authorA.M. Thurnherr <athurnherr@yahoo.com>
Thu, 21 Nov 2013 11:23:53 +0000
changeset 9 79a432124b57
parent 8 dcc97ece4503
child 11 21c72df92e2c
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 %                    L D E O _ L A D C P 2 A N T S . M 
 %                    doc: Sun Jan 22 15:19:00 2006
-%                    dlm: Mon Oct 12 22:47:23 2009
+%                    dlm: Mon Jun 24 10:37:03 2013
 %                    (c) 2006 A.M. Thurnherr
-%                    uE-Info: 155 47 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+%                    uE-Info: 30 40 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
 % export LDEO LADCP output to ANTS file
-% USAGE: LDEO_LADCP2ANTS(dr,f,p,outBaseName)
+% USAGE: LDEO_LADCP2ANTS(dr,f,p,ps,outBaseName)
@@ -22,8 +22,15 @@
 %  Jul 17, 2008: - added cruise, software, magdecl, procdir info
 %  Apr 23, 2009: - added globarl var EXPORT_CTD_DATA
 %  Oct 12, 2009: - adapted to new struct2ANTS
+%  Mar 18, 2013: - added support for global STRUCT2ANTS.verb
+%  Jun 24, 2013: - added blen, nbin, blnk, dist to output (DL/UL separately); V10
+%				 - added %depth_resolution %ADCP_superens_dz to output, requiring ps as
+%			   	   additional input
-function [] = LDEO_LADCP2ANTS(dr,f,p,obn)
+function [] = LDEO_LADCP2ANTS(dr,f,p,ps,obn)
+	global STRUCT2ANTS;													% suppress diagnostic messages
+	STRUCT2ANTS.verb = 0;
@@ -34,6 +41,21 @@
 	prof.software = p.software;
 	prof.magdecl = p.drot;
 	prof.procdir = pwd;
+	prof.DL_bin_length  = p.blen_d;
+	prof.DL_bins		= p.nbin_d;
+	prof.DL_blanking	= p.blnk_d;
+	prof.DL_bin1_dist	= p.dist_d;
+	if isfield(p,'nbin_u')
+		prof.UL_bin_length	= p.blen_u;
+		prof.UL_bins		= p.nbin_u;
+		prof.UL_blanking	= p.blnk_u;
+	    prof.UL_bin1_dist   = p.dist_u;
+	end
+	prof.ADCP_superens_dz = p.avdz;
+	prof.depth_resolution = ps.dz;
 	prof.start_date  = sprintf('%d/%02d/%02d',p.time_start(1),p.time_start(2),p.time_start(3));
 	prof.start_time	 = sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d',p.time_start(4),p.time_start(5),p.time_start(6));
--- a/struct2ANTS.m
+++ b/struct2ANTS.m
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 %                    S T R U C T 2 A N T S . M 
 %                    doc: Thu Oct 20 11:48:17 2005
-%                    dlm: Tue Feb 21 14:30:01 2012
+%                    dlm: Mon Mar 18 16:17:52 2013
 %                    (c) 2005 A.M. Thurnherr
-%                    uE-Info: 93 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+%                    uE-Info: 96 20 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
 % export Matlab structure to ANTS file
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 %	- scalar strings & numbers become %PARAMs
 %	- row and column vectors (which can be mixed) become FIELDs
 %	- incompatible vectors, as well as other data types, are skipped
+%	- set global STRUCT2ANTS.verb to true to suppress diagnostic messages
 %  Oct 20, 2005: - created
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@
 %  Feb 21, 2012: - removed double quoting of % and $
 %				 - manually merged two versions
 %				 - re-added diagnostic messages about skipped incompatible vectors
