changeset 0 0a450563f904
child 1 ea3f25d9ba76
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/loadnav.m	Tue Oct 20 16:23:49 2009 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+%                    L O A D N A V . M 
+%                    doc: Thu Jun 17 18:01:50 2004
+%                    dlm: Fri Mar  5 15:49:00 2010
+%                    (c) 2004 ladcp@
+%                    uE-Info: 167 13 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 8 NIL ofnI
+%   Jun 26, 2004: - totally re-wrote the file-reading, which reduces
+%		    run time by over factor 90(!!!) --- 5.7 instead of
+%		    527 seconds in the test case --- for deep casts
+%   Jul  1, 2004: - added support for time bases
+%		  - made input definition flexible
+%		  - removed ipos argument
+%   Dec 18, 2004: - BUG: header_lines > 0 did not work
+%   Jun  9, 2005: - improved time-base comments
+%   Aug  9, 2006: - added support for elapsed-time
+%   Jan  5, 2007: - removed LADDER-1 specific code for IX_4 distribution
+%		  - added Dan Torres' code to interpolate irregular
+%		    GPS time series
+%		  - added nav file layout into p structure
+%   Jan 17, 2007: - added support for new [geomag.m]
+%   Jan 26, 2007: - BUG: file layout default was in p (rather than f) structure
+%   Jun 30, 2008: - adapted to calculate magdev using external program geomag60
+%   Jul  2, 2008: - BUG: missing "" in geomag command to allow spcs in 
+%			 cof-file path
+%   Jul 17, 2008: - moved some code to [loadctd.m] to fix bug associated with
+%		    adjusting of start/end positions in case of significant
+%		    ADCP vs GPS/CTD clock offset (unclear whether this happened
+%		    only when elapsed time was used)
+%   Jul 27, 2008: - nanmean() -> meannan()
+%   Oct 15, 2008: - replaced mean by median to get lat/lon (bad outliers in L1 data set)
+%   Dec  1, 2009: - BUG: geomag date check was wrong (Dec 1 2009 resulted in a date >= 2010)
+%   Jan 22, 2010: - adapted to Eric Firing's much simplified magdec utility
+function [d,p]=loadnav(f,d,p)
+% function [d,p]=loadnav(f,d,p)
+% This routine works for generic ASCII files, containing GPS time series,
+% with fields time, lat and lon.
+p = setdefv(p,'navtime_av',2/60/24);
+f = setdefv(f,'nav_header_lines',0);
+f = setdefv(f,'nav_fields_per_line',3);
+f = setdefv(f,'nav_time_field',1);
+f = setdefv(f,'nav_lat_field',2);
+f = setdefv(f,'nav_lon_field',3);
+% 	0 for elapsed time in seconds
+% 	1 for year-day (1.0 = Jan 1, 00:00)
+% 	2 for Visbeck's Gregorian (see gregoria.m)
+p = setdefv(p,'nav_time_base',0);
+%   Jun 26, 2004: - totally re-wrote the file-reading, which reduces
+%		    run time by over factor 90(!!!) --- 5.7 instead of
+%		    527 seconds in the test case --- for deep casts
+%   Jul  1, 2004: - added support for time bases
+%		  - made input definition flexible
+%		  - removed ipos argument
+%   Dec 18, 2004: - BUG: header_lines > 0 did not work
+%   Jun  9, 2005: - improved time-base comments
+%   Aug  9, 2006: - added support for elapsed-time
+%   Jan  5, 2007: - removed LADDER-1 specific code for IX_4 distribution
+%		  - added Dan Torres' code to interpolate irregular
+%		    GPS time series
+%		  - added nav file layout into p structure
+%   Jan 17, 2007: - added support for new [geomag.m]
+%   Jan 26, 2007: - BUG: file layout default was in p (rather than f) structure
+%   Jan  7, 2009: - tightened use of exist()
+disp(['LOADNAV: load NAV time series ',f.nav])
+if ~exist(f.nav,'file')
+ disp([' can not find ',f.nav])
+ return
+% construct input format
+cur_field = 1; input_format = '';
+for i=1:f.nav_fields_per_line
+  switch i,
+    case f.nav_time_field,
+      i_time = cur_field; cur_field = cur_field + 1;
+      input_format = [input_format ' %g'];
+    case f.nav_lat_field
+      i_lat = cur_field; cur_field = cur_field + 1;
+      input_format = [input_format ' %g'];
+    case f.nav_lon_field
+      i_lon = cur_field; cur_field = cur_field + 1;
+      input_format = [input_format ' %g'];
+    otherwise
+      input_format = [input_format ' %*g'];
+  end
+if cur_field ~= 4
+  error('File format definition error');
+% open input & skip header
+header_lines = f.nav_header_lines;
+while header_lines > 0
+  fgets(fp);
+  header_lines = header_lines - 1;
+% read time series
+[A,nread] = fscanf(fp,input_format,[3,inf]);
+% close file
+% NAV time
+switch f.nav_time_base
+  case 0 % elapsed time in seconds
+    d.navtime_jul = d.navtime_jul/24/3600 + julian(p.time_start);
+  case 1 % year-day
+    d.navtime_jul = d.navtime_jul + julian([p.time_start(1) 1 0 0 0 0]);
+disp([' number of NAV scans: ',int2str(length(d.navtime_jul)),...
