changeset 22 624b1ed6e9c9
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/calc_shear3.m	Sat Apr 10 08:03:07 2021 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+function [ds,p,dr] = calc_shear3(d,p,ps,dr)
+% function [ds,p,dr] = calc_shear3(d,p,ps,dr)
+% - compute shear profiles 
+% - use only central difference
+% - use 2*std editing
+% version 8  last change 06.08.2019
+%  Martin Visbeck, LDEO, 3/7/97
+% some modifications and code cleanup                          GK, 16.05.2015  2-->3
+% reinstated the use of d.weight for the identification of shear pairs
+%                                                              GK, 03.12.2018  3-->4 
+% reorganization of the dz handling                            GK, 12.12.2018  4-->5
+% added error output, catch different shear methods            GK, 22.07.2019  5-->6
+% more text output                                             
+% added new parameter  ps.shear_throw_out_percent              GK, 05.08.2019  6-->7
+% fixed bug in shear calculation                               GK, 06.08.2019  7-->8
+%                    C A L C _ S H E A R 3 . M 
+%                    doc: Thu Sep  5 10:58:55 2019
+%                    dlm: Thu Sep  5 16:27:19 2019
+%                    (c) 2019 G. Krahmann
+%                    uE-Info: 31 1 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
+%	Sep  5, 2019: - added local_weight to another case in if
+%				  - added defaults provided by Gerd
+%				  - removed 'messages' variable
+%				  - replaced all "replace" statements (required 
+%				    removal of warning)
+%				  - added nmin() nmax() nmean() nstd()
+%				  - disabled code (replaced if 0 by if 1) calling
+%				  	meanoutlier
+% Defaults from Gerd (email 9/5/2019):
+% average over data within how many standard deviations from median
+% this is the value used by the old calc_shear2.m
+% In calc_shear3.m the outlying fraction of data is discarded. Assuming a
+% normal distribution a value of stdf=2 converts to an outlier fraction of
+% 5%, stdf=3 converts to 1% and stdf=1 converts to 32%.
+% Internally in calc_shear3 this is converted so that shear_stdf does not
+% need to be changed.
+ps.shear_stdf = 2;
+% the minimum weight a bin must have to be accepted for shear
+ps.shear_weightmin = nan;
+% this one is similar to shear_weight_min, but gives the percentage of
+% values thrown out. The routine throws out the xx% values with the
+% lowest weight. The weights are the correlation based ones.
+ps.shear_throw_out_percent = 10;
+% general function info
+disp(' ')
+disp(['CALC_SHEAR3:  calculate a baroclinic velocity profile based on shears only'])
+% decide whether central differences or simple differences are to be used in
+% the shear calculation
+% 1: simple differences
+% 2: central differences
+diff_type = 2;
+% resolution of final shear profile in meter
+dz =;
+shear_dz = dz * diff_type;
+disp(['    Averaging shear profile over ',num2str(shear_dz),' m intervals'])
+% Discard a certain amount of data as suspected outliers that
+% for relatively small numbers of values will skew the mean.
+% In the old calc_shear2.m the allowed range was the std of the shears 
+% times the set factor stdf. Default was stdf=2 .
+% In calc_shear3.m the outlier determination is iterative and thus a bit
+% safer in calculation. The allowed range is set as a fraction of the whole
+% population. For gaussian distributions stdf converts to this fraction.
+% As usually stdf is not varied much, we have implemented a lookup list
+% here.
+use_new_outlier = 1;
+stdf = ps.shear_stdf;
+if use_new_outlier==1
+  fracs = 1 - [31.8,13.4,4.5,1.3,0.3]/100;
+  stdfs = [1,1.5,2,2.5,3];
+  [dummy,ind] = min(abs(stdf-stdfs));
+  frac = fracs(ind);
+disp(['    Maximum allowed std within calculation intervals : ',num2str(stdf)])
+disp(['    Data deviating more from the median will be discarded.'])
+% check if only one istrument is to be used
+if ps.up_dn_looker==2
+  % down looker only
+  d.weight(d.izu,:)=nan;
+elseif ps.up_dn_looker==3
+  % up looker only
+  d.weight(d.izd,:)=nan;
+% Apply a weight threshold to shear data.
