Lamont 4D applied to construction of hydrologic conductivity model

Using the Borden data set a model was constructed of the hydrologic conductivity in the testcell. This model is based on the assumption that the DNAPL movement is associated with the reflection strength. By tracking the DNAPL through the cube of data (actually here only 1.5 meter of the 2.5 meter is shown) we can determine what the path was that the DNAPL took through the sand. This path is considered to be a hydrologic conductive zone, and by inference, must have some different properties from adjacent zones which were not invaded by the DNAPL. The Movie is a series of time slices (or depth slices) through this hydologic model. The index corresponds with the depth (from top sand). The orientation of the cube is so that the top left corner is where line E1 and N8 intersect, and the bottom left corner is where E1 and N1 intersect. For more information on this movie, contact Roelof Versteeg at Lamont Doherty

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