Workshop on Monsoons and ITCZs                                                                                                          

Modeling Groups                                                                                                           home

We are grateful for the efforts of the following individuals and modeling groups:

Sarah Kang and Jeongbin Seo from UNIST (GFDL AM2)

Elizabeth Maroon from UW (GFDL AM2)

Juergen Bader and Jong-yeon Park from MPI (ECHAM6.3)

Aiko Voigt from LDEO (ECHAM6.1)

Nick Klingaman from UK Met (MetUM GA6.0)

Masakazu Yoshimori from Hokkaido (MIROC)

Thomas Tomiazzo from Uni Climate, Bergen (NCAR CAM5)

Brian Rose from SUNY Albany (NCAR CAM4, 2deg finite volume dycore)

Ross Dixon from U. Wisconsin (NCAR CAM3)

Simona Bordoni from CalTech (Moist Idealized GCM)

Ruby Leung and Jian Lu from PNNL (MPAS with CAM5 physics)

Francis Codron from UPMC (LMDZ)

Joy Singarayer from University of Reading (HadCM3)

Sonali McDermid from NASA GISS (ModelE)

Add your group to the list by emailing us
