changeset 22 624b1ed6e9c9
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/checkbtrk.m.orig	Sat Apr 10 08:03:07 2021 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+function p=checkbtrk(d,di,de,dr,p);
+% compare RDI to own bottom track
+%                    C H E C K B T R K . M 
+%                    doc: Sat Jul  3 23:57:25 2004
+%                    dlm: Wed Sep  4 18:19:17 2019
+%                    (c) 2004 ladcp@
+%                    uE-Info: 309 48 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 8 NIL ofnI
+%  Jul  4, 2004: - adapted to [edit_data.m], i.e. plot unedited data
+%		   in black & edited in blue; also use unedited data
+%		   to calculate bias slope
+%  Jul 16, 2004: - adapted to changes in [edit_data.m]
+%  Mar  5, 2010: - debugging???
+%  Oct  1, 2010: - BUG: code bombed when bottom was detected (i.e. p.zbottom
+%			was set) but when all these bottom returns turned out
+%			to be outside the valid range (i.e. almost certainly 
+%			false)
+%  Sep  4, 2019: - fixed plotting BUGs reported by GK
+if ~existf(p,'zbottom'), return , end
+if ~isfinite(p.zbottom), return, end
+if ~existf(d,'bvel_own'), d.bvel_own=d.bvel*nan; d.hbot_own=d.hbot*nan; end
+if ~existf(d,'bvel_rdi'), d.bvel_rdi=d.bvel*nan; d.hbot_rdi=d.hbot*nan; end
+  ii=find(abs(d.z+p.zbottom)<max(p.btrk_range) & ...
+          abs(d.z+p.zbottom)>min(p.btrk_range));
+  if isempty(ii), p.zbottom = nan, return, end
+  if existf(d,'bvel_rdi')
+   bu_rdi=d.bvel_rdi(ii,1);
+   bv_rdi=d.bvel_rdi(ii,2);
+   bw_rdi=d.bvel_rdi(ii,3);
+  else
+   bu_rdi=d.bvel(ii,1)*nan;
+   bv_rdi=d.bvel(ii,2)*nan;
+   bw_rdi=d.bvel(ii,3)*nan;
+  end
+  if existf(d,'hbot_rdi')
+   bh_rdi=d.hbot_rdi(ii);
+  else
+   bh_rdi=d.hbot(ii)*nan;
+  end
+  u_o=interp1(dr.z,dr.u,-d.z(ii)');
+  u_c=-interp1(dr.tim',dr.uctd',d.time_jul(ii)');
+  bu_own=d.bvel_own(ii,1);
+  bv_own=d.bvel_own(ii,2);
+  bw_own=d.bvel_own(ii,3);
+  bh_own=d.hbot_own(ii);
+  v_o=interp1(dr.z,dr.v,-d.z(ii)');
+  v_c=-interp1(dr.tim',dr.vctd',d.time_jul(ii)');
+  ij=find((d.izm(d.izd,ii)+p.zbottom)<d.zd(1));
+  rw(ij)=nan;
+  if existf(d,'wctd') ==-1
+   w_c=d.wctd(ii)';
+   disp(' use CTD pressure derived W')
+  else
+   w_c=medianan(rw,3)';
+   disp(' use reference layer W')
+  end
+  w_c2=w_c-[0;diff(w_c)/2 ];
+  bu_used=d.bvel(ii,1);
+  bv_used=d.bvel(ii,2);
+  bw_used=d.bvel(ii,3);
+  bh_used=d.hbot(ii);
+  blen=d.down.Cell_length/100;
+% extract raw velocity data near bottom
+rube =,ii);
+rvbe = d.rv(d.izd,ii);
+rwbe =,ii);
+% the same, but only velocities that passed editing
+ru =; ru(find(~isfinite(d.weight))) = NaN; ru = ru(d.izd,ii);
+rv = d.rv; rv(find(~isfinite(d.weight))) = NaN; rv = rv(d.izd,ii);
+rw =; rw(find(~isfinite(d.weight))) = NaN; rw = rw(d.izd,ii);
+% correct velocities with solved U_ctd
+rua=ru-repmat(u_c',[length(d.izd) 1]); ruabe=rube-repmat(u_c',[length(d.izd) 1]);
+rva=rv-repmat(v_c',[length(d.izd) 1]); rvabe=rvbe-repmat(v_c',[length(d.izd) 1]);
+rwa=rw-repmat(w_c',[length(d.izd) 1]); rwabe=rwbe-repmat(w_c',[length(d.izd) 1]);
+rwan=abs(rw)./abs(repmat(w_c',[length(d.izd) 1]));
+rwanbe=abs(rwbe)./abs(repmat(w_c',[length(d.izd) 1]));
+% try to use w inbetween pings for real bottom track
+if stdnan(bwa1_rdi)>stdnan(bwa2_rdi)
+ bwa_rdi=bwa2_rdi;
+ disp(' use inbetween w-ref')
+ bwa_rdi=bwa1_rdi;
+% save bias and std of bottom track anomaly
+disp(['CHECKBTRK: check bottom track against U_ctd solution '])
+disp([' profiles within give acceptable range: ',int2str(length(ii))])
+disp(['  U bias :',num3str(p.btrk_u_bias,6,3),' [m/s]  std: ',...