+%  Mar 18, 2013: - added global STRUCT2ANTS.verb
 function [] = struct2ANTS(struct,deps,ofn)
@@ -64,6 +66,11 @@
 function [ldef,dta] = parseStruct(struct,ldef,fpref,dta,ofn);
+	global STRUCT2ANTS;
+	if ~isfield(STRUCT2ANTS,'verb')
+		STRUCT2ANTS.verb = 1;
+	end
 	fname = fieldnames(struct);
 	for i=1:length(fname)
 		fns = char(fname(i));
@@ -86,7 +93,7 @@
 				elseif c==1 && length(f)==ndta
 					ldef = sprintf('%s%s%s= ',ldef,fpref,fns);
 					dta = [dta,f];
-				else
+				elseif STRUCT2ANTS.verb > 0
 					disp(sprintf('%s: incompatible %d x %d array %s%s skipped',ofn,r,c,fpref,fns));
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vec_coherence.m
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+%                    V E C _ C O H E R E N C E . M 
+%                    doc: Wed Aug  8 09:01:59 2012
+%                    dlm: Wed Aug  8 10:19:53 2012
+%                    (c) 2012 A.M. Thurnherr
+%                    uE-Info: 58 27 NIL 0 0 72 10 2 4 NIL ofnI
+% calculate coherence between two 2-D vector time-series or profiles
+%	- time or space is coded in 1st vector dimension
+%	- code based on [ladcp_cohere.m] by X. Liang
+%	- XL had hard-coded nsegs=4
+function coh = vec_coherence(v1,v2,nsegs,conf)
+valid = find(isfinite(v1(:,2)));
+v1 = v1(find(isfinite(v1(:,2))),:);
+v2 = v2(find(isfinite(v2(:,2))),:);
+rez1 = median(diff(v1(:,1)));
+rez2 = median(diff(v2(:,1)));
+if (rez1 ~= rez2)
+	error('incompatible vector resolutions');
+first = max(min(v1(:,1)),min(v2(:,1)));
+last  = min(max(v1(:,1)),max(v2(:,1)));
+cv1 = v1(find(v1(:,1)>=first&v1(:,1)<=last),2) + sqrt(-1)*v1(find(v1(:,1)>=first&v1(:,1)<=last),3);
+cv2 = v2(find(v2(:,1)>=first&v2(:,1)<=last),2) + sqrt(-1)*v2(find(v2(:,1)>=first&v2(:,1)<=last),3);
+if (length(cv1) ~= length(cv2))
+	error('incompatible vectors');
+NFFT = floor(length(cv1)/nsegs) ;						% segment data
+freq = -1/(2*rez1):1/((NFFT-1)*rez1):1/(2*rez1);		% spectral frequencies
+coh.conf = conf;
+coh.clim = sqrt(1-(1-conf)^(1/(nsegs-1)));				% Confidence limit (Data analysis methods in physical oceanography, p488)
+s1 = fftshift(fft(cv1,NFFT));							% power spectra
+s2 = fftshift(fft(cv2,NFFT));
+s12 = conj(s1).*s2;  %Inner-cross spectrum				% cross spectra
+s21 = fliplr(s1).*s2; %outer-cross spectrum
+s11 = abs(s1).^2;
+s22 = abs(s2).^2;
+for i = 1:NFFT/nsegs									% frequency-average spectra
+	as12(i) = mean(s12((i-1)*nsegs+1:i*nsegs));
+	as21(i) = mean(s21((i-1)*nsegs+1:i*nsegs));
+	as11(i) = mean(s11((i-1)*nsegs+1:i*nsegs));
+	as22(i) = mean(s22((i-1)*nsegs+1:i*nsegs));
+	coh.freq(i) = mean(freq((i-1)*nsegs+1:i*nsegs));
+coh.period = 1 ./ coh.freq;
+coh.mag   = sqrt(abs(as12).^2./(as11.*as22));
+coh.phase = atan2(-imag(as12),real(as12))*(180/pi);
+hold on
+line([coh.freq(1) coh.freq(end)],[coh.clim coh.clim],'color','r')
+xlim([coh.freq(1) coh.freq(end)])
+xlabel('Frequency/Wavenumber [cycles/unit]')
+ylabel('Inner Rotary Coherence')
+grid on
+text(coh.freq(fix(0.8*length(coh.freq))), coh.clim+0.05, sprintf('%d%%',100*coh.conf));
+xlim([coh.freq(1) coh.freq(end)])
+ylim([-180 180])
+xlabel('Frequency/Wavenumber [cycles/unit]')
+ylabel('Phase angle [deg]')
+grid on