PalEON: Paleo-Ecological Observatory Network

Great Northern Forest

LDEO Tree Ring Lab PalEON Crue
Ben Poulter

Ben Poulter

Modeler, MSU

Ana Camila Gonzalez

Ana Camila Gonzalez

Undergrad Research Tech

Dan Bishop

Dan Bishop

Research Tech

Javier Martin-Fernandez

Javier Martin-Fernandez

Research Tech

Current News:
  • We started the 2013 Field Season. Currently, Ana Camila is processing mad cores (including Zombie Maples).

    Project Goals:

    PalEON (the PaleoEcological Observatory Network) is an interdisciplinary team of paleoecologists, ecological statisticians, and ecosystem modelers. Our goal is to reconstruct forest composition, fire regime, and climate in forests across the northeastern US and Alaska over the past 2000 years and then use this to drive and validate terrestrial ecosystem models. We will develop a coherent spatiotemporal inference framework to quantify trends and extreme events in paleoecological and paleoclimatic time series. Variables such as forest composition, fire regime, and moisture balance will be inferred from corresponding paleoecological proxies, with rigorous estimates of uncertainty.

    Go here for a full description of the project.

    Updated: Oct '13