[February 14, 2016; Stromatolites at Lester Park, Greenfield Center NY] While we were attending the Dance Flurry in Saratoga New York, Dee Breger took Dallas and me to a brief visit to Lester Park, off of Lester Park Road in Greenfield Center NY.  This is the famous Stromatolite locality, where extremely well-preserved specimens can be observed in bas relief on a glacially-polished rock pavement.  These structures, concentric rings up to two feet across, form when an algal colony growing in shallow sea water trap mud.  The ones here are late Cambrian (490 Ma) in age.  We are lucky that the snow this winter has been thin and the wind has blown some of the pavement clear.  We prowled about examining their varied shapes and sizes – but only for a few minutes, for the temperature was a nippy minus three Fahrenheit. 0:15.

I returned to Lester Park late in the afternoon and photographed the Stromatolites.  The low sun angle made them stand out well. The dat hard wormed up to five Fahrenheit or so. 0:15