[Sunday, July 5, 2015 Widgeon Cove, Harpswell Maine]. In the late afternoon, Dallas, Pam Abbott, Chris Estes and I hike the Widgeon Cove Trail.  The trailhead is on the east side of Harpswell Neck Road, about halfway between Lookout Point Road and Mountain Road.  The first part of this look trail is through evergreen woods, past several narrow and surprisingly deep gullies and a meadow full of bright green fern.  The trail soon begins to follow the edge of a tidal marsh full of Spartina patens and Spartina alternaflora grasses and with a deeply-incised tidal channel in its middle.  I climbed down to the marsh and walked along the edge of the channel, admiring the view of the marsh and the surrounding trees, brightly lit by the later afternoon sun.  Around a corner, the view opened up to include the blue waters of Harpswell Sound, as well as a second channel  and marsh that cut into the woods a little to the south.  I climbed back up to the trail and the four of us sat for a while on a trailside bench set with a wonderful view of the Sound.  We then continued along the loop, reaching the trailhead in a few minutes. 1:00.