+       num3str(p.btrk_u_std,5,3),' [m/s]'])
+disp(['  V bias :',num3str(p.btrk_v_bias,6,3),' [m/s]  std: ',...
+       num3str(p.btrk_v_std,5,3),' [m/s]'])
+disp(['  W bias :',num3str(p.btrk_w_bias,6,3),' [m/s]  std: ',...
+       num3str(p.btrk_w_std,5,3),' [m/s]'])
+if abs(p.btrk_u_bias)>0.1
+ warn=[' large U bottom track bias ',num2str(p.btrk_u_bias)];
+ disp(warn)
+ p.warnp(size(p.warnp,1)+1,1:length(warn))=warn;
+if abs(p.btrk_v_bias)>0.1
+ warn=[' large V bottom track bias ',num2str(p.btrk_v_bias)];
+ disp(warn)
+ p.warnp(size(p.warnp,1)+1,1:length(warn))=warn;
+% correct nominal depth with detected bottom depth
+izm=izm-repmat(zcor,[length(d.izd) 1]);
+% compute bias W slope
+ dz=abs(diff(d.zd(1:2)));
+ wbias=[];
+ zbias=[];
+ nbias=[];
+ for i=1:6
+  dzi=dz*i/2;
+  ij=find(abs(izm+dzi)<(dz/4));
+  nok=sum(isfinite(rwanbe(ij)));
+  if nok>5
+   wbias=[wbias, 1-medianan(rwanbe(ij))];
+   zbias=[zbias, dzi];
+   nbias=[nbias, nok];
+  end
+ end
+ if exist('wbias')==1
+  p.wbslope=polyfit(zbias,wbias,1);
+ else
+  wbias=nan;
+  zbias=nan;
+  p.wbslope=[nan nan];
+ end
+disp(['  W slope fact :',num3str(p.wbslope(1),6,4),' [1/m] lower W below bottom '])
+% compute 'wave' action
+disp(['  W diff :',num3str(p.btrk_wdiff,6,4),' [m/s] ping to ping w difference '])
+disp(['  H std :',num3str(zcor_std,6,1),' [m]  large means bottom is rough/sloped'])
+disp(['  Tilt mean :',num3str(p.btrk_tilt_mean,3,1),' +/- ',...
