[May 12, 2016; Closter Nature Center, Closter NJ].  I arrived at the Closter Nature Center in the evening, having brought along an anchovy pie that I had purchased at Broadway Pizza in Northvale.  I sat eating it on a stone bench by the shore of Ruckman Pond. This pond is a small anthropogenic impoundment perhaps fifty yards across, created by a small dam on Smith Brook.  The bench is made of a large sandstone slab and has slickenslides (fault streaks) on its top surface, with is parallel to bedding.  I watched Pumpkinseed Sun Fish tend and protect their nests (mostly from each other) as I ate my pizza.  One fish, with a next in a particularly choice hollow between two stones, spent about half of its time on the prowl for trespassers.  I then took a short walk around the grounds, limiting my hike to smaller section of the woods that are south of Ruckman Road.  I first walked past the dam and along Smith Brook as far as the footbridge.  I then circled the pond, passing a group of three geese.  These were domestic geese, mottled black and white in color, and not the Canada Geese that are so common in the area.  I passed several blooming Dogwood Trees; their flowering has been late in this unusually cold spring that we’re experiencing. The woods are very green and the ground very damp and in places swampy.  I passed a small farmyard adjacent to the Nature Center building, sighting a rooster and some rabbits.  A group of schoolchildren were also having pizza of their own, on benches set beneath the building’s awning.  I sat back on the stone bench for a few more minutes, watching the geese paddle across the pond, and then headed off.  0:40.