_len_m(:);
+   if ~isempty(dum)
+      H1 = [H1 '<td>' num2str(dum) '</td>' cr];
+   else
+      H1 = [H1 empty];
+   end
+   dum = f.LADCP_up_conf_number_pings(:);
+   if ~isempty(dum)
+      H1 = [H1 '<td>' num2str(dum) '</td>' cr];
+   else
+      H1 = [H1 empty];
+   end
+   dum = f.LADCP_dn_hard_type(:);
+   if ~isempty(dum)
+      H1 = [H1 '<td>' dum '</td>' cr];
+   else
+      H1 = [H1 empty];
+   end
+   dum = f.LADCP_dn_hard_SN(:);
+   if ~isempty(dum)
+      H1 = [H1 '<td>' num2str(dum) '</td>' cr];
+   else
+      H1 = [H1 empty];
+   end
+   dum = f.LADCP_dn_conf_single_ping_acc(:);
+   if ~isempty(dum)
+      H1 = [H1 '<td>' num3str(dum,1,3,'0') '</td>' cr];
+   else
+      H1 = [H1 empty];
+   end
+   dum = f.LADCP_dn_conf_bin_len_m(:);
+   if ~isempty(dum)
+      H1 = [H1 '<td>' num2str(dum) '</td>' cr];
+   else
+      H1 = [H1 empty];
+   end
+   dum = f.LADCP_dn_conf_number_pings(:);
+   if ~isempty(dum)
+      H1 = [H1 '<td>' num2str(dum) '</td>' cr];
+   else
+      H1 = [H1 empty];
+   end
+   close(f)
+H1 = strrep(H1, '<td></td>', '<td>&nbsp </td>'); % Pad Empty Cells
+fid = fopen([loc '/table3.html'], 'w');
+fwrite(fid, H1);
+disp(['  table3.html']);
+% TABLE 4 - Plots
+H1 = [H0 '&nbsp ',cr,...
+      '<div ALIGN=right><table BORDER COLS=11 WIDTH="100%" NOSAVE >', cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<tr align=center>' cr];
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Name                     </td>' cr]; %  Name
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Summary                  </td>' cr]; %  1
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Engineering Data         </td>' cr]; %  2
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Profile Error            </td>' cr]; %  3
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Depth                    </td>' cr]; %  4
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Heading Corrections      </td>' cr]; %  5
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Up/Down Differences      </td>' cr]; %  6
+H1 = [H1 '<td> CTD Position / Drag      </td>' cr]; %  7
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Shear spectrum           </td>' cr]; %  8
+H1 = [H1 '<td> SADCP U, V               </td>' cr]; %  9
+H1 = [H1 '<td> U, V Offsets, Tilt Error </td>' cr]; % 10
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Error Messages / Battery </td>' cr]; % 11
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Inversion Constraints    </td>' cr]; % 12
+H1 = [H1 '<td> Bottom track performance </td>' cr]; % 13
+for i = 1:length(d)
+   H1 = [H1 '<tr align=center>' cr];
+   f = netcdf([loc '/' d(i).name]);
+   cruiseid = f{'name'}(:)';
+   if WARN(i)
+      H1 = [H1 '<td> <font color="red">' cruiseid '</font></td>' cr];      
+   else
+      H1 = [H1 '<td>' cruiseid                     '</td>' cr];
+   end
+   for j = 1:13
+      ps = char([d(i).name(1:end-3) '_' int2str(j) '.ps']);
+      pn = char([d(i).name(1:end-3) '_' int2str(j) '.png']);
+      if exist([loc '/' pn],'file')
+	 H1 = [H1 '<td><a href=' pn '> PNG' int2str(j) '</a></td>' cr];
+      elseif exist([loc '/' ps],'file')
+	 H1 = [H1 '<td><a href=' ps '> PS ' int2str(j) '</a></td>' cr];
+      else
+	 H1 = [H1 '<td> no ' int2str(j) '</td>' cr];
+      end
+   end
+   close(f)
+fid = fopen([loc '/table4.html'], 'w');
+fwrite(fid, H1);
+disp(['  table4.html']);
+% Map of Casts
+disp([' Creating Map of Casts']);
+load topo.mat
+orient tall
+if abs(median(LON)) > 90
+   LON(LON < 0) = LON(LON < 0) + 360;
+lonmin = floor(min(LON));
+lonmax = ceil(max(LON));
+latmin = floor(min(LAT));
+latmax = ceil(max(LAT));
+n = length(d);
+col = hsv(n);
+dx = .02 * (lonmax-lonmin);
+dy = .02 * (latmax-latmin);
+lon = LON;
+lat = LAT;
+topo_2 = [topo topo];
+topo_x = -359.5:359.5;
+topo_y = -89.5:89.5;
+axes('pos', [.1 .7 .8 .2])
+pcolor(topo_x, topo_y, topo_2)
+shading flat
+hold on
+plot([lonmin lonmax lonmax lonmin lonmin lonmax], ...
+     [latmin latmin latmax latmax latmin latmin], '-r', 'linewidth', 3)
+title(name, 'fontsize', 20)
+axes('pos', [.1 .1 .8 .5])
+pcolor(topo_x, topo_y, topo_2)
+shading interp
+hold on
+for i = 1:n
+   if station(i) == 1 | station(i) == max(station)
+      plot(lon(i), lat(i), '.', 'markersize', 30, 'color', col(i,:))
+      text(lon(i)+dx, lat(i)+dy, int2str(station(i)), 'color', [0 0 0])
+   else
+      plot(lon(i), lat(i), '.', 'markersize', 20, 'color', col(i,:))      
+      if mod(station(i),10) == 0
+	 text(lon(i)+dx, lat(i)+dy, int2str(station(i)), 'color', [0 0 0])
+      end
+   end
+% Put Text Labels On Top
+htext = findall(gca, 'type', 'text');
+ltext = findall(gca, 'type', 'line');
+child = get(gca, 'children');
+set(gca, 'children', [htext; ltext; setxor([htext; ltext], child)]);
+axis([lonmin lonmax latmin latmax])
+ylabel('Latitude [^oN]', 'fontsize', 12)
+xlabel('Longitude [^oE]', 'fontsize', 12)
+eval(['print -dpsc ' loc '/' name '.ps']);
+disp(['  ' name '.ps']);
+s = system(['convert -density 150 ' loc '/' name '.ps ' loc '/' name '.gif']);
+if s
+   disp([' Unable to create ' name '.gif']);
+   disp(['  ' name '.gif']);
+cwd = pwd;
+loc = pwd;
+disp([' View HTML Table at:'])
+disp(['  file://' loc '/table0.html']);