+           num3str(p.btrk_tilt_std,3,1),' [^o]  '])
+% select bins used for own bottom track
+% plot results
+ subplot(221); hold on;
+ plot(ruabe,izm,'.k');			% all velocities
+ plot(rua,izm,'.g'); 			% edited velocities
+ plot(ruabe(iz),izm(iz),'.r');	% used-for-BT velocities
+ axis tight;
+ ax=axis;
+ ax(1:2)=[-1 1]*0.8;
+ ax(3)=-160;
+ ax(4)=50;
+ vh=floor(ax(1)*20)/20+0.0125 : 0.025: ceil(ax(2)*20)/20;
+ plot(ax(1:2),[0 0],'-')
+ plot([0 0],ax(3:4),'k-','linewidth',1.5)
+ plot([0 0]+p.btrk_u_bias,ax(3:4),'r-','linewidth',1.5)
+ text(tx2,10,' Bottom')
+ if sum(isfinite(bua_rdi))>0
+  [y,x]=hist(bua_rdi,vh);
+  y([1,end])=0;
+  ys=sum(y);
+  [x,y]=stairs(x,y);
+  fill(x,y/max(y)*30-50,'-g')
+  plot([0 0]+medianan(bua_rdi,6),ax(3:4),'-g')
+  text(tx2,-40,['RDI n: ',int2str(ys)])
+  text(0.1,-10,[' bias ',num3str(medianan(bua_rdi,6),6,3)],'color','g')
+ end
+ [y,x]=hist(bua_own,vh);
+ y([1,end])=0;
+ ys=sum(y);
+ [x,y]=stairs(x,y);
+ fill(x,y/max(y)*30-100,'-b')
+ plot([0 0]+medianan(bua_own,6),ax(3:4),'-b')
+ text(tx2,-90,[' own n: ',int2str(ys)])
+ text(0.1,-60,[' bias ',num3str(medianan(bua_own,6),6,3)],'color','b')
+ [y,x]=hist(real(de.bvel-de.uctd(:,1).'),vh);
+ y([1,end])=0;
+ ys=sum(y);
+ [x,y]=stairs(x,y);
+ fill(x,y/max(y)*30-150,'-r')
+ text(tx2,-140,['Sup. ens. n: ',int2str(ys)])
+ text(0.1,-110,[' bias ',num3str(p.btrk_u_bias,6,3)],'color','r')
+ title([' U bot-tr mean U_{ctd} : ',num3str(-meannan(real(de.uctd(:,1))),4,2),...
+        ' [m/s] added'])
+ xlabel(' U [m/s]')
+ ylabel('depth [m]')
+ axis(ax)
+ text(-0.7,-154,['Bottom roughness: ',int2str(p.btrk_rough),' [m]'])
+subplot(222); hold on;
+ plot(rvabe,izm,'.k'); 			% all velocities
+ plot(rvabe,izm,'.g'); 			% edited velocities
+ plot(rvabe(iz),izm(iz),'.r')		% used-for-BT velocities
+ axis tight
+ ax=axis;
+ ax(1:2)=[-1 1]*0.8;
+ ax(3)=-160;
+ ax(4)=50;
+ plot(ax(1:2),[0 0],'-')
+ plot([0 0],ax(3:4),'k-')
+ plot([0 0]+p.btrk_v_bias,ax(3:4),'r-','linewidth',1.5)
+ text(tx2,10,' Bottom')
+ if sum(isfinite(bva_rdi))>0
+  [y,x]=hist(bva_rdi,vh);
+  y([1,end])=0;
+  ys=sum(y);
+  [x,y]=stairs(x,y);
+  fill(x,y/max(y)*30-50,'-g')
+  plot([0 0]+medianan(bva_rdi,6),ax(3:4),'-g')
+  text(tx2,-40,[' RDI n: ',int2str(ys)])
+  text(0.1,-10,[' bias ',num3str(medianan(bva_rdi,6),6,3)],'color','g')
+ end
+ [y,x]=hist(bva_own,vh);
+ y([1,end])=0;
+ ys=sum(y);
+ [x,y]=stairs(x,y);
+ fill(x,y/max(y)*30-100,'-b')
+ plot([0 0]+medianan(bva_own,6),ax(3:4),'-b')
+ text(tx2,-90,[' own n: ',int2str(ys)])
+ text(0.1,-60,[' bias ',num3str(medianan(bva_own,6),6,3)],'color','b')
+ [y,x]=hist(imag(de.bvel-de.uctd(:,1).'),vh);
+ y([1,end])=0;
+ ys=sum(y);
+ [x,y]=stairs(x,y);
+ fill(x,y/max(y)*30-150,'-r')
+ text(tx2,-140,['Sup. ens. n: ',int2str(ys)])
+ text(0.1,-110,[' bias ',num3str(p.btrk_v_bias,6,3)],'color','r')
+ title([' V bot-tr mean V_{ctd} : ',num3str(-meannan(imag(de.uctd(:,1))),4,2),...
+        ' [m/s] added'])
+ xlabel(' V [m/s]')
+ ylabel('depth [m]')
+ text(-0.7,-154,['Tilt : ',num3str(p.btrk_tilt_mean,3,1),' +/- ',...