+       '  delta t : ',num2str(median(diff(d.navtime_jul))*24*3600),' seconds'])
+% interpolate to regular time series
+%	code provided by Dan Torres
+if p.interp_nav_times
+  min_t = min(d.navtime_jul);
+  max_t = max(d.navtime_jul);
+  delta_t = median(diff(d.navtime_jul));
+  data = interp1q(d.navtime_jul,A([i_lat i_lon],:)',[min_t:delta_t:max_t]');
+  d.navtime_jul = [min_t:delta_t:max_t]';
+  disp(sprintf(' interpolated to %d NAV scans; delta_t = %.2f seconds',...
+		length(d.navtime_jul),median(diff(d.navtime_jul))*24*3600));
+  data=A([i_lat i_lon],:)';
+p.navdata = 1;
+d.slat = data(:,1);
+d.slon = data(:,2);
+% =================================================================
+% - at this point nav data is in d.navtime_jul, d.slon, d.slat
+%   and p.navdata is set to 1
+% - time shifting & extraction of begin/end position is handled
+%   in [loadctd.m]
+% =================================================================
+if ~isfinite(p.drot)		      % set magdecl
+ [s,o] = system('magdec');
+ if s == 1
+   p.drot = geomag(f,meannan(d.navtime_jul),medianan(d.slat),medianan(d.slon));
+ else	 
+   warn = sprintf('"magdec" not found; using old magdev code with IGRF00',f.IGRF);
+   disp(['WARNING: ' warn]);
+   p.warn(size(p.warn,1)+1,1:length(warn))=warn;
+   p.drot = magdev(medianan(d.slat),medianan(d.slon));
+ end
+ [d.ru,d.rv]=uvrot(d.ru,d.rv,p.drot);
+ [d.bvel(:,1),d.bvel(:,2)]=uvrot(d.bvel(:,1),d.bvel(:,2),p.drot);
+ disp(sprintf(' corrected for magnetic declination of %.1f deg',p.drot));
+% ================================================================
+function depth=p2z(p,lat)
+% !!!!!! USES Z=0 AT P=0  (I.E. NOT 1ATM AT SEA SURFACE)
+%	pressure to depth conversion using
+%	saunders&fofonoff's method (deep sea res.,
+%	1976,23,109-111)
+%	formula refitted for alpha(p,t,s) = eos80
+%	units:
+%		depth         z        meter
+%		pressure      p        dbars  (original in bars, but below
+%                                              division by 10 is included)
+%		latitude      lat      deg
+%	checkvalue:
+%		depth =       9712.654  m
+%	for
+%		p     =         1000.     bars
+%		lat   =           30.     deg
+%	real lat,p
+        if nargin < 2, lat=54; end
+        p=p/10.;
+	x=sin(lat/57.29578);
+	x=x*x;
+	gr=9.780318*(1.0+(5.2788e-3+2.36e-5*x)*x)+1.092e-5*p;
+	depth=(((-1.82e-11*p+2.279e-7).*p-2.2512e-3).*p+97.2659).*p;
+	depth=depth./gr;
+function a=datestrj(b)
+% print julian date string
+a=datestr(b-julian([0 1 0 0 0 0]));
+function [hours]=hms2h(h,m,s);
+%HMS2H converts hours, minutes, and seconds to hours
+%  Usage:  [hours]=hms2h(h,m,s);   or [hours]=hms2h(hhmmss);
+if nargin== 1,
+   hms=h;
+   h=floor(hms/10000);
+   ms=hms-h*10000;
+   m=floor(ms/100);
+   s=ms-m*100;
+   hours=h+m/60+s/3600;
+   hours=h+(m+s/60)/60;
+function  dev=geomag(f,date,lat,lon);
+% function  dev=geomag(f,date,lat,lon);
+% call SOEST magdec to compute magnetic deviation
+%	- src available as "geomag" at http://currents.soest.hawaii.edu/hg/hgwebdir.cgi
+%	- on UNIX systems (I tested Linux, MacOSX & FreeBSD), 
+%		1) compile by typing "make" or "gmake" in source directory
+%		2) install by typing "make install" or "gmake install" as root
+%		3) test by executing matlab command "system('magdec')"
+%			if this test produces an error and a return value of 127, 
+%			the path is not set correctly
+dstr = gregoria(date);					% convert date (approx)
+year = dstr(1); month = dstr(2); day = dstr(3);
+if (year < 1900 || year >= 2011)
+	error(sprintf('year = %d out of range',year));
+							% execute external program
+CMD = sprintf('magdec %g %g %d %d %d',lon,lat,year,month,day);
+disp(sprintf('executing %s',CMD));
+[status,work] = system(CMD);
+if status ~= 0
+	error(['cannot execute <' CMD '>']);
+vals = sscanf(work,'%g');				% parse output
+if length(vals) ~= 4
+	error(['unexpected output from <' CMD '>']);
+dev = vals(1);						% return result