[Journal entry of October 15, 2011 (my birthday); Lake Tiorati].  I parked at the public launch, which is just off Tiorati Brook Road, near the dam.  This launch and adjoining parking lot requires a key. I bought mine in the spring but have used it thus far only twice.  The day is partly sunny, in the mid fifties Fahrenheit and so quite a bit cooler than yesterday with a strong wind from the southwest.  I am using Hraun, my plastic sea kayak; it’s a good platform for photography. I first paddled across the lake, past two large wooded islands.  Lake Tiorati has the nicest and most numerous islands of the lakes in Harriman State Park.  They range from quite large wooded ones a hundred yards of so in length, to tiny ones with a few bushes or a single lonely tree.  I then circumnavigated the lake, first heading north.  The northwestern and northern shores of the lake are more convoluted and more interesting than the rest of the lake, with many small coves, rocks and islands.  I saw may birds; several ospreys, two kingfishers, two cormorants, ducks and crows.  I was surprised to find beaver lodges. I passed four or five, each ten feet wide and five or six tall.  The fall foliage is not yet at its peak. Nevertheless, the most-far-along trees were bright red and orange and were quite beautiful.  Bushes along the lake shore were also red, though these tended to be less brilliant than the trees.  The waves were quite large at the southeastern end of lake, perhaps a foot of so high, and the wind was gusty and strong.  I paddled by the swim area, closed for the season, with its bath house, one of many similar, beautifully-fitted stone structures dating from the nineteen-thirties.  When I complete the circuit, I crossed the lake again and returned to the launch.  A couple was in the process of launching an inflatable tandem kayak.  I wonder how well such a boat handles in the wind. I wished them luck.  My 106 day of kayaking this year.  About 3 hours.