+                 num3str(p.btrk_tilt_std,3,1),' [^o]'])
+ axis(ax)
+subplot(223); hold on;
+ plot(rwabe,izm,'.k');				% all velocities
+ plot(rwa,izm,'.g');				% edited velocities
+ plot(rwabe(iz),izm(iz),'.r');			% used-for-BT velocities
+ axis tight
+ ax=axis;
+ ax(1:2)=[-1 1]*0.4;
+ vh=floor(ax(1)*20)/20+0.005 : 0.01: ceil(ax(2)*20)/20;
+ ax(3)=-160;
+ ax(4)=50;
+ plot(ax(1:2),[0 0],'-')
+ plot([0 0],ax(3:4),'k-')
+ plot([0 0]+p.btrk_w_bias,ax(3:4),'r-','linewidth',1.5)
+ text(tx2,10,' Bottom')
+ if sum(isfinite(bwa_rdi))>0
+  [y,x]=hist(bwa_rdi,vh);
+  y([1,end])=0;
+  ys=sum(y);
+  [x,y]=stairs(x,y);
+  fill(x,y/max(y)*30-50,'-g')
+  plot([0 0]+medianan(bwa_rdi,6),ax(3:4),'-g')
+  text(tx2,-40,[' RDI n: ',int2str(ys)])
+  text(0.1,-10,[' bias ',num3str(medianan(bva_rdi,6),6,3)],'color','g')
+ end
+ [y,x]=hist(bwa_own,vh);
+ y([1,end])=0;
+ ys=sum(y);
+ [x,y]=stairs(x,y);
+ fill(x,y/max(y)*30-100,'-b')
+ plot([0 0]+medianan(bwa_own,6),ax(3:4),'-b')
+ text(tx2,-90,[' own n: ',int2str(ys)])
+ text(0.1,-60,[' bias ',num3str(medianan(bwa_own,6),6,3)],'color','b')
+ [y,x]=hist(di.bvel(3,:)-medianan(,vh);
+ y([1,end])=0;
+ ys=sum(y);
+ [x,y]=stairs(x,y);
+ fill(x,y/max(y)*30-150,'-r')
+ text(tx2,-140,['Sup. ens. n: ',int2str(ys)])
+ text(0.1,-110,[' bias ',num3str(p.btrk_w_bias,6,3)],'color','r')
+ text(-0.3,-154,['W diff: ',num3str(p.btrk_wdiff,6,3),' [m/s]'])
+ title([' W bottom track [m/s] '])
+ xlabel(' W [m/s]')
+ ylabel('depth [m]')
+ axis(ax)
+subplot(224); hold on;
+ plot(rwanbe,izm,'.k');				% all velocities
+ plot(rwan,izm,'.g');				% edited velocities
+ plot(rwan(iz),izm(iz),'.r');			% used-for-BT velocities
+ axis tight
+ ax=axis;
+ ax(1:2)=[0.5 1.2];
+ ax(3)=-60;
+ ax(4)=60;
+ title([' W bottom track factor '])
+ xlabel(' abs(W)/abs(W_{ref}) ')
+ ylabel('depth [m]')
+ axis(ax)
+ plot(ax(1:2),[0 0],'-')
+ plot([1 1],ax(3:4),'k-','linewidth',1.5)
+ text(tx2,10,' Bottom')
+ plot(1-polyval(p.wbslope,[40 0]),[-40 0],'-b')
+ plot(1-wbias,-zbias,'pb')
+ grid
+ text(0.54,-50,[' bias slope ',num3str(p.wbslope(1),6,3),' [1/m]'])
+ text(0.54,-58,[' offset  ',num3str(p.wbslope(2),6,3) ])
+ text(0.54,50,[' beam angle  ',int2str(d.down.Beam_angle)])
+ text(0.54,42,[' bin length  ',int2str(d.down.Cell_length/100),' [m]'])
+ text(0.54,34,[' Pings/Ens  ',int2str(d.down.Pings_per_Ensemble)])
+ text(0.54,26,[' Frequency  ',int2str(d.down.Frequency),' [kHz]'])
+ text(0.54,10,[' Zbottom  ',int2str(p.zbottom),' [m]'])
+  streamer([,' Figure 13']);
+  orient tall