changeset 0 0a450563f904
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/loadctdprof.m	Tue Oct 20 16:23:49 2009 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+%                    L O A D C T D P R O F . M 
+%                    doc: Thu Jun 17 23:17:25 2004
+%                    dlm: Fri Mar  5 15:48:54 2010
+%                    (c) 2004 ladcp@
+%                    uE-Info: 77 13 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 8 NIL ofnI
+%   Jul 17, 2008: - removed dependence on p.nav_start, because that's
+%		    not set in [loadnav.m] any more
+%   Jul 27, 2008: - nanmean() -> meannan()
+%   Jan  7, 2009: - tightened use of exist()
+function [d,p]=loadctdprof(f,d,p,ipos,isub)
+% function [d,p]=loadctdprof(f,d,p,ipos,isub)
+% LADCP-2 software version 7.0 
+% you might want to change it to accomodate your own data format
+% load and merges LDEO ctdfile
+% ipos(1) : pressure
+% ipos(2) : temperature (in situ)
+% ipos(3) : salinity
+% computes sound speed 
+% computes static stability
+% Martin Visbeck, 6/10/99
+% revised March 2002
+% revised December 2002
+% CLIVAR P02 (VANC32) CTD profiles do not contain lat/lon;
+% threfore, they are taken from p.nav_start
+if nargin<5, isub=1; end
+if nargin<4, ipos=[1,2,3]; end
+% read ctd data file
+disp(['LOADCTDPROF: load CTD profile ',f.ctdprof])
+if ~exist(f.ctdprof,'file')
+ warn=([' LOADCTDPROF can not find ',f.ctdprof]);
+ p.warnp(size(p.warnp,1)+1,1:length(warn))=warn;
+ disp(warn)
+ return
+if length(posctd) == 2
+	d.ctdprof_lon=posctd(2);
+	d.ctdprof_lat=posctd(1);
+elseif p.navdata
+	d.ctdprof_lon = meannan(d.slon);
+	d.ctdprof_lat = meannan(d.slat);
+	error('do not know how to determine CTD position');
+% get N^2
+if exist('sw_bfrq','file')
+ d.ctdprof_N2=sw_bfrq(d.ctdprof_s,d.ctdprof_t,d.ctdprof_p,d.ctdprof_lat);
+ d.ctdprof_N2(end+1)=d.ctdprof_N2(end);
+ d.ctdprof_ss=sw_svel(d.ctdprof_s,d.ctdprof_t,d.ctdprof_p);
+ disp(' download SW routines to get soundspeed and N^2 ')
+% get maximum ctdepth
+disp([' CTD max depth : ',int2str(max(d.ctdprof_z))])
+if ~isfinite(p.zpar(2));
+ p.zpar(2)=fix(max(d.ctdprof_z));
+function depth=p2z(p,lat)
+% !!!!!! USES Z=0 AT P=0  (I.E. NOT 1ATM AT SEA SURFACE)
+%	pressure to depth conversion using
+%	saunders&fofonoff's method (deep sea res.,
+%	1976,23,109-111)
+%	formula refitted for alpha(p,t,s) = eos80
+%	units:
+%		depth         z        meter
+%		pressure      p        dbars  (original in bars, but below
+%                                              division by 10 is included)
+%		latitude      lat      deg
+%	checkvalue:
+%		depth =       9712.654  m
+%	for
+%		p     =         1000.     bars
+%		lat   =           30.     deg
+%	real lat,p
+        if nargin < 2, lat=54; end
+        p=p/10.;
+	x=sin(lat/57.29578);
+	x=x*x;
+	gr=9.780318*(1.0+(5.2788e-3+2.36e-5*x)*x)+1.092e-5*p;
+	depth=(((-1.82e-11*p+2.279e-7).*p-2.2512e-3).*p+97.2659).*p;
+	depth=depth./gr;
+function [d,pos]=readctd(file,isub,index)
+% read CTD data
+pos = [];
+if nargin<2, isub=1; end
+for i=1:isub:lt
+ d=[d;sscanf(A(i,:),'%g')'];
+if nargin>2
+ d=d(:,index);
+% -----------------------------------------------------
+function        AR=setstr2(A,cr)
+% function      AR=setstr2(A,cr)
+% reshape charater string vector A
+% in record structure
+% cr = 10 (default)
+% remove line feeds
+if nargin<2, cr=10;, end
+% fill array with blanks
+for i=1:n
+ j=(ii(i)+1):(ii(i+1)-1);
+ if length(j)>0
+  j1=j-j(1)+1;
+  AR(i,j1)=A(j)';
+ end