+% There are two variants.
+% First one is used when ps.shear_throw_out_percent is not NaN.
+%   This one throws out the xx% shears with the lowest correlation-derived weights.
+% Second one is used when ps.shear_weightmin is not NaN.
+%   This one sets a minimum weight to keep the shears.
+% First one is now default with 10%.
+disp(['    Correlation-derived weights range from ',num2str(nmin(d.weight(:))),' to ',num2str(nmax(d.weight(:)))])
+if ~isnan(ps.shear_throw_out_percent)
+  local_weight = d.weight;
+  ind = find(isfinite(local_weight));
+  [dummy,ind2] = sort(local_weight(ind));
+  if length(ind2)>9
+    local_weight(ind(ind2(1:floor(length(ind2)/10)))) = nan;
+  end
+elseif ~isnan(ps.shear_weightmin)
+  disp(['    Minimum weight  ',num2str(ps.shear_weightmin),' for data to be used in shear calc.'])
+  local_weight = double(d.weight>ps.shear_weightmin);
+  disp('>   No weight criterion applied to raw shear data.')
+  disp('>   You should set  ps.shear_throw_out_percent  or  ps.shear_weightmin')
+  local_weight = d.weight;
+disp(['    Removed ',int2str(100-sum(isfinite(local_weight))/sum(isfinite(d.weight))*100),...
+  ' % of data with lowest weights from shear calculation.'])
+disp(['    New weights range from ',num2str(nmin(local_weight(:))),' to ',num2str(nmax(local_weight(:)))])
+% convert the weights to 1 and NaN
+local_weight(find(local_weight <= 0)) = nan;
+local_weight(find(local_weight > 0))  = 1;
+% compute shear
+% two ways are offered here
+% first:   central differences for the shears
+% second:  single differences 
+% the first is similar to the ways of the old calc_shear2.m
+% central differences
+if diff_type==2
+  local_weight = [repmat(nan,1,size(local_weight,2));diff2(local_weight)+1;repmat(nan,1,size(local_weight,2))];
+  ushear = [NaN*,:);diff2(,:))./diff2(d.izm);NaN*,:)].*local_weight;
+  vshear = [NaN*d.rv(1,:);diff2(d.rv(:,:))./diff2(d.izm);NaN*d.rv(1,:)].*local_weight;
+  wshear = [NaN*,:);diff2(,:))./diff2(d.izm);NaN*,:)].*local_weight;
+  zshear = -d.izm;
+% single differences
+  ushear = diff(*local_weight )./diff(d.izm);
+  vshear = diff( d.rv.*local_weight )./diff(d.izm);
+  wshear = diff(*local_weight )./diff(d.izm);
+  zshear = -(d.izm(1:end-1,:)+d.izm(2:end,:))/2;
+ds.ushear = ushear;
+ds.vshear = vshear;
+ds.wshear = wshear;
+ds.zshear = zshear;
+% set depth levels
+z = dr.z;
+% prepare shear solution result vectors
+ds.usm = repmat(nan,length(z),1);
+ds.vsm = ds.usm;
+ds.wsm = ds.usm;
+ds.usmd = ds.usm;
+ds.vsmd = ds.usm;
+ds.use = ds.usm;
+ds.vse = ds.usm;
+ds.wse = ds.usm;
+ds.nn = ds.usm;
+ds.z = z;
+% loop over depth levels and calculate the average shear at that level
+% in the case of central differences this is oversampled here
+% but by sticking with the same resolution it makes the results easier
+% to work with
+for n=[1:length(z)]
+  i1 = find( ( abs( zshear - z(n) ) <= shear_dz/2 ) & isfinite( ushear + vshear ) );
+  ds.nn(n) = length(i1);
+  if ds.nn(n) > 2
+    % two ways to select outliers
+    % first:   select all that are beyond a fixed range around the median
+    % second:  iteratively reject the worst (largest distance from mean)
+    %          until a fixed fraction is rejected
+    % the second is usually the safer calculation but is a bit slower
+    if 1
+      usmm = median( ushear(i1) );
+      ussd1 = std( ushear(i1) );
+      vsmm = median( vshear(i1) );
+      vssd1 = std( vshear(i1) );
+      wsmm = median( wshear(i1) );
+      wssd1 = std( wshear(i1) );
+      ii1 = i1( find(abs(ushear(i1)-usmm)<stdf*ussd1) );
+      ii2 = i1( find(abs(vshear(i1)-vsmm)<stdf*vssd1) );
+      ii3 = i1( find(abs(wshear(i1)-wsmm)<stdf*wssd1) );
+    else
+      [dummy,ii1] = meanoutlier(ushear(i1),frac);
+      [dummy,ii2] = meanoutlier(vshear(i1),frac);
+      [dummy,ii3] = meanoutlier(wshear(i1),frac);
+      ii1 = i1(ii1);
+      ii2 = i1(ii2);
+      ii3 = i1(ii3);
+    end
+    % two ways of calculating the mean and std of the selected shears
+    % first:  if there is a rejected one in any of u,v,w shears then use it
+    %         for non of the calculations
+    % second: if there is a rejected one in any of u,v,w shears then use it
+    %         only in u,v or w calculations
+    % the second one is the one used by the old calc_shear2.m
+    % but to me this does not make sense, GK May 2015
+    if 1
+      dummy = zeros(size(ushear));
+      dummy(ii1) = 1;
+      dummy(ii2) = dummy(ii2)+1;
+      dummy(ii3) = dummy(ii3)+1;
+      ii = find(dummy==3);
+      if length(ii)>1
+        ds.usm(n) = mean(ushear(ii));
+        ds.usmd(n) = median(ushear(ii));
+        ds.use(n) = std(ushear(ii));
+        ds.ii(n) = length(ii);
+        ds.vsm(n) = mean(vshear(ii));
+        ds.vsmd(n) = median(vshear(ii));
+        ds.vse(n) = std(vshear(ii));
+        ds.wsm(n) = mean(wshear(ii));
+        ds.wsmd(n) = median(wshear(ii));
+        ds.wse(n) = std(wshear(ii));
+        % debugging plot 
+        if 0
+          figure(3)
+          clf
+          subplot(3,1,1)
+          hist(ushear(ii),30)
+          hold on
+          ax = axis;
+          plot([1,1]*mean(ushear(ii)),ax(3:4),'r')
+          plot([1,1]*median(ushear(ii)),ax(3:4),'m')
+          ind = find(dr.z==z(n));
+          if ind<length(dr.u)
+            plot([1,1]*(dr.u(ind-1)-dr.u(ind+1))/20,ax(3:4),'g')
+          end
+          title(int2str(z(n)))
+          subplot(3,1,2)
+          hist(vshear(ii),30)
+          hold on
+          ax = axis;
+          plot([1,1]*mean(vshear(ii)),ax(3:4),'r')
+          plot([1,1]*median(vshear(ii)),ax(3:4),'m')
+          ind = find(dr.z==z(n));
+          if ind<length(dr.u)
+            plot([1,1]*(dr.v(ind-1)-dr.v(ind+1))/20,ax(3:4),'g')
+          end
+          subplot(3,1,3)
+          hist( zshear(ii)-z(n), 30 )
+          pause
+        end 
+      end
+    else
+      if length(ii1)>1
+        ds.usm(n) = mean(ushear(ii1));
+        ds.usmd(n) = median(ushear(ii1));
+        ds.use(n) = std(ushear(ii1));
+      end
+      if length(ii2)>1
+        ds.vsm(n) = mean(vshear(ii2));
+        ds.vsmd(n) = median(vshear(ii2));
+        ds.vse(n) = std(vshear(ii2));
+      end
+      if length(ii3)>1
+        ds.wsm(n) = mean(wshear(ii3));
+        ds.wsmd(n) = median(wshear(ii3));
+        ds.wse(n) = nstd(wshear(ii3));
+      end
+    end
+  end
+% a debugging figure
+if 0
+orient tall
+hold on
+inv_shear_u = -diff(dr.u-mean(dr.u))/dz;
+hold on
+inv_shear_v = -diff(dr.v-mean(dr.v))/dz;
+% integrate shear profile (from bottom up)
+ds.usm(find(isnan(ds.usm))) = 0;
+ds.vsm(find(isnan(ds.vsm))) = 0;
+ds.wsm(find(isnan(ds.wsm))) = 0;
+%if length(ind)/length(ds.usm)*100>5
+%  disp(['>   Found ',num2str(length(ind)/length(ds.usm)*100),...
+%    '% Nan in shear data. Integration result might be problematic.'])
+if 1
+  ds.ur = flipud(cumsum(flipud(ds.usm)))*dz;
+  ds.vr = flipud(cumsum(flipud(ds.vsm)))*dz;
+  ds.wr = flipud(cumsum(flipud(ds.wsm)))*dz;
+  ds.ur = flipud(cumsum(flipud(ds.usmd)))*dz;
+  ds.vr = flipud(cumsum(flipud(ds.vsmd)))*dz;
+  ds.wr = flipud(cumsum(flipud(ds.wsmd)))*dz;
+ds.ur = ds.ur-mean(ds.ur);
+ds.vr = ds.vr-mean(ds.vr);
+ds.wr = ds.wr-mean(ds.wr);
+% This is a peculiar place for the single ping error estimate. But 
+% as it is based on the variability in the data itself, it makes sense.
+% The assumption is that there should be basically zero shear in the
+% vertical velocities. At least it is so small as to be not detectable
+% here. Thus any variability in the vertical shear is caused by the
+% errors/noise of the measurement. Together with an angular conversion
+% factor this gives an error/noise value for the horizontal velocities.
+if ~isfield(d,'zd')
+  dz2 = abs(nmean(diff(d.z)));
+  dz2 = diff_type*abs(mean(diff(d.zd)));
+if isfield(d,'down')
+  fac = 1/tan(d.down.Beam_angle*pi/180)*sqrt(2)*dz2;
+  fac = 1/tan(d.up.Beam_angle*pi/180)*sqrt(2)*dz2;
+ds.ensemble_vel_err = ds.wse*fac;
+dr.ensemble_vel_err = ds.wse*fac;
+% store result and give text output
+dr.u_shear_method = ds.ur;
+dr.v_shear_method = ds.vr;
+dr.w_shear_method = ds.wr;
+uds = nstd(dr.u-mean(dr.u)-ds.ur);
+vds = nstd(dr.v-mean(dr.v)-ds.vr);
+uvds = sqrt(uds^2+vds^2);
+disp(['    Inversion average error : ',num2str(nmean( dr.uerr ) ),' m/s'])
+if uvds>nmean(dr.uerr)*1.5
+  error_increase_factor = 1/nmean(dr.uerr)*uvds/1.5;
+  warn = ('>   Increasing error estimate because of elevated shear - inverse difference');
+  disp(warn)
+  disp(['>   by a factor of ',num2str(error_increase_factor)])
+  disp(['>   std of difference between regular and shear profile : ',num2str(uvds),' m/s'])
+  p.warnp(size(p.warnp,1)+1,1:length(warn))=warn;
+  dr.uerr = dr.uerr * error_increase_factor;
+disp(['    Final average error : ',num2str(nmean( dr.uerr ) ),' m/s'])
+function x = diff2(x,k,dn)
+%DIFF2   Difference function.  If X is a vector [x(1) x(2) ... x(n)],
+%       then DIFF(X) returns a vector of central differences between
+%       elements [x(3)-x(1)  x(4)-x(2) ... x(n)-x(n-2)].  If X is a
+%	matrix, the differences are calculated down each column:
+%       DIFF(X) = X(3:n,:) - X(1:n-2,:).
+%	DIFF(X,n) is the n'th difference function.
+%	J.N. Little 8-30-85
+%	Copyright (c) 1985, 1986 by the MathWorks, Inc.
+if nargin < 2,	k = 1; end
+if nargin < 3,	dn = 2; end
+for i=1:k
+	[m,n] = size(x);
+	if m == 1
+                x = x(1+dn:n) - x(1:n-dn);
+	else
+                x = x(1+dn:m,:) - x(1:m-dn,:);
+	end
+function m = nmin(d)
+	m = min(d(find(isfinite(d))));
+function m = nmax(d)
+	m = max(d(find(isfinite(d))));
+function m = nmean(d)
+	m = mean(d(find(isfinite(d))));
+function m = nstd(d)
+	m = std(d(find(isfinite